That’s better. Now we’re on my time.
Of course, i’ll have to set everything back again for when i get to Michigan and run on Michigan time but hey, that won’t be happening till like the 29th of December.
Anyway. The site’s back up. My exams are OVER (THANK GOD) and this is my last day in Malaysia. Because i’ll be leaving back for Brunei the next morning.
But first…
HOW INSANELY HARD WAS THAT SOC 334 PAPER?? Oh my god. That paper was fucking ridiculous! HARD doesn’t even begin to describe what it was. Fuck. I’d be lucky enough if i can scrape by with a C. I don’t think i’ll do too good in this class. Film was pretty alright though. 20 MCQ’s and a 300 word essay. I chose to write about the thematic issues of Akira Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai. There were also two other questions to choose from. One of them had to do with descibing Run Lola Run’s misc en scenes and misc en shots. And the other was to just basically write a review of that Gwyneth paltrow movie, Sliding Doors. I probably would’ve done the Sliding Doors one… if i could’ve remembered all the character’s names. But hell, i didn’t even know the character’s names for Seven Samurai either. Well except for Kikuchiro (which i think i spelt his name wrong) so it wouldn’t have really mattered which one i chose. I’m probably gonna get penalized or something for not ever mentioning the names of the other six samurai. Bleh.
And that Run Lola Run question. That one just blew like wind over my head. I had no idea how to answer that one.
Moving on.
Well. For those of you who actually followed the site during it’s downtime, you would’ve probably noticed the pop up window that… popped up… when the site loaded. Well since the posts on there weren’t exactly logged by GreyMatter or anything (Oldskool notepad and FTP baby, just like back in the day…), the only way you’ll be able to read them is by clicking on this here link down there.
What else what else?
Oh yes. And now since the site is back up, i can FINALLY get to post all the e-mails that’ve been piling up in my damn inbox for the past coupla days.
But that’ll have to wait. Because i intend on spending my last day in Malaysia actually doing something rather than just stay online all night and replying to my mail on the site. Infact, i’ve already made plans. I’m actually meeting up with Susan again tonight. Well, that’s the plan anyway. But yeah, this is probably gonna be the last time i’ll see her for the next coupla years. So i’m gonna make this last meeting worthwhile.
One thing i wish i’d done more of was to meet up with Pearly and Steph a little bit more. And perhaps gotten to know them personally a little bit more too. I don’t know why i never suggested the fact that we meet up earlier, like… months earlier (as opposed to just a week before i’m scheduled to leave the country) but hey, you learn from your mistakes i guess. Would’ve been nice to have met up with Jamie too but ah well. Guess that’s not happening anytime soon.
Anyway, since i’m pretty much free to do whatever i want now, i’m PROBABLY gonna revamp the site a little bit over the next few weeks (IF I HAVE TIME. With the holiday season coming and all, i might be too preoccupied with other stuff etc etc). I’m gonna have to change some of the info that’s on my ‘about the webmaster’ thing since i won’t be ‘currently living in Malaysia’ anymore. I’m probably gonna update that faq section of mine too. I’m gonna revise my links list and throw out the ones that are dead and the ones that i just don’t feel like linking to anymore.
What else what else?
Layout change? Pfft. Who do you think i am? Suzi? I only change layouts like twice a year.
I MIGHT change the Angelina Jolie pics though. That is, IF i can find any other good ones to replace her that actually works with the layout (The Christy Chung ones that i had up for a grand total of five minutes about a month ago just TOTALLY did not work).
But yes. Enough mindless rambling.
I shall bore you with death some other time. Maybe tonight. Maybe tomorrow. But in the meantime, SEND ME SOME INTELLIGENT (and ego bootsting) E-MAIL. And some fansigns would be nice too.
OOH. Fuzzy Steph got herself a FUZZY NEW LAYOUT. Clickety click!
i’ll hunt you down when i go back to US Juster *throws head back and cackles with insane glee* 😛 Ahh…but still glad that we got to meet up =]
#1 | Comment by pearly — December 12, 2001 @ 11:48 pm
Dude, don’t change the Angelina layout…. It totally makes your site more visually appealing…
#2 | Comment by scloop — December 13, 2001 @ 9:04 am
Hey justin, do you want to pick up some pirated software for me while you’re still over there? I want Windows XP and/or Office 2000….there is money in this for you.
#3 | Comment by Timothy The Alpha Male — December 14, 2001 @ 7:53 am
Hey Tim, sure thing. I’ll try to pic up a coupla copies before i leave for MI. No promises though but i’ll try.
#4 | Comment by Justin — December 14, 2001 @ 2:00 pm