If you’d like to read the rest of this post you’re gonna have to click on that little ‘more’ link down there.
You clicked. Good.
Anyway, Greymatter has decided to DIE on me two nights in a row. Exactly like how it DIED on me back on that one fateful day in December 2001. Or was it November 2001? Doesn’t matter. I can’t link you to the post right now because my Greymatter archives is fux0red.
I dunno if anyone’s noticed (or if anyone even cares for that matter because i know most of you just come here for the pR0n() anyway) but if you tried leaving a comment on any of the posts between 4am and 2pm earlier today, you may have had a little run in with a certain little cgiwrap error page. Saying that something’s fucked up.
And i swear this time it wasn’t my fault. It wasn’t my fault the last two times either. My server’s been acting up quite a bit lately. Telling me that i’ve exceeded my disk quota even though i KNOW that i have at least 20 more megs free. But anyway, it fuck up does clear up after a while BUT whenever it rears it’s ugly head again, Greymatter will just fuck itself up and DIE because it can’t properly write new cgi files and whatnot to the server because the server’s apparently ‘full’. And thus, it DIES.
Anyhow, just like what my bitch said in the post prior to this one, you probably won’t be able to access the more recent archives for a while. Not directly anyway. You can actually still get to them (somewhat) by doing a search on the site. But we’re working on a solution right now as i speak to get them all ‘back’ (even though they’re actually still around… you just can’t get to them directly) so yeah, i’m sure you can live without the archives for a bit. They seem to have been sorta corrupted when Greymatter decided to DIE. But they’ll be back up again in due time just as soon as we figure out a way to get em back without fucking everything up.
Adios muchachos.
tired of fixing this shit
#1 | Comment by will.hinds. — February 10, 2002 @ 11:06 am
commento numero uno
es termino
#2 | Comment by annubius — February 10, 2002 @ 12:31 pm
commento numero uno
es termino
#3 | Comment by annubius — February 10, 2002 @ 12:31 pm
commento numero uno
es termino
#4 | Comment by annubius — February 10, 2002 @ 12:31 pm
fuck i did the same cooment 3 times shit my bad
#5 | Comment by annubius — February 10, 2002 @ 12:31 pm
*clap* *clap* *clap* Will..
#6 | Comment by meow — February 10, 2002 @ 9:24 pm