Post. Post post post, post. Postpost.

I feel singularly uninspired to do anything other than lay in bed and stare blankly at my ceiling, right now. Have, for the past few days. Haven’t actually done so because that whole “wallowing” thing can be done just as well subonciously, while making money at work, or picking out family Christmas presents.

Last night, though, when I got off my second shift, I did find myself sitting in my car staring blankly out the windsheild, until my cell phone rang. (It was, by the way, the newly-homosexual guy from highschool days of getting mangled with friends…he called to tell me about the feild of gnomes he was passing on his way to visit his boy in Kissimmie.)

I was wildly jealous, for about half a moment.

Okay, more like several full moments.

One of Shawn’s friends is supposed to come up to Fiddler’s after I get off work to have a few drinks. He’s slightly skeptical of the prospect, since the argument and all, but I’m past the point of caring to pussyfoot around. We hang out all the time, and nothing is going on, has gone on, and will go on, and I’m not even sure if it matters, the way things are. Just ’cause there was a totally unrelated mess of whatever size….oh, fuck it. That paragraph doesn’t make any sense.

Season’s coming in, incidentally. Tourists galore, work has been packed lately. I’ve still got some xmas shopping to do, but the fact that my speeding ticket was only $120 when I called to pay it (VISA check card over the phone, the answer to all of my prayers) helps. I guess the cop either took pity on me and forgot to input that it was in a school zone, or there was some kind of clerical error, or…I dunno, something, but whatever, that’s 150 more than I thought I was going to have this month, thank God.

Been having awful dreams for the past few days. That’s not cool, either.

*sigh* I really give up even trying to post, actually. It isn’t quite working out right now. Anything to push the Thanksgiving shit further down, but nevermind. Flame on, assorted freaks and disgruntled porno-ssiers.

18 thoughts on “Post. Post post post, post. Postpost.

  1. are u stoned right now? that sounded like the ramblings of a child, trying slightly to sound intelligent.

    #1 | Comment by gza — December 1, 2002 @ 4:29 pm

  2. Thess-

    Interesting post, kinda weird to have it here rather than on FNF. Anyway, this time of year is rough on everybody, isn’t it? It seems to be regardless of who they are or what situation they are in. It’s just a depressing time of year, baked in by the burden and stress of christmas shopping/planning and then seasoned with the negative feelings of self worth that are brought to mind.

    Gotta love the Christmas season, huh?

    On the good news front, I have only 3 people left to shop for. Being a 20 something single, bachelor guy, that FAR exceeds my expectations. Usually I find myself in Meijer’s (like a Kmart) on Christmas Eve buying people laundry detergent as gifts and bitching that they close at 10 PM on Christmas Eve!

    #2 | Comment by smash — December 1, 2002 @ 4:30 pm

  3. I hope you have a good day anyway, Thess.

    #3 | Comment by Seriously — December 1, 2002 @ 4:34 pm

  4. "Anything to push the Thanksgiving shit further down"


    #4 | Comment by mike — December 1, 2002 @ 5:19 pm

  5. Interesting… Thess is sounding more like Eve lately…

    And a completly different subject, what ever happened to Jenn?

    #5 | Comment by Quijotes_Leprous — December 1, 2002 @ 6:56 pm

  6. Get some calvin & hobbs and keep it in your car for those times….help you get through the empty time….best wishes.

    #6 | Comment by Evilcoles — December 1, 2002 @ 7:12 pm

  7. tee hee "porno-ssiers".. funny and the morons won’t understand what it means..

    #7 | Comment by Chris — December 1, 2002 @ 7:49 pm

  8. "Flame on"

    Holy shit, I thought you were the Human Torch for a second. "Johnny, use a super-charged nova blast to take out Dr. Doom!" "Okay Sue, FLAME ON!"

    I find wallowing amusing sometimes, it gives me something to do when I’m bored. It may not be good for me, but it kind of helps……or does it?

    #8 | Comment by Bubba — December 2, 2002 @ 2:55 am

  9. I’m a porno-ssier moron.

    gza: I wanted to tell you to fuck off in a witty way, but now I realize that it’s just to obvious.

    And you said I couldn’t punctuate.
    Now we’re even.

    #9 | Comment by kingolf — December 2, 2002 @ 3:31 am

  10. thess,have you tried masterbating yet?you sound really deprived…poor you…go get that harry potter broom for yerself…it might help 🙂

    #10 | Comment by dik kok — December 2, 2002 @ 3:56 am

  11. Thess, I hope things look up soon. Yes yes, I sound like just another optimist- but I suppose it’s all I can offer. I’ll offer as much as I can- you’re in my thoughts!

    #11 | Comment by Amor — December 2, 2002 @ 4:25 am

  12. As a porno-ssier, I’d like to request Psykodelik post more BB pwds on the boards.

    #12 | Comment by RedEye — December 2, 2002 @ 8:53 am

  13. RedEye: do any of the password actually work? hehe

    Thess: hmm…

    #13 | Comment by theEvilPlacebo — December 2, 2002 @ 9:46 am

  14. Now I know why I go straight to the message boards.
    Thess is like ultra-vires intelligence.

    #14 | Comment by discommode — December 2, 2002 @ 12:47 pm

  15. Sure the passwords work…for a while. Then you need a fresh supply.

    #15 | Comment by RedEye — December 2, 2002 @ 3:05 pm

  16. why is it so easy to fall asleep at the wheel? life makes us comfortable, it make us forget and then it robs us in the night. should you blame that on nature, god, allah, or, worse of all, yourself? it’s not like it matters you’ll get through it somehow, and it might even build character. isn’t that the most fucked up shit of all.

    #16 | Comment by blank. — December 2, 2002 @ 4:17 pm

  17. that is trulee the moz fuked up rant ive eva read..:P

    #17 | Comment by dik kok — December 2, 2002 @ 5:29 pm

  18. Beyond the legal power of intelligence? …Right. Enjoy the message boards.

    #18 | Comment by thess — December 2, 2002 @ 10:30 pm

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