Weee! DVD Tuesday

This is where all the posts that appeared on the old front page (June '04 - January '05) are stored (back when the site was run using IPB Portal).
Eamon Angelface
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Post by Eamon Angelface » 06 Oct 2004 06:10

pacgod,Oct 5 2004, 03:58 PM wrote:
dawolfman,Oct 5 2004, 02:15 PM wrote:
Eamon Angelface,Oct 5 2004, 01:19 PM wrote: As for his "Documentary" Fahrenheit 9/11, well most of his "FACT's" have already been disproven, so just how well researched was his material before he made the film, or was he just trying to make somebody look bad, by the way Michael Moore the only reason you have the freedom to make your shitty movies is because we have a president that stands up for your right's. and he is the one keeping your fat ass safe so you can sleep at night.

1. There are NO weapons of mass destruction. The United Nations was right prior to the invasion........Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. Guess Hans Blix would like to tell Bush......."Told ya so!"

2. Iraq was NOT an immediate danger to the USA. No WMD, No terrorists, no ability to project force (missiles, etc) at the USA, no nukes. (N. Korea on the other hand.....)

3. Iraq/Saddam had no ties to Al Qaeda. But thanks to Bush Al Qaeda has moved in with no problem.

4. Osama's minions flew the jet liners into the WTC and Pentagon....not Saddam. Maybe Bush got confused. Oops.

In a nutshell, Bush FUCKED UP big time with going into Iraq. He committed an all volunteer force to at least 5 yrs of occupation duty.......this isn't going away next week..........and most likely we cannot win. Eventually, the insurgency will grow bigger and bigger until the USA can't control it. Most likely Iraq will break up. (Kurds in the North and the rest divided between the Sunni's and Shiites.)

Get ready for the draft. Whooohoo.
Biggest God Damned fact of all:

If Saddam Hussain could have blown up America he would have.

Why wait for him to get close enough to taste the napalm before going after him? He posed a threat the first time he blamed America for all the shit he caused in the middle east.

But...way to barf back out the crap Michael Moore lied about in his movie genius. You've enlightened us all...about the functionally retarded and their ability to use a keyboard.

This month is all about GTA San Andreas (which is not overhyped so don't bother.)

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Post by joemizzle » 06 Oct 2004 06:50

I blame Florida <_<

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Post by Brass » 06 Oct 2004 07:07

Ok, so I'm not an American, but my country's leader still followed the US into Iraq as part of the whole "Coalition of the Willing" or whatever propaganda name they slapped on it.

We have an election this weekend, which will hopefully see John Howard voted out for the lies he told his country, which will also require the surgical removal of his tongue from Dubya's ass. He, also, is petitioning people on the pretense of "keeping our country safe" and yet through his participation in this war he has now made our country less safe than it has ever been. I don't see the Canadians having to guard their embassies in every muslim country for fear of terrorist bombings (Australia's emabassy in Indonesia was bombed two weeks or so ago).

I've seen F 9/11 and found it very interesting. I'm not subscribing to it as wholesale, but if everything about GWB was lies, and you frame it in the context of a documentary - would that then not give him the grounds to go after Moore for slander/libel? Has that happened? If not, why would George Bush Jr let this movie go unchallenged if there was no truth in it?
Last edited by Brass on 06 Oct 2004 07:10, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by [zero] » 06 Oct 2004 08:36

Man, the day after tomorrow just came out on dvd today, 6th of october. and 2nd season to smillvill has just started by last week. on our tv over here, we dont get them big flash channels like u guys do, we have like 4 free to air channels and then about another 25 channels on sat tv and that costs around $100nz a month for 25 xtra channels of CRAP

Semper Phildelis
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Post by Semper Phildelis » 06 Oct 2004 09:19

Goddamit. Can we keep any thread on topic. Put your political commentary where it belongs. Where's a dictator mod when you need one.

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Post by subtleconfused » 06 Oct 2004 09:43

minombreesjuan wrote:
Justin wrote: Don't forget to pick up a copy of Fahrenheit 9/11 on DVD today and share it with all your undecided voter friends! Kekeke.

Farenheit is a fucking leftwing propaganda piece of shit that twists words and mutates the truth. fuck that john...whats his name? douchebag. George W. Bush is my hero for standing up for our country. Not to mention John Kerry should sit out one of these debates to debate himself, maybe then he would know how he stands.

1. There are NO weapons of mass destruction. The United Nations was right prior to the invasion........Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. Guess Hans Blix would like to tell Bush......."Told ya so!"

2. Iraq was NOT an immediate danger to the USA. No WMD, No terrorists, no ability to project force (missiles, etc) at the USA, no nukes. (N. Korea on the other hand.....)

3. Iraq/Saddam had no ties to Al Qaeda. But thanks to Bush Al Qaeda has moved in with no problem.

4. Osama's minions flew the jet liners into the WTC and Pentagon....not Saddam. Maybe Bush got confused. Oops.

In a nutshell, Bush FUCKED UP big time with going into Iraq. He committed an all volunteer force to at least 5 yrs of occupation duty.......this isn't going away next week..........and most likely we cannot win. Eventually, the insurgency will grow bigger and bigger until the USA can't control it. Most likely Iraq will break up. (Kurds in the North and the rest divided between the Sunni's and Shiites.)
Shows how much you know you fucking idiot. We did find weapons of mass destruction like fucking missiles and shit they just didnt find mass stockpiles like they thought they would. You also just said there are no terrorists LMFAO! YOU HAVE DOWN SYNDROME RIGHT? The soldiers in Iraq are over there being blown up by fucking suicide bombers and car bombs to fight for us and to liberate a suppressed people, the Iraqis. *Scrolls up to see what other BS you wrote...* Hmm Thanks to Bush Al-Qaeda has moved into Iraq with no problem...yeah ok buddy, like without the troops there it would be HARDER for them to move in?! you're a fucking classic left wing treehugger. and BUSH didnt fuck up, the intelligence committee did if anything. Bush read the same fuckin intel reports that the senate read when they (and john 'douchebag' kerry) VOTED to send troops into iraq. and the insurgency will indoubtedly grow bigger because of the terrorists who wouldnt have a free nation. George bush has commited to this because he knows all these deaths of iraqis and us soldiers will be in vain if we pull out now and nothing gets accomplished...*sigh*

People sure love to "rant" about issues. However, if you're going to provide a convincing argument for your side (though i doubt you were, hence "rant end"), don't use personal attacks and blatant flaming. That's just silly.

Going back on-topic, I still have never seen Fahrenheit 9/11. I don't think I ever will, since it's a propaganda flick and not a "true" movie. Besides, it'll just be a waste of time, since I still cannot vote.

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Post by pacgod » 06 Oct 2004 09:57

minombreesjuan wrote:
Justin wrote:
Shows how much you know you fucking idiot. We did find weapons of mass destruction like fucking missiles and shit they just didnt find mass stockpiles like they thought they would. You also just said there are no terrorists LMFAO! YOU HAVE DOWN SYNDROME RIGHT? The soldiers in Iraq are over there being blown up by fucking suicide bombers and car bombs to fight for us and to liberate a suppressed people, the Iraqis. *Scrolls up to see what other BS you wrote...* Hmm Thanks to Bush Al-Qaeda has moved into Iraq with no problem...yeah ok buddy, like without the troops there it would be HARDER for them to move in?! you're a fucking classic left wing treehugger. and BUSH didnt fuck up, the intelligence committee did if anything. Bush read the same fuckin intel reports that the senate read when they (and john 'douchebag' kerry) VOTED to send troops into iraq. and the insurgency will indoubtedly grow bigger because of the terrorists who wouldnt have a free nation. George bush has commited to this because he knows all these deaths of iraqis and us soldiers will be in vain if we pull out now and nothing gets accomplished...*sigh*

In response to dipshit, aka "dfdfdsfa"

"We did find weapons of mass destruction like fucking missiles and shit they just didnt find mass stockpiles like they thought they would."

1. Uh...what paper do you read the fucking Onion?!? There are NO weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. They found zilch. The only missile that Iraq had was a few al-samhoud missiles........max range Kuwait. Can't hit the USA or even Europe. But lets look at Iran and N. Korea.....and they have ballistic missiles that can hit europe and west coast USA. Plus we KNOW N. Korea has nukes. Your a tard.

"You also just said there are no terrorists LMFAO!"

2. Actually, I typed, "Iraq/Saddam had no ties to Al Qaeda. But thanks to Bush Al Qaeda has moved in with no problem." Prior to the invasion there was no serious terrorist threat from Iraq. Now that Bush fucked the country all up, the terrorists have set up shop and declared open season on Americans. Basically, Bush's fuck up created a terrorist nirvana. if we had the troops in place after the fall of baghdad.......we might of nipped the insurgency inthe butt.

"like without the troops there it would be HARDER for them to move in?!"

3. Uh.....prior to our invasion there were NO terrorists in Iraq. No car bombings, no beheadings, no dead GI's, no suicide bombers. If Bush had put the troops on the ground instead of being a cheap bastard we might of stemmed the tide of the insurgency. Now its too late.........the scales are tipped against us.

"you're a fucking classic left wing treehugger. and BUSH didnt fuck up, the intelligence committee did if anything. Bush read the same fuckin intel reports that the senate read when they..."

4. No, I am a Republican who is tired of Bush and his incompentancy. I am in the military, served in Qatar during the invasion. The UN even stated......Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction. Bush told them they were wrong based on crappy intel. Basically, Bush took bad intel and made it fit his arguement. Its sad that 1000 americans and counting had to pay for his incompentancy.

"George bush has commited to this because he knows all these deaths of iraqis and us soldiers will be in vain if we pull out now and nothing gets accomplished"

5. No. Bush committed us to this "vietnam" because he his an idiot and thought he could walk over Iraq. He was wrong, and Americans will pay for his mistake. We are in the same boat as Vietnam.....we can't abandon our mess just yet and must stay committed......but in 5-10 years time when we lost 40k americans in Iraq we will pull out because its an unwinnable war.

In the end.......Bush is an idiot. I voted for his Dad and vote for him. BUt I wish I could take my vote back. Hindsight. Sigh.

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Post by divrekku » 06 Oct 2004 10:08

A) Saved! is, despite having Mandy Moore in it, a pretty good movie.
B) Yes, Michael Moore is an idiot and his movie is propaganda, but Bush uses fear of terrorist attacks as just an effective method of propaganda.
C) Kerry is way to middle of the road in my own mind.
D) How did a post about DVDs turn into a political rant b/n the left and right?

Heres a good Kerry Slogan:

<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Kerry:Because he's not Bush</span>

Bush is a cowboy and he's breeding more terrorists than he's killing in Iraq. Do you think Iraq had that many "terrorists" before we went there? Please. Our presence in the Mid-East breeds terrorists faster than bunnies, especially when we had governmental control over an Muslim country.
Kerry admits his mistakes. Bush calls that indecisiveness, and won't admit mistakes. My best freind is in Iraq, and he's known it was a mistake the minute he went over there.
You want America to attack "terrorist" nations? there's more evidence of governmental/terrorist ties in N. Korea, Iran, Syria, Indonesia, and Saudi Arabia than anything we ever had on Iraq. Do we invade all these countries? One, who has a standing army of 1 million men, or a country that controls 90% of our oil interests, or maybe a nation whose GDP is less than $10 a month? Who do we attack first, Mr. Bush? The nation that might have the capability of nuking Japan and S. Korea to oblivion before the Pentagon can do anything, or the nation that sells us the gas to run those tanks and airplanes and hummers that are keeping our casualties so low, or perhaps we attack one of the poorest nations in the world for no better reason than we don't like their politics while they sink deeper into poverty? :veryangry:
It seems to me that the best way to get rid of these terrorists is to fix the problems that cause terrorists to be created in the first place before we attack countries that "harbor" them.
We did find weapons of mass destruction like fucking missiles and shit they just didnt find mass stockpiles like they thought they would.
:wicked: :wicked: :wicked:
WMD's are not missiles, they are biological and nuclear materials. Missiles are the means of delivering those materials. Iraq always had the capability of stockpiling missiles of the range they found. Give me a break dude. :bah:
We've never found anything that had the slightest inkling about WMD's in Iraq. We now doubt Iraq even had the technology to develop nuclear weapons.

If Bush stays as president he's going to ruin our international reputation, making us Yanks to look like imperialistic hypocrites who are only interested in preserving the freedom of American citizens at the expense of EVERYONE else in the world.

Death to Haliburton. Severe pain to the Bush Adminstration. And vote for Kerry.

And may Mt. St. Helens erupt with the glory we all know she has. I don't wanna go to school Friday.


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Post by starks » 06 Oct 2004 11:13

Michael Moore is an idiot. Its not that hard to twist a situation and build propaganda around it. Bowling for Columbine was the same shit.

I'm watching "The Girl Next Door". Why?

Elisha Cuthbert>Michael Moore

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Post by kvl » 06 Oct 2004 11:14

This has become too political. It started as a nice little informative blurb about DVDs and ended up as a long winded pro and anti bush argument. Personally, i hate Bush because Fat Mike tells me he's an ass.

I wen't out to get Tony Hawk U.G. 2 today and the place i went was all gay. They had none of the new games from today. But they did have the Platinum Aladdin. It's awesome.

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Post by starks » 06 Oct 2004 11:16

Did anyone pick up the Special Edition of Shawshank?

What makes it so special?

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Post by Justin » 06 Oct 2004 11:22

i'd get the limited edition. you get a book and a soundtrack cd with it.

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Post by shanks » 06 Oct 2004 11:30

michael moore is nothing but a skilled movie-maker. he just found a market niche for his big fat mouth and big fat thoughts. every movie-maker has to make a stand, so does every critic.
ppl are just bashing moore coz he is famous becoz of his documentary. did u know that he had even written a couple of books before that? books is not much of a medium of idea to f.u.b.a.r. members coz they dun read, they stare at their pc and watch tv all day. Another book called "lies and the lying liars who tell them" by al franken has similar stand to michael moore's "dude, where's my country". but becoz he is not famous, did not win at cannes or anything, bush-supporter doesn't really care that much.
we civilians only know whatever that was published on CNN, but how come there are ppl who come out with ridiculous "facts"? what, u have a brother in-law's cousin's step-sister's husband's daughter's boyfriend's friend in the white house and that makes u an expert on the subject?
how bout this movie "Going Upriver - The Long War of John Kerry". do u all michael moore haters hate this "documentary" too? wait, i have to make a stand to. Long live fat-ass michael moore!

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Post by starks » 06 Oct 2004 11:33

books is not much of a medium of idea to f.u.b.a.r. members coz they dun read, they stare at their pc and watch tv all day

"Me fail English? That's un-possible!"
Ralph (Shanks) Wiggum

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Post by dave » 06 Oct 2004 11:47

Then go and pick up Fahrenhype 9/11 and see the truth behind Michael Moore's spin

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