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Post by row » 05 Nov 2004 05:07

Semper Phildelis wrote: Democrats are less like to have graduated college or own their home, and make far less money than Republicans. So enough of all that ignorance.
I speak meaning the people at the top, who are supposed to be speaking for the general populus of democrats. With liberals anyone who has a differing viewpoint is an idiot.

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Post by Victor_Vega » 05 Nov 2004 05:19

It is my view that Dems are less likely to have graduated from college because they have a huge number of poor and minorities in their ranks. As for the Democrats being for big government is bullshit, look how much the government has expanded during the last 4 years!

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Post by TheOtherAmy » 05 Nov 2004 05:21

Bush won. Americans who voted for him are _______________.
MRPEN15 wrote:gay!
actually, no. I think they would have gone with kerry.

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Post by AngelBaby » 05 Nov 2004 05:25

Justin wrote: Bush won. Americans who voted for him are _______________.
<span style='color:blue'>hot.

Paris and Nicole said so... :P </span>

Gon O Rhea
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Post by Gon O Rhea » 05 Nov 2004 05:25

Justin wrote:Bush won. Americans who voted for him are _______________.
... lemmings.

Actually, if you didn't want Bush, its not like it was your fault. Apperently, the <a href='' target='_blank'>Voting Machines</a> in Florida were fixed.

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Post by row » 05 Nov 2004 05:41

Do you remember when all this started what Osama said was his primary reason for hating America? Do you? It was that during and after the first GulF War the United States stationed troops in Saudi Arabia (the muslim holy land). Since then the US has moved most of their troops from Saudi Arabia into Qatar, and I believe we will eventually either have no military presence, or just a nominal one. In the most recent video he said that the genesis for his hatred of America was instead the US support of the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982. Think about that. Also realize that Syria currently occupies Lebanon, that the international community has been calling on them to stop it for years, and that most Arabs dont give a shit.

Everything a non arab, non muslim country does in the region of any signifigance will be met with an insurmountable amount of derision and hatred. They'll always point to something because the simple fact is that they are xenophobic and racist. Bush, if nothing else realizes that in their current mode of thought it is impossible to reason with the Arab countries (not all Arabs, but it is in many ways the terrorists who control the region) and that was is neccasary is to permanently change the way they (terrorists and the majority of people who allow them to exist) think by bringing them in step with the rest of the modern world. Given, hes probably going to fail. ANd given, that even if he succeeds, even reasonable countries and people realize that some of the stuf the US does is wrong. But I stilll desperately want the Arab World to modernize (and in doing so for Bush to suceed) most liberals just want Bush to fail, which is horrible.

Theres an Arab proverb: ME and my brother may fight, but i'll fight with my brother against my cousin, and with my cousin against a stranger.

I think this applies to all people at least somewhere inside of them (and is probably manifesting itself in people voting based on values rather than what will really benefit them), but the fact is that it is a base and horrible element of ourselves and it seems to be the driving force in most of what our enemies in the "war on terror" do.

Bush seems like a simple man. I think his primary driving force isnt Avarice, I believe he simply wants to go down in history as one of the great presidents, and this is how he thinks he going to do it. I for one want him to succeed, not for himself or his lgacy, but for the people of the world.

P.S Hi Suzi :wub:
Last edited by row on 05 Nov 2004 05:51, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Wastedteletubbie » 05 Nov 2004 05:44

BIBLE THUMPERS! Voting with their Bible instead of their head! Somehow they really believe that same sex marriage and stem cell research were the most important issues in this election. I wonder if they still believe that while they are standing in the unemployment line...

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Post by MaryRugMuncher » 05 Nov 2004 05:50

God bless the Blue States...and may the rest of you reap what you've sown.

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Post by devilblue » 05 Nov 2004 05:56

row wrote: Do you remember when all this started what Osama said was his primary reason for hating America? Do you? It was that during and after the first GulF War the United States stationed troops in Saudi Arabia (the muslim holy land). Since then the US has moved most of their troops from Saudi Arabia into Qatar, and I believe we will eventually either have no military presence, or just a nominal one. In the most recent video he said that the genesis for his  hatred of America was instead the US support of the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982. Think about that. Also realize that Syria currently occupies Lebanon, that the international community has been calling on them to stop it for years, and that most Arabs dont give a shit.

Everything a non arab, non muslim country does in the region of any signifigance will be met with an insurmountable amount of derision and hatred. They'll always point to something because the simple fact is that they are xenophobic and racist. Bush, if nothing else realizes that in their current mode of thought it is impossible to reason with the Arab countries (not all Arabs, but it is in many ways the terrorists who control the region) and that was is neccasary is to permanently change the way they (terrorists and the majority of people who allow them to exist) think by bringing them in step with the rest of the modern world. Given, hes probably going to fail. ANd given, that even if he succeeds, even reasonable countries and people realize that some of the stuf the US does is wrong. But I stilll desperately want the Arab World to modernize (and in doing so for Bush to suceed) most liberals just want Bush to fail, which is horrible.

Theres an Arab proverb: ME and my brother may fight, but i'll fight with my brother against my cousin, and with my cousin against a stranger.

I think this applies to all people at least somewhere inside of them (and is probably manifesting itself in people voting based on values rather than what will really benefit them), but the fact is that it is a base and horrible element of ourselves and it seems to be the driving force in most of what our enemies in the "war on terror" do.

Bush seems like a simple man. I think his primary driving force isnt Avarice, I believe he simply wants to go down in history as one of the great presidents, and this is how he thinks he going to do it. I for one want him to succeed, not for himself or his lgacy, but for the people of the world.

P.S Hi Suzi  :wub:
great post! though I think this is way over the heads of most here. Besides if it doesn't fit on a bumper sticker then it is too wordy for the ADD kids today.

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Post by jimthej00 » 05 Nov 2004 05:57

Alejandro wrote: Not at lazy as the bitching-ass idiots that are complaining. If you were over eighteen, and were too fucked up to drop your bong and cock to go register, <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>your know who you are</span>, too fucking bad.


PS Michael Moore did it for the money and not polital strategy. The beauty of it is Americans can still speak their mind and make serious cash bashing the President. He voted for Bush. See, the funny thing is, Michael Moore wouldn't profit from Kerry's election. Now he'll have to make a new documentory on how it's so fucked up to have Bush as President for another 4 more years. Title: Four MOORE years. Hey Mike! I get 10% of the gross if you use that title!

<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>FOUR MORE YEARS BABY!</span>

I'm Mr D. Bag and I approve the Message, BIATCH!
i voted for kerry, and you are a stupid cunt, t-bag.

Gon O Rhea
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Post by Gon O Rhea » 05 Nov 2004 06:00

Islam is supposed to be a benevolent religion, but it does not make much room for non-believers. At best, muslims in the region want non-interference by the infidel, be it Isreal or America. Since America supports Isreal, Isreal wants to survive as a jewish state, and because America needs arabian oil, non-interference is a non-starter. So, in theory, Isreal could withdraw from Gaza and the West Bank and support a palestinian state. In theory, America could divest itself of its greedy oil dependence and leave the middle east to itself. But in reality, this can't and won't happen. In come the islamic fundamentalists. Brother who was previously fighting cousin (Sunni vs. Shiite, Whahidi vs. moderates, whatever) are now fighting the stranger.

Bush may or may not understand that he cannot "win" the war, because the war is not against terrorism, or Saddam, or Al Queda. The war is against islam because that is the war the insurgents, and the Palestinians, and the Taliban, are fighting. But will Bush back off the war? No, because the second he capitulates is the minute America loses access to Iraqi oil, and Aghan pipelines, and Saudi investments. The end of oil is only 30-50 years away, and America is not prepared. And no president wants to be the leader that accepts that fact and starts the process of changing our oil dependent culture. Because that will the beginning of a very long, costly, damaging period in our history.

And, to get back on topic, Americans whether they voted for Bush or not, are in denial. Good luck to us all.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that this quote "But I stilll desperately want the Arab World to modernize (and in doing so for Bush to suceed)" is exactly why you don't get it. America has no right to tell anyone how to exist. That is exactly why everyone hates America to one degree or another. You want the terrorists to leave you alone? Then leave them alone.
Last edited by Gon O Rhea on 05 Nov 2004 06:04, edited 1 time in total.

The Zot
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Post by The Zot » 05 Nov 2004 06:29


Last edited by The Zot on 05 Nov 2004 06:31, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by row » 05 Nov 2004 06:32

Like I said, we're probably gonna fail. But you are wrong. Its possible, thats a fact, unlikely but possible. Its just a matter of being really smart about it, smarter than me.

And Anglo-American jurisprudence is simply right. It just is and its something we ought to push onto everybody if we think we might succeed. I value other cultures, was taught and beleive that that there really is no simply right and wrong way in these matters, but we're right here. People can smoosh their culture and backround into our laws however they want. Forget baseball, jazz from the americans and soccer and the word fuck from the english, its the politcal thought that is our greatest legacy and asset.

You also oversimplified the Arab israeli conflict, its not just a matter of pulling out. Its about moving beyond the Oslo accords, which means dealing with Jerusalem (Israeli aint gonna give it up), the palestinian refugees right of return (not gonna happen), trying to connect the gaza strip and west bank in some permanent stable way, protecting Israel from terrorists originating in palestinian land, and a whole shitload of other stuff.
Last edited by row on 05 Nov 2004 06:54, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Phife » 05 Nov 2004 06:37

MaryRugMuncher wrote: God bless the Blue States...and may the rest of you reap what you've sown.
Try blue counties dickhead...just because Philly voted for Kerry doesn't mean that all of PA did! This is true of many other states as well... <a href=' ... ntymap.htm' target='_blank'>Check this map out and see for your self!</a>

Oh and by the way...if you are an American then you will reap what was sown on Tuesday...whether you voted for Bush or not. If you don't like it then leave the country like Johnny Depp did or like Robert Redford is threatening to do!

I'm not Bush supporter but its people like you, MaryRugMuncher, that make it hard for all the rest of us.

To reiterate...if you don't like it leave...stop bitching.

(BTW Justin to fill in your blank....the majority)

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Post by speakEz » 05 Nov 2004 07:01

Skunk nasty dumb-shits and bruce willis.

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