Okay, it’s precisely lunchtime right now as i’m typing all this shit out. Like i said, i’d do a rant of sorts about the past 2 (two) days or so when i was free right? Well, i’m free now. First order of the day:
1. They took out the PC in my room at the dorm type thing.
Now i can’t do my work, i can’t e-mail, i can’t update my site, i can’t surf and i can’t watch anymore VCD’s in the comfort of my room. So that pretty much sucks ass man. Now i’ll just have to go to the damn study room to do all my shit after school.
2. New students
Ah yes, always something to look forward to on the first day of school. Yeah we got alot of newbies this term. And yes oh yes, one of the hottest new girls to come to this here school of mine IS IN MY TUTOR GROUP. I know her name, i showed her around school for a little bit but i have no idea how to spell out her name…yet. But she’s nice. Very nice. Of course, i probably won’t do ANYTHING at all to advance my ‘status’ with her because i suck. Oh and if she ever does read this post well i guess that’s pretty much it with all this ‘advancing’ crap. If you know what i mean. Oh well.
Anyway, Daniel was assigned by our tutor to be her ‘buddy’ for the day and show her around. But because he’s a dumbass, he told me to take over. Am i happy? Yes. Do you care? No. If she reads this will i kill myself? Most probably.
3. My hair looks like shit
Self explanatory.
The end.