Since so many of you have said it both here and on the board, I will reiterate my comment from a previous post on the identity of Jenn. In the future all new people are required to read the archives and memorize them before making comments.
“You know, at first I thought this was a publicity stunt by Justin or one of the others just to piss people off. So I ran an IP check against all of the current people that I know have the ability to post and Jenn. No matches.”
For those of you who are less technically inclined, this means that Jenn is not a second personality of Justin, Suzi, Thess, Eve, or Meg. Unless they are going through great trouble to do so, including posting from a different computer not even tied into the same network. No they are not just changing IP’s either, Jenn’s is consistent through all of her posts. Good for her though to get so many people riled up and making so many comments.
So some ass monkey decided to throw rocks at my car and bust out my window the other day. If I catch the little son of a bitch, I am going to hog tie the bastard and ship his ass (ground) to Jenn with a check to pay her to abuse the f*cker. For all the vandals out there that may find this kind of shit amusing, stick to mail box bashing and stealing trash cans. Even eggs and toilet paper I can appreciate. The best is to steal road closed and other construction signs (detour signs work well) and plant them right in front of garage doors. Once closed off the whole highway with that trick. Yes, I did it while there were cars on the road and let me tell you they were really pissed. Took 5 of us to move the 10 foot sign out into the middle of the road. But don’t go breaking out car windows or doing high dollar damage, cause one day the same crap is going to happen to you like it did me and you are going to be just as pissed.
And now, back to your regularly scheduled programming of people fisting themselves and enjoying anal stimulation!
#1 | Comment by 1st comment — November 21, 2002 @ 3:18 am
i do believe in retribution and whatever has happened to you would have a double impact on those assholes…
i feel for you man… (kinda had the same shit happen to me)
#2 | Comment by beng — November 21, 2002 @ 3:40 am
Jamlink, could you ship me to Jenn instead? Please, I’ll be your bestest friend!
#3 | Comment by Banana — November 21, 2002 @ 4:00 am
Kill the bastards! Yeah…they should die
#4 | Comment by Quijotes_Leprous — November 21, 2002 @ 5:39 am
Because I honestly do find Jenn that annoying, I’ve decided to no longer read her posts nor anyone’s reply. I’d wonder what some of what you wrote here is referring to but that would imply I gave a fuck about what Jenn said or people said back to her, and I don’t.
Jamlink, please do me a favor and post more frequently and encourage thess, suzi, liz, or meg to so we can push the jenn shit off the list.
Thanks in advance.
#5 | Comment by smash — November 21, 2002 @ 5:42 am
good post jamlink dude – keep it up.
#6 | Comment by Eci — November 21, 2002 @ 7:07 am
Never! I will never read the archives! Nya-hahahahahaha-ha-haaaaa…
I hate it when little ass-fucks try and mess with your car. It makes me get all mad and violent and shit. Don’t steal trashcans, just knock em over. Also, TPing and egging houses is amusing.
But never. Never. Ever. Mess with a man’s car.
#7 | Comment by Seriously — November 21, 2002 @ 8:01 am
mmm…I keep two wooden "Louisville Slugger" baseball bats. One I keep next to my front door and one I keep behind the seat in my truck. I was once vandalized at knife point in LA by a herd of fucking cholos. One of the bastards kept me and some friends at bay with a knife while his buddies chucked full bottles of beer at the truck and another went around and slashed 3 of my nice new tires. When the police arrived at the scene, (God Bless The LAPD)those sons-a-bitches looked me in the eye and said, "What do you want us to do about it?". Since my truck was in no condition to go anywhere, they suggested that we arm ourselves in case the perps came back for more, seeing as how they were leaving to go meet at the donut shop. (This is not a joke. I know it sounds like a lie, but it is true. Although beyond the scope of my belief and/or comprehension, these cops were actually talking about meeting their buddies for donuts and coffee. I have verifiable witnesses.)
I guarantee there will be some toothless fucking mexicans out there if they, or any other member of their sub-species, EVER try to fuck with my truck again. Oh yah, [b]FUCK THE LAPD[/b], and fuck whoever threw rocks at your car. Those sonsabitches will get what they deserve in the long run. Karma is a bitch.
#8 | Comment by embus — November 21, 2002 @ 11:53 am
I see html tags dont work…oops.
#9 | Comment by embus — November 21, 2002 @ 11:55 am
haha…yeah, i can attest to the complete ineptitude of the LAPD. they seem to have an innate ability to harass or be completely useless to the innocent while looking the other way when some real shit actually goes down.
#10 | Comment by the_other_me — November 21, 2002 @ 12:24 pm
My car was vandalized once. A friend of mine was throwing a party and I parked my car in front of his house. When I stumbled out at 3 am I had found both my side mirrors had been ripped of and everything else that could be detached from my car by hand. Even those little fucking reflectors by the door.
#11 | Comment by carlocake — November 21, 2002 @ 12:29 pm
embus – if i ever see "a herd of fucking cholos" i’ll be sure to beat them with a baseball bat – there’s a kkk rally in milwaukee this weekend, can’t wait to see you there you racist fuck.
#12 | Comment by ra — November 21, 2002 @ 1:10 pm
Fuckes that vandalize shit deserved to be beaten up like ugly fucks that don’t know better.
embus: you have my blessing… 🙂
#13 | Comment by theEvilPlacebo — November 21, 2002 @ 1:14 pm
Obviously you enjoy being terrorized at random my Mexican gangbangers. My absolute disgust for their kind stems from many seperate instances…getting my face kicked in while walking to my car with my girlfriend at gunpoint, that sort of thing.
When you decide to busrt the silly little bubble you live in and join the real world, come and talk to me. I’ll show you the ropes.
By the way, you ignorant bastard…Cholo is not a race. It’s a choice of lifestyle. And fuck all of them.
#14 | Comment by embus — November 21, 2002 @ 1:42 pm
QUOTE***Jenn is not a second personality of Justin, Suzi, Thess, Eve, or Meg.
ahHA…you failed to rule out yourself! Mystery solved.
#15 | Comment by kenny — November 21, 2002 @ 2:20 pm
I wondered if anyone would catch that. No, I am not into anal stimulation or fisting myself. I guess we do both like women and Asians, but Justin would only be my type if he grew tits and a vagina. Even then he would make one scary woman, but at least with a 6 pack I could consider it.
Back to the car, it cost me $300 to get the fucking window replaced and going to cost another $500 plus to get the scratches and dents out of my trunk and door. I owe someone an $800 ass whipping the way I figure it, and I will even lower my hourly rate for them so it lasts longer.
#16 | Comment by Jamlink — November 21, 2002 @ 3:39 pm
I am half Mexican, and I agree cholo/potato heads are a waste of life. Embus, you must look like easy pray, or you just have really bad luck. Either way, sucks to you.
#17 | Comment by Bubba — November 21, 2002 @ 4:02 pm
Most people are easy prey when the odds are 6 or more to 1. Race is always a handy excuse for a buncha low lifes to exercise sociopathic tendencies. KKK or cholo don’t matter – it’s the same thing to the person being terrorized.
#18 | Comment by raceman — November 21, 2002 @ 4:51 pm
True, I know a lot a cholo gangster type people. I never have a problem with them though, as for KKK…..I’m pretty sure there isn’t any KKK in the Garden Grove area. Seeing as there are about only 50 African Americans in all Garden Grove. The Asian gangsters are the craziest, those guys shoot first and ask questioins later.
They don’t really ask any questions later…..that’s just how the saying goes.
#19 | Comment by Bubba — November 21, 2002 @ 5:06 pm
wtf are "cholos"?????
#20 | Comment by confused =\ — November 21, 2002 @ 6:19 pm
Some use it as aterm for Mexican and/or Mexican-american Hispanics, but usually it is associated with a category of ‘gangsta’ style of appearance and mannerisms
from a GOOGLE search:
Another way that cholos self-express themselves through their bodies is with clothing. Zoot suits, trench coats, bandanas, hats, t-shirts, Pendletons, khakis, Dickies, belts, beanies, hairnets, black gloves or clothing of different colors to certain sports teams are just the most prominent items of clothing associated with cholos. Another important aspect of physical self-definition for cholos is based on hair: the choice of a wearing thick mustache or shaving their heads completely.
#21 | Comment by raceman — November 21, 2002 @ 6:36 pm
Yaaaaaay, Thess has a picture linky thingey on the fubar bar for womens! But the link doesn’t work…
#22 | Comment by Seriously — November 21, 2002 @ 8:05 pm
Jamlink wrote:
"For those of you who are less technically inclined, this means that Jenn is not a second personality of Justin, Suzi, Thess, Eve, or Meg."
You forgot about good ol’ Ben Affleck, Jamlink! I even mentioned in Chasing Amy, "I’ve had my finger in my ass but I wouldn’t say I’ve had anal sex." Maybe now that Damon’s out of the picture, Justin’s my new fixation. Ever think of that, Jamlink? Or any of you? You’ve been wondering where I am, so maybe I’ve just been absent, or maybe I’m using the Jenn identity to cover my tracks and work out my fantasies that way.
Go ahead and debate amongst yourselves, Scooby Gang.
#23 | Comment by Ben Affleck — November 22, 2002 @ 5:29 am
I didn’t forget about you, but didn’t feel like trying to hunt down your last comment to see if it was you since it has been a while since you posted. Since you asked though, I have confirmed that your IP does not match either. Sorry Ben, we know you like assholes, but not as much as Jenn does.
#24 | Comment by Jamlink — November 24, 2002 @ 3:36 pm