I got this e-mail yesterday:
To: webmaster@psykotik.zzn.com
Subject: I want to start by appologizing for likely wasting your time...
From: "John Galt"
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 13:37:54 -0500
but I am really new to forums...sorry to feel compelled to ask this...
Now, I KNOW THIS IS LIKELY JUST A JOKE! Again, I AM SORRY for asking a probably stupid question!
I joined the site because it looked like a really cool, well structured forum. Then, today I went to the homepage and saw "There are currently 111 pedophiles visiting this site right now" I had already been cruising the posts, and that does not seem to be what out there in the site; BUT, I also did not see any disclamer stating that people are not to post underage woman (maybe it is out there somewhere...)
In any event, I believe a little paranoia is healthy in the swirl of the world wide web, and wanted to make sure I did not join into some Pedo site!! Love films; love Kevin Smith, The Coen Bro's, Cameron (except for the Titanic) and I would add Tarintino (particularly Resevoir Dogs).
Love woman with Breast the size of Australia. Thought the Psycho Girl discussion was facinating; the whole doged investigation into the origins, the ferreting out of small details. I started out having no doubt that she was older, in line with the PA story. Now I'm having my doubts. Enough doubts to delete the file; if she really is young, I feel sorry for her. I am still looking forward to discovering the truth....
Much as I love woman, I love 'em legal. Not just from a legalistic point of view. When adults do things for fun, that is great. Even if an adult makes a knowing but regretted decision, it is reasonable that they have to live with the consequences. Kids should not; they are too young for these choices, simply stated.
I just needed to make sure what the forum's position is; it's your baby, so I figured I would go right to the top and ask you. There is a lot of wierd stuff out there, as I am sure you know. If you have made it this far into the email, I thank you for your time and responce!!
PS: I am not with the FBI; this is not a sting or entrapment! Just trying to get the facts; as the mushroom said to the bartender, I am really a fungi, and would love to hang!
Hahaha. Thanks for taking the time to write.
Short answer: No, this is not really a pedophile site. We just like to joke about it.
Long answer: What!!!!! Titanic is Cameron's BEST movie! In fact, it's the best movie ever! Hands down no argument about it! 11 Oscars baby! And $1,845,034,000 worldwide box office sales can't be wrong! How anybody can not like this movie is beyond me! It's so awesome! I love it so much that i even have it on LASERDISC! Got it off eBay for 5 bucks!! Score me!!!
I know everything about this movie! It's so great! Remember, when Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) said the line "sit over there on the bed, I mean, couch!" it was pretty hilarious right? LOL! Well, that was not in the script!! Leo actually said that on his own and the crew loved it and kept it in! Hahaha! Well, we all know what the real Leo was thinking now! Also, when Kate was doing her makeup getting ready for her nude scene, she wasn't wearing anything, and then Leo walked in and said "Whoa!". Whoa!! And then they went on to say they might as well get used to it, they were going to be there all day! Lucky guy!! Also, Kate said she was a little nervous doing some underwater scenes by herself. But not to worry! She said was less flustered with Leo under her stroking her legs. Not flustered with Leo stroking her legs?????? LOL! Kate you naughty Brit!
Titanic was the best movie i've EVER seen! Every minute is a treasure that embeds itself in the heart and the soul! Kate is amazing and Leo, well, Leo has my heart eternally! For anyone out there who hasn't seen it, i suggest you go rent it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To: webmaster@psykotik.zzn.com
Subject: I want to start by appologizing for likely wasting your time...
From: "John Galt"
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 13:37:54 -0500
but I am really new to forums...sorry to feel compelled to ask this...
Now, I KNOW THIS IS LIKELY JUST A JOKE! Again, I AM SORRY for asking a probably stupid question!
I joined the site because it looked like a really cool, well structured forum. Then, today I went to the homepage and saw "There are currently 111 pedophiles visiting this site right now" I had already been cruising the posts, and that does not seem to be what out there in the site; BUT, I also did not see any disclamer stating that people are not to post underage woman (maybe it is out there somewhere...)
In any event, I believe a little paranoia is healthy in the swirl of the world wide web, and wanted to make sure I did not join into some Pedo site!! Love films; love Kevin Smith, The Coen Bro's, Cameron (except for the Titanic) and I would add Tarintino (particularly Resevoir Dogs).
Love woman with Breast the size of Australia. Thought the Psycho Girl discussion was facinating; the whole doged investigation into the origins, the ferreting out of small details. I started out having no doubt that she was older, in line with the PA story. Now I'm having my doubts. Enough doubts to delete the file; if she really is young, I feel sorry for her. I am still looking forward to discovering the truth....
Much as I love woman, I love 'em legal. Not just from a legalistic point of view. When adults do things for fun, that is great. Even if an adult makes a knowing but regretted decision, it is reasonable that they have to live with the consequences. Kids should not; they are too young for these choices, simply stated.
I just needed to make sure what the forum's position is; it's your baby, so I figured I would go right to the top and ask you. There is a lot of wierd stuff out there, as I am sure you know. If you have made it this far into the email, I thank you for your time and responce!!
PS: I am not with the FBI; this is not a sting or entrapment! Just trying to get the facts; as the mushroom said to the bartender, I am really a fungi, and would love to hang!
Hahaha. Thanks for taking the time to write.
Short answer: No, this is not really a pedophile site. We just like to joke about it.
Long answer: What!!!!! Titanic is Cameron's BEST movie! In fact, it's the best movie ever! Hands down no argument about it! 11 Oscars baby! And $1,845,034,000 worldwide box office sales can't be wrong! How anybody can not like this movie is beyond me! It's so awesome! I love it so much that i even have it on LASERDISC! Got it off eBay for 5 bucks!! Score me!!!
I know everything about this movie! It's so great! Remember, when Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) said the line "sit over there on the bed, I mean, couch!" it was pretty hilarious right? LOL! Well, that was not in the script!! Leo actually said that on his own and the crew loved it and kept it in! Hahaha! Well, we all know what the real Leo was thinking now! Also, when Kate was doing her makeup getting ready for her nude scene, she wasn't wearing anything, and then Leo walked in and said "Whoa!". Whoa!! And then they went on to say they might as well get used to it, they were going to be there all day! Lucky guy!! Also, Kate said she was a little nervous doing some underwater scenes by herself. But not to worry! She said was less flustered with Leo under her stroking her legs. Not flustered with Leo stroking her legs?????? LOL! Kate you naughty Brit!
Titanic was the best movie i've EVER seen! Every minute is a treasure that embeds itself in the heart and the soul! Kate is amazing and Leo, well, Leo has my heart eternally! For anyone out there who hasn't seen it, i suggest you go rent it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by Justin on 20 May 2005 01:11, edited 1 time in total.
First worthless reply, haven't even read it yet

now that I've read that...
Just like to say I saw the whole thing completely turning into a thread about Titanic from three miles away. It's been done.
Of course Titanic can't be all bad, it does have Kate looking hella hott. I even bought the movie on vhs when it came out... as a gift for someone else, though, cuz I'm, uh, not a woman.

now that I've read that...
Just like to say I saw the whole thing completely turning into a thread about Titanic from three miles away. It's been done.
Of course Titanic can't be all bad, it does have Kate looking hella hott. I even bought the movie on vhs when it came out... as a gift for someone else, though, cuz I'm, uh, not a woman.
Last edited by sheepdog on 26 Nov 2004 05:29, edited 1 time in total.
I hate whoever sent you that email.
Stupid Titanic.
I worry about you sometimes, Justin.
Stupid Titanic.
I worry about you sometimes, Justin.
Last edited by Clarissa on 26 Nov 2004 05:26, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 58
- Joined: 06 Jul 2004 00:31
- Location: Lakewood, CO
So... the point of the movie is that the old woman is a filthy liar who stole the necklace, right?
Only sad thing about it was when the bitch threw something worth that much in the ocean. "Ohh... it was for their Love." Yeah, well that love could have paid for the easy life for all her family children, and grandchildren to come for years. Old Selfish bitch.
Only sad thing about it was when the bitch threw something worth that much in the ocean. "Ohh... it was for their Love." Yeah, well that love could have paid for the easy life for all her family children, and grandchildren to come for years. Old Selfish bitch.
i once received a similar email. but from a girl. quite amusing actually. here it is for those of you who haven't seen it:
feel free to address the emails if you like. could make for some hilarious discussion.To: webmaster@psykotik.zzn.com
Subject: hey this is about your site.. f.u.b.a.r
From: crazychic2021@hotmail.com
Date: 3 Jul 2004
i was wondering.... how old are you? and why is ur site all about teen stars? or that is what it is mostly about. i was thinking how gross it would be if most of the people who visit you're site r dirty old men. i'm not writing to u to tell u how sick u r or anything but it's crazy how guys can be so stupid... what is so great about teens that r not even that beautiful like ummm hilary duff she isnt even that pretty. is it just like 'o she's not 18 yet so i wanna screw her b/c its soooo wrong...' what about truley beautiful girls in their 20's. i just think thats ridiculous, btw i'm 17. so, once the girls turn 18 do u just stop obssesing over them or what? and do u take ur site seriously or do u just do it for the dirty old men? the thought is so yucky, i know what its like when old guys and all guys look at u n try to imagine what u look like naked... n i dont think all of those girls like it either, we feel so violated, but u wouldnt know what thats like and probably don't care.. well could u write me back please and just answer my q's. thanx cuz i'm curious.
That Titanic rant was long overdue. I was wondering how long it would be before you snapped again and went into another Titanic frenzy.
That said, those e-mails are hilarious. Because on certain levels this is a pedo site. Only because the joking about it being a pedo site has attracted a bunch of pedo lurkers and the demographic of the people who come here has changed accordingly. Take the Jojo thread in the babes forum as proof. I've noticed that in every "joke" there is always some grain of truth.
But, then, if anyone has a problem with it, then they don't see the site in the bigger picture. On the whole, this site isn't for pedophiles. It just happens that a lot of them come here. :mellow:
That said, those e-mails are hilarious. Because on certain levels this is a pedo site. Only because the joking about it being a pedo site has attracted a bunch of pedo lurkers and the demographic of the people who come here has changed accordingly. Take the Jojo thread in the babes forum as proof. I've noticed that in every "joke" there is always some grain of truth.
But, then, if anyone has a problem with it, then they don't see the site in the bigger picture. On the whole, this site isn't for pedophiles. It just happens that a lot of them come here. :mellow:
sometimes i do, sometimes i dont! i'm unpredictable like that!sheepdog wrote: But there's no Email address in the the original e-mail, just the guys name. I didn't think it was like you to censor that sort of stuff out.
plus i meant to respond to those emails here in the comments. so that other people can hear your take on them too. silly rabbit.
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