Subject: [Fwd: Child Pornography hosted by]
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2004 10:55:44 -0700

We received a complaint about one of your albums.

We have converted this album in to a “personal” album. This album violates the ImageEvent terms and will appreciate if you remove this album.


E-mail link extracted from our mail system based on pornographic content.

Photo series

Given Lindsay Lohan was born 2 July 1986, and is therefore 17 years old, don’t these pictures on your site constitute child pornography?!?!?

HAHAHAHA. Bullshit. I think it’s funny that someone actually complained about those Lohan pics. It’s actually even funnier because i just finished watching Eurotrip and there’s a funny and yet OH SO TRUE statement about the ridiculousness of puritanical America.

“You know America was founded by prudes. Prudes who left Europe because they hated all the kinky, steamy European sex that was going on.”

Seriously now. What is it? June 1st today? And Lohan turns 18 in like a months time. WHAT FREAKIN’ DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE.

Oh so it’s like July 1st, 11:59pm and i’m not allowed to see Lohan’s tit or think naughty thoughts about her and then 60 seconds later it’s okay? Honestly. And ‘Child pornography’. How are those pics child pornography? PRUDES.

Child – Pronunciation Key (chld)
n. pl. children (chldrn)

1. A person between birth and puberty.
a. An unborn infant; a fetus.
b. An infant; a baby.
3. One who is childish or immature.
4. A son or daughter; an offspring.
5. A member of a tribe; descendant: children of Abraham.

LINDSAY LOHAN IS HARDLY A CHILD. She drinks, she smokes, she stays out late partying her ass off, she slips COLIN FARRELL her number and has reportedly been seen canoodling with Wilder Valderrama, FEZ from That 70’s Show, who’s 24 years old. Hardly a ‘child’.

And besides, 17 is the legal age of consent in New York, where Lindsay was born.

Ah well. No biggie. It was just a trial account anyway and it was gonna expire in like 3 days.

Oh and if you fuckers wanna argue about what constitutes ‘child pornography’, and how icky it is and how it’s the DEVIL then explain American Beauty!!!!!!!!!! WON BEST PICTURE AT THE OSCARS IN 2000!!! Thora Birch was 17 when she made that movie and THE WHOLE WORLD SAW HER BOOBIES (not just one tit).

Yep. American Beauty. First ‘child porn’ to win best picture at the OSCARS. And i guess that makes everybody who’s ever seen that movie a PEDOPHILE too.

I got your ‘child pornography’ right here.

I think our European friends are probably laughing at this post right now. Honestly, it’s ridiculous. ‘Child pornogaphy’ my ass.

By the way, Michelle Traheetarbnaebergrg is fucking ugly. But i’d hit it with a paper bag over her head.


Subject: lohan as child porn
From: Kevin
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 17:32:17 -0700 (PDT)

Big fan of the site, but I just wanted to let you know as someone who knows the law, what you are saying about in one month it’ll be legal, 11:59 July 1 illegal, 12:00 July 2, legal is actually wrong.

Legally, (and again, I know, who gives a flying fuck, but just looking out for you) those pictures will always be illegal because they were taken before her 18th birthday.

It’s ridiculous, but what can ya do.

Another perspective:

Subject: Why those Lindsay Lohan pics are not child porn.
From: Chad
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 18:13:43 -0700 (PDT)

I did a little research on your problem with those Lindsay Lohan pictures you posted. USC Title 18, Part I, Chapter 110, Section 2256 defines child pornography, but each definition is dependent on what is called “sexually explicit conduct.” The closest definition of sexually explicit conduct to which those Lohan pictures come is “lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area.” I, however, would argue that the breasts do not constitute the “genitals” nor the “pubic area.” Even if they can be considered off-limits, though, “lascivious” means “lewd, lustful.” The pictures of a nipple slip in a public place, however, cannot be themselves lewd nor lustful. They, therefore, are not defined as child pornography in Section 2256. That’s probably how the scene in American Beauty you talked about on your site is actually legal. While one person may get lewd or lustful feelings from seeing Lohan pictures or that Birch scene, the pictures themselves do not depict anything lewd nor lustful, which is key to the definition of child pornography.

Basically, seems full of shit. Given the douchebag John Ashcroft as Attorney General, however, I can see why may have some internal regulation under which those Lohan pictures may have fallen. Everyone else on your site who is bitching and moaning about those pictures are, however, quite stupid. Hope I helped out a bit, and your site rocks.

91 thoughts on “PRUDES

  1. I whole heartedly agree. Beside that Nip Slip is everywhere now. If they can drive then they should be able to show the goods. Right?

    #1 | Comment by Diablo Jones — June 1, 2004 @ 6:00 pm

  2. Holy Crap! I was first maybe I will get banned because I didn’t say first, or was it the other way around. I guess I have been lurking too long.

    #2 | Comment by Diablo Jones — June 1, 2004 @ 6:02 pm

  3. hey justin. completely off subject, but you seem to be familiar with apple products. i’m going to be buying an ipod and i was wondering what your thoughts were on which is the better buy and why. the mini or which one of the other 3?

    #3 | Comment by uncle pauly — June 1, 2004 @ 6:06 pm

  4. i hate music and i’d never buy an ipod!!!!!!! get the big one unless you’re a girl.

    #4 | Comment by Justin — June 1, 2004 @ 6:09 pm

  5. In my (European) country, if you really stretch it very far it would constitute corruption of a minor or some shit like that. Child porn is something completely different.

    #5 | Comment by BrainDMG — June 1, 2004 @ 6:12 pm

  6. Haha busted cause of Lohan. Oh and about the Ipod and the mini Ipod, Dont get the mini cause its a rip off compared to the regular ipod hard drive wise. Unless your gay and want a smaller colored Ipod I suggest you stick with the regular Ipod, since your paying that much better get your money’s worth. I wouldnt buy an Ipod on the lone fact that it doesnt support Windows Media Audio, check out other similar players that cost around the same and probly have a bigger HD for music, have a fm tuner, and support WMA.

    #6 | Comment by DUDEMASTER — June 1, 2004 @ 6:13 pm

  7. Olivia Hussy, who starred in Zeffirelli’s Romeo & Juliet (1968), was not allowed to the premire, as the film was rated R… for nudity…. of herself!

    #7 | Comment by Monitorman — June 1, 2004 @ 6:13 pm

  8. justin, cant seem to view any of ur images on the site, not even ur top banner. wats up with ur server? or is it just my crappy isp?

    #8 | Comment by j — June 1, 2004 @ 6:19 pm

  9. Americans are just deathly afraid of their own naked bodies. It’s stupid. You can have all the blood and gore and violence on tv and in movies but heaven forbid a naked body!

    American Beauty is child pornography away!

    #9 | Comment by bob the builder — June 1, 2004 @ 6:20 pm

  10. Thora Birch has a nice rack….:D

    #10 | Comment by Booyah — June 1, 2004 @ 6:21 pm

  11. works for me. must be your crappy isp.

    #11 | Comment by Justin — June 1, 2004 @ 6:28 pm

  12. okay dude i saw american beauty like twice i think and i seriously dont remember thora birch being that well-endowed… but im a girl so it really doesnt matter to me either way

    #12 | Comment by onederfool1 — June 1, 2004 @ 6:35 pm

  13. What’s wrong with Michelle Trachtenberg?

    She’s the only reason I bought Eurotrip.

    #13 | Comment by ihatepeople — June 1, 2004 @ 6:39 pm

  14. her face doesn’t do anything for me. plus her ribs scared me 😮

    #14 | Comment by Justin — June 1, 2004 @ 6:43 pm

  15. The same man who complains to his wife and co workers that its child pornography, is the same man who sneaks in a private beat off session when his wife is away grocery shopping.

    #15 | Comment by Alias — June 1, 2004 @ 6:44 pm

  16. Man, seriously, am i the only one who thinks that Thora Birch and her heaving jubblies are grossly overrated?

    Something about them……makes them look just odd.
    Besides, Butterface Suvari had the better sweater monkeys in that one anyways….

    I just said sweater monkeys… how lame am i?

    #16 | Comment by .Moneen. — June 1, 2004 @ 6:45 pm

  17. There are some pics of Trachtenberg where she has really pale skin and bright red lipstick…looks like a clown. She also needs a nosejob. Maybe a big round red nose to finish off the look.

    #17 | Comment by Frank — June 1, 2004 @ 6:47 pm

  18. yeah well America is a hypocritical country it has like the biggest porn industry in the entire world and still complain about a partial nipple slip from an old saggy janet jackson breast…

    and 17 is old enough IMO, I think 16 should be the age limit, it’s that in most countries anyway!

    #18 | Comment by WP — June 1, 2004 @ 6:48 pm

  19. no way! thora birch’s puppies are way better than mena suvari’s.

    oh and remember, if you’re looking at thora birch’s boobs, YOU’RE LOOKING AT CHILD PORNOGRAPHY.

    #19 | Comment by Justin — June 1, 2004 @ 6:49 pm

  20. So does eurotrip show trachtenberg’s or (however the hell you spell her last name)tits?

    #20 | Comment by joey — June 1, 2004 @ 6:50 pm


    More debate about her tits. I still think there real.

    #21 | Comment by Macko — June 1, 2004 @ 6:50 pm


    #22 | Comment by — June 1, 2004 @ 6:54 pm

  23. I went to south beach today and saw like 200 topless chicks and I saw the hottest chick with the nicest boobs on the planet, sorry I didnt have a camera, Im going back next week though

    #23 | Comment by Mom — June 1, 2004 @ 6:54 pm

  24. bring a camera

    #24 | Comment by Justin — June 1, 2004 @ 6:56 pm

  25. hola, i think that child porno is good. but only for people that are that same age as the person. old persons looking at 17 year old boobies is sick

    #25 | Comment by minombreesjuan — June 1, 2004 @ 6:57 pm

  26. I will, I just dont wanna get my ass kicked by some hot topless chick lol

    #26 | Comment by Mom — June 1, 2004 @ 6:57 pm

  27. She was 17.5 when the movie was released. She was probably closer to 16, maybe still 15 when it was filmed.

    #27 | Comment by Anonymous Bastard — June 1, 2004 @ 7:00 pm

  28. The pictures of Lohan in that white dress makes her tits look huge. To bad she has the nastiest legs.

    Thora’s ta ta’s look great, but they will be a saggin when she gets older. Can’t believe that she was only 17 in those pics.

    If I remember there had to be some child porn/nudity in the movie KIDS. I always wonder how they got away with that

    #28 | Comment by Snatcher — June 1, 2004 @ 7:01 pm

  29. Didn’t they edit in a body double for that thora birch shot? Marina Freeman or someone? ‘Cause Thora’s face is separated from her body by the line of the window pane, so it’s conceivable that they just used a computer to shoot a stand-in for the below-the-neck stuff.

    Could just be a rumour.

    #29 | Comment by nextkind — June 1, 2004 @ 7:05 pm

  30. Eh, fuck the whole "child porn" bullshit.

    Someone ought to lodge a complaint about the fact that you just used the word "canoodling".

    #30 | Comment by Amy — June 1, 2004 @ 7:06 pm

  31. it was really her. her parents were there when they shot the scene. it’s all in the commentary track on the dvd.

    i guess it helps that thora’s parents were former PORN STARS in the 70’s.

    #31 | Comment by Justin — June 1, 2004 @ 7:07 pm

  32. "canoodling"

    yeah, i watch too much celebrities uncensored.


    #32 | Comment by Justin — June 1, 2004 @ 7:08 pm

  33. HOLY SHIT. i’m watching the making of eurotrip and i never even noticed that lucy ‘xena warrior princess’ lawless was in the movie! she looks so different.

    american beauty is child porn.

    triple post?

    #33 | Comment by Justin — June 1, 2004 @ 7:11 pm

  34. Heheh. I was soo not gonna call you on that, Justin.

    Mainly cause I’d be outing myself as a "Celebrities Uncensored" watcher. 😉

    #34 | Comment by Amy — June 1, 2004 @ 7:12 pm

  35. Justin,
    About this:

    By the way, Michelle Traheetarbnaebergrg is fucking ugly. But i’d hit it with a paper bag over her head.

    The bag would tell everyone that you were doing an ugly broad. Since everyone would know she’s ugly either way, wouldn’t it be smarter to put the bag over your head, so they wouldn’t know it was you?

    #35 | Comment by yit4branes — June 1, 2004 @ 7:13 pm

  36. Good point about the bag yit4branes

    #36 | Comment by Mom — June 1, 2004 @ 7:33 pm

  37. I think porn of a 21 year old chick who looks like a 14 is more sickening then porn of a 14 year old who looks 21.

    Pedophiles dont get boners over what year someone was born, they get off on what year it LOOKS LIKE they were born. They dont jerk off chanting "1990, 1991, uhh uhhh 1992 holy shit!"

    I look out for pedophiles by seeing if their legal girlfriend has no tits and he makes her shave her pussy bald.

    #37 | Comment by Dionysus187 — June 1, 2004 @ 7:35 pm

  38. American Beauty? Artistic merit. Not child porn.

    Lohan Nipple slip? prurient interest. Questionable.

    #38 | Comment by RobNasty — June 1, 2004 @ 7:38 pm

  39. I completely agree with Justin regarding bs child porn charges with Lohan. In Europe it’s much more realistic. I’m 23 and I don’t see any difference in a 17 year old vs. 18 year old girl. To be honest, I think 16 is fine too in terms of nudity. Once you get into anything younger than that then most definintely that is shady.

    And Michelle Trachtenberg is ugly. Accept it and move on.

    #39 | Comment by lindsay lohan is ugly — June 1, 2004 @ 7:41 pm

  40. kick his ass seabass

    #40 | Comment by Mr. Junky — June 1, 2004 @ 7:47 pm

  41. Then i have to say that the photographer who took those artful shots deserves a hand!

    art·ful    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (ärtfl)

    1. Exhibiting art or skill: “The furniture is an artful blend of antiques and reproductions” (Michael W. Robbins).
    2. Skillful in accomplishing a purpose, especially by the use of cunning or craft.

    For those pics are truly worthy of merit thanks to his artistry and skill in photography 😛

    Hence, not child porn!

    Besides, i knew a few people who rented American Beauty just to see Thora Birch’s breasts out of prurient interest. Questionable!

    #41 | Comment by bob the builder — June 1, 2004 @ 7:49 pm

  42. jesus, these pedophilia/child-porn arguments get really fucking tiresome. just to reiterate some obvious points:

    *these girls are past the onset of puberty and, as such, have developed the secondary sexual characteristics which, in heterosexually inclined males and homosexually inclined females, can and often do case desire and arousal (as some comedian put it, that’s why we have laws of consent).

    *pedophelia is a perversion of normal sexual instincts involving desires for sexually immature perrsons (often without regard to gender…haven’t you people seen that Diff’rent Strokes episode with Gordan Jump? it’s succinctly explained there).

    *showing the naked body of someone in a film, photograph, etc., does not automatically make said work one of pornography (despite what a number of Americans seem to believe). and laws covering child porn do not necessarrily apply to, say, showing Thora Birch’s [lovely] tits in American Beauty (despite what some Americans yadda yadda yadda).

    *Michelle Trachtenberg is quite pretty.

    These are of course my opinions, but they’re pretty well-reasoned, I think. Any of you, and I ask this of those who find both Scarlett Johansson and Lindsay Lohan attractive, do you, when you see them, automatically view one as underage and the other not? Those of you who have problems with seeing Lohan’s nipple, etc., if you saw a bevy of cute/hot/to die for girls at the beach, do you check yourself before responding with desire, wondering if they are legally able to be the object of your attentions or no? If they were topless, would you feel you had committed a crime, if you thought they were underage? Sorry to ramble, I really don’t understand the mindset, though I’ve been around it often enough.

    #42 | Comment by blackwhitetaupe — June 1, 2004 @ 7:55 pm

  43. Has there aver been a post about Keira Knightley, if not, there should be.

    #43 | Comment by Monty — June 1, 2004 @ 8:03 pm

  44. just some related info…keira knightley [from Pirates of the Caribbean] was 16/17 when she did a few nude/sex scenes 1,2,3,4

    #44 | Comment by ryan — June 1, 2004 @ 8:05 pm

  45. OMG CHILD PORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :OOOOOO

    #45 | Comment by Justin — June 1, 2004 @ 8:13 pm

  46. "keira knightley – Born March 22nd, 1985"

    jeez, i thought she was in her late 20’s, early 30’s.

    #46 | Comment by FOC — June 1, 2004 @ 8:14 pm

  47. dude its coz ur chinese!
    stop the fucking oppression crackers!

    #47 | Comment by bah — June 1, 2004 @ 8:16 pm

  48. remember, if you look at keira knightly’s boobs, you’re looking at child porn!


    #48 | Comment by Justin — June 1, 2004 @ 8:18 pm

  49. Well fuck them. Is it considered child porn if you posted those kind of pics after she was eighteen? Probably. Women are women, America shouldn’t be saying anything about it considering they must have had sex with underage girls during all those take-overs of land and culture raping… wait they raped everything in every sense!

    #49 | Comment by qchad — June 1, 2004 @ 8:23 pm

  50. People are so fucking hypocritical it’s funny! You made some good points Justin. People who strictly follow the rules are bunch of idiots who can’t think for themselves. I say…bring on the nip slips. The more…the better!

    Also…never heard of Michelle Trachtenberg in my life. Must not worth it then. :p

    #50 | Comment by — June 1, 2004 @ 8:25 pm

  51. Nice info Ryan, and thanks for those pics of Keira.

    On an unrelated note, I’ve never seen Justin post so many responses to his own entry. Kinda creepy if you ask me. I’m gonna sit down and watch eurotrip right now 😀

    #51 | Comment by Dex — June 1, 2004 @ 8:49 pm

  52. is it ok to look at child porn if you are gay, just a question for justin’s sake…

    #52 | Comment by ryan — June 1, 2004 @ 8:53 pm

  53. shut up. i’m bored. good thing i start class again tomorrow.

    but now, time to go watch pitch black in preparation for escape from butcher bay!!!! out june 2nd exclusively for xbox. holla!

    chronicles of riddick away!

    #53 | Comment by Justin — June 1, 2004 @ 8:53 pm

  54. Do a imbd search on the movie pretty baby its a 1977 movie starring Brooke Shields when she was 12 she was nude in that movie for atleast 1/2 of it…I just saw that for sale at Best buy the other day from my understanding aslong as its in a natural pose nothing of a sexual matter or h/c porn….

    #54 | Comment by DisgruntledGoat — June 1, 2004 @ 8:56 pm

  55. but she didn’t have any tits in that movie…she was a late bloomer unlike my cousin…

    #55 | Comment by ryan — June 1, 2004 @ 9:15 pm

  56. LL’s phone number: 347 596 ****

    Post results.

    edit: dont worry, i’ll re-edit the numbers back after a while. doing some background checks first

    edit 2: on second thought, i’m not going to re-edit the number back. it’ll stay censored.

    #56 | Comment by mattwk — June 1, 2004 @ 9:30 pm

  57. I called Lindsay.

    She said Justin was outsite her house in the bushes watching her talk on the phone.

    Then she said her boobs were fake and so were her freckles.

    #57 | Comment by Dex — June 1, 2004 @ 9:36 pm

  58. xbox away!

    #58 | Comment by Dex — June 1, 2004 @ 9:38 pm

  59. Keira Knightley was in the movie "The Hole" ?
    You mean that same movie that stars Thora Birch?

    Coindidence? I think not!

    My goodness, it’s like we’re playing "Six Degrees Of Thora Birch’s Rack" or something……

    Do I lose points for using the word rack?

    #59 | Comment by .Moneen. — June 1, 2004 @ 10:01 pm

  60. so wats teh word on LL’s fone number.

    #60 | Comment by j — June 1, 2004 @ 10:21 pm

  61. Is it just me, or is "Escape From Butcher Bay" the GAYEST SUBTITLE ever!? What is it, a sequel to Goonies? WTF!@

    #61 | Comment by Knee My — June 1, 2004 @ 10:22 pm

  62. kirsten dunst was originally offered mena suvari’s role in american beauty, but turned it down because she was 15 at the time and her mother wouldn’t let her do the nude scene.

    #62 | Comment by completely not annonymous — June 1, 2004 @ 10:34 pm

  63. Young people shouldn’t be disallowed from showing their good if they want to… Ugly people on the other hand, like Thora "Look at me I’m a human yam" Birch and those god awful dumbo ear floppy funbags of evil….

    #63 | Comment by UncleMao — June 1, 2004 @ 10:37 pm

  64. Something I find funny: In a recent interview (late April, early May, anyway) on Late Night with Conan O’Brien, Lindsay was asked what kind of guys she went for. Her response was "uh…. older guys…" and when asked how old, she replied "um… 25? 27?". I find it funny, as we all know how much of a "naughty" *cough*SLUT*cough* person she is, that’s just further proof for the fact.

    So, I ask this: If Lindsay Lohan is running around flirting with/wanting to date 25+ year olds, how does that make a slight nip slip of her "child porno"? Seriously, the girl looks at least 19 or 20, and has the body of somebody quite older, so how the hell does that make a small portion of her right nipple being shown on a few random pics accross the internet "child pornography"? I am with Justin, as well as many of you, in calling BULLSHIT on this one.

    #64 | Comment by JLP — June 1, 2004 @ 10:40 pm

  65. "Ugly people on the other hand, like Thora "Look at me I’m a human yam" Birch and those god awful dumbo ear floppy funbags of evil…."


    #65 | Comment by JLP — June 1, 2004 @ 10:42 pm

  66. post updated

    #66 | Comment by Justin — June 1, 2004 @ 11:12 pm

  67. ‘floppy funbags of evil’ ? oh, that’s comedy gold, man…..

    Thankfully I’m not the only one who thinks Thora’s meat mounds are mephitic…….

    Holy alliteration, batman!

    I’m done now. honest.

    #67 | Comment by .Moneen. — June 1, 2004 @ 11:15 pm

  68. Michelle Trachtenberg is fucking hot, what have you been smoking? She just needs to gain like 10 pounds so her ribs don’t poke right through her skin

    #68 | Comment by Jeff — June 2, 2004 @ 1:00 am

  69. Btw, have you guys seen this? Sorry if it’s already been posted before, I haven’t read all the comments for a few days

    Trachtenberg’s Tits

    #69 | Comment by Jeff — June 2, 2004 @ 1:05 am

  70. i dont see what the problem is with the photos, there have been 16 year olds posing topless in tabloids over here before,if that isnt child porn, the ll photos definitely aren’t

    #70 | Comment by mab — June 2, 2004 @ 1:40 am

  71. I heard on the radio today that Lindsay Lohan is in fact 22 years old, hence why she was getting into bars, drinking, and smoking. But even the people saying it said it hasn’t been confirmed. Anyone heard about this?

    #71 | Comment by d0rp — June 2, 2004 @ 2:41 am

  72. 22 or not, You cant grow out of being an ugly freckled crack addled ho…

    #72 | Comment by UncleMao — June 2, 2004 @ 3:23 am

  73. if the nipple slipped, you must acquit!

    #73 | Comment by itsmyfirstday — June 2, 2004 @ 4:32 am

  74. Lindsay Lohan is 17 years old, she already had implants on her breasts, smokes, drinks, acts bitchy on sets and hits on older men.

    And she´s only 17… i wonder were this girl is gonna be when she´s 25…

    #74 | Comment by Hyperion — June 2, 2004 @ 4:41 am

  75. She probably will be found dead with her head buried in a pound of crack while straddling Lenny Kravitz’s nasty black pepper pecker crack cracker of doom!!

    Of course by then Bob Geldof would be looking after her 3 illegitimate children while urging for donations to the American Cankle Society

    #75 | Comment by UncleMao — June 2, 2004 @ 4:46 am

  76. my recipe for american beauty: mena suvari + thora birch topless = oscar material

    #76 | Comment by Joe — June 2, 2004 @ 9:38 am

  77. by the way Jeff, that pic of michelle trachtenberg is fake, its a screencap from "eurotrip" in which she flashes her bra covered boobs so her group of hitchhikers can get a ride… i already have my copy of the unrated dvd reserved… >:D

    #77 | Comment by Joe — June 2, 2004 @ 9:42 am

  78. Michelle Trachtenberg isn’t UGLY!!!!!

    #78 | Comment by Serra — June 2, 2004 @ 11:01 am

  79. In the movie Holes (made in 2000), Keira Knightley was only 15 (she’s 19 now), and she flashed her tits. The movie was made in England so I don’t know what their law is, but does that count as child pornography? I think as long as the director has the parent’s consent, it shouldn’t matter.

    #79 | Comment by Zamous — June 2, 2004 @ 11:45 am

  80. Are you gonna edit back the phone #?

    #80 | Comment by deedas — June 2, 2004 @ 12:44 pm

  81. on second thought, no.

    #81 | Comment by Justin — June 2, 2004 @ 12:52 pm

  82. How can Lindsay Lohan be 22 y/o?

    "The parent trap" came out in 1998 and she was like 12 y/o. She would have looked a lot older if she was 22 y/o now (meaning she would have been been 16 y/o instead of 12)

    I still don’t understand how some people believe those rumors

    #82 | Comment by Jamdez — June 2, 2004 @ 3:23 pm

  83. Your playing with fire here

    #83 | Comment by P. Orno Rocks — June 2, 2004 @ 7:42 pm

  84. Ewwww…Keira just had her lips done…fuck and she’s only 19. Talk about unnecessary

    #84 | Comment by UncleMao — June 3, 2004 @ 2:29 am

  85. keira knightley was in the 2001 movie "the hole", not disney’s "holes" of 2000

    #85 | Comment by correction — June 3, 2004 @ 12:56 pm

  86. A Florida judge ruled that a 17 year old who shows her breasts and is photographed is nto child porn. Just so some of you asses know.

    #86 | Comment by AJay Brice — June 3, 2004 @ 5:53 pm

  87. **Man, seriously, am i the only one who thinks that Thora Birch and her heaving jubblies are grossly overrated?

    Something about them……makes them look just odd.
    Besides, Butterface Suvari had the better sweater monkeys in that one anyways….**

    Mena Suvari and sad little training-bra tits? She’s hot, but her boobs are like crumbs. American Beauty is my favorite movie and Thora Birch can titfuck me any day.

    #87 | Comment by Duante — June 4, 2004 @ 6:02 pm

  88. thats fucked up,
    hooray for thora’s melons!!!

    #88 | Comment by Charlioso — October 6, 2006 @ 8:59 am

  89. Actually a pedophile is a person who has sexual interest in people who have not yet developed sexually. So this means, in general, kids under 12. Most 13 year-olds are already developed. They have boobs, they can have orgasms, they are interested in sex, they can have babies… It’s a different word for people interested in TEENS! And that’s not pedophile.

    It’s called efobophilia (sp?) and it’s COMMON with grown men. I’m happy to admit that I have this. Medically it’s NOT considered a sickness or illness or anything like that. It’s actually quite healthy.

    #89 | Comment by ellu — January 27, 2007 @ 1:28 pm

  90. OK Thora Issue There Was State Reps There From The Burro’s Of Child Affairs Or Like. Also She Consented And Her Parents So On The Issue Or Porn Ok Nude Art Yes And Sexy Five Seconds OK… Linsey issue ok I agree for once on Janis Dickerson Top Model Judge shes an actress not a model like Paris Hilton who she agrees not to do what she dose in respect of light of porn sorry seen no nude seen’s yet I just thank god Linsey achualy worked this year in a real movie rather then her life on the boob tub. And in general LOLITA Go to the foreng film vault and in 97 you’ll see a much more real view of child issues sad thing is boys and girls Europe of what I’ve heard has a real strickter rules in art and children protecting the child rather then you horny son of a guns… In seen If it true pain for the child then its porn and molestation if vaginaly invaded but if touched on the skert of life and oh goodness reality Sundance Toronto Other REAL film that do keep in mind art and health of the actors actress buy please advertise it to the max of presher to help others not taboo the issue and knock on there nabors doors and stop the real rapers my bloggy friends….

    Your operatic grasshopper


    John Merrick

    #90 | Comment by JPMerrick — May 25, 2007 @ 4:47 pm

  91. That is just Double Standard for you its child pornographic when a pervert is caught but is not child pornographic if hollywood makes it, so are you implying that hollywood is above the law and only the little people or perverts as you call them should be jailed. I thought the law apply to everybody I guess not when it comes to hollywood making lots of money with young actress like lindsay lohan.

    #91 | Comment by Mike — June 25, 2007 @ 2:06 am

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