And that’s just saying the least.
You know how they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? Or however the hell that saying goes anyway…
But nevermind. We’ll get back to that later.
First, i want you to read this e-mail first:
Subject: jennifer aniston
From: “goodinabadway”
Date: Tue, Dec 18 2001 4:24:19 PM +0100
hi justin,
your site rulez! since i saw it first (by accident, i was searching for some ripped moviez to download) i’ve been comming back on a daily basis. every free minute is spent on fubar.
you’ve almost founded a new religion. almost. i guess everyone who once starts reading your pages cant stop from comming back. dammit. how did you do that? it’s like a drug. when i have a day without i start getting depressions, i am crying and trembling and want to die. i just have to crawl to the next computer with my last energy reserves and type in the saving word: badinagoodway dot com. then i start living again. i swear.
well, you said something about jennifer aniston pix, and although i didnt find you by searching for porn, i cant doubt that i’d like to see them. c’mon! i am bringing you at least 50 hits per day. really! believe me! please!
gotta go now. luf peese and hormony.
Seems like a pretty big fan huh?
Notice his e-mail address? Well i did. And just out of curiousity, i went to check out this so called
And sure enough, it exists.
But check this…
Talking about me ‘inspiring’ sites, here’s the kicker: goodinabadway isn’t just a site that i’ve downright inspired, goodinabadway is also a badinagoodway fansite.
A fansite (!).
That is just fucking crazy man! Hahaha. I mean, i’ve had people becoming inspired to start their own sites after seeing mine, some of them even downright borrowing bits of my bio info to put on their bio, some even trying to emulate the site’s format and for those of you who’ve been reading long enough, you might even remember the site parodies (complete with same layouts and ‘Justin style’ posts) that SlackerJedi and Reignfire once made of this site but this… this just takes the cake!
Can you believe it?
You don’t get to see this everyday. Small sites like this having fansites. Fansites.
It’s one thing to get fan signs but to have a fansite?? I’m not even a camgirl! Haha.
And even if that page is just a joke, it sure as hell is a good one. Fuck me. That site deserves a LINK. He also deserves to see that Jennifer Aniston pic that i can’t post up. It’s in the mail man. It’s in the mail.
You all should really go check out that site. It’s possibly the most funniest, shocking-est, flattering-est, fubar-est thing i’ve ever seen!
I still can’t believe this site exists!
Checked it out. VERY CREEPY.
#1 | Comment by Baby Girl — December 19, 2001 @ 7:34 am
i think you got yourself one creepy ‘webstalker’
#2 | Comment by the webbler — December 19, 2001 @ 4:49 pm
he’s attracted to u… lol
#3 | Comment by premonition — December 19, 2001 @ 7:37 pm
jk btw
#4 | Comment by premonition — December 19, 2001 @ 7:43 pm
#5 | Comment by thess — December 19, 2001 @ 10:37 pm
#6 | Comment by ALEX CLEVELAND — January 17, 2002 @ 7:34 pm