Hello boys and girls. Yes i know. I’ve been super lazy. I’ve also been super sick. Well… not really. But i do have the flu. I hear it’s been going around. Anybody else have the case of the sniffles? Apparently a lot of people here on campus are sick too. Must be because of the stupid fall weather.
Anyhow, i think i’ll start off this post with a couple of e-mails. Since i don’t really have anything major to talk to about.
To: psykotik@gmail.com
Subject: That chick in your class
From: “Robyn Le Loup” r.g.leloup@worldnet.att.net
Date: Fri, Sep 20 2002 9:24:22 PM -0500
You are a fucking genius!!! Taking pics of that Thora Birch looking monkey foreheaded broad is great! You’ve got real balls, man. I only WISH that i had thought of that when I was in school. God damn is that funny as hell
Keep it up.
I’ve gotten quite a number of comments from people telling me how great that little stunt was. It’s really nothing new. I’ve been doing it for years. Like, back in high school, me and my buddy Rory would just go around school taking pictures of girls. We told them it was for some ICT project. And they believed it. Haha. Dumb girls.
Anyway, that was high school. I upgraded from a camera to a videocam when i got to college. Haha.
Just over a year ago, while i was still in Malaysia at WMU Sunway i went around campus and took videos of girls walking around. Here are some video grabs.
As you can see, most of them are Chinese. Because Malaysia is overrun with Chinese people.
Anyway, this year, i have gone from videocam… to webcam! And just last week, i took my webcam into class to take pictures of this hot Thora Birch-y girl in my Interpersonal Communications II class. I posted about her last week. Scroll down back to Friday last week if you haven’t already read about my little adventure.
I have never gotten caught because nobody ever suspects the skinny Asian guy to be a creepy stalker type person.
With that being said and all joking aside, i swear to you that i’m not a pervert. I just get really bored sometimes.
Anyway, speaking of Stephanie, this past Friday, we had to move to another class because i dunno, my professor wanted to use the OHP or something and the room that we were in didn’t have one. So anyway, we moved to another class and i got myself a seat. Then Stephanie walks in and she’s like looking around for a seat and i was like thinking to myself “please please please sit next to me”. And she did! Haha.
That was exciting.
To: psykotik@gmail.com
Subject: Oh Libby Hoeler You (Are Still A) Fuckwhore
From: vasudeva vasudeva@megarad.com
Date: Sat, Sep 21 2002 10:31:17 AM -0400
Hey man. I’ve realized two things since you posted my last email about
the Libby Hoeler thing.
1) You don’t seem to have the whole thing up.
2) I do have a copy of it after all — I had posted it to Megarad
shortly after doing so on Trollaxor. Here’s the thing in its entirety.
Oh Libby Hoeler,
you fuckwhore,
you gorgeous stupid broad,
you made videos of you touching yourself
for your boyfriend
(whoever he was)
Good for you.
But they got out onto the Internet
when you cheated on him and he found out.
This was his retaliation.
Good for him.
Didn’t see that coming, did you?
I went home today
at lunch
queued up video #4
the one where you sing “I Touch Myself” by the DiVinyls
and do just that
on the bed
in your high-school bedroom
At points
you turn over onto your knees and point your ass at the camera,
hand working all the while,
the dual globes of your soft derriere aiming at the sky like the
battlements of some lazy city
I maximized the window
and joined you,
gently at first
but with mounting lunacy
until my hands were a crazy finger-machine whacking me off
(I had to push one of the cats away with my foot)
and just as I came
I saw the face of Jesus on your left breast
Is it a sign?
Its permanent home is here:
That is the best poem ever.
There’s been a lot of new activity going on in the comments section of the Libby Hoeler post. Some wackos out there are actually calling up her parents and stuff and asking to see if Libby was home!
To: psykotik@gmail.com
Subject: dvds
From: “Ian Armstrong” ian@miginteractive.com
Date: Wed, Sep 25 2002 4:50:27 PM -0400
You don’t have more DVDs then I do. Last count I had 243. And last count was last month.
I hate you.
In other news, the server fucked itself up earlier this morning and kept telling me that there wasn’t any space left. Making GreyMatter not being able to write new comments to the posts and stuff. So for those of you who tried commenting on Liz’s post only to get a time out message instead, well go back and repost whatever it was you were gonna say. I know Dylan’s comment got cut off halfway. So yeah, go show Lizzie some <3 and comment.
Oh and she’s got a sexy new layout that would’ve been almost perfect if she’d included Kirsten Dunst in there somewhere (thus making it a Bring It On themed layout. Sorta).
I’ve added a new link to the site. She is Liz’s best friend Meg and she is teh hot. I suggest you give her a warm welcoming to the harem family and go visit her. Lizzie and Meggie will be getting a webcam soon and they will be making out live on cam for free. Haha. Those lesbians.
I’m kidding.
“worship her, her attitude, and her massive titties. RAWR.”
(Those are Liz’s words. Not mine.)
Anyway, i think that’s it for now. I will try to post on a more regular basis from now on. All you have to do is motivate me by leaving lots of comments and telling me how great i am or something.
Finally, i would just like to say that
Christina Aguiaerlaaleareleriaeliare is a dirty whore.
Wow, I wish Justin would follow ME around with secret video cameras…
Haha, damn right you’re kidding about meggie and me! …God, you of all people should know that we charge $5.95 per minute! Jeez..GET IT RIGHT.
Haha, honestly though, I love me some Meg <3 but not in the dykadelic way...
#1 | Comment by Liz — September 29, 2002 @ 7:27 pm
I WAS THE FIRST TO POST. Muahhahahaha.
#2 | Comment by Liz — September 29, 2002 @ 7:28 pm
damn u liz damn u tooooooooooooo hhhhhhhhheeeeeeelllllllllllllll not really lol and justin i know steph hgahahahahaha so there and ima tell her
#3 | Comment by dandamack — September 29, 2002 @ 7:54 pm
skinny Asian kid 😀
#4 | Comment by suzi — September 29, 2002 @ 7:54 pm
ha funny shit again, i love this site!
#5 | Comment by J.C. — September 29, 2002 @ 11:02 pm
#6 | Comment by Z — September 29, 2002 @ 11:07 pm
Dammit, why is every chick named Chloe sooo frickin’ hot!? It boggles the mind.
#7 | Comment by Banana — September 29, 2002 @ 11:32 pm
Ok, anybody who hasn’t visited the pics section lately, do so now.
Justin, you are one sexy bitch (specially in that first pic)
#8 | Comment by Lucy — September 30, 2002 @ 2:39 am
J Digga is right no one ever suspects the porno obsessed magazine stealing 7-11 penis thing eating skinny asian Mary Kate and Ashley fan with a webcam on his desk filming tits.
Ill watch America’s Most Wanted eagerly awaiting your mugshot gangsta : )
#9 | Comment by 7 upsetting — September 30, 2002 @ 4:44 am
Once Again "Z" Fuck You.
#10 | Comment by EagerHonesty — September 30, 2002 @ 4:46 am
Justin is all mighty!!!!!!!! He is the greatest!!!!!! More posts!!!!!!! More DVDs!!!!!!! More boobies!!!!!! More video games!!!!! More…….um…..JUSTIN IS AWSOME!!!!!!
#11 | Comment by Bubba — September 30, 2002 @ 5:46 am
Haha, Dylan, you’re golden 😉
Whats so funny bout London? *pouts*
#12 | Comment by Liz — September 30, 2002 @ 9:47 am
Hey Justin-
Go get the new nudies of Kristy Swanson from Playboy and post them on your site. She is soooo hot. I wish I could stake buffy. 🙂
#13 | Comment by Mike — September 30, 2002 @ 11:36 am
#14 | Comment by Justin — September 30, 2002 @ 11:58 am
…I just think its funny that Meg and Liz are from London.
#15 | Comment by random ock — September 30, 2002 @ 12:37 pm
justin you’re my hero!
#16 | Comment by J.C. — September 30, 2002 @ 3:05 pm
You are great person, Justin. Please post more.
#17 | Comment by Jarge — September 30, 2002 @ 3:05 pm
hahaha "almighty justin". I find that funny.
#18 | Comment by erf — September 30, 2002 @ 4:14 pm
OH MY GOD!! You are the bomb. Thanks for the prompt reply for celebritiy nudity. Whoohoo. Kristy looks good naked……
#19 | Comment by Mike — September 30, 2002 @ 4:27 pm
I have a digital camera that makes no noise. What would you guys think if i went around my grade 12 high school class here in canada and took pictures of all of the hotties for you? I’ll only do it if justin wants to see ’em. It is kind of unfortunate that I don’t see some of the more extra-hot females during the course of the day, but that’s becasue they take shit classes. Oh well. Let me know what you think.
#20 | Comment by John — September 30, 2002 @ 5:15 pm
eep =/
#21 | Comment by Z — September 30, 2002 @ 5:17 pm
tell ian armstrong he’s a little bitch. My roommate has 530 dvds, so hes got some catching up to do.
#22 | Comment by bigd — September 30, 2002 @ 5:23 pm
Haha, John you’re MY AGE and live in Canada? Whereabouts…Haha, I think you should go to my school and take pictures…But since that isnt possible, do it at your school! I want to see (just because i’m snoopy)
#23 | Comment by Liz — September 30, 2002 @ 5:51 pm
Hey John, I like the idea of taking pictures of 12th grade hotties. I wish I had done that when I was in high school. The only problem was that they would suspect me because I am the weird stalker-type guy.
#24 | Comment by Jarge — September 30, 2002 @ 7:22 pm
Justin is the greatest human being to grace this earth…well, him an Marques de Sade
#25 | Comment by Celius_Quin — September 30, 2002 @ 7:49 pm
Hey Liz, cool to see one of you blogging website people actually talk to me. I never expected that. Cool site, btw. I may have to add it to my daily reading. I live in New Brunswick on the east coast. Pretty sweet place. Our High School is huge. In my freshman year we had 3000 students. The numbers are down now because they built a new school on the northside of town. Oh well. Where do you live? Somewhere close i hope 😉
#26 | Comment by John — September 30, 2002 @ 8:12 pm
You’re not really Snoopy………….are you? Because Snoopy is cool, Joe Cool. Still, not a cool as Justin! "Show me ur boobs", every girl should listen to such honesty.
#27 | Comment by Bubba — September 30, 2002 @ 9:33 pm
John, if you’re crazy enough, sure, go ahead and take the pics. send them to me through e-mail and i’ll post them up.
#28 | Comment by Justin — September 30, 2002 @ 9:57 pm
Sweet, thanks for the go ahead justin. I’m making my list of hotties to go all mad voyeur on in my classes. I’m gonna need help from some of my buds to get some of the more high caliber ones though. It seems that intelligence and good looks are only directly proportional to a certain degree. Oh well. It may take me a few days, maybe a week or so, this week’s kinda academically busy. However, rest assured, I will have those pics for you. This is gonna be crazy. I hope none of the girls visit Fubar!!!
#29 | Comment by John — September 30, 2002 @ 10:26 pm
aww the power of technology
#30 | Comment by J.C. — September 30, 2002 @ 10:44 pm
hahaha this should be interesting.
#31 | Comment by erf — September 30, 2002 @ 10:55 pm
Rest assured John, us blog people aren’t always elite cliquey losers 😉 NB is far dude, I’m from Ontario, below Toronto and stuff…Bah. But still, I’d love to see those pics…Hehe, I wonder if any freaks are taking pictures of ME in my classes? Better stop sleeping @ school…
#32 | Comment by Liz — September 30, 2002 @ 11:18 pm
oh god, agularrrrra is such a hooch,damn….aw i can say is damn
#33 | Comment by dandamack — September 30, 2002 @ 11:43 pm
i can just see the headlines now: "12th-grader arrested in underground hidden cam ring" see you in jail. i’ll testify if need be 😀
#34 | Comment by Chris — October 1, 2002 @ 1:04 am
Man,I need a silent camera. Not to mention the balls to do something like that. I think I need to borrow someones camera and balls and take some pictures of all the hotties I see. Go get em John!!
#35 | Comment by Bubba — October 1, 2002 @ 5:42 am
Justin is teh coolest! What I can’t figure is–why didn’t Ms. Swanson just get naked in Zebra Lounge, so I wouldn’t have had to sit through all that Baldwin for nothing?
#36 | Comment by Banana — October 1, 2002 @ 12:24 pm
Using a video camera to tape girls…. hmmmm, that SEEMS to be stalker-type material. Oh well, if you get arrested nothing will happen to me. SO GO DO IT!
#37 | Comment by PenguinMessiah — October 1, 2002 @ 2:18 pm
are those the only jis chix u got? shit dude… didnt u get amirah? and fuck. yasmin. fucking big titties..
#38 | Comment by xpsp — October 2, 2002 @ 3:18 am
Amirah was my 6th ex girlfriend
#39 | Comment by Justin — October 2, 2002 @ 4:01 am
I would sooo like to get in bed with avril lavigne!!! she is really hot!
#40 | Comment by Skater20 — October 2, 2002 @ 4:34 pm
avril lavigne is the hottest chik ever
#41 | Comment by buyakasha — October 18, 2002 @ 5:50 am