You know, i actually changed the layout a bit last night. Basically just took off all the Angelina Jolie pics and switched them with Christy Chung ones.
For a grand total of about 5 minutes. Then i switched them back to Angelina Jolie.
I dunno. I did the same thing a coupla weeks ago. I actually went back to the old Claire Forlani layout only to change it back to Angelina Jolie again after 5 minutes or so.
The funny thing is… i don’t even really like Angelina Jolie that much. The only reason i’m using her images on the layout is because they’re just really good pictures of her.
I am kinda sick of seeing her face (so’s Will if you ask him…) everytime i load up the page and it’s probably time for a change but everytime i switch pictures and look at the new end result, the site just comes off feeling… wrong.
I dunno.
Anyway, i actually had another point to make in this post but i’ve long forgotten what it was.
Yes, Ive been reading your site for about 3 weeks and I beleive that we should use some of the Kirsten Dunst pictures because I think I actually love her more than you do. Did you happen to see the Virgin Suicides being the movie buff that you are?
Probably a stupid question to ask you but this is just a stupid fuckin comment section.
Oh and I like the site.
#1 | Comment by vassilios10 — November 25, 2001 @ 8:56 am
i must have been one of the luck few that saw the Christy Chung version while it was up. hit reload and it was back to jolie. confused the hell out of me, guess thats what i get for surfing drunk. Jolie is the better of those two, but i second the vote for a Kirsten Dunst version.
#2 | Comment by that guy — November 25, 2001 @ 11:04 am
You know….. with old age…. memory is one of the first things to go.
#3 | Comment by *shrug* — November 25, 2001 @ 12:44 pm
Blah. Why not ? Throw in the Kirsten Dunst pics…
#4 | Comment by the webbler — November 26, 2001 @ 6:48 pm