psykotik2k: if you go down to the woods today you’re in for a big surprise. today’s the day the teddy bears go for their piiiinic.
TypicalLewser: Are you fucking stoned?
psykotik2k: if you go down to the woods today you’re in for a big surprise. today’s the day the teddy bears go for their piiiinic.
TypicalLewser: Are you fucking stoned?
Today’s the day the teddy bears *have* their picnic. Your version doesn’t scan. Weirdo.
Look, I left my email address. You know what you should do with that?
#1 | Comment by Lucy — January 16, 2002 @ 4:32 pm
dammit. that’s the second time i’ve sung that song wrong. the first time i sung it to thess, i said jungle instead of woods. i am a tool.
#2 | Comment by Justin — January 16, 2002 @ 6:55 pm