70 thoughts on “09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

  1. Digg stinks even when it’s not overrun.

    In your case, you stink, but not because of the AACS number. More because of What What in the Butt.

    Post the C&D if it comes.

    #1 | Comment by Kewtr — May 2, 2007 @ 2:11 am

  2. I guess you just can’t get enough of them takedown notices huh?

    #2 | Comment by JohnnyBravo — May 2, 2007 @ 2:12 am

  3. 1st

    #3 | Comment by Trausen — May 2, 2007 @ 2:13 am

  4. Ooohh.. beat by 4 seconds. Damn lag.

    #4 | Comment by JohnnyBravo — May 2, 2007 @ 2:13 am

  5. What the fuck?

    #5 | Comment by Senescal — May 2, 2007 @ 2:14 am

  6. Kevin Rose, Digg’s founder, is now letting the Hex code posts remain. The Hollywood machine has been broken. Let’s keep up the pressure. MPAA and RIAA need to be put in their place.

    #6 | Comment by Mike Young — May 2, 2007 @ 2:20 am

  7. Anybody have a Blu Ray key so Justin can get some use out of at least 2 of his PS3s?

    #7 | Comment by El Payo — May 2, 2007 @ 2:42 am

  8. 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

    OK I’m on my 3rd or 4th rumncoke. I don’t follow. WTF does this mean?

    #8 | Comment by Lektric Jezder — May 2, 2007 @ 3:04 am


    #9 | Comment by HMMMM — May 2, 2007 @ 3:07 am

  10. Awesome Justin. Keep it going.

    #10 | Comment by ruprecht jones — May 2, 2007 @ 3:09 am

  11. Ok, Nerds tell us stupid guys WTF does that Mean

    #11 | Comment by Charlioso — May 2, 2007 @ 3:21 am

  12. Go here:

    #12 | Comment by Brick — May 2, 2007 @ 3:35 am

  13. Doesnt Digg collect IP’s? bust these assholes. MPAA has got to stop the bullshiat civil suits and just go for criminal charges so these kids dont dump their legal problems on mommy and daddy.

    #13 | Comment by robertbruce — May 2, 2007 @ 3:48 am

  14. I can’t tell who’s on what side of the issue here. But I do know that if everyone keeps illegally downloading movies and music, the film industry and music industry won’t make enough money to keep putting out product. Then, none of these codes will mean a damn thing, because there won’t be any new DVDs or songs to illegally download. It all seems pretty stupid to me!!

    #14 | Comment by council24 — May 2, 2007 @ 5:20 am

  15. Are we disseminating it, then?

    I’m not sure if I’m going to help out, actually.

    Doubt you need it, though.

    #15 | Comment by Seriously — May 2, 2007 @ 5:28 am

  16. 09F911029D74E35BD84156C5635688C0

    #16 | Comment by Mad Escaper — May 2, 2007 @ 6:51 am

  17. I lost my Fucking secret decoder ring Justin. What the fuck is this shit? Some stupid Playstation 3 gamer crap? PS3 sucks donkey balls! Play a real man’s game system like Night Trap on Sega CD.

    (Unedited Version that started it all by the way)

    #17 | Comment by Fandango — May 2, 2007 @ 8:32 am

  18. I can’t tell who’s on what side of the issue here. But I do know that if everyone keeps illegally downloading movies and music, the film industry and music industry won’t make enough money to keep putting out product. Then, none of these codes will mean a damn thing, because there won’t be any new DVDs or songs to illegally download. It all seems pretty stupid to me!!

    Wrong, *AA shill. There won’t be any new DVDs or songs from RIAA/MPAA members. Real artists will continue to produce art without your greedy old white asses taking a huge chunk for your selves.

    #18 | Comment by mbrutsch — May 2, 2007 @ 9:25 am

  19. the music industry makes billions. the movie industry, even more. screw those greedy billionaire jerk offs. if its digital, its free so suck it!

    #19 | Comment by checkitbeckit — May 2, 2007 @ 10:21 am

  20. 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

    is the new


    #20 | Comment by AngelBaby — May 2, 2007 @ 10:27 am

  21. more lacey.

    #21 | Comment by donkykong — May 2, 2007 @ 10:35 am

  22. You can download the HD-DVD code screensaver at http://www.newcleardream.org/screensaver. Only for Mac though, you PC bitches will have to live without it.

    #22 | Comment by frankthedolphin — May 2, 2007 @ 10:58 am


    this doesn’t matter to 98% of internet users, stop spreading this code. it’s the cancer that’s killing the internets

    #23 | Comment by HMMMM — May 2, 2007 @ 11:38 am

  24. too nerdy, needs more boob.

    #24 | Comment by DisconcertedGeorge — May 2, 2007 @ 11:43 am

  25. Yesterday afternoon’s news.

    Digg already rescended – all is forgiven.

    See you all @ Diggnation tonight!

    #25 | Comment by crabby — May 2, 2007 @ 12:23 pm

  26. Weren’t these the numbers on the hatch?

    #26 | Comment by smash — May 2, 2007 @ 12:39 pm

  27. Justin, you are teh mahn!

    #27 | Comment by BigJ — May 2, 2007 @ 12:57 pm

  28. 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

    Up with hope. Down with dope! O_X

    #28 | Comment by CrackpotLive — May 2, 2007 @ 1:42 pm

  29. Too much numbers, to few boobs… Should I fap?

    #29 | Comment by 42lic_nuoc — May 2, 2007 @ 1:44 pm

  30. OMG… I’m already doing it!!!! Sh*t!

    #30 | Comment by 42lic_nuoc — May 2, 2007 @ 1:45 pm

  31. holy shit people actually use linux?

    #31 | Comment by yawn — May 2, 2007 @ 2:19 pm

  32. #18 is right.
    I dont see why regular people care about this hex and stuff you/they cant use it in any way and it is already spread more than enough over the internets.

    #32 | Comment by Mad Escaper — May 2, 2007 @ 3:36 pm

  33. up up down down left right left right B A B A Select Start

    #33 | Comment by The Pope — May 2, 2007 @ 4:26 pm

  34. I stare at this shit all day. I didn’t come home to stare at it some more. Tits, dammit!

    #34 | Comment by Tony — May 2, 2007 @ 5:15 pm

  35. This is funny, because of releases like this, they are trying to band that exact key haahha…

    I look at this all day too, but now I laugh hehehe

    #35 | Comment by Rob — May 2, 2007 @ 5:41 pm

  36. goddamn nerds. oooh look, a processing key for dvds on linux and shut the fuck up! just buy the damn dvd. is 20 bucks that much? sure, i download movies. if i like them, i buy them. simple as that.

    #36 | Comment by john — May 2, 2007 @ 6:52 pm

  37. anyone who would need the key would easily be able to find it. its useless to post alone. it would probably be hard coded into a new Mplayer

    knowing the code is 100% useless for the end user as only a few really need to know it.

    #37 | Comment by flushing — May 2, 2007 @ 7:02 pm

  38. john you’re missing the point entirely. The code is so people are able to watch the dvd’s they just bought on their linux pc. It has nothing to do in any way whatsoever with pirating dvds.

    #38 | Comment by Captain Obvious — May 2, 2007 @ 7:49 pm

  39. The idea of movie jukebox comes to mind. If I buy a DVD, should be able to do what I want with it. Lend it friends. Or make copies for family. I recall a reading about a man who bought a CD and made copies for all his kids, MP3s. Should that guy be punished? I would be less pissed (slightly less) if they announced YOU OWN NO MEDIA. All of it on lease from the studio or company. I wonder how many people will stop buying CDs and DVDs if they ever got the balls to do that. It’s mine, end of story. I paid for it.

    I’m not in favor of introducing a new format(s), DVD isn’t dead. The reason is so friggin’ simple, people (myself included) have converted their existing library to DVD, we buy less now. They get us with double dipping, that should be enough.

    #39 | Comment by JohnIan — May 2, 2007 @ 8:48 pm

  40. Here’s a little secret about the CD, DVD, and game companies. They’re raping you.

    Maybe if games, movies, and music didn’t cost at least tenfold to fifty-fold of what it cost to make, people wouldn’t pirate as much.

    Rated I: Illegal for Everyone.

    So is price-gouging.

    Fucking Douchebags.

    #40 | Comment by The Deadly Superman — May 2, 2007 @ 9:49 pm

  41. I thought this post was about the code in “Lost”.

    #41 | Comment by Beatrix Kiddo — May 2, 2007 @ 10:41 pm

  42. For great justice!

    #42 | Comment by TAINT — May 2, 2007 @ 11:29 pm

  43. Tell me region codes for DVDs isn’t BS.

    If it’s mine, I can back it up.

    Ever read MS’s EULA? What a load of crap.

    #43 | Comment by tool — May 2, 2007 @ 11:53 pm

  44. You guys act like you’re owed something by the film and music industry. No one here is entitled to anything for free. Our whole economy is based on the sale of goods. And if you copy or knock-off anything else, you know it’s illegal. But for some reason people think that films and music don’t count. That’s Bullshit!

    And it’s not just about corporations making money. Everyone who works for the music industry is effected. If the industry goes under, so do all the people in that industry. And the average person is no different. How would you like it if your wages were cut 5% every year. Eventually, you wouldn’t be able to make a living. Or if people just came by your house and took whatever they wanted, because they said it was their right! I can’t believe how stupid people are on this site! Our society is based on the exchange of products for money. You try to take stuff for free, the industries and the products will disappear.

    So for the moron that said that “real artists” would rise up to make music and replace the greedy coporations, Why?? So you can take their songs for free, too??!! Why would anyone want to put out the money and effort to release songs if everyone’s going to steal them?? And if these ‘real artists’ are so great than why hasn’t anyone heard of them. So go back to enjoying your bango music and dating your sister, and leave the comments to the intelligent people!!

    #44 | Comment by council24 — May 3, 2007 @ 12:13 am

  45. ^^^
    zomg MPAA/RIAA shill?


    #45 | Comment by AngelBaby — May 3, 2007 @ 12:23 am

  46. Theres free stuff in the internets now?!? Awezomeness
    Sorry MPAA u cant compete with that. Free stuff is tha shiznite!! Who knows, maybe If u gave away more free stuff u could be cool someday too. 😉

    #46 | Comment by CrackpotLive — May 3, 2007 @ 2:36 am

  47. #45 – I love how everyone here is so fast to say how much they hate the MPAA and RIAA, but they have no problem downloading their products and internet geeking it to the stars, movies and music that they’ve put out! What hypocrites!! Everyone claims the studios are the whores, so what does that make all the people here that are willing to lap up their product as quickly as possible??!! Hypocrites!!

    #47 | Comment by council24 — May 3, 2007 @ 3:46 am

  48. What the h*ll? Open your eyes people. Turn the d*mn media off for awhile. Forget about profits and free stuff and who’s right or wrong. Talk to your kids, talk to your spouse or parents or friends. Go out and watch the sunset. Life is short. Don’t spend it arguing over (ultimately) meaningless crap like this. Go out and live the moment.

    #48 | Comment by Lektric Jezder — May 3, 2007 @ 4:08 am

  49. @council24:

    Suck. Me. Hard.

    And it’s your sister I’ve been “dating” (since your Dad turned ghey, she’s been lonely).

    You industry flacks should really try to be less transparent. Assholes.

    #49 | Comment by mbrutsch — May 3, 2007 @ 7:39 am

  50. #47 – “their products”???

    um…correct me if i’m mistaken, but what exactly does the MPAA/RIAA produce? i’ll help you out…


    the artists are the bands, musicians, actors, directors, etc., and at least on the music industry side of things, they aren’t compensated nearly enough for their work. this is why i like to buy CDs at shows, that way i know the artists are getting their fair share and not some suit sitting behind a desk at the label.

    #50 | Comment by AngelBaby — May 3, 2007 @ 9:37 am

  51. council24 said:

    “And it’s not just about corporations making money. Everyone who works for the music industry is effected.”

    Didn’t you mean:

    “And it’s not just about corporations making money. Everyone who works for the music industry is AFFECTED. ”

    Because not knowing the proper spelling in your tirade makes your argument that much more credible.

    (The above statement may or may not be nitpicking)

    #51 | Comment by Rwell1127 — May 3, 2007 @ 9:58 am

  52. Man i would love to make a meaningfull and interesting comment on this discussion…
    but nah i better go download files on LimeWire

    #52 | Comment by Charlioso — May 3, 2007 @ 10:10 am

  53. read a book..
    here’s a lst of classics

    #53 | Comment by yawn — May 3, 2007 @ 11:18 am

  54. #51 if your gonna nitpick, might as well tell council24 that banjo is the correct spelling not bango.

    #54 | Comment by redcoat — May 3, 2007 @ 12:00 pm

  55. GASP

    Angelbaby isn’t siding with corporations and big business?

    What will your Republican masters say about that?

    Angelbaby is a closet lib!

    Welcome to the side of righteousness!

    to cool yep to cool

    #55 | Comment by nerima — May 3, 2007 @ 12:59 pm

  56. fucking astroturfers.
    movie industry gets away with shit service. region coding is bullshit, and not being able to backup DVDs is teh gh3y.

    nearly as cheap to rent from video store as it is to download shit off the net
    we buy the shit we actually like
    but when we buy it we dont want to be forced to sit through fucking advertisements on damn DVD we just payed for
    fuck you FBI warning we cant skip, fuck you Disney so many crappy adverts

    who the fuck is going to pay for two copies of the same DVD? okay so I bought different editions of donnie darko but i make copies to avoid idiots scratching the damn things, and have a disc with the movie only.

    Hope Blu Ray dies fast. Sony formats suck ass.
    HD-DVD sucks too but not so much as Blu Ray and with these keys we will be able to do whatever the fuck we like with the product we pay for.

    #56 | Comment by mo-boobies — May 3, 2007 @ 1:01 pm

  57. #50 – Angelbaby, that’s the best you can offer. The MPAA and RIAA are representing the studios and record companies respectively, so it was the studios and record companies that I was referencing. That was more than clear enough.

    #51 – You need to get a clue! “Effected” is the proper term. “Affected” is an adjective that means to try to impress people, Dumbass!!

    #54 – You got me. I didn’t even notice that I misspelled it. But this makes me wonder what every on the net will be anal and stupid about if movies and music disappear. Because that’s 2 of the more popular topics on the net.

    #57 | Comment by council24 — May 3, 2007 @ 6:22 pm

  58. 867-5309

    #58 | Comment by Puzzlehead — May 3, 2007 @ 8:33 pm

  59. #57 – thanks for demonstrating my point even further. the MPAA/RIAA represent the interests of corporations, not artists. if there was a way to put money more directly in the hands of people who actually CREATE, and not just help some executive buy another Bentley or house in Malibu, i bet you’d see sales (of music especially) rebound and piracy decline…go ask Steve Jobs how many songs Apple sold today.

    p.s. you couldn’t be more wrong about the usage of effect vs. affect. look it up before you call people names.

    #59 | Comment by AngelBaby — May 3, 2007 @ 10:39 pm

  60. Hey council24,

    I’m guessing that english is probably your second language because according to any dictionary in print…including the one I’m looking at right now effected is defied as: The power to produce an outcome or achieve a result; influence, whereas affected is defined as: influenced in a harmful way. Now tell me which one best describes your statement?

    Here’s an example of effected in a sentence:
    The CEO’s new policy was implemented and effected change company wide.

    Here’s an example of affected:
    Some idiots out there (see council24 above) think that making backups of legally purchased DVDs has somehow affected the people who make those DVDs.

    Yeah, who’s the dumbass now?

    #60 | Comment by Rwell1127 — May 3, 2007 @ 10:46 pm




    #61 | Comment by FUCK — May 4, 2007 @ 12:27 am

  62. #51 said:

    “Because not knowing the proper spelling in your tirade makes your argument that much more credible.

    (The above statement may or may not be nitpicking)”

    If you’re going to criticize other people’s incorrect use of written English then it should go without saying that you need to make sure your criticism is not itself incorrect. (Hint: what’s at the end of this parenthetical sentence that isn’t at end of yours?)

    “You need to get a clue! “Effected” is the proper term. “Affected” is an adjective that means to try to impress people, Dumbass!!”

    This is so awesome! Not only was “effected” the incorrect term, not only does “affected” *not* mean “to try to impress people”, but you clearly don’t even know the difference between an adjective and a verb!

    #62 | Comment by EmJee — May 4, 2007 @ 5:25 pm

  63. The same silly person also said:

    “I can’t tell who’s on what side of the issue here. But I do know that if everyone keeps illegally downloading movies and music, the film industry and music industry won’t make enough money to keep putting out product. Then, none of these codes will mean a damn thing, because there won’t be any new DVDs or songs to illegally download. It all seems pretty stupid to me!!”

    The very fact that the iTunes Store is selling boatloads of downloads daily disproves this argument. Legitimate sales outlets will always be able to trump pirates because they are the only ones who can provide:

    – A well-presented, consistent experience
    – A guarantee of quality
    – The knowledge that getting your music and movies from them is legit
    – Legal recourse if what they offer is not what you receive

    As long as the above is offered at prices consumers feel is worth it there will always be plenty enough people to maintain legal music and movie sales. Piracy will always be there to a certain extent and, inarguably, there is a point at which it becomes an unreasonable to strip the rights of ordinary people in order to combat it. I would prefer to allow a certain level of piracy to go unchecked than be prevented from making a backup copy of a DVD that I have *legally acquired* because some suit in LA decides that attacking piracy by preventing me from exercising my established Fair Use rights is more important than treating his customers with respect.

    Under those circumstances I am perfectly happy to take my money elsewhere. (And I have done: I haven’t bought an RIAA/MPAA product in nearly seven years.)

    #63 | Comment by EmJee — May 4, 2007 @ 5:39 pm

  64. who gives a shit

    also, Kevin Rose is a gaybo

    #64 | Comment by zomg — May 4, 2007 @ 10:15 pm

  65. You guys that think patenting a number is crazy should get a load of this. Monsanto now holds a patent on Basmati Rice. This allows them to jack up the price of rice to the developing world. Moreover, it allows them to advertise their “product” in whatever inethical ways they may devise, including pictures of Buddha holding a Monsanto-labelled bag of rice in one hand and Roundup pesticide in another.
    Movies and video games stand to disappear? Terrible, I agree. Millions of people die b/c they can’t afford their own food? Maybe that’s a little worse. IMHO

    #65 | Comment by FJ — May 5, 2007 @ 10:55 am

  66. Kevin Rose banged Lane and then dumped her for a hotter chick on another show. That’s not gay. That fucking rocks. Not as much as if he had been banging Cat and Morgan and posting pics of the threesome on the intraweb, but it still rocks. Of course Megan was my favorite.

    #66 | Comment by spankmonkey — May 5, 2007 @ 11:20 pm

  67. #62

    You’re right I did forget the period after my parenthetical statement, however you should know that If I had remembered it I, unlike you, would have placed it in the proper place…outside of the parenthesis.

    #67 | Comment by Rwell1127 — May 6, 2007 @ 7:57 am

  68. […] Link From dontlinkthis.net […]

    #68 | Pingback by 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63... [Ectio.us Entertainment] — May 11, 2007 @ 1:00 am

  69. http://pspmedia.com/revolt.jpg
    Spread the love!

    #69 | Comment by Scott — May 17, 2007 @ 10:01 am

  70. It Is Now My MSN PM …!

    #70 | Comment by Flengus — February 27, 2008 @ 3:55 am

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