Um. Yes?

Okay, if you have absolutely no interest whatsoever in movies or DVD’s, i suggest you don’t read this post because it probably won’t… interest you… like i said. Anyway…

Been watching quite a lot of movies this past weekend. Watched my Goonies DVD like… 3 times. Saw Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. Wasn’t as good as Snatch. Which i also saw on DVD. Watch Akira Special Edition on DVD… but i quit watching halfway through because i couldn’t stand the new re-dubbed dialogue. It was fucking terrible. I have Akira on VHS and i liked the old dub better. The new dub on the Special Edition DVD i think is just plain… blah. I’d watch it in Japanese with the subtitles on but even the Japanese dub sounds bad. Wish they’d included the option to select the old dub because the new one… like i said… is just fucking terrible.

I finally figured out why the Goonies are called the Goonies after watching it for the third time. They live in the Goon Docks in Astoria. Hence them calling themselves ‘The Goonies’.

I think Astoria’s somewhere in Oregon. Why i’m even telling you this i have no idea.

Film class has been a real drag lately. Not much the class but the lecturer herself. It’s the same bitch who teaches Philosophy. And the same one who taught my Thought And Writing class too. I sure most of you regulars remember how much i fucking despised her. She was the one i dubbed ‘the queen bitch of the universe’. Anyway, thank God they’re offering American Studies now. It’s kinda late in the semester to be starting off a new class but hey, i’ll do just about ANYTHING to get out of that bitch’s Philosophy class.

I still have to put up with her smarmy looking mug for Film though. But better one class than two i guess.

Watched Any Given Sunday on VCD just before i started writing this. It was in Pan and Scan. I HATE PAN AND SCAN. Everything’s just framed too closely and you lose like… 25% of the picture off the sides. It bugs me to no end watching movies in Pan and Scan knowing that i’m actually missing something off to the sides.

Which is why i like Widescreen. Because you get to see the whole picture.

I’d actually watched Snatch before i saw Lock, Stock. I loved Snatch. I thought it was just really fucking cool. Good commentary track too. The DVD’s pretty stacked too. Like a Playmate of the month. Still can’t compare to Fight Club though. Or T2: Ultimate Edition. Those fucking DVD’s are like the Anna Nicole Smith of DVD’s. No wait, Fight Club would be Anna Nicole Smith and T2: Ultimate Edition would be Minka. Goonies would be Gwyneth Paltrow.

Anyway, it did kinda suck that the R1 version of Snatch’s missing a couple of the R2 easter eggs.

Kinda like the Fight Club DVD. How the R2 version’s missing some of the R1 extras. Actually to say ‘some’ is just putting it lightly. The R2 version’s missing 3 commentaries and 2 (i think) deleted scenes.

Okay. I just realized that nobody’s probably reading this so i’m gonna quit while i’m ahead.

And um. I want to marry Jia Hui. That is all.

Oh and one more thing…

Asia Carrera. Um. Yes.

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