Let’s play a little game

Okay i’m going to post up a bunch of links to a bunch of pictures right. And all you have to do is just leave a comment and tell me the first thing that popped into you mind as you saw each picture. They don’t have to just be one liners either. Feel free to elaborate on your thoughts. Whatever they are. And (knowing some of you guys) however sick they may be.

  • Picture no. 1
  • Picture no. 2
  • Picture no. 3
  • Picture no. 4
  • Picture no. 5
  • 32 thoughts on “Let’s play a little game

    1. Damn. Spermicidal sponge never looked this H O T!!

      #1 | Comment by lickweed — July 23, 2003 @ 5:38 pm

    2. 1. Evil demon… and she has a very pointy chin…

      2. I’d tap that, and her left boob looks queezed into her shirt.

      3. She is hot… I ahve touched her.. and you haven’t ha ha..

      4. Holy crap, it’s the grand canyon!

      5. Homo. He would get best of show in a homo parade.

      #2 | Comment by PacManJesus — July 23, 2003 @ 5:38 pm

    3. BTW.

      I chose #5.

      Where’s my HOMO prize?

      #3 | Comment by lickweed — July 23, 2003 @ 5:41 pm

    4. i’d just like to say that after looking at the first one, i can guess all of them. the universal answer is…..


      #4 | Comment by cici — July 23, 2003 @ 5:42 pm

    5. Pic 1. – Mmm she has a nice rack.
      Pic 2. – That dress looks good… It’d look better on my floor.
      Pic 3. – It looks like she’s had a face lift gone wrong. Get a job you dirty mole!
      Pic 4. – You could save a lot of money on lip gloss if you used cooking oil instead.
      Pic 5. Why are spounge bob’s arms higher then his collar & tie? It looks like his arms are where his ears should be…. If spounges had ears.

      #5 | Comment by Dom — July 23, 2003 @ 5:45 pm

    6. Pic 1 – who is she? She looks young, but still doable.

      Pic 2 – who is she? she is the right age and pretty sexy. I’d definitely tap that.

      Pic 3 – she is ugly. Justin can keep her.

      Pic 4 – ehhh.

      Pic 5 – Could that picture scream ‘gay audience look at me!’ anymore? Rainbow? Bright yellow guy?

      Justin you are becoming a 15 year old girl…if only those pics were of young boys, i’d be running from this site forever.

      #6 | Comment by smash — July 23, 2003 @ 5:53 pm

    7. pic 1: beautiful smile. great tits
      pic 2: looks to me like she is seeing something she wants. not that she would admit it though.. but she’s diggin’ it
      pic3: tries too hard to look good
      pic4: photoshopped to death
      pic5: gay and proud

      #7 | Comment by biz — July 23, 2003 @ 5:54 pm

    8. 1. Yuck. Puffy face, no talent little chipmunk turd.
      2. Yuck. Garlic. Queefer.
      3. Yuck. No talent little turd.
      4. OMG!!!! HOT!!!! Perfect!!!!
      5. Funny, yet over rated. Market saturation.

      #8 | Comment by grud — July 23, 2003 @ 5:58 pm

    9. 1. Bynessesesese.

      2. I want some Moore. Ah hahaha, I’m so stupid.

      3. Cheeeese!

      4. Hair…loading…not such a good picture.

      5. KELI!!! REENESS!!!

      6. Justin, sticking his hand down my pants…

      7. Me, beating Keli’s BookWorm score! Hahaha!!

      8. Mountain Dew. Do the Dew!

      9. Pirates! Arrrrrr!

      10. Hold on a sec. There’s no picture number 10. You trying to pull a quick one on the ol’ Bubster? You must take me as a complete fool. You must think I’m some sort of illiterate idiot?

      Well, you’re right! Reeeee!!!!

      #9 | Comment by Bubba — July 23, 2003 @ 5:59 pm

    10. Picture one. As the forehead came into view, I thought Avril, I thought boner, I thought masturbation, then I saw the rest, and I thought Disney and lost the sexual momentum.

      Picture Two. I thought cute, but it looks like she just sucked on a lemon and is trying to hide the fact that she just did by trying to smile.

      Picture three. I thought Disney. Then I thought burning, and not of the lions, I smelled the burning of the cheese bread I was cooking. I thought chubby smile.

      Picture four. (The picture’s huge, my connection’s slow) So I see hair, then I scroll down to see really pretty eyes. Then I scroll down to see Giantic life-sized cleavage, the sexual momentum has returned.

      Picture five. I quickly saw the rainbow, I quicklky thought homosexual, I quickly lost my sexual momentum. Then I saw Spongebob, and it made me happy, so it was ok losing the momentum.

      All in all, a very enjoyable and emotional experience.


      P.s. – Your mom called, she said to go to http://www.BrandtCooley.com

      #10 | Comment by BrandtCooleyDotCom — July 23, 2003 @ 6:10 pm

    11. 1. I’d
      2. hit
      3. that
      4. shit
      5. with Jeff Goldblum’s weenus.

      #11 | Comment by Marley — July 23, 2003 @ 10:18 pm

    12. 1. mmm
      2-4. urgh
      5. eh?

      Go monosyllabism

      #12 | Comment by Jacob — July 24, 2003 @ 2:17 am

    13. Damn…..where are all the sick pedophiles who used to prowl this page?!?!?!

      #13 | Comment by catholic priest — July 24, 2003 @ 2:22 am

    14. yeah i was wondering the same thing too. haha.

      #14 | Comment by Justin — July 24, 2003 @ 3:08 am

    15. 1. Woh, what happened to your face

      2. Hot hot hot hot hot hot hot

      3. Looks like someone punched her in the face a little, and she’s still a youngin

      4. Her face looks like someone is pulling on her fucking asshairs as she tries to smile. Great tits though.

      5. Justin, no more pictures of your boyfriends.

      #15 | Comment by Derek — July 24, 2003 @ 3:34 am

    16. 1. I’ll meet her parents, we’ll have children and grow old together under the sea. She can do no damage down there.

      2. It’s like breasts, with brains… breast brains. We’ll call the movie- the girl with three brains.

      3. Ritual suicide.

      4. I wish I had those when I was learning to swim.

      5. Christina has really let herself go since the herpes incident.

      #16 | Comment by D — July 24, 2003 @ 6:16 am

    17. 1.Boinggg goes my penis
      2.BOinggggg goes my penis
      3.Slapped penis
      4.BOINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG goes my penis, and out the roof
      5.Yes, ruin my erection

      #17 | Comment by P. Orno Rocks — July 24, 2003 @ 7:04 am

    18. My honest first thoughts…

      1. I’d fuck her.
      2. Grabing her boobs then dry humping her with the dress on.
      3. Not as good as the first 2, but she’s still a girl so I’d bang her.
      4. Her face doesn’t look that good, but SHIT look at those fucking HOOTERS!
      5. haha (I laughed) Sponge Bob kicks ass!

      #18 | Comment by Fubarf — July 24, 2003 @ 3:32 pm

    19. 1: oh lord, here we go again.

      2: 😀 she is totally the coolest.

      3: what the hell happened to her hair?! that pic does not do miss lizzie justice.

      4: mother of pearl… her boobs are SO not that big.

      5: ready-eddy-eddy!!

      #19 | Comment by lizzie — July 25, 2003 @ 1:41 am

    20. Oh, thats…

      1. Amanda Bynes
      2. Mandy Moore
      3. Hillary Duff
      4. Jessica Simpson
      5. Spongebob Squarepants

      I win

      #20 | Comment by Seriously — July 25, 2003 @ 3:28 am

    21. 1. Soulless
      2. nice rack
      3. *barf*
      4. HUGE rack
      5. symbol of homosexuality….and he’s holding rainbow

      #21 | Comment by The DaRk SuPeRMaN — July 25, 2003 @ 4:05 am

    22. Alright on second viewing…I have decided the only one I would want to ‘give it to’ is the Mandy Moore chick. Does that make me perverted? What if I said I’d give it to Jessica Simpson but only in the back door cuz she looks stuck up?

      #22 | Comment by smash — July 25, 2003 @ 7:59 am

    23. thanks to the slowness of dialup while doing tons of other stuff at the same time…

      5.load damn you!

      #23 | Comment by Alexhawker — July 25, 2003 @ 8:00 am

    24. Pic1 – do me
      Pic2 – marry me, do me, do me, do me, do me
      pic3 – do me, then do me again….once you are 18
      pic4 – donkey punch
      pic5 – I hate nickelodeon, except in reference to pic1

      #24 | Comment by bligityblah — July 25, 2003 @ 11:26 am

    25. 1. Boner!
      2. Boner!
      3. Boner!
      4. Boner!
      5. Ice Cream!

      #25 | Comment by juice — July 26, 2003 @ 4:16 am

    26. SPONGEBOB IS THE BEST!!! Btw, isn’t it obvious that pics #1 and 3 make use of the Wonderbra? Pic #2 has her boobs squuezed into her dress, and Pic #3 is not the best pic of Hillary Duff. Well at least she isn’t wearing a huge Wonderbra like Ms. Simpson in pic #4. Still, I think Spongebob wins first prize for this one.

      #26 | Comment by Becca — July 26, 2003 @ 3:45 pm

    27. 1. I’d do her in a heart beat (screw her age)
      2. I’d do her in a heart beat (she is my age)
      3. How did you become famous?
      4. Once was hot, now is lost.
      5. Fag!!

      #27 | Comment by Jeremy — July 27, 2003 @ 9:40 am

    28. 1.boobs

      #28 | Comment by Will — July 29, 2003 @ 8:46 am

    29. 1.Teenage boobies
      2.Teenage boobies
      3.Teenage boobies
      4.Big squeezed boobies
      5.Gay sponge, that has gay butt sex with a gay starfish.

      #29 | Comment by pangwinking — July 30, 2003 @ 1:26 pm

    30. 1. "Am I doing it right? It hurts!"
      2. Pretty eyes and that bust is way too tight!
      3. I’d do that in an instant. But she better not start smoking or she’ll be white trash before she’s 30
      4. That picture is so BIG! I can see her boob hairs!
      5. Of course!!

      #30 | Comment by Hehe — August 29, 2003 @ 11:13 am

    31. 1. mary me
      2. do me
      3. *starts to walk away*
      4. *begins to run*
      5. *jumps off a cliff to get away*

      #31 | Comment by Darkness — February 2, 2004 @ 2:39 am

    32. Pic One: I like the freckles. Who is she?
      Pic Two: That aint Mandy Moore.. Is it?
      Pic three: Stuff by Duff. She bores me.
      Pic Four: My mind went blank, my jaw dropped, I drooled.
      Pic Five: Sponge Bob on acid.

      #32 | Comment by free2play — July 5, 2004 @ 12:26 pm

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