Name: infra
Sex: male, twice per day
Birthday: 29th jan 1979
State: married
Country: austria (europe)
Eyes: blue
Codes: everything
More Info: coming soon
Getting started...
I was inspired to build this site by a guy named Jason.. or Jordan? no.. wait... Justin! yes, Justin. He runs [THIS SITE]. Well, I didn't have anything better to do than setting up this page in the time i usually should be working in the office. I actually still dont know what the heck i should post on this page, but I guess it's going to be some kind of weblog. Or online diary, or whatever. I guess it's simply a fansite. Something like that.

18th Dezember 2001 12:07
Phew, just finished translating a webpage for some Russian on - English to German. My wife did English to Spanish. Yesterday my stupid cable connection didnt work, so i couldnt do anything. However, now I'm sitting here in the office and the sun is shining through the window. I'll go home for lunch in 20 minutes. I'm hungry. And today i'll get a new mobile again. Actually I wanted the buy the new NOKIA. Or the COOL new Ericson with color display. But I decided to get a cheaper one, as I'm a bit low on money at the moment (car reparation, all the guests at home, snowboarding, foooood...). So I'll get a SIEMENS today. However, it has infrared and modem, and i guess i can even make calls with this telephone.

I just had to stop by at [] again, and damn, i'm really kinda addicted to it. I even open the links that Justin posts. Yesterday I made a [fansign for Mandi]. Justin says, he doesnt get so many fansigns, but I dont know if he really wants a guy's fansign, as he only posts girl's fansigns. They are pretty though. Wow. I like asian. My wife's latin though. I like that too. Really.
17th Dezember 2001 16:17
In 10 minutes my wife and her brother will pick me up from work. I'll go to buy a new mobile phone then, as i lost mine on saturday while sledging. As my apartment is full of people now, my wifes brother is sleeping in our double bed too. I didnt have sex for 2 days, so yesterday my horny wife asked me to make it. Her brother was already sleeping, and we were in the same bed, so we had to be a bit careful. I took her in some kind of spooning from behind. Have you ever done that? having sex, while someone else is sleeping in the bed? Well, we had to shut up, but as i didnt have sex for 2 days i was cuming really good. She didnt have all she wanted though, so i gotta find a way to give it to her today. i just dont know how, as i always make her scream...
17th Dezember 2001 11:15
Wow, what a weekend. My house is full, 6 people in a 2 rooms flat. Well, not too bad. On Saturday night we went on a mountain to with the sledges. And yesterday we were snowboarding. I had to teach them, although I am not the snowboard king either. (actually yesterday was my 3rd time on a snowboard. the first time this year. anywayz, i tought them how to do it. at least a bit. it was great! Today i changed the page a bit, added a links section. and now the linez section also works. i think now i can get this page going.
13th Dezember 2001 12:11
Cool! Today I'll only work until 12:30. then I'll go to munich to pick up my relatives from the airport. it was snowing all day so they'll be very happy about it. as they are from central america, and one of them has never seen snow before. And yes, i finished all my updates for this year.. phew.. finally. so now i'm only counting down the minutes to go...
11th Dezember 2001 14:54
I guess noone has those buttons, that's why i added them.


Those buttons really suck... But who made the second button? I like the second one...
11th Dezember 2001 14:48
stress, Stress, STRESS!!!! Dammit! This really suxx. That's why I'm writing into my weblog to calm down.... But there's a good thing about today too: It's snowing! hey yes, really snowing. beautiful. Well, actually I wouldN't care if it would not be snowing, but on thursday i'll have some visitors from central america, and they would die to see snow. so it came just on time. wow.. now i really feel better again. calm. this weblog is my psychologist. bored yet? well, in that case, go to []!!!
10th Dezember 2001 12:02
Finally! I had a big problem with my server this weekend. But now everything works again. Phew! Today I am really under pressure. So many projects to finish. And new ones to start. Oh my god... If I wouldnt have been so lazy lately I wouldnt have that stress now. However, I gotta work now. Instead of writing stupid weblogs or watching stupid weblogs like []!!!
7th Dezember 2001 11:09
I just found out that on the kitty test picture below in fact there IS a cat. stupid me! In fact there is a dog AND a cat. now i got it! haha! damn, i should better walk through life with open eyes...

7th Dezember 2001 11:06

Don't I look good.. in a bad way?

7th Dezember 2001 10:24
Wääää!!!! Did you see that link on []?? GROSS!! [] - don't go there! it's GROSS. GROSS!! GROSS!!!!!! How the heck can someone put something like that online!!!
7th Dezember 2001 10:08
You know what I can't stand? Maria Carey singing for the Army. Shit! (Scheiße!) I mean, i hate that style of singing anyway. I mean, when a song starts with some oh-oh-oh-ohuhuhoahaha in all octaves i get sick! Why the heck do they all have to do that? Why can't they just sing, without having that jungle-growl in the beginning? Dammit! But ok... maybe that's why she's singing for the army. does that make sense? Just to calm down again i put on another link to []
7th Dezember 2001 09:59
Just posting another link to []
7th Dezember 2001 09:56
Dammit, i did that kitty test that [Justin] recommended, and hell! what's that? What kinda cat is that? Well, no problem for me, as dogs are cuter than cats anyway.

Take the "What Cat Are You?"-test!

6th Dezember 2001 16:13
I'm sitting around here in my office. I'd have a lot to do, finish some program updates and stuff. I did a few things, so i can show them to the bosses tomorrow. And i'm waiting for some projects on rentacoder to be accepted. Anyway, I was surfing by at [] too much, that's why I registered this stupid domain and set up this page... well, let's see how it'll go on. Oh yeah, i love those malaysian college girl pictures. man, it would be great to go to college... :o/