Some of you may be wondering why I am posting here. First of all because Justin told me too. Second of all because my site is down and I have nothing better to do, and third of all Justin told me to. He wants me to put a picture of me up here where I wrote “Justin wishes he was here” on my shirt but that won’t happen.
(and because suzi’s such a lazy bum, i had to put it up for her at the bottom myself. lazy bum..! – Justin)
I am also supposed to talk about my new haircut. To make a long story short, I let my sister cut 4 inches of my hair off. It is short. Everyone asks why not go to a salon and do it. Why the hell should I pay someone to do what I can let my sister do for free? I am cheap, just like Justin when he is off whoring himself to pay for his college tuition. <3 anyways... (=P)
Have any of you noticed that Justin has a mullet? I have been nagging him about it.
psykotik2k: i need a haircut
ex0ticnsull3n: mullet man
ex0ticnsull3n: you could be a super hero
ex0ticnsull3n: mullet man
psykotik2k: i dont have a mullet!
ex0ticnsull3n: you could make a movie, like spiderman!
psykotik2k: no!
ex0ticnsull3n: :]
(i assure you i don’t have a mullet)
Anyways I am going to spare you people from having to read anymore of my lame story about haircuts. You can blame Justin for making me write this crap post!! g’day.

(that’s a pretty good haircut if i do say so myself)