Okay. So me and two of my film class buddies are supposed to be shooting our movie right? For our film class project thing. Which amounts to something ridiculous… like… 70% of our final grade or something.
The script’s been written, a shooting schedule’s been made. Everything’s all planned out. Everything’s been greenlit. But we have NO DV CAMERA.
That’s right. We have no camera. Which means no movie. Which means no grades. Which means we’re fucked.
Oh no. Don’t get us wrong. We had a camera. We’ve had it for weeks now. Borrowed it off Jason’s girlfriend. The only person we knew who had a DV camera. And guess what? The camera just decided to DIE on us. It’s broken. It’s not functional.
Deadline’s in a coupla more weeks. There’s pretty much nobody else that we know that has a DV camera that we can borrow off of. And so, yes. For the time being, we are fucked.