ahhh canada. you all seemed to get a thrill ripping on bryan adams in amy’s last post so i thought i’d dedicate a whole post on my homeland. actually, i’m just really bored.
first of all i must say, please i invite you to maim, rape, & muder bryan adams. i can’t stand that man. stab celine dion as much as you want…please run over jim carey & my god get rid of avril lavigne! okay, sure we do have a few bad apples. but what country doesn’t? (three words – the olsen twins) in fact, i do believe you’ve got a few million…err…billion of them. americans are stupid. we have television shows based around americans’ stupidity. how many of you actually believe that we do indeed live in igloos? or that it snows year round in every single province? or that ontario is right beside british colombia? waiiiiit a minute, isn’t ontario in california? what?
you are all severely uninformed.
in other news, i may be canadian, i may not be an idiot, but i still do insanely stupid things. i am the girl who runs into walls…one time i decided it would be a great idea to make some kraft dinner (a canadian delicacy of course) & ended up melting the coffeemaker all over the oven. also, i blew up the microwave with my mom’s wedding gold-laced plates. i just have bad luck. perhaps you’d all get a kick out of my latest retarded antics… this is the results of a mishap with this evil appliance. i do believe i am worthy of the klutz of the year award.
pointless half assed post (i envy those who are either extremely intelligent or creative in thier writings). i didn’t sleep at all last night & i’m off to school…be kind, i’m too lazy to spell check.
i’ll have me some of that avril lavigne please.
embus can have celine. ahahaha.
#1 | Comment by Justin — September 29, 2003 @ 8:28 pm
justin, i actually just posted so you would love me still…haha. i’m ready for the "shut up bitch, take off your shirt!" comments.
#2 | Comment by liz — September 29, 2003 @ 8:35 pm
Hey, I like Canada. I’ve been there number of times. Montreal, Toronto, Canadian side of Niagra falls, and just over the edge in the Boundary Waters. WAY up north (best fishing I’ve ever done). Never once did I even see an igloo, although that would have been pretty cool. Canada also has some very cool people. Paul Schaeffer, Martin Short, the late John Candy just to name a few. Most Americans have this view that the world revolves around us. Ignorance is not always bliss. There is a great big world out there, and eventually one must open their eyes to it.
#3 | Comment by AKApostal — September 29, 2003 @ 9:10 pm
I know you live in igloos.
But I really think the Canadians (Caninuit?) are the secretly ruling the Earth. Y’all are just waiting for the right moment to unleash your Canada-Death-Grammerton-Cleric- Commando-Spetznaz-007- Sardukar-Shock-Marine-Storm- Clone-Troopers upon the world.
But I don’t think that you can really hold us to fault for our ignorance of Canadian geography, I don’t expect any foreigner to know where Athens is in relation to Birmingham or Valdosta, nor know the capitol of Tennessee.
#4 | Comment by Seriously — September 29, 2003 @ 9:35 pm
No. Not for me. No more talk of Cel-*GAG* Celine. I simply must insist to the fact.
On a non-Celine canada related issue, I cannot believe that Canadians are so goddamned fucking retarded that they actually think Americans are dumb enough to think that Canadians live in igloos. Ignorant Canadians!!! America is home of the literate gun toting schoolchild!!! Take your moose pie!! I don’t want it.
You see, America was going to have a television show about how ignorant and backwards Canadians are, but the networks came to an agreement that it would only spur a spinoff Canadian show about the American show bashing the stupidity of the Canadians, themselves. Read that fast ten times. All hail the mighty USofA. The few, the proud, the Marines.
Listen sweetheart, I know that you are proud to be a Canadian. But take a minute and look at the scientific achievments that grew from American seeds of ingenuity. Where would the world be if Canada was the worlds super-power?? I’ll tell you where… Chewing my own leather pants in the dark, covered in soot and grease. Just about everything important in our lives came from America. Your cars, your computers, your goddamned MTV, bah.
I have a new motto for your board of tourism. "Canada. A giant collective Pussy. We eat, we shit, and ten we die. Yippie friggin Skippy, what a life!! Come visit the high horse."
Jesus man…fucking igloos… you are killing me.
#5 | Comment by embus — September 29, 2003 @ 10:07 pm
Sorry.. I stopped reading when she said "…i may not be an idiot…". I can suspend disbelief only for so long.
#6 | Comment by sexcrazedweasel — September 29, 2003 @ 11:05 pm
AKApostal’s right, Canada Rocks! I went on vacation to Banff last Summer. Took the Canadian Pacific Railway, from Vancouver to Calgary…
#7 | Comment by cujo — September 29, 2003 @ 11:22 pm
Things I like aboot Canada:
Hockey, I love beating you at your own sport.
The fishing rules there, <3 East Grand.
The funny accent.
The beer, mmmm Canadian beer!!
Cuban Cigars, no embargo there.
To this day I still wonder when the are going to sing O'Canada here in Dallas. (see hockey)
The Canadian military, that seems like an oxymoron.
The Loony, loons kick all that is ass-like.
Lets just come oot and call Canada what it is, America's back yard.
#8 | Comment by bligityblah — September 30, 2003 @ 1:40 am
Rush are the best thing to come out of Canada, ever. And no, I don’t like hockey. Rush and Tim Horton’s donuts, which are about as good as Dunkin Donuts are, which is to say they blow ass. Dunkin Donuts make me think of off-duty cops, which makes me think of fanny packs.
#9 | Comment by Marley — September 30, 2003 @ 1:46 am
Damn, almost forgot the pot. Clean and pure without all those annoying pesticides and herbicides. The Canadians rule on hemp laws too. If we could get half of the people in the U.S. to grow hemp instead of corn the whole country would be better off. Corn prices would go up, and hemp clothes and paper would come down. What we need is a big hemp lobby like the lobby tobacco and alcohol have.
#10 | Comment by AKApostal — September 30, 2003 @ 1:55 am
oh yes I was once of those uninformed Americans but then one day I decided to sit down and ask questions about our friendly neighbors to the north…remeber A and A with a Canadian Liz?…heh heh heh
#11 | Comment by Will — September 30, 2003 @ 2:58 am
Oh Liz,
I forgot to mention that I am sorry to hear about your unfortunate run in with the hair dryer. Looks painfull… If you need me to rub some cream on the wound, just let me know… I can catch a redeye out of LAX and be there in a few hours…
#12 | Comment by embus — September 30, 2003 @ 3:04 am
I’ll be perfectly honest. The second the US reinstitutes the draft and attempts to force me into the army, I’m headed off to Canada. Don’t get me wrong, I love America, it’s just the fact that my life comes first, my country comes second. Personally though, I don’t see the reasoning behind the whole "anti-Canada" argument. I mean sure, they’ve sent us a legion of horribly bad celebrities, but I’m only assuming those celebrities now spend most of their time here because Canada has higher standards for their stars. But Canada gets almost all the same food, clothes, and entertainment that we Americans get…crap oftentimes included. Hell, there’s even a good few things illegal here that are legal there. There’s never any threat of war, mainly because Canada somehow misplaced its army. Sure, the weather’s closest to someplace like Minnesota or Maine, but many parts aren’t close to the insanity the Alaskans go through.
Then there’s the women. Besides the celebrities banished from Canada, almost all of the many Canadian ladies I have seen in my life are extremely good looking (let’s remember I said ALMOST ALL, before someone goes posting a pic of the scariest woman in Canada). Plus, a good number of Canadian guys could be considered "skeevy" (a Canadian term), and that only gives us American powerhouses better chances.
In the end though, I suppose you give Canada the nickname "America Jr." Yeah, America Jr. is much like a small child, but one that never causes any trouble to it’s parents USA. Innocent and fun, Canada remains mostly unaware of what the parents USA are doing, they just know it’s "big people stuff". I know I wish I could go back and relive my days as a carefree child. America Jr. might just help me do that. Hell, they’ve got punk rawk and indie flicks in Canada too! I might as well pack up my shit and go. Oh wait. I’ve got fucking college to do. Eh, I’ll make it to Canada eventually…maybe sometime before I die. Then again, maybe not. Unless someone gives me a better reason to go to Canada besides avoiding a draft and smoking some Cubans legally. But hey, for a country, Canada is pretty cool. Except for those damn French Canadians…I have a good mind to throw the French Canadians on a boat and send them back where they came from. But other than that…yeah, America Jr. gets my approval. π
#13 | Comment by cf — September 30, 2003 @ 4:36 am
If you’re in college you can be immune to the draft, however our military is 100% volunteer so there is on need for it. There will never again be a draft in the US. But if I were to be drafted I’d show up. After I finish college and my flying lessons I hope to be an apache pilot, ducking the draft is a cowardly act. If you want to go to Canada thats fine but don’t try to vail it in the nobility of trying to fight an injustice such as the "evil" draft. The draft did afterall prevent us from speaking Japanese or being cooked in a gigantic oven. Personally I think everyone should be required to serve at least two years in the armed forces. How can you honestly expect to live here and never fight for (goddamn this is clichΓΒ©) your freedoms?
#14 | Comment by bligityblah — September 30, 2003 @ 5:08 am
Hrm…never another draft? Don’t sell yourself short. Just in the past two years, as we were considering going to war with Iraq, Congress put forth the idea of bringing back the draft, and students would NOT have been exempt. The plan actually had a high probability of getting passed, but luckily it was decided this was not going to be a situation where a draft would be required. But yeah, seems like there’s always some sort of conflict every 10 years, and sometime before I die I’m convinced a draft will be needed.
As to me dodging a draft, imagine this situation. You live by yourself on an island. It’s a tropical island with every accomodation you could ever need. Satellite TV, delicious food, and beautiful single women just a 2 minute boat trip away. Keep in mind the women come to you, and there’s no way you could ever go to their island. Anyway, as you live there you notice there’s another island just a short swim away that has every single accomodation you’ve got. That island is currently uninhabited. Well, over the course of the time you live on your island, you begin to notice that there’s a large amount of snakes around, and that their population increases by the day. These snakes are dangerous and if bitten there’s a chance of death. Well, you try and try to fight the snakes off day after day, yet they keep growing in numbers. Would you:
A. Stay on your island and keep fighting the snakes until you die a horribly painful and poisonous death by snakebite. Why? Because it’s YOUR island.
B. Swim the short distance to your neighboring island that is mysteriously absent of snakes, yet has all the features of your island.
C. Swim for dear life, not knowing where you’re going and hope you get picked up by a boat of people that take you into their society.
Hrm…tough choice isn’t it? Not really, I think. Pretty obviously, the USA becomes your island overrun by snakes (the enemy). You can choose to try and fight them off risking your own life, or you can go to Canada. Canada has all the provisions that America does, only it has no snakes. It’s right next door too. And why would anyone want to choose to swim and not have any destination in mind, just hoping to survive? (Option C) Nobody in their right mind would do that.
Lemme sum it up like this: I live in America because I was born here and chose to stay. It gives me what I need. I see no reason to leave if I’m content with the way things are. Once things start to go wrong and I’m forced to fight the deadly enemy to keep what I have, I think I would rather move to Canada, which gives me pretty much the same American freedoms without forcing me to fight anyone to keep them. Call me a coward if you will, I’d just call myself selfish. I’m interested in what’s best for ME, and if I have to move to ten different countries to make myself happy, then that’s what I’ll do.
I pledge allegiance to the United States of ME.
If I end up having to move to my own private island in the middle of the Pacific in order to keep my freedom, that’s what I’ll do. Don’t consider apathy and selfishness a curse. It’s a gift you don’t take advantage of.
#15 | Comment by cf — September 30, 2003 @ 6:00 am
Here’s my comments in order:
Liz, I don’t believe most Americans are that stupid as you state. Although there are some exceptions, most Californians think Detroit is located where Chicago is (I’m not sure where they think Chicago moved to though).
I think it’s sad and funny at the same time about the hairdryer. It reminds me of the good old days when you did walk into walls. Your other appliance stories are classic, you should not have left them here where I could read them. I will tease you for all time now.
SexCrazedWeasel- fuck off, you annoying faggot.
cf- thank god I am too old to be drafted, as I turn 30 in…well…in less than a month and lets leave it at that. π
Oh, and finally: Liz, boobs, please?
#16 | Comment by smash — September 30, 2003 @ 6:11 am
Canada is a fine country.
You are an idiot.
The comparison with snakes makes no valid point whatsoever. If you feel that way then move, the US will go on without you. No need to bash other countries, but to talk that way about your own. "I’m selfish, yay to me" I know you’re the fat kid who would always take his basketball home with him when he wasn’t picked right away…
#17 | Comment by Jimmy Knuckles — September 30, 2003 @ 6:20 am
There is a standing theory regarding human history that there will be 3 things every 20 years.
1st. There will be two wars.
2nd. There will Be a period of economic depression.
3rd. There will be a period of economic prosperity.
The 2nd and 3rd are sandwiched by the 1st, take a look at the timeline for any major civilized nation and you will see that is fairly accurate so there will continue to be conflicts. In recent history it has started to accelerate and military enlistment in the US has steadily increased.
One senator proposed the idea of reinstating the draft and all proposal never reached the floor so it did not have any chance of passing since it was never debated. He proposed the draft for shock value, basically he pulled a "Howard Stern" to scare the US away from a conflict with Iraq and as you well know he failed.
As for your "grass is greener" scenario, its flawed. The USA is that very island with all the women and everything I have ever wanted. Take notice of the millions of people trying to enter both legally and illegally whereas there is no line of people trying to leave. I would fight to the death to protect my island because sooner or later the snakes will show up there as well and then where will you be?
Selfishness and apathy aren’t are curse so you are right about one thing. They are however character flaws which will bite you in the ass. I have a firm grasp on the fact that mean people succeed. I myself can be a dick but I can not and will not abide bullies and cowards. I’ll stand the wall and sleep well. I’m also fine with the fact that in 100 years no one will know or care that I ever existed but I will be part of a greater good much larger than myself, you’ll be sand on a beach of an obscure island infested with snakes.
#18 | Comment by bligityblah — September 30, 2003 @ 6:22 am
mmmm… Guys talking politics is way sexier than guys talking tits. (Even if it’s politics based in weird-ass analogies.)
But, Jimmy, your statement "you are an idiot" is meaningless when you go on to state "If you feel that way then move…"
Everyone knows that is the very first (and only) argument of idiots.
#19 | Comment by Amy — September 30, 2003 @ 6:53 am
We aim to please Amy.
#20 | Comment by bligityblah — September 30, 2003 @ 6:58 am
Things I like about canada:
The fact that they still get Clone High.
Big wolf on campus
and Liz<3
#21 | Comment by Keli — September 30, 2003 @ 6:58 am
Hrm… cf…
You don’t think that if ever, lets say, China with their 1,000,000 man army decides to invade the United States, that they won’t first occupy Canada?? They could take it in a day. There’s so many Asians in Canada already, we probably wouldnt even notice. Hypothetically speaking, of course.
I think you should pack your shit up and get to steppin’ right now!! Why wait for the snakes, when you KNOW that Canada is snake free?? You un-patriotic communist bastard.
If China does invade, I hope they bomb your house first.
#22 | Comment by embus — September 30, 2003 @ 7:30 am
cf, sexcrazed weasel: You and I disagree, moving on.
I don’t feel like talking politics, when the revolution comes, I’ll be one of the first against the wall, and I may or may not be taking some with me.
#23 | Comment by Seriously — September 30, 2003 @ 8:58 am
links don’t work…damn what am i missing
#24 | Comment by Daft — September 30, 2003 @ 9:55 am
Mmkay, some people read what I write and post logical responses, while others read what they want to read and pay no attention to what’s actually there.
First. Understand that in my scenario proposed above, yes, the US represents the island with all of the women and everything you could ever want, but Canada has the same thing. One might stay and defend their island to the death because the situation he’s in is so great, but if it could be equally as great on the other island, then when snakes start showing up, why keep sticking around?
Second. If a country like China wanted to attack the US, they’d first take over Canada…why? Has there ever been a time in American history where Canada has been occupied by the enemy? How about Mexico? Not as far as I know. A foreign country would most definitely be smarter than to take over a neighboring country for the specific purpose of invading the country next to it. And even if a plan like that were to get the go ahead, why would the enemy take Canada when Mexico would be ten times easier? Enemy vs. Mounties = decent # of casualties. Enemy vs. greenskeepers = no REAL resistance. Yeah yeah, go ahead and bring up some shit about past Mexican wars. The fact is that the country is so unstable right now a foreign invasion would cause the country to implode.
Third. A note about snakes. You don’t fucking know the snakes are coming, they just show up. It’s like buying a crap house. It looks awesome when you buy it, and only later on after you’ve settled do you notice the subway runs under the house and makes everything shake every 15 minutes.
Maybe my island analogy would be clearer if I explained that the island you start on with everything you need also has beautiful flowers all over it. The island next to you that’s the same is strangely absent of these flowers, the only real difference the flowers make is that it makes your island more beautiful. But who cares about beauty when snakes are attracted to the flowers. And so the snakes will not attack the island next to you because it has no flowers. The flowers represent a US position on an issue. As an example, say the war on terrorism. Say Bush demanded all countries open their doors to US troops attempting to capture terrorists. China hears of this (sees the flowers on your island) and is angered to the point of attacking the US. There’s no reason to attack Canada; they’re not the ones making foolish demands (they’ve got no flowers). So snakes would not invade the other island unless certain flowers started to grow there.
Fourth. Maybe many of you naysayers didn’t get it earlier. I’m not leaving the US. I’m already settled in and to pack up and leave when there’s currently no reason to would be somewhat foolish of me. If I leave and go to Canada, what ensures me that all of a sudden the Prime Minister won’t go off on some racist rant and get the country in deep shit with foreigners? The risk is low, but still possible. The point is that whether I live in the US OR Canada, my rights and freedoms have the opportunity to get threatened. Yes, the risk of that happening is a bit greater in the US, but I trust the US more to protect me. We’d probably have enough soldiers here so a draft wouldn’t be necessary. In Canada, though the chances of foreign entanglement are much less, there doesn’t seem to be enough soldiers, making the likelihood of a draft that much greater. Either way, I just wanna end up in a non-draft country when war goes down. Physical fighting isn’t my style…I don’t think I’d last 5 minutes on a battlefield, which is why I’m going for my greatest chance of survival: not fighting. I’m not some sort of peace-loving hippie…I think war is necessary, so long as I am not involved.
And well, in the end, if I was forced into the draft, I might just break a bone instead of going to Canada…I’d still get out of fighting. Or who knows? Perhaps I’m too smart, and thus too valuable to be put near the fighting…they could make me a strategy guy or something, that’d work too.
Amy- good post
Keli- those are also things I like about Canada
LOL, go ahead and argue with me some more…these posts of mine just get longer and longer and longer and…
#25 | Comment by cf — September 30, 2003 @ 10:27 am
CF – if you want to move to canada in case of a draft, let me be the first to tell you – why wait? Personally, I don’t think selfish self-centered egomaniacs have much to contribute to our society at large, and why not do us the favor and leave now? In short. Get the fuck off our "island", jackass.
BLIG – ditto. couldn’t agree more.
SMASH – I’d bet $1 you’re a queer. No straight guy could muster that much hate.
AMY – In this case, "…the just move argument" is valid, since he DID mention he was going to move. So this whole discussion centers around him "moving", so its hardly an "argument of idiots" [tm].
#26 | Comment by sexcrazedweasel — September 30, 2003 @ 10:50 am
I’d fight for it because its MINE, my home, my island, no one or no-thing has the right to take that away from me. For me there is no other island, bottom line. Just because your snakes show up doesn’t mean that’s a reason to give up. Are you really that weak? As far as being to smart for the draft, trust me cf I doubt you could outsmart Jessica Simpson so you’d be cannon fodder. The US protects no one, its up to us make sure we’re in that position. Currently I’m in the tail end of suffering a severely broken leg. Its been two years and I just recently started walking. Rather than give up and toss in the towel as you so bravely advocate I’ve worked very hard to rebuild my leg. Now I can bike 15+ miles a day and I’ve started playing competitive hockey again. You’re a coward plain and simple and as much as that sickens me I’m glad I live in a country that allows your kind to live, after all someone has to ask if I want fries with my order. If I were king you’d have no such good fortune, you’d be fertilizing my corn fields. And as for the rest of your nonsensical argument please refer to my handle.
#27 | Comment by bligityblah — September 30, 2003 @ 11:09 am
"this" and "this" are 2 broken links… hmm…
#28 | Comment by jb — September 30, 2003 @ 11:37 am
i fixed those links. sorry they were broken, i wrote that all at 5am on no sleep. since then my doctor has perscribed me sleeping pills…thank god…
#29 | Comment by liz — September 30, 2003 @ 11:45 am
canada is better than america
#30 | Comment by Huxley — September 30, 2003 @ 12:02 pm
Yeah, ok, this is gonna be short.
1. "If you’re gonna leave and go to Canada if there’s a draft, why wait?"
If you would’ve understood my last post, you’d understand. Lemme break it down so most of the "simplistic" minds that read this understand.
US- High risk of war, low risk of draft
Canada- Low risk of war, high risk of draft
Essentially, my occupation of either country involves risk. Which risk is higher? Well, they’re actually both pretty equal. That means if I went to Canada and a war started there, a draft would most likely occur, and I’d flee to the US. What the fuck difference would it make which country I’m in? I might as well just stay here. I stay in the country with the least likelihood of my getting drafted.
2. "As far as being to smart for the draft, trust me cf I doubt you could outsmart Jessica Simpson so you’d be cannon fodder."
I can fucking guarantee I’m smarter than most everyone that visits this site (with a FEW exceptions), and I would sort of think my attending an Ivy League University would help prove that. It IS true that the government likes to keep the people with at least an OK college education off the lines and doing some other "smarter" activity (like translating code or whatever) than fighting when there’s a draft. Another thing: political opinions, when you don’t agree with someone, makes the other guy appear stupid. "Who the hell does he think he is?" is what goes through our minds. But the fact is that unless you’re advocating that everyone in the world blow their brains out, there is some intelligence, and in a few, a wealth of intelligence behind all political opinions. Just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t mean they’re necessarily unintelligent or uninformed. These are all opinions, and whether you see the logic behind it or not, everyone is entitled to their own. That’s what makes freedom of speech so great, and countries like America and Canada so great. Keep calling me unintelligent if you want, but keep in mind it IS the crack addicts and viewers of that "Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica" show and other types that need a bit of intelligence smacked into them before I do.
Speaking of which, why am I wasting my time here arguing this point when I should be studying? I have exams, children.
#31 | Comment by cf — September 30, 2003 @ 12:07 pm
Haha… Ivy League. I know better.
Not to say you aren’t smart – beats me. But seriously… you keep trying that.
(Not Seriously, unless he wants it to be.)
#32 | Comment by Stink — September 30, 2003 @ 12:18 pm
Yay, cf pulled the "I’ve got nothing else so this is why I’m better than you card". Of course you’re Ivy leaguer, so am I. I’ve known people who are 6ft 4 blonde well-built fireman online too. I’m afraid we have been arguing two different things, you claim politics, I claim character. I’m sure we’d disagree on politics too. It’s a little late for you to sacrifice yourself of the altar of nobility. My condolences to your posterity.
Last shot fired on this matter.
#33 | Comment by bligityblah — September 30, 2003 @ 12:26 pm
CF – I truly can’t be bothered to argue this with you. Your arguments are riddled with lapses in logic, and most importantly character. Whatever Ivy League institution accepted you is most definitely lacking in standards.
I feel bligityblah said it quite nicely. So I’ll just chime in with a hearty – ditto.
#34 | Comment by sexcrazedweasel — September 30, 2003 @ 12:42 pm
PS: one more note. I would think someone with an ivy league education wouldn’t need it to justify his intelligence. I’d rather think you’d let your postings speak for themselves, and let them be a testament to your superior intellect.
#35 | Comment by sexcrazedweasel — September 30, 2003 @ 12:45 pm
Damn, I’m surprised nobody’s said it yet …
shut up bitch, take off your shirt!
#36 | Comment by Smartass — September 30, 2003 @ 12:49 pm
LOL. Taunt me if you will. I don’t really care. Whatever. I’m done.
The End.
#37 | Comment by cf — September 30, 2003 @ 1:07 pm
Oh, and PS:
I used my super-intellect to fool you into thinking my argument was illogical and foolish when in fact it was so incredibly genious only the greatest minds could comprehend what I was talking about. Sure, it looked like a bunch of jibberish and bullshit, but there’s an underlying meaning behind all of it…or is there? Perhaps my super-intellect is fooling you yet again. ^_^
Who knows? But this is truly…
The End.
#38 | Comment by cf — September 30, 2003 @ 1:13 pm
Whenever someone says they go to an "Ivy League school", it means they go to Cornell.
Cause, ya know, if they went to Harvard, they’d say that.
Not that there’s anything wrong with Cornell. Perfectly respectable school.
(cf, I liked your first post. But then you got absurdly arrogant.)
#39 | Comment by Amy — September 30, 2003 @ 1:16 pm
uh… Amy… will you sleep with me? In the name of science…
#40 | Comment by sexcrazedweasel — September 30, 2003 @ 1:23 pm
Canada sucks my big fat balls.
#41 | Comment by pangwinking — September 30, 2003 @ 3:51 pm
Here are two songs that fit the current topic I think:
#42 | Comment by smash — September 30, 2003 @ 6:12 pm
Amy, your "if you use ‘you feel that way then move’ that’s the first argument of idiots" without looking at the context (as sexcrazedweasel puts it) of him POSTING ABOUT MOVING….
Second, it seems like there are more than a couple of college kids that have yet to learn how the world works, still living in your small paradigm with black and white, yet still no grey.
Also, cf, if your article was so brilliant, with subtext and subtle information that is not being comprehended by you intellectual inferiors, then you still failed because BOTH your obvious an the subtle are not being received… thus making your communication pointless.
By the way, Bush Jr. went to an ivy league school, and so did Paris Hilton, maybe they can automatically get their MENSA cards when they get their student meal cards too…
CF, in all of your examples, can we take it as a fact that you are one of the snakes?
Just a thought.
#43 | Comment by Jimmy Knuckles — September 30, 2003 @ 7:51 pm
JK…. I’m happy to see you didn’t ask me to move out of your country. Luckily, I didn’t mention Canada.
Idiot Move #2 — Brining up another person (in this case sexcrazedweasel), to say, "look, look, he validates my opinion!!" Your response was idiotic, even if the weasel backs you up. Because cf mentioned he would move to Canada (come the necessary time), but he said a lot of other shit too. You come in and tell him to just go on and get out. Hence, you’re an idiot. That’s the kind of thing REALLY STUPID PEOPLE SAY when the can’t think of anything else.
Here’s a comment in the context of what you’re talking about … you’re still a fucking moron.
I know I said I thought guys talking politics was sexier then when they talked about tits, but at least when you’re talking boobs, it (sort of) sounds like you know what you’re talking about. The only person who politically chimed in here worth hearing from is bligityblah, and I actually disagree with damn near everything he said. He just doesn’t sound like YOU when he says it.
The US would go on just fine without you too, dipshit.
#44 | Comment by Amy — September 30, 2003 @ 8:29 pm
I go to a state school. It follows that I must be stupid. So, it follows that I am really impressed by Ivy League schools. This is my honest face, so you know I’m not lying.
Being super smart doesn’t make you right, neither does being super stupid. And out of this comment section, I won’t be the only one going up against the wall.
See you all in hell. In HELL, I say.
#45 | Comment by Seriously — September 30, 2003 @ 11:34 pm
Let’s put the Canada hating on hold for a while and start bashing the UK.
Five years? I call foul.
#46 | Comment by Seriously — October 1, 2003 @ 1:59 am
AMY – Considering your outrageously flawed argument regarding Eve’s post, you are obviously the least qualified arbiter of sound logic.
Nothing some sex wouldn’t fix.
#47 | Comment by sexcrazedweasel — October 1, 2003 @ 2:17 am
And considering you don’t go that way, weasel, you’re clearly not the man to give it to me. In the name of science or otherwise.
#48 | Comment by Amy — October 1, 2003 @ 3:03 am
Liz: How on the earth did you manage to burn yourself with a hair-dryer?
Weasel and Smash: Fuck you.
Amy: Thank you for not sucking.
#49 | Comment by Kingolf — October 1, 2003 @ 4:57 am
Word dane!!!
#50 | Comment by grud — October 1, 2003 @ 6:07 am
And there marks the very first time a man has thanked me for not sucking.
#51 | Comment by Amy — October 1, 2003 @ 6:07 am
Oh. The U.S. sucks right now. Draft’s suck. Bush sucks. Canada’s looking pretty damn good right now.
Amy, you dipshit. Let’s hear some blisteringly brilliant political commentary from you. It’s that or show your boobs. Let’s see what you’ve got, one way or the other.
#52 | Comment by grud — October 1, 2003 @ 6:11 am
I’m sorry grud, the word "dipshit" has already been taken on this page. Please try again.
#53 | Comment by Amy — October 1, 2003 @ 6:23 am
U.s Is secretly run by canada
p.s community college rules
#54 | Comment by HHuxley% — October 1, 2003 @ 6:41 am
Who the fuck is Amy? I don’t see anyone in these posts name "Amy," so who is everyone referring to??
#55 | Comment by radish01001 — October 1, 2003 @ 6:47 am
KINGOLF – Since you’re "danish" all your qualified to comment on is breakfast sweets. And that only marginally. Danish "resistance" during World War 2 consisted of handing rubbers to the Germans while they were fucking you up the ass. Denmark or Danes have accomplished nothing in 2000 years of human history, you’d do well to remember that.
AMY – Well, since you really can’t pose an intelligle argument, maybe you’d be best served being quiet. Then again, we both know constructing a argument of any caliber isn’t really in your cards. Afterall, arguing that "dipshit" can’t be used because it was "already taken", is the same undeniable logic that propels kindergartners towards flights of brilliance.
At the risk of being banned from playing "simon says" during recess. You are a dipshit.
#56 | Comment by sexcrazedweasel — October 1, 2003 @ 7:01 am
Some of you take this shit way too seriously…
weasel, you’re so emotional and angry. You remind me of myself 10 years ago. (Of course, I was never quite so girly.)
#57 | Comment by Amy — October 1, 2003 @ 7:10 am
Amy. You may need to re-evaluate how you assess "emotional" and "angry" via a couple of sentences posted. Take my word for it, there’s nothing that could be posted on a site that would get me emotional and angry. Then again, I think we all know that logic is not your strong suit.
I don’t think we need to go back "10 years" to remind you. How about just 30 days? http://dontlinkthis.net/archives/890
#58 | Comment by sexcrazedweasel — October 1, 2003 @ 7:27 am
And considering you don’t go that way, weasel, you’re clearly not the man to give it to me. In the name of science or otherwise.
Posted by Amy – 3:03am October 1, 2003
Amy, I think I love you!!
#59 | Comment by smash — October 1, 2003 @ 7:27 am
Hi smash. π
weasel — man, that was a great fucking post, wasn’t it?
#60 | Comment by Amy — October 1, 2003 @ 7:30 am
Oh for Christ’ sake…
Who would have guessed… another post turned into mindless character attacks and petty gribble.
When in Rome, I suppose…
Weasel – The rest of the world knows and understands that Amy can be a major bitch. She knows it too. Anything she says to you is designed to get a rise, and absolutely works like a charm. Take a quick gander…
I, for one, was much more content visiting these posts without you being here. Since you arrived on the scene, you have contributed nothing more than a few (arguably) homosexual rants on women’s hair care, and numerous bouts of personal attacks and molestation. You see, we are all used to arguing around here… I have met some people with debate skills to match anyone on this site (Amy and Seriously are my favorites), but it seems that your arrival marked a new era of personal degradation, dissent, and heresy.
If you have counterpoint, express yourself. Don’t waste all of our time using this site as your personal venting outlet, anonymously badgering people into frenzy.
#61 | Comment by embus — October 1, 2003 @ 7:55 am
omg, now I love embus.
#62 | Comment by Amy — October 1, 2003 @ 7:57 am
Canada is the best place Ive ever been to. Not that Ive been to many places, but still. Been here, and it sucks, Been there, and Its better than being in the damn US…stupid US, Id kill it if it were a living thing. Psha. thats all I got.
#63 | Comment by kinkiekitten — October 1, 2003 @ 8:41 am
My favorite place to visit other than Maine or Michigan, is Switzerland. Love the food, love the beer, love the chocolate. There is something cool about having a snowball fight in the alps.
#64 | Comment by bligityblah — October 1, 2003 @ 9:40 am
Ha! Amy kind of looks like Swiss Miss, without pigtails…
#65 | Comment by embus — October 1, 2003 @ 10:07 am
What the hell is that supposed to mean!?!
Heh, no, this is Liz’s post about Canada. And it’s a good post, and I have contributed to pooping all over it with this downward spiral of absurdity.
All apologies, Liz.
I like Canada lots. I have a dream of buying a home on Prince Edward Island some day.
#66 | Comment by Amy — October 1, 2003 @ 10:25 am
You dont remember the Swiss Miss girl?? Too bad I could not find a picture on the internet.
I found this instead…
Isn’t that you??? π
#67 | Comment by embus — October 1, 2003 @ 10:37 am
Well, by some weird coincidence, that’s the exact outfit I have on right now…
But no, that’s not me. π
#68 | Comment by Amy — October 1, 2003 @ 10:40 am
I know what I’m gonna be dreaming about tonight!
#69 | Comment by embus — October 1, 2003 @ 12:25 pm
Weasel: Denmark is indeed a piece of shit. As is the US and the rest of the whole fucking Western World (TM), we can agree on that much.
I’m not even touching the whole "you suck because your country does" thing, that’s too low for even my flames.
"No straight guy could muster that much hate."
Yeah, we all know how fags are always assaulting poor defenseless normal people. WTF is wrong with those queers?
#70 | Comment by Kingolf — October 1, 2003 @ 4:56 pm
"New era of personal degradation, dissent, and heresy."
I had no idea I was being the sole harbinger of the Apocalypse. My apologies for spoiling the fun for you, however, unless Justin bans me from posting here, there’s precious little you can do about it. I think you’ll find I’m quite civil, if approached in the same manner. If not, you’ll get what you give.
I would have posted more regarding the initial "canada-rant", I just thought it would have been a waste since BLIG said exactly what was on my mind.
Calling Amy an idiot is just simple fun. She’s simple. And I have fun. I relish it with the same abandon as I would renting a good flick, and munching on some popcorn. It’s how I relax.
#71 | Comment by sexcrazedweasel — October 1, 2003 @ 5:14 pm
I’ve been to denmark and it was kinda cold when I went there… but it was a beautiful country… but not as good as good ol’ Holland. I love Amsterdam, who here has ever been to Holland?
#72 | Comment by WP_LeGeNd — October 1, 2003 @ 5:21 pm
Anybody else noticed Weasels’ address? "Superbadazz2002@yahoo.com!"
At least we now know that I’m not the youngest guy here…
#73 | Comment by Kingolf — October 1, 2003 @ 5:53 pm
He’s such a fucking tool. He needs to crawl under a bus and die.
#74 | Comment by pangwinking — October 1, 2003 @ 6:11 pm
#75 | Comment by patten — October 1, 2003 @ 10:03 pm
I bet you no money at all that Mr. Weasel is the next person Justin lets post on this site.
Who is Betty? Did she even get flamed?
But here’s Mr. Weasel, and the people say: ha ha omgwtf ur a fag lol i don lik u u dis peple 4 fun no 1s ever done taht b4 omg CONTROVERSY IM HELLA ANGWY!!!!!!1111oneoneoneone!!
Justin is evil, I wish I could be more like that.
On a side note, is no one at all even the least bit pissed off that a guy who rapes babies gets only 5 years in the prison house? I mean, I know y’all are all supposed to be pedo, but…you know…well…nevermind.
…it pissed me off something fierce…
#76 | Comment by Seriously — October 1, 2003 @ 10:21 pm
My hope for the baby raper is that he gets what he gave in the most painful way for 4 years and 364 days, and on that last night someone fucks him to death.
#77 | Comment by AKApostal — October 1, 2003 @ 10:42 pm
In regards to your last post:
I would expect nothing less from you. You make my point with conviction. Kudos to you.
#78 | Comment by embus — October 2, 2003 @ 2:01 am
fight club
#79 | Comment by grud — October 2, 2003 @ 2:31 am
Sssshh! You can’t talk about fight club…lol
#80 | Comment by cujo — October 2, 2003 @ 7:03 am
Yikes where’s the love? I leave for two days and see what happens?
Any naked pics of Yana Gupta, Cleo Issacs, Priyanka Chopra, or Aishwarya Rai?
#81 | Comment by cujo — October 2, 2003 @ 12:06 pm
Holy fuckin shit weasel, you’re still here? Are you a masochist as well as a homo?
#82 | Comment by zant — October 2, 2003 @ 9:38 pm
Yes, zant. Yes he is.
#83 | Comment by embus — October 3, 2003 @ 6:31 am
Hi there
I have been given the task of getting links for our websites that have good page rank on the links directories.
In addition we have many categories so your site will be place on an appropriate page.
If you would like to trade links please send me your website details.
P.S.: I got your e-mail publicly listed on your webpage .My apologies if you do not wish to take part in a link exchange.
Best Regards,
Brier Courtland
#84 | Comment by Brier Courtland — May 31, 2006 @ 5:04 pm
nice 3 year old thread bump.
#85 | Comment by tehpunk — May 31, 2006 @ 5:41 pm