Anyone of you have a account? It’s kind of like that Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon thing where so and so actor/actress is connected to Kevin Bacon in so and so steps. Except in friendster, it’s with real life people. Like you and me i guess.
It’s pretty gay really but all the cool kids do it and it’s an alright timewaster. Check it out sometime and sign up. Add me if you like. You know where to find my e-mail address.
I picked up a copy of fucking EGM (Electronic Gaming Monthly to you non-gamers) earlier today and i just got around to taking off the shrinkwrap.
You know what i hate about videogame magazines? When you fucking rip open the shrinkwrap and all those stupid subscription cards fall out. And when they don’t fall out, they’re fucking stuck to the damn magazine itself. I hate having to rip them all out (they get in the way of the articles) and having all those useless cards laying about. You don’t have to shove 15 damn subscription cards in my face to make me want to subscribe you know! All i need is just ONE damn card. And that’s IF i want to subscribe in the first place.
It’s almost as annoying as those damn free AOL CDs.
But nothing compares the amount of damn advertising that take up like fucking 70% of the entire magazine. Seriously. Flip through a copy of EGM sometime and i dare you to find three pages of articles running back to back without a fucking ad stopping you two fucking pages in.
Holy crap i’ve posted a lot of shit today. I think i’m just gonna sit it out for a whole week and post again next Sunday or something.
Fuck people who say first comment.
#1 | Comment by PacManJesus — November 9, 2003 @ 7:11 pm
justin calls me emo on friendster 🙁
#2 | Comment by liz — November 9, 2003 @ 7:22 pm
you ARE emo my dear
#3 | Comment by Justin — November 9, 2003 @ 8:30 pm
Pac- then why acknowledge it? I just try to comment something genuine before the ‘first comment’ fags come in!
#4 | Comment by smash — November 10, 2003 @ 2:48 am
third comment =p
#5 | Comment by vhw — November 10, 2003 @ 4:53 am
Vhw, I fail to see why you had to post that comment. Did you enjoy typing it? Fuck you. Fuck you and die.
I like those AOL cd’s, I eat them, they are tasty.
I don’t get magazines, and I don’t really care about how they advertise.
#6 | Comment by ASL — November 10, 2003 @ 9:23 am
Liz…you are emo…and Friendster sounds annoying.
#7 | Comment by smash — November 10, 2003 @ 2:54 pm
join! so you can call liz emo on there.
#8 | Comment by Justin — November 10, 2003 @ 11:04 pm
i think british videogame magazines are better. way less advertising. but they’re fucking expensive as hell over here compared to the US ones.
#9 | Comment by Justin — November 10, 2003 @ 11:05 pm
No…I won’t join. Why join that? I talk to Liz all the time through AIM…I even talk to the silent bitch Bubba with AIM.
#10 | Comment by smash — November 11, 2003 @ 1:19 pm
Which British mags do you read? I avoided vg magazines for ages but then I read Edge and now I always buy a copy. I suppose I should suscribe and get a free T-shirt but I can’t be arsed
#11 | Comment by ash — November 12, 2003 @ 3:55 am
i used to read edge all the time. and even the not as good american version of it (Next Generation). but the newstands here have stopped selling it. i think it’s still sold at certain bookstores in the city though. nowadays i rarely ever buy british mags (not even sure what all the new good ones are besides Edge, but i have seen a few nice high quality looking ones (like Edge). cant remember their names though) but back in the day (during the 16 bit era) GameZone was my favorite. Super Play was good too.
#12 | Comment by Justin — November 12, 2003 @ 5:52 am