politically motivated trash. not worth my time or $7
#4 |
by Messenjah — June 3, 2004 @
6:36 pm
I love Moore’s films… I can’t wait till that movie comes out. Anyone who speaks his/her mind and from the heart is cool with me, even if I don’t agree with them.
examples: Howard Stern, Eminem, Dave Chappelle, Michael Moore, ETC…
Politically motivated trash? The only garbage being spewed these days is by the "Little Shrub" in office. He is so in bed with the Bin Laden family it is sickening…If anyone thinks this war is anything other than a personal vendetta with Sadam and a way to make US contractors and businesses rich off oil, then I feel sorry for your lack of intelligence.
our country and rich contractors were built on war. The US doesn’t have friends, it has financial interests. Our whole way life is financial. If you think we are "friends" with China because we like chow mein, you have some serious research to do. So what if we invaded Iraq for oil. If oil goes away, so does the US.
Moore doesn’t speak from his heart, he speaks from his wallet. He knew a year ago Disney had no plans to release his movie. It’s funny he waited until the movie was about to hit before he started making a stink about it. He’s good at marketing, bad at telling the whole truth. I’m not going to start on the war, we’ve been over that. It’s tired and old.
#11 |
by bligityblah — June 3, 2004 @
6:54 pm
I guess now I have to respect Bligity. He just spoke from the heart.
I HATE democrates, get a job and make your own money, well fair and s.s. are BULLSHIT work hard, make your own money, and live a good life… fuck getting handouts fucking assholes I hate you all
Heh ^^^
Some people don’t have it as easy as you. Anyone (mom) who says this has never had to experience real hardship.
I came from a poor family and had to work my way up. Had I come from a shit poor family (like a lot of my friends) i would have been fucked and never done anything.
I’ve got a fucking job, republican. Stop raping the country and the poor for your own needs.
As much as I disagree with some of Michael Moore’s tactics, to say that he "doesn’t speak from his heart" is difficult to accept.
While he may be just as interested in making a buck as the next guy, this is clearly a man who absolutely feels what he’s putting out there.
"Making a stink" about the non-Disney release was a marketing move. He wants to stir up publicity, yes, to make a profit, but also because he really wants people to see it. Because it matters to him. His message matters.
His tactics may (at times) be under-handed, but the man is obviously passionate about what he’s doing. (Heart)
I HATE democrates, get a job and make your own money, well fair and s.s. are BULLSHIT work hard, make your own money, and live a good life… fuck getting handouts fucking assholes I hate you all
Posted by Mom – 7:23pm June 3, 2004
HAHA boohoo. The majority of taxes arent paid by you anyways. I agree some of the programs are messed up. If I knock up a chick it can mean the difference between a $500 tax return and a $3500 tax return. Where is the reward for being responsible?
Moore is boorish … this is just more Bush-Bashing. It’s not the truth only Moore’s perspective. C’mon open your minds … Movie making, even documentaries are weighted OPINION!
#25 |
by stinkput — June 3, 2004 @
7:42 pm
OH Yeah, MORE LOHAN!!!!!!!!!!
#26 |
by Stinkput — June 3, 2004 @
7:42 pm
Moore is a wonderful liar. ^_^
Good luck on your ‘truth’ theory!
#27 |
by James Earl Jones — June 3, 2004 @
7:43 pm
In a blatant maneuver of self-promotion, I’m just going to refer you all to the current (as of June 3, 2004) post on my webpage, entitled, "From the Bipartisan Appreciation Day Desk" for my take on Michael Moore. I love the guy, but he ain’t a documentarian. And don’t forget to check the linked picture of Al Gore in that post, because it’s classic.
All of these people posting about "Moore being a liar" obviously haven’t watched the trailer for this movie. The ending where Bush is talking to the cameras about "calling on all nations to stop these terrorist killings…now watch this drive" and he tees off for golf – that’s friggin twisted! How is that Moore lying. Yeah, Moore is fat and sloppy and a bully, but that was all Bush.
#29 |
by holysmokes — June 3, 2004 @
8:20 pm
oy, justin. you had to open the can of worms, didn’t you. there can never be a civilized discussion about politics unless everyone agrees. and since no one ever does when it comes to politics, this is bound to boil down to:
republican-hater: you suck!
democrat-hater: you suck more!
blah blah blah. that being said…
i can’t say that i really respect bush as a president. basically running the country with his on-a-mission-from-god attitude is going to create more trouble than we started with. extremists are going to hate us no matter what we do or say in the middle east. bush is kidding himself if he really thinks the iraq war is like WWII. it’s vietnam, all over again. video of old newscasts from that time and you can basically substitute vietnam for iraq and have today’s news. it frightening.
as much as i don’t like bush, i can’t say i like moore any better. he’s pretty much just the other end of the spectrum. from blabbering at the oscars when he won for ‘bowling at columbine’ to his books to his movies, he is just as bad as hawk. he’s not willing to listen to any other point of view, just like bush.
the difference between bush and moore right now is bush has an army and congress essentially behind him, willing to do his bidding. moore has the general public will to raise hell — for him or against him, it all brings his POV to the front burner.
i’m not exactly a fan of kerry either, but there is no way i am voting for nader. besides, no real progress is going to be made on any front — fighting terrorism, the economy, the deficit, national healthcare — until democrats and republicans can stop bickering like little children and start working together to really better ourselves. we have the potential and ability to drive cars that don’t pollute, create computers that are smaller than the tip of your finger, provide healthcare for all, and generally live better lives but since no one is willing to compromise, we just tread water.
people just need to shut the fuck up and really try to actually make things better.
#30 |
by gabdabary — June 3, 2004 @
8:26 pm
My vote would be for Dennis Kusinich. Legalize marijuana and gambling to pay for schools, then try to teach our kids not to do it. Drill in Alaska for oil, keep that gallon of gas at about 95 cents. What more does this country need? Oh ya, get the hell out of Iraq.
Nate for President Committee
Who was the last decent American President that USA had then?
Was there ever one?
#34 |
by UncleMao — June 3, 2004 @
8:43 pm
As a left-leaning independent myself who grew up in a household and family that was strictly liberal, I have no idea how any democrat could possibly respect Moore. The guy is a rampant liar and an absolute douche. Unfortunately, Mr. Moore feels as if the ends justify the means when making his films…the end being persuading as many people as possible to side with him on whatever he presents. Several of his so-called facts are bogus and interviews are edited to suit his needs. I met a guy named Brooks Brown who was kind enough to speak to our school about Columbine (he was travelling the country giving speeches last fall, but I don’t know if he’s doing this anymore). He personally knew Eric and Dylan, the two shooters in the Columbine school massacre.
His speech centered mostly around bullying and the prevention of such. Brooks did high school forensics at Columbine and stopped by my schools debate classroom to talk to us about whatever we wanted to. First he started talking about his experience in debate and such, but let’s stay relevant to Michael Moore. When we started asking him about Columbine and how accurate Moore’s movie was, he told us several things.
Brooks said that he knew Michael Moore pretty well when they were doing Bowling For Columbine out in Littleton. The camera crew had come out there for 4 weeks, which cost 35 grand. When they were finished shooting, the cameraman found out that his lens hadn’t been clean…so Moore asked Brooks to do some of the filming. All together, he compiled probably 5 hours of video and Moore used about 30 minutes of it. The opening scene where the guys are bowling was all shot by Brooks, as well as several scenes in Littleton.
However, Brooks said that Moore was very idealistic and used him. After filming all of this stuff for Moore, he said that he would give Brooks producer credit…the Oscars rolled around, and Brooks was really hyped about it all. Moore’s assistant called the next day and said that he was "unfortunately bumped down" and was just listed as a thank you on the upcoming DVD, and didn’t get the producer credit that he deserved. He said that you could tell from talking with Moore for an hour that he really did care about the world, and he was a nice guy…unfortunately, in the words of Brooks, he seems to feel that in order to get his point across, it is okay to lie about "facts" and use people. As Brooks said himself, the end doesn’t justify the means.
Now, onto what Brooks said what Moore did to the movie to get his point across. Specificially, lies. Lockheed Martin is strongly knit in the Littleton community, and essentially the entire town was built after jobs sprung up from this new Lockheed Martin facility, the closest town was 20 miles north before LM was constructed there. Now, Moore says in the movie that they shipped missiles through the town at night. This is partially true, except they were actually Titan 5 rockets, used specifically for satellite launches. Moore was initally going to say that those rockets launched satellites which operated for the government, spied on other countries or were used for military operation…but that was cut, and to spice things up, he just made up the whole missile thing.
In the Heston "speech", three different audio files were spliced and pasted together. First, it goes to the NRA assembly the year that the Columbine shooting took place. Afterwards, it goes to some video where Heston talks some more, this is not from the same speech as before, but it is spliced perfectly. Then, it resumes with the "cold dead hands" line where Heston holds a rifle high above him, which is actually a shot from 3 years before the Columbine massacre. He is wearing a different suit and tie than in the first video and audio clip. Also, Heston profusely apoligized before he had the NRA asssembly there, and really didn’t want to do it. Moore cut this as well. Heston couldn’t cancel the annual meeting a week before it was supposed to happen, so it went along as planned. As I mentioned, Heston did indeed apologize with all of his heart on several occasions.
The gun death count during the montage where "What a wonderful world" plays in the background is completely fake. All of the numbers were made up by Moore.
In the Terry Nichols interview, Moore did make him out to be a nutcase. Of course he is a little nutty, but Moore spiced up a lot of the interview. Moore went in saying that the interview was going to be an honest conversation where you can openly state your views on anything. Moore took advantage of him and heavily edited the interview. When they go into the bedroom and Nichols shows him the loaded gun, he does not hold it to his head and pretend to shoot, rather he was holding it in his hands. He was used to guns, the safety was off and such.
When Moore went to Canada opening everybody’s doors, he obviously cut out the parts where the houseowners come after him and ask him why the hell he was coming into their house. Many of the doors were in fact locked.
In conclusion, Michael Moore fans need to take his films purely in the context of entertainment and not as factual documentaries.
I think what you’re saying is mostly true. He probably believes most of the stuff he says. But I also think he is very bright and very calculating. If I were interested in spreading a message I’d go about it differently. I wouldn’t spread a one sided message where I attack one side of an issue without letting the other side respond in kind. Now before you say he does, he doesn’t. In his movie Bowling for Columbine, he edited several subjects interviews to make them seem ultra right wing and altogether insane. That’s not to say some of them weren’t. He’s only interested in spreading the truth as he sees it which really bothers me. I also believe his primary motivation, like most in this world now, is the all mighty dollar. He could have made the stink a year ago and still gotten his message out to those who are receptive to it. He only makes it now because he knows it will put butts in the seats and Benny’s in his pocket. I’ve put him in the same category as Jerry Falwell and PETA. He would do well to be a shade more balanced. I won’t see his movie, everything else I’ve seen of his caters to a style of thinking I can’t stand. He loves to tell people what’s wrong with the world and who’s to blame for it, not how to fix it. I’m the type to stand on my own, fail or not. I really hate it when people pull that slight of hand crap.
#38 |
by bligityblah — June 3, 2004 @
8:59 pm
I laugh at all of you right-wing bastards, because I’m too old for the draft, and you probably aren’t. So, feel free to re-elect Bush, and next year the inevitable draftees’ parties on college campuses will be BYOB, this time meaning Bring Your Own Bodybag.
I love the fact that Republicans and other Moore-haters find it okay to call Michael Moore a "fat piece of shit," but when we call Rush Limbaugh a "fat pill-popping bastard," they complain. Same goes for when we call the President "a dumb motherfucker who makes even Dan Quayle look like Albert fucking Einstein." I just don’t get why they have a problem with that.
Yeah lets talk politics among many people who can’t vote and even fewer people that pay thier own taxes. Politics effects maybe 4 of you people. If you can vote, pick someone and vote, but don’t try to speak up and repeat what you heard Bill O’Riley say three weeks ago. And on Michael Moore. He is a talented director or creator or whatever the fuck he does, but his opinions are quite skewed. He takes some good points and exaggerates them to absurdity making them look just that….absurd. If he just less aggressively portayed his views it would be more effective.
#42 |
by that guy — June 3, 2004 @
9:15 pm
thankfully, i am too old for what seems to be an inevitable draft. but i do worry about my cousin who is 21.
#43 |
by gabdabary — June 3, 2004 @
9:28 pm
Well I think this post has interested about 5 people. A lot of fubar visitors are young I’m assuming and young people don’t even givea damn about politics anymore or they tend to focus on the negative (ie. Bush is a dumbass). A government can never be perfect or suit the needs of all groups. It’s built on a wavering system that if ever balanced would satisfy only a small percentage of the population. Politics, religion they somehow go together in that sense. Bush’s belief system, and the fact he and others think God is on his side (that guy from the supreme court) are completely devastating America’s place in the world. But who cares right? Canada rules!
I won’t see his movie, everything else I’ve seen of his caters to a style of thinking I can’t stand.
I will definitely see his movie, because I’ve seen the other side of the extreme quite often. Nearly every time GWB is on TV, I’ve watched it.
… Talk about underhanded tactics, misrepresentations, and lots of spin ….
He loves to tell people what’s wrong with the world and who’s to blame for it, not how to fix it.
Bowling for Columbine had a clue into "how to fix it". Stop living in fear.
GWB has told me what the problem is (Terrorists), he’s told me who’s responsible (Terrorists), and he’s told me how to fix it (Kill all the Terrorists.)
Will that work? Will we finally feel safe when everyone else is dead?
When all is said and done, GWB will be responsible for the deaths of far more Americans than the terrorists of 9/11 were.
And those young men and women will all have given their lives based on lies that even Michael Moore couldn’t have conjured up.
Well I don’t watch much Bush on TV either. Bush is a liar just like everyone else. He’s just not good at telling the good lies. That being said, I think establishing a democracy in Iraq is a good thing for the entire world, if it can hold. And yes, I’ll feel safe when everyone is dead.
#46 |
by bligityblah — June 3, 2004 @
9:57 pm
GWB has told me what the problem is (Terrorists), he’s told me who’s responsible (Terrorists), and he’s told me how to fix it (Kill all the Terrorists.)
What an oversimplification and overgeneralization… OK, would you rather the terrorists killed you?
But really, I agree with everything, couldn’t have said it better myself. That was possibly the best post i’ve seen on this site.
Funny how bligs argued with me, but then when you stuck up for my point (moore "speaking from his heart") he flip floped and agreed with some of the things you said. Typical republican, always switching his views around ^_^
"If anyone thinks this war is anything other than a personal vendetta with Sadam and a way to make US contractors and businesses rich off oil, then I feel sorry for your lack of intelligence."
Um, where’s all this oil that we allegedly there for?
Liberals like to use the oil angle as the only excuse we are over there, yet not one barrel has been taken out of Iraq by the USA
#49 |
by Where's the Oil? — June 3, 2004 @
10:05 pm
What an oversimplification and overgeneralization… OK, would you rather the terrorists killed you?
I agree with some of everything said, but all of nothing. We haven’t been arguing. I’ve spent the last two weeks arguing with newbies, I’m tired of it. You’d be no more of a challenge than anyone else, and you’d have the same fate.
I didn’t realize Kerry was republican. Was that his SUV or his wife’s?
#52 |
by bligityblah — June 3, 2004 @
10:10 pm
#55 |
by bligityblah — June 3, 2004 @
10:14 pm
About the draft…. First, there isn’t going to be a draft, the only reason they are talking about having a draft is because it is unpopular and it will hurt Bush. The Military has plenty of people, they don’t need more and they sure don’t need a bunch of draftees. Before a draft is started, they will require all military who are currently serving to extend they enlistments. As they haven’t even started talking about that, they don’t actually plan to draft anyone.
#58 |
by bligityblah — June 3, 2004 @
10:23 pm
i can’t say that i really respect bush as a president. basically running the country with his on-a-mission-from-god attitude is going to create more trouble than we started with. extremists are going to hate us no matter what we do or say in the middle east. bush is kidding himself if he really thinks the iraq war is like WWII. it’s vietnam, all over again. video of old newscasts from that time and you can basically substitute vietnam for iraq and have today’s news. it frightening.
What??? Ok, Iraq isn’t even close to what we were doing in Vietnam. I watched Vietnam every night on the news and I can tell you that what we are seeing in Iraq is completely different. We aren’t even fighting in Iraq any more. Terrorist blows something up and we shoot them. That is completely different than the NVA invading South Vietnam and kicking us to the curb.
The war in Iraq is already won and each day we get closer to June 30th, when the Iraqis take over the governement. That is something that never happened in Vietnam.
FYI… Iraq isn’t like WWII either, because in WWII we tried to kill them all and whomever was left were occupied till we were finished with them. In Iraq we didn’t kill nearly enough of them.
Here is the actual Bush quote on Iraq and WWII: "The war on terror is civilization’s fight. And, as in the struggles of the last century, civilized nations are waging this fight together," Bush told U.S. Air Force graduates on Wednesday. "This is the great challenge of our time, the storm in which we fly," he said.
Seem accurate to me. Everyone is fighting the terrorists. That is true. Even the drop outs of Iraq like Spain are fight domestic terrorists.
If you watch any of this mans movies you are officialy drunk on peen juice. Thats right you have a serious infatuation with the c@ck. This guy is a moron with no talent who found a niche market of other morons to peddle his crap too.
Everyone at the Cannes Film festival must be off the deep end then.
How about America turns into Canada, then we won’t have "The War on Terror". Let’s kill our American ego’s for a minute and live like Canada. Scary eh?
Funny Serra, so what Moore is speaking from his heart. What does that mean in the real world … NOTHING… I hope that we realize that yes we all have Opinions, but your opinion can be wrong.
Again More LOHAN!!!!!!!
#63 |
by Stinkput — June 3, 2004 @
10:42 pm
Lohan can wait.
I much prefer people flaming each other over Mr. Moore’s editing practices than over Ms. Lohan’s possible breast augmentation.
I really really do.
#64 |
by Seriously — June 3, 2004 @
10:54 pm
Although partly playing on the myth of the Saudi home flight, this should pound the Bushies a bit "more."
#68 |
by Michael Moore sucks ass — June 3, 2004 @
11:08 pm
"I love the fact that Republicans and other Moore-haters find it okay to call Michael Moore a "fat piece of shit," but when we call Rush Limbaugh a "fat pill-popping bastard," they complain."
I’m no Republican. I just fucking hate Micael Moore.
Funny Serra, so what Moore is speaking from his heart. What does that mean in the real world … NOTHING… I hope that we realize that yes we all have Opinions, but your opinion can be wrong.
Posted by Stinkput – 10:42pm June 3, 2004
#70 |
by not stinkput — June 3, 2004 @
11:26 pm
I am majoring in Film at RIT and I know I can make shit better than Moore’s trash.
"Well I don’t watch much Bush on TV either."
Posted by bligityblah – 9:57pm June 3, 2004
You obviously don’t subscribe to playboy then, I highly recommend it.
#74 |
by HugeMexican — June 3, 2004 @
11:29 pm
People should see Michael Moore’s movies before they debate on the subject. I don’t like him either, but I’ve formed that opinion based on watching his films. I’m definitely anticipating downloading his next movie.
I just think it was really classy of him to leave the Nick Berg stuff out of the movie and deal with everything behind closed doors with the family. I mean, he wouldn’t want to exploit the Berg family to drum up more publicity for the film. Oh, and announcing that he HAD the footage and what he was doing with it was a nice touch.
#75 |
by Dallas Guy — June 3, 2004 @
11:33 pm
#77 |
by evanwantsme — June 3, 2004 @
11:49 pm
Michael Moore takes takes it up the ass
#78 |
by clintonfuckedus — June 3, 2004 @
11:56 pm
You can’t go watching Moore’s videos and think that you know the whole truth about everything. I had a very good link that showed how TWISTED his facts are that he presents in Bowling for Columbine, but I lost it when I reinstalled windows recently.
I feel the same twisted truths will make their way into this – his latest release – and that’s why I can’t respect this man at all.
He makes up bullshit, and it’s funny cause most people believe it’s all true too.
I’m not pro-Bush, I’m pretty upset about his administration right now. I’m just stating the facts about Michael Moore.
I also agree we need to see more Avril pics!
#79 |
by jingles — June 3, 2004 @
11:59 pm
Hate to stir up a hornet’s nest – but Michael Moore is an artist of propaganda and deception. He’s very good at what he does. I agreed with some of his points from Bowling for Columbine – but in general the whole thing is meant to sway the public using "facts" arranged in such a way to be misleading. Just check out http://www.hardylaw.net/Truth_About_Bowling.html
#80 |
by quantum13 — June 4, 2004 @
1:33 am
this site isn’t about the politics, it’s about the slightly underage boobies.
as a great man once said to an even greater man back in ’77;
Wonder what is Justin’s stand on all this. He commented quite alot on the previous posts but not this one. Just curious. Afraid of losing half his pedophiles?
Totally agree with "Enough politics and more Avril pics". This world is just getting too tensed up! We need more sites like this to losen up
I’ll say that Moore has a way of making films so you watch them and really feel the way he wants you to feel.
Just a pity that most of his info is about as fake as Pamala Andersons tits!!
I even looked passed most of that with BFC but when I read his bullshit book I just couldn’t stand it anymore.
So fuck Michael Moore lets have a few more reposts of Lohans puffy nipple 🙂
#83 |
by Bowling for the Awful Truth — June 4, 2004 @
2:34 am
Excuse me! If this site is going to be about men than I’d like to cancel my subscription. I am here to look at firm young bodies. Did I say "young"? I meant to say "legal"! or close to legal or at least legal in some country.
Down with politix up with chix!!!
#84 |
by Dr. Ped O. Fil — June 4, 2004 @
4:00 am
Required reading if you’ve seen or plan to see Bowling For Columbine…
Bowling for Truth, seems just as one sided as some of Moore’s movies. The guy is an extreme conservative, and just like Moore, twists facts to suit his purpose. I wouldn’t trust this site as much as i would moore’s movies.
I’ve seen that page about the "truth" of bowling for columbine before on live journals of people who are too cool for conspiracy. you can bitch all you want about this and that over the movie and not change the fact that american authority talks up freedom, while efficiantly controlling every one of its citizens through a well designed climate of fear and anxiety. Not enough that we are being lied to, a lifetime of fear of "evil black men" and subliminal soda ads has made us goofy gun toting idiots.
#87 |
by elcapitanintendo — June 4, 2004 @
9:29 am
–The problem is, just like with religion, people who have a certian view like to try and make others see the same thing. You can’t convert a Jew to become a Buddist. You can’t make a Republican listen to your Democratic views.–
I’m an independent with a more of a republican lean and watch alot of liberal media and have even voted for Democrats before because i agreed with them on specific issues… I’ve actually found that the majority of Republicans are more openminded and stay on the middle ground, if you listen to Limbaugh or other Conservative media, you’ll notice that they disagree with republicans many times as well… i have still never heard a Democrat disagree with another Democrat.. I truly think that Liberals are much more closeminded than conservatives when it comes to them working together… I don’t deny there are many closeminded far right wing conservatives, but they are a very small percentage of republicans, while there is a higher percentage of far left wing democrats among all democrats… As a whole Liberals are more closeminded and refuse to budge on most issues while many conservatives try to compromise..
My opinions on Moore…
If Moore just wanted people to see the movie because he truly feels that way… he could show
it on CBS or CNN or some other liberal news channel and not charge all who would like to see it 10 bucks… i really think he’s in it for the money, he is great at marketing…I’d watch it if it were free and try to see what he is saying.. i agreed with many points of Bowling for Columbine but then after learning of his editing techniques, it washed away what i originally thought
I really want to see this film. If it holds up to the hype this will be an awesome film. I know lots of folks don’t like Moore, but in a documentary you can not really make up fake facts, especially when there are others talking about the situation.
#91 |
by Thlayli — June 4, 2004 @
12:04 pm
"I really want to see this film. If it holds up to the hype this will be an awesome film. I know lots of folks don’t like Moore, but in a documentary you can not really make up fake facts, especially when there are others talking about the situation."
That’s exactly the thinking I’d expect from close minded people. Just because it’s billed as a "documentary" doesn’t mean that the facts aren’t made up, or the views twisted around to say what the director wants them to say.
There have been a few websites posted showing how Moore twists things around – putting words in other people’s mouths. You should scan over all the posts, and educate yourself.
#92 |
by jingles — June 4, 2004 @
12:05 pm
Here it is: To get elected in the US, one must accept interest money from corporations, all both democraps and rapepublicans do it. The result of this is that when you get elected, the corporations expect you to repay them by: seizing foreign resources (war), tearing up workers rights, cutting back on environmental bills, and, of course, line the pockets of the heads of these corporations. This leads to: unemployment, high gas prices, chronic inflation, soldiers dying for CEO’s and the devastation of the American Middle Class. No matter who wins the upcoming election, this is the enevitable outcome. The solution: campaign finace restrictions. Its either that, or terrorism, so you can have your pick. Oh and btw, history has shown that when the majority of the population is at a disadvantage (as is the case in the world today, where 80% of people live in poverty), then something major usually happens. So VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!
jesus christ, heres a reason why bush sucks. he can’t even take a practically univerally agree-able topic like terrorism and harness it, without fucking it up. i don’t think theres anyone who would be against terrorism, unless … you’re a terrorist. yet his fight against it sucks and he has a shit load of opposition. he sucks at life.
#98 |
by that guy — June 4, 2004 @
12:19 pm
move to another country if you dont like it here……dipshits
#99 |
by particle man — June 4, 2004 @
12:21 pm
so…. if you don’t totally agree with everything … just move. sure. thats perfectly sound reasoning. god, go die in a fire, retard.
#100 |
by that guy — June 4, 2004 @
12:23 pm
Geez, I didn’t know all of us pedo’s had such political convictions. Forget CNBC and Rush Limbaugh, I’m coming to f.u.b.a.r. for political guidance!
Methinks LL has gotten a butally harsh dose of celebrity reality when "Mean Girls" was released. We probably won’t see any more McPuffies for a long time.
Bligity, how did a hick from Tyler get the digits anyway?
#101 |
by Nickybert — June 4, 2004 @
12:31 pm
Politics are just like religion.
Everyone believes one way or the other, or in nothing at all.
The problem is, just like with religion, people who have a certian view like to try and make others see the same thing. You can’t convert a Jew to become a Buddist. You can’t make a Republican listen to your Democratic views.
Most people either hate Michael Moore, or they love them. Then there is Bubba, who doesn’t give a crap… but "to each his own".
Honestly, if you don’t like Moore, then go ahead and keep not liking him. Some people act like he is perverting or destroying America with his views on politics. They say he twists the truth and only expresses his personal opinion, instead of the "real truth". What’s funny is that fan’s of Moore think the same thing of Bush.
When it comes down to it, hardly anyone is going to say "hmmm… maybe i’ve been wrong the whole time" and switch their view. Just like hardly any Christian would just decide to become a Catholic.
Just calm down and enjoy life before the terrorists kill us all.
HugeMexican, the purpose of MooreWatch is to point out the never-ending stream of fabrications that spews from the mouth and keyboard of Michael Moore. MooreWatch’s support of President Bush doesn’t change the facts they address.
#103 |
by Thlayli — June 4, 2004 @
12:33 pm
people just let it consume too much of them and their time. spouting their views and/or trying to change someone else’s beliefs. and its a big waste of time, and no REAL good is being done.
#105 |
by that guy — June 4, 2004 @
12:36 pm
Anyone that respects Moore as a person needs to make a reservation in their nearest local padded cell, because that guy is a joke. You can respect him as an entertainer, but as a person he is just an abnoxious conspiracy theorist who has let his personal views interfere with the truth to give people his warped version of what he thinks happened. He is an embarrassment and gives overweight dorky losers a bad name, if that is even possible.
well I don’t know if it’s true these posts don’t change anyones mind. Is it true what megusta said: that Moore made up those numbers? If so, then I didn’t know that before, I assumed they were legit. Yeah I don’t exactly love him, but I think he should have a chance to give his say. I have to admit, his movie made me think, even if it was a bunch of ultra liberal propoganda.
Besides compared to the crap the media is making about that horrid movie- Day After Tomorrow, Moore’s stuff seems very unbias.
The truth is that whatever fuck these 2 assholes spout to further their own selfish agenda, its not gonna stop the next dead innocent kid who dies from a rubber bullet.
"You are 6 years old, you go out to fetch a ball, and you get shot and half your spleen is decorating the sidewalk. Of course, you deserve to die because you ain’t nothing but a fucking Iraqi and that makes you evil…" That’s the kind of whitewashing the war machine has always been successful at.
Only one party really loses in these left/rightist arguments, and thats the people who become marginalized and made into commodities for the sake of rhetoric.
Bush is a tool. Period. He wouldn’t even know where the fuck Iraq is if he didnt have a globe in his office but c’mon, Moore and all his pussyfarting antics, crying bloody murder and decrying all these injustices in America, the fuck has he done to alleviate anything besides the media whoring of backing Kerry and that constipated diatribe at the Academy Awards?
Be ballsy, like Sean Penn, who goes to Iraq and gets buttfucked by almost everybody, but has the cojones to write an open letter to state his case to the Prez. Not some bullshit finger pointing letter, but an impassioned plea from a common man and father, who worries about things that pertain to normal people, not inbred recessive little cunts who hide behind some political dynasty, or some obnoxious abrasive media hog who milks video money from the same people who profess leftist ideals but frankly have no fucking idea what’s going on except playing the "Bush is evil" drum all day long. Use facts to argue, not sensationalism, and that’s one thing that moore has been guilty of even from "Bowling"
#109 |
by UncleMao — June 4, 2004 @
12:56 pm
You people and your retarded politics. You understand little of everything and most of nothing. Go back to pics of underage girls.
All I see is:
Republican: Blah blah blah.
Democrat: Oh yeah? Well, yada yada yada.
Independent with liberal leanings (i.e. Democrat2): I’m not a Democrat, but I tend to agree with Democrats. So, since I am not a Democrat, that gives legitimacy to yada yada yada because a non-Democrat is agreeing.
Idependent with conservative leanings (i.e. Republican2): Well Im not a Republican, and I agree with blah blah blah so that means it must be true.
Republican: Oh yeah well these are the facts!(spews out more opinion and rhetoric)
Democrat: No you believe that because you are(spews out personal insults and attacks that have nothing to do with politics.)
By the way, republican and democrat are interchangeable in this example. Place them wherever you like. Everyone still argues in the same matter and its always ridiculous.
Come on! Fuck politics. More Lohan. More Cuthbert. More Olsen Twins even…
#110 |
by Another Joe — June 4, 2004 @
12:59 pm
WRONG, the new Draft will go after any and everyone. People ages 18-35.
Everyone will be on the hook.
#111 |
by Tommy Vercetti — June 4, 2004 @
1:02 pm
Enough with the politics… On to the real reason for coming here… Avril Lavigne sex tape
Although it is almost certaintly a fake, we should judge for ourselves
#113 |
by siamesedream — June 4, 2004 @
1:15 pm
Thank you siamesedream for posting that picture for the 1 millionth time! You win a gold star and your own special place after you die.
#114 |
by DarckkorioN — June 4, 2004 @
1:20 pm
I was going for lucky one million… it’s better than being first in the comments section!
#115 |
by siamesedream — June 4, 2004 @
1:29 pm
lets hope this film gets that fucking monkey out of office,.,.,.,., 4 more years of him and there won’t be much of a world left,.,.,.,. mos def. he is gonna go down as one of the worst presidents ever.,.,.,.,.I don’t know how there are people that still support him.,.
lets hope this film gets that fucking monkey out of office,.,.,.,., 4 more years of him and there won’t be much of a world left,.,.,.,. mos def. he is gonna go down as one of the worst presidents ever.,.,.,.,.I don’t know how there are people that still support him.,.
I agree, 4 more years of Bush and there will not be a commie or dictator left! Socialism will be dead. What will all the liberals do?
anywhere we can see this "alleged" avril sex tape? in no way, do i think whatever the clip is, is real, but it’d be interesting to see it anyway.
#121 |
by that guy — June 4, 2004 @
10:09 pm
More trash from the Beverly Hills multi-million dollar mansion owner liberal to fool liberals and pseudo-intellectual Eurotrash. Fuck him and Bush and commies and republicans and anarchists and hippies and democrats…well fuck all!
Quote: "lets hope this film gets that fucking monkey out of office,.,.,.,., 4 more years of him and there won’t be much of a world left,.,.,.,. MOS DEF. he is gonna go down as one of the worst presidents ever."
Mos Def really has come a long way from The Italian Job eh?
day 1"The Italian Job"; "I had a bad experience"
day nth: American President: "Hip Hop gonna b conspulory in skools y’all"
#124 |
by UncleMao — June 5, 2004 @
1:12 pm
does anyone know the ACTUAL release date of this film in the us? i cant find it anywhere, i just see "summer summer summer" is there a set date yet or no?
Serra: I watched Vietnam every night on the news.,
.holy shit you are fucked up,.,.,., your way too old to be on a site like this.,.,., you need to get a life you fucking loser.,., if you are 40 or 50 years old and you like the stuff on this site than do the world a favor and kill yourself
before you post, do a little more research. here is bush’s quote comparing iraq to WWII:
"Like the Second World War, our present conflict began with a ruthless surprise attack on the United States," Bush said "We will not forget that treachery, and we will accept nothing less than victory over the enemy."
see how he actually mentions WWII? and before conclusions are jumped to, i am NOT saying that the world trade center attack was not ruthless, and not a surprise to most of us, like pearl harbor. i am simply saying that WWII was NOT a guerilla war. vietnam was a guerilla war. iraq is a guerilla war. THAT is where the comparison between WWI and iraq is faulty. ironically, supposedly there are historians that say pearl harbor was preventable also, that there were warnings that went unheeded. that does sound familiar…
the war in iraq is not actually already won. if it were, iraq would be sovereign, the US military would be reduced to simply a small presence instead of over 135,000 troops all over the country. there very well could be a draft. you have to look at the numbers. the US is not just leaving when sovereignty is handed over to the iraqis. bush plans to keep troops levels relatively steady from now until the end of 2005. that doesn’t sound like we have things under control. why are we negotiating with a known source of the uprising in iraq — al-Sadr — instead of wiping out his militia? because we’d lose what little control and faith we have with the rest of the population. many iraqis don’t care that we got rid of saddam, they just want us the hell out their country. and we aren’t leaving anytime soon, especially if bush wins a second term. there will continue to be terrorists and insurgents killing our troops in iraq.
as of 9/23/2003 (a little out of date, i know) there were over 250,000 troops deployed worldwide. add to that the over 180,000 that were deployed for iraq and you have over 30% of the armed forces deployed. and when you taking into consideration that the government is forcing soliders to extend their tour of duty for up to a year. soldiers due to end their career with the military in a month are being sent to iraq for the next year.
i don’t know if there will be a draft. there aren’t many people in this country that do. but if the war on terrorism is going to be fought in indivdual countries, one at a time, like the "traditional" wars, when everyone admits this is a totally different situation, then many more troops are probably going to be needed.
anyway, i am done with this. i’ve said my piece. and there are newer posts to read.
oh…and hi bubba.
#130 |
by gabdabary — June 5, 2004 @
6:08 pm
Pimply faced teens find Moore as their Hero…
How cute!!
For once make your own god damn opinion and stop reading up on this biased left wing websites that have senseless Bush bashing. Grow the fuck up, for CHRIST sike you are on a porn site.
and for Moore: Well this generation of kids are idiots and morons so of course they would love him.
#131 |
by Amused — June 27, 2004 @
2:00 am
moore must die and so shall the rest of you dirty little monkeys that watch this stupid film
good day.
#132 |
by stewie griffin — June 27, 2004 @
5:13 pm
I’m pretty excited about seeing this one, I hope it lives up to the hype.
#1 | Comment by pg — June 3, 2004 @ 6:33 pm
i hope michael moore gets on a diet. maybe he should see supersize me, the other hit of the summer.
#2 | Comment by goonslap — June 3, 2004 @ 6:34 pm
I have yet to see Bowling Columbine, but am really looking forward to this one.
Its the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
#3 | Comment by Alias — June 3, 2004 @ 6:35 pm
politically motivated trash. not worth my time or $7
#4 | Comment by Messenjah — June 3, 2004 @ 6:36 pm
I love Moore’s films… I can’t wait till that movie comes out. Anyone who speaks his/her mind and from the heart is cool with me, even if I don’t agree with them.
examples: Howard Stern, Eminem, Dave Chappelle, Michael Moore, ETC…
#5 | Comment by Dex — June 3, 2004 @ 6:41 pm
that’s so yesterday!
Cuthbert got engaged to timberlake’s personal assistant…
#6 | Comment by bah — June 3, 2004 @ 6:42 pm
Politically motivated trash? The only garbage being spewed these days is by the "Little Shrub" in office. He is so in bed with the Bin Laden family it is sickening…If anyone thinks this war is anything other than a personal vendetta with Sadam and a way to make US contractors and businesses rich off oil, then I feel sorry for your lack of intelligence.
#7 | Comment by statman — June 3, 2004 @ 6:42 pm
our country and rich contractors were built on war. The US doesn’t have friends, it has financial interests. Our whole way life is financial. If you think we are "friends" with China because we like chow mein, you have some serious research to do. So what if we invaded Iraq for oil. If oil goes away, so does the US.
#8 | Comment by pooper — June 3, 2004 @ 6:46 pm
Oh boy. Let the flaming begin…
Way to stir the waters of contempt Justin 😀
#9 | Comment by Dex — June 3, 2004 @ 6:46 pm
Damn site! Trailer is taking forever to load. GRrrrrrrrrr.
#10 | Comment by vcuplanet.com — June 3, 2004 @ 6:47 pm
Moore doesn’t speak from his heart, he speaks from his wallet. He knew a year ago Disney had no plans to release his movie. It’s funny he waited until the movie was about to hit before he started making a stink about it. He’s good at marketing, bad at telling the whole truth. I’m not going to start on the war, we’ve been over that. It’s tired and old.
#11 | Comment by bligityblah — June 3, 2004 @ 6:54 pm
I guess now I have to respect Bligity. He just spoke from the heart.
#12 | Comment by Dex — June 3, 2004 @ 6:56 pm
i think you all rant/bitch way to much.
#13 | Comment by hesey — June 3, 2004 @ 6:57 pm
At least you know where we stand.
#14 | Comment by bligityblah — June 3, 2004 @ 7:04 pm
let’s call LL and ask her what she thinks..
wait she can’t even vote yet…
#15 | Comment by huero — June 3, 2004 @ 7:07 pm
I HATE democrates, get a job and make your own money, well fair and s.s. are BULLSHIT work hard, make your own money, and live a good life… fuck getting handouts fucking assholes I hate you all
#16 | Comment by Mom — June 3, 2004 @ 7:23 pm
Heh ^^^
Some people don’t have it as easy as you. Anyone (mom) who says this has never had to experience real hardship.
I came from a poor family and had to work my way up. Had I come from a shit poor family (like a lot of my friends) i would have been fucked and never done anything.
I’ve got a fucking job, republican. Stop raping the country and the poor for your own needs.
#17 | Comment by drew — June 3, 2004 @ 7:28 pm
LOHAN’S FATHER WAS ARESTED! They just said that on ET on cbs. anyone know what that’s about? Aparentl the cops BUSTED LINDSAY’S DAD! OMG!
#18 | Comment by this just in — June 3, 2004 @ 7:29 pm
Maybe you should have taken the "handout" on literacy they give you in school mom.
#19 | Comment by anus? — June 3, 2004 @ 7:31 pm
Your right, that is just in….last freakin week.
#20 | Comment by bligityblah — June 3, 2004 @ 7:31 pm
Mom also hates spelling.
#21 | Comment by Dave — June 3, 2004 @ 7:32 pm
Bligity –
As much as I disagree with some of Michael Moore’s tactics, to say that he "doesn’t speak from his heart" is difficult to accept.
While he may be just as interested in making a buck as the next guy, this is clearly a man who absolutely feels what he’s putting out there.
"Making a stink" about the non-Disney release was a marketing move. He wants to stir up publicity, yes, to make a profit, but also because he really wants people to see it. Because it matters to him. His message matters.
His tactics may (at times) be under-handed, but the man is obviously passionate about what he’s doing. (Heart)
#22 | Comment by Amy — June 3, 2004 @ 7:33 pm
I HATE democrates, get a job and make your own money, well fair and s.s. are BULLSHIT work hard, make your own money, and live a good life… fuck getting handouts fucking assholes I hate you all
Posted by Mom – 7:23pm June 3, 2004
HAHA boohoo. The majority of taxes arent paid by you anyways. I agree some of the programs are messed up. If I knock up a chick it can mean the difference between a $500 tax return and a $3500 tax return. Where is the reward for being responsible?
#23 | Comment by Alias — June 3, 2004 @ 7:34 pm
#24 | Comment by Kiko — June 3, 2004 @ 7:35 pm
Moore is boorish … this is just more Bush-Bashing. It’s not the truth only Moore’s perspective. C’mon open your minds … Movie making, even documentaries are weighted OPINION!
#25 | Comment by stinkput — June 3, 2004 @ 7:42 pm
OH Yeah, MORE LOHAN!!!!!!!!!!
#26 | Comment by Stinkput — June 3, 2004 @ 7:42 pm
Moore is a wonderful liar. ^_^
Good luck on your ‘truth’ theory!
#27 | Comment by James Earl Jones — June 3, 2004 @ 7:43 pm
In a blatant maneuver of self-promotion, I’m just going to refer you all to the current (as of June 3, 2004) post on my webpage, entitled, "From the Bipartisan Appreciation Day Desk" for my take on Michael Moore. I love the guy, but he ain’t a documentarian. And don’t forget to check the linked picture of Al Gore in that post, because it’s classic.
Direct link to the post here.
#28 | Comment by Umgawa — June 3, 2004 @ 8:17 pm
All of these people posting about "Moore being a liar" obviously haven’t watched the trailer for this movie. The ending where Bush is talking to the cameras about "calling on all nations to stop these terrorist killings…now watch this drive" and he tees off for golf – that’s friggin twisted! How is that Moore lying. Yeah, Moore is fat and sloppy and a bully, but that was all Bush.
#29 | Comment by holysmokes — June 3, 2004 @ 8:20 pm
oy, justin. you had to open the can of worms, didn’t you. there can never be a civilized discussion about politics unless everyone agrees. and since no one ever does when it comes to politics, this is bound to boil down to:
republican-hater: you suck!
democrat-hater: you suck more!
blah blah blah. that being said…
i can’t say that i really respect bush as a president. basically running the country with his on-a-mission-from-god attitude is going to create more trouble than we started with. extremists are going to hate us no matter what we do or say in the middle east. bush is kidding himself if he really thinks the iraq war is like WWII. it’s vietnam, all over again. video of old newscasts from that time and you can basically substitute vietnam for iraq and have today’s news. it frightening.
as much as i don’t like bush, i can’t say i like moore any better. he’s pretty much just the other end of the spectrum. from blabbering at the oscars when he won for ‘bowling at columbine’ to his books to his movies, he is just as bad as hawk. he’s not willing to listen to any other point of view, just like bush.
the difference between bush and moore right now is bush has an army and congress essentially behind him, willing to do his bidding. moore has the general public will to raise hell — for him or against him, it all brings his POV to the front burner.
i’m not exactly a fan of kerry either, but there is no way i am voting for nader. besides, no real progress is going to be made on any front — fighting terrorism, the economy, the deficit, national healthcare — until democrats and republicans can stop bickering like little children and start working together to really better ourselves. we have the potential and ability to drive cars that don’t pollute, create computers that are smaller than the tip of your finger, provide healthcare for all, and generally live better lives but since no one is willing to compromise, we just tread water.
people just need to shut the fuck up and really try to actually make things better.
#30 | Comment by gabdabary — June 3, 2004 @ 8:26 pm
#31 | Comment by Trip — June 3, 2004 @ 8:30 pm
A movie with a political agenda. That is moore’s right and power to make. However, my money is better spent at http://www.georgewbush.com
#32 | Comment by fing 11 — June 3, 2004 @ 8:32 pm
My vote would be for Dennis Kusinich. Legalize marijuana and gambling to pay for schools, then try to teach our kids not to do it. Drill in Alaska for oil, keep that gallon of gas at about 95 cents. What more does this country need? Oh ya, get the hell out of Iraq.
Nate for President Committee
#33 | Comment by Nate — June 3, 2004 @ 8:39 pm
Just wondering…
Who was the last decent American President that USA had then?
Was there ever one?
#34 | Comment by UncleMao — June 3, 2004 @ 8:43 pm
As a left-leaning independent myself who grew up in a household and family that was strictly liberal, I have no idea how any democrat could possibly respect Moore. The guy is a rampant liar and an absolute douche. Unfortunately, Mr. Moore feels as if the ends justify the means when making his films…the end being persuading as many people as possible to side with him on whatever he presents. Several of his so-called facts are bogus and interviews are edited to suit his needs. I met a guy named Brooks Brown who was kind enough to speak to our school about Columbine (he was travelling the country giving speeches last fall, but I don’t know if he’s doing this anymore). He personally knew Eric and Dylan, the two shooters in the Columbine school massacre.
His speech centered mostly around bullying and the prevention of such. Brooks did high school forensics at Columbine and stopped by my schools debate classroom to talk to us about whatever we wanted to. First he started talking about his experience in debate and such, but let’s stay relevant to Michael Moore. When we started asking him about Columbine and how accurate Moore’s movie was, he told us several things.
Brooks said that he knew Michael Moore pretty well when they were doing Bowling For Columbine out in Littleton. The camera crew had come out there for 4 weeks, which cost 35 grand. When they were finished shooting, the cameraman found out that his lens hadn’t been clean…so Moore asked Brooks to do some of the filming. All together, he compiled probably 5 hours of video and Moore used about 30 minutes of it. The opening scene where the guys are bowling was all shot by Brooks, as well as several scenes in Littleton.
However, Brooks said that Moore was very idealistic and used him. After filming all of this stuff for Moore, he said that he would give Brooks producer credit…the Oscars rolled around, and Brooks was really hyped about it all. Moore’s assistant called the next day and said that he was "unfortunately bumped down" and was just listed as a thank you on the upcoming DVD, and didn’t get the producer credit that he deserved. He said that you could tell from talking with Moore for an hour that he really did care about the world, and he was a nice guy…unfortunately, in the words of Brooks, he seems to feel that in order to get his point across, it is okay to lie about "facts" and use people. As Brooks said himself, the end doesn’t justify the means.
Now, onto what Brooks said what Moore did to the movie to get his point across. Specificially, lies. Lockheed Martin is strongly knit in the Littleton community, and essentially the entire town was built after jobs sprung up from this new Lockheed Martin facility, the closest town was 20 miles north before LM was constructed there. Now, Moore says in the movie that they shipped missiles through the town at night. This is partially true, except they were actually Titan 5 rockets, used specifically for satellite launches. Moore was initally going to say that those rockets launched satellites which operated for the government, spied on other countries or were used for military operation…but that was cut, and to spice things up, he just made up the whole missile thing.
In the Heston "speech", three different audio files were spliced and pasted together. First, it goes to the NRA assembly the year that the Columbine shooting took place. Afterwards, it goes to some video where Heston talks some more, this is not from the same speech as before, but it is spliced perfectly. Then, it resumes with the "cold dead hands" line where Heston holds a rifle high above him, which is actually a shot from 3 years before the Columbine massacre. He is wearing a different suit and tie than in the first video and audio clip. Also, Heston profusely apoligized before he had the NRA asssembly there, and really didn’t want to do it. Moore cut this as well. Heston couldn’t cancel the annual meeting a week before it was supposed to happen, so it went along as planned. As I mentioned, Heston did indeed apologize with all of his heart on several occasions.
The gun death count during the montage where "What a wonderful world" plays in the background is completely fake. All of the numbers were made up by Moore.
In the Terry Nichols interview, Moore did make him out to be a nutcase. Of course he is a little nutty, but Moore spiced up a lot of the interview. Moore went in saying that the interview was going to be an honest conversation where you can openly state your views on anything. Moore took advantage of him and heavily edited the interview. When they go into the bedroom and Nichols shows him the loaded gun, he does not hold it to his head and pretend to shoot, rather he was holding it in his hands. He was used to guns, the safety was off and such.
When Moore went to Canada opening everybody’s doors, he obviously cut out the parts where the houseowners come after him and ask him why the hell he was coming into their house. Many of the doors were in fact locked.
In conclusion, Michael Moore fans need to take his films purely in the context of entertainment and not as factual documentaries.
#35 | Comment by megusta — June 3, 2004 @ 8:49 pm
Wasn’t there a stir about his last movie making up it’s own facts to push Moore’s political, democractic agenda?
So basically I’d be paying $10 to watch something I could see for free on CNN. Go figure.
#36 | Comment by Masked Raccoon — June 3, 2004 @ 8:50 pm
I hate Michael Moore, that fat piece of shit. He just twists the truth around to promote his own biased ideals.
#37 | Comment by Dude — June 3, 2004 @ 8:50 pm
I think what you’re saying is mostly true. He probably believes most of the stuff he says. But I also think he is very bright and very calculating. If I were interested in spreading a message I’d go about it differently. I wouldn’t spread a one sided message where I attack one side of an issue without letting the other side respond in kind. Now before you say he does, he doesn’t. In his movie Bowling for Columbine, he edited several subjects interviews to make them seem ultra right wing and altogether insane. That’s not to say some of them weren’t. He’s only interested in spreading the truth as he sees it which really bothers me. I also believe his primary motivation, like most in this world now, is the all mighty dollar. He could have made the stink a year ago and still gotten his message out to those who are receptive to it. He only makes it now because he knows it will put butts in the seats and Benny’s in his pocket. I’ve put him in the same category as Jerry Falwell and PETA. He would do well to be a shade more balanced. I won’t see his movie, everything else I’ve seen of his caters to a style of thinking I can’t stand. He loves to tell people what’s wrong with the world and who’s to blame for it, not how to fix it. I’m the type to stand on my own, fail or not. I really hate it when people pull that slight of hand crap.
#38 | Comment by bligityblah — June 3, 2004 @ 8:59 pm
I laugh at all of you right-wing bastards, because I’m too old for the draft, and you probably aren’t. So, feel free to re-elect Bush, and next year the inevitable draftees’ parties on college campuses will be BYOB, this time meaning Bring Your Own Bodybag.
I love the fact that Republicans and other Moore-haters find it okay to call Michael Moore a "fat piece of shit," but when we call Rush Limbaugh a "fat pill-popping bastard," they complain. Same goes for when we call the President "a dumb motherfucker who makes even Dan Quayle look like Albert fucking Einstein." I just don’t get why they have a problem with that.
#39 | Comment by Umgawa — June 3, 2004 @ 9:04 pm
Yeah lets talk politics among many people who can’t vote and even fewer people that pay thier own taxes. Politics effects maybe 4 of you people. If you can vote, pick someone and vote, but don’t try to speak up and repeat what you heard Bill O’Riley say three weeks ago. And on Michael Moore. He is a talented director or creator or whatever the fuck he does, but his opinions are quite skewed. He takes some good points and exaggerates them to absurdity making them look just that….absurd. If he just less aggressively portayed his views it would be more effective.
#40 | Comment by senason — June 3, 2004 @ 9:05 pm
This post has generated some of the longest comments ever. Except for Trip.
#41 | Comment by pg — June 3, 2004 @ 9:12 pm
^words…words…words^ ….LOHAN YEAH!
#42 | Comment by that guy — June 3, 2004 @ 9:15 pm
thankfully, i am too old for what seems to be an inevitable draft. but i do worry about my cousin who is 21.
#43 | Comment by gabdabary — June 3, 2004 @ 9:28 pm
Well I think this post has interested about 5 people. A lot of fubar visitors are young I’m assuming and young people don’t even givea damn about politics anymore or they tend to focus on the negative (ie. Bush is a dumbass). A government can never be perfect or suit the needs of all groups. It’s built on a wavering system that if ever balanced would satisfy only a small percentage of the population. Politics, religion they somehow go together in that sense. Bush’s belief system, and the fact he and others think God is on his side (that guy from the supreme court) are completely devastating America’s place in the world. But who cares right? Canada rules!
#44 | Comment by qchad — June 3, 2004 @ 9:47 pm
I won’t see his movie, everything else I’ve seen of his caters to a style of thinking I can’t stand.
I will definitely see his movie, because I’ve seen the other side of the extreme quite often. Nearly every time GWB is on TV, I’ve watched it.
… Talk about underhanded tactics, misrepresentations, and lots of spin ….
He loves to tell people what’s wrong with the world and who’s to blame for it, not how to fix it.
Bowling for Columbine had a clue into "how to fix it". Stop living in fear.
GWB has told me what the problem is (Terrorists), he’s told me who’s responsible (Terrorists), and he’s told me how to fix it (Kill all the Terrorists.)
Will that work? Will we finally feel safe when everyone else is dead?
When all is said and done, GWB will be responsible for the deaths of far more Americans than the terrorists of 9/11 were.
And those young men and women will all have given their lives based on lies that even Michael Moore couldn’t have conjured up.
#45 | Comment by Amy — June 3, 2004 @ 9:48 pm
Well I don’t watch much Bush on TV either. Bush is a liar just like everyone else. He’s just not good at telling the good lies. That being said, I think establishing a democracy in Iraq is a good thing for the entire world, if it can hold. And yes, I’ll feel safe when everyone is dead.
#46 | Comment by bligityblah — June 3, 2004 @ 9:57 pm
GWB has told me what the problem is (Terrorists), he’s told me who’s responsible (Terrorists), and he’s told me how to fix it (Kill all the Terrorists.)
What an oversimplification and overgeneralization… OK, would you rather the terrorists killed you?
#47 | Comment by percy — June 3, 2004 @ 9:57 pm
Amy is a double threat. Beautiful AND smart.
But really, I agree with everything, couldn’t have said it better myself. That was possibly the best post i’ve seen on this site.
Funny how bligs argued with me, but then when you stuck up for my point (moore "speaking from his heart") he flip floped and agreed with some of the things you said. Typical republican, always switching his views around ^_^
#48 | Comment by Dex — June 3, 2004 @ 9:58 pm
"If anyone thinks this war is anything other than a personal vendetta with Sadam and a way to make US contractors and businesses rich off oil, then I feel sorry for your lack of intelligence."
Um, where’s all this oil that we allegedly there for?
Liberals like to use the oil angle as the only excuse we are over there, yet not one barrel has been taken out of Iraq by the USA
#49 | Comment by Where's the Oil? — June 3, 2004 @ 10:05 pm
What an oversimplification and overgeneralization… OK, would you rather the terrorists killed you?
Posted by percy – 9:57pm June 3, 2004
Talk about "oversimplification"! Hypocrite.
#50 | Comment by Dex — June 3, 2004 @ 10:08 pm
everyone in the goverment is a fucking liar, and america will be blown the fuck up in 10 years. so just wank to lindsey lohan while you still can.
#51 | Comment by adam — June 3, 2004 @ 10:09 pm
I agree with some of everything said, but all of nothing. We haven’t been arguing. I’ve spent the last two weeks arguing with newbies, I’m tired of it. You’d be no more of a challenge than anyone else, and you’d have the same fate.
I didn’t realize Kerry was republican. Was that his SUV or his wife’s?
#52 | Comment by bligityblah — June 3, 2004 @ 10:10 pm
His girlfriend’s
#53 | Comment by Dex — June 3, 2004 @ 10:11 pm
And sorry for using the word "argue" bligs, I didn’t meant it in a negitive way.
#54 | Comment by Dex — June 3, 2004 @ 10:13 pm
"His Girlfriend’s"
See, now that’s funny.
#55 | Comment by bligityblah — June 3, 2004 @ 10:14 pm
About the draft…. First, there isn’t going to be a draft, the only reason they are talking about having a draft is because it is unpopular and it will hurt Bush. The Military has plenty of people, they don’t need more and they sure don’t need a bunch of draftees. Before a draft is started, they will require all military who are currently serving to extend they enlistments. As they haven’t even started talking about that, they don’t actually plan to draft anyone.
#56 | Comment by Serra — June 3, 2004 @ 10:20 pm
Last I knew the draft died in committee.
#57 | Comment by Alias — June 3, 2004 @ 10:22 pm
It does every year.
#58 | Comment by bligityblah — June 3, 2004 @ 10:23 pm
i can’t say that i really respect bush as a president. basically running the country with his on-a-mission-from-god attitude is going to create more trouble than we started with. extremists are going to hate us no matter what we do or say in the middle east. bush is kidding himself if he really thinks the iraq war is like WWII. it’s vietnam, all over again. video of old newscasts from that time and you can basically substitute vietnam for iraq and have today’s news. it frightening.
What??? Ok, Iraq isn’t even close to what we were doing in Vietnam. I watched Vietnam every night on the news and I can tell you that what we are seeing in Iraq is completely different. We aren’t even fighting in Iraq any more. Terrorist blows something up and we shoot them. That is completely different than the NVA invading South Vietnam and kicking us to the curb.
The war in Iraq is already won and each day we get closer to June 30th, when the Iraqis take over the governement. That is something that never happened in Vietnam.
FYI… Iraq isn’t like WWII either, because in WWII we tried to kill them all and whomever was left were occupied till we were finished with them. In Iraq we didn’t kill nearly enough of them.
#59 | Comment by Serra — June 3, 2004 @ 10:28 pm
Here is the actual Bush quote on Iraq and WWII:
"The war on terror is civilization’s fight. And, as in the struggles of the last century, civilized nations are waging this fight together," Bush told U.S. Air Force graduates on Wednesday. "This is the great challenge of our time, the storm in which we fly," he said.
Seem accurate to me. Everyone is fighting the terrorists. That is true. Even the drop outs of Iraq like Spain are fight domestic terrorists.
#60 | Comment by Serra — June 3, 2004 @ 10:33 pm
If you watch any of this mans movies you are officialy drunk on peen juice. Thats right you have a serious infatuation with the c@ck. This guy is a moron with no talent who found a niche market of other morons to peddle his crap too.
Very Very Ghey!!
#61 | Comment by Velvet — June 3, 2004 @ 10:36 pm
Everyone at the Cannes Film festival must be off the deep end then.
How about America turns into Canada, then we won’t have "The War on Terror". Let’s kill our American ego’s for a minute and live like Canada. Scary eh?
#62 | Comment by Alias — June 3, 2004 @ 10:41 pm
Funny Serra, so what Moore is speaking from his heart. What does that mean in the real world … NOTHING… I hope that we realize that yes we all have Opinions, but your opinion can be wrong.
Again More LOHAN!!!!!!!
#63 | Comment by Stinkput — June 3, 2004 @ 10:42 pm
Lohan can wait.
I much prefer people flaming each other over Mr. Moore’s editing practices than over Ms. Lohan’s possible breast augmentation.
I really really do.
#64 | Comment by Seriously — June 3, 2004 @ 10:54 pm
Although partly playing on the myth of the Saudi home flight, this should pound the Bushies a bit "more."
#65 | Comment by JK — June 3, 2004 @ 10:54 pm
fuck this political talk!
justin, tell us what the fuckin shawl smells like
#66 | Comment by bah — June 3, 2004 @ 10:56 pm
megusta is dead-on, Michael Moore sucks ass.
#67 | Comment by Criminal5 — June 3, 2004 @ 10:58 pm
Michael Moore sucks ass
#68 | Comment by Michael Moore sucks ass — June 3, 2004 @ 11:08 pm
"I love the fact that Republicans and other Moore-haters find it okay to call Michael Moore a "fat piece of shit," but when we call Rush Limbaugh a "fat pill-popping bastard," they complain."
I’m no Republican. I just fucking hate Micael Moore.
#69 | Comment by Dude — June 3, 2004 @ 11:18 pm
Funny Serra, so what Moore is speaking from his heart. What does that mean in the real world … NOTHING… I hope that we realize that yes we all have Opinions, but your opinion can be wrong.
Posted by Stinkput – 10:42pm June 3, 2004
#70 | Comment by not stinkput — June 3, 2004 @ 11:26 pm
I am majoring in Film at RIT and I know I can make shit better than Moore’s trash.
#71 | Comment by Tankz — June 3, 2004 @ 11:26 pm
"fuck the kennedys"
-c-unit for president 2004
#72 | Comment by c-unit — June 3, 2004 @ 11:27 pm
I don’t think hes a good filmmaker.
Just a good truth speaker.
You can’t handle the truth.
#73 | Comment by Dex — June 3, 2004 @ 11:27 pm
"Well I don’t watch much Bush on TV either."
Posted by bligityblah – 9:57pm June 3, 2004
You obviously don’t subscribe to playboy then, I highly recommend it.
#74 | Comment by HugeMexican — June 3, 2004 @ 11:29 pm
People should see Michael Moore’s movies before they debate on the subject. I don’t like him either, but I’ve formed that opinion based on watching his films. I’m definitely anticipating downloading his next movie.
I just think it was really classy of him to leave the Nick Berg stuff out of the movie and deal with everything behind closed doors with the family. I mean, he wouldn’t want to exploit the Berg family to drum up more publicity for the film. Oh, and announcing that he HAD the footage and what he was doing with it was a nice touch.
#75 | Comment by Dallas Guy — June 3, 2004 @ 11:33 pm
Enough politics and more Avril pics. 😛
#76 | Comment by Bleh — June 3, 2004 @ 11:41 pm
Politics, I’m lost. Where are the strippers?
#77 | Comment by evanwantsme — June 3, 2004 @ 11:49 pm
Michael Moore takes takes it up the ass
#78 | Comment by clintonfuckedus — June 3, 2004 @ 11:56 pm
You can’t go watching Moore’s videos and think that you know the whole truth about everything. I had a very good link that showed how TWISTED his facts are that he presents in Bowling for Columbine, but I lost it when I reinstalled windows recently.
I feel the same twisted truths will make their way into this – his latest release – and that’s why I can’t respect this man at all.
He makes up bullshit, and it’s funny cause most people believe it’s all true too.
I’m not pro-Bush, I’m pretty upset about his administration right now. I’m just stating the facts about Michael Moore.
I also agree we need to see more Avril pics!
#79 | Comment by jingles — June 3, 2004 @ 11:59 pm
Hate to stir up a hornet’s nest – but Michael Moore is an artist of propaganda and deception. He’s very good at what he does. I agreed with some of his points from Bowling for Columbine – but in general the whole thing is meant to sway the public using "facts" arranged in such a way to be misleading. Just check out http://www.hardylaw.net/Truth_About_Bowling.html
#80 | Comment by quantum13 — June 4, 2004 @ 1:33 am
this site isn’t about the politics, it’s about the slightly underage boobies.
as a great man once said to an even greater man back in ’77;
"stay on target"
#81 | Comment by zombielunch — June 4, 2004 @ 1:56 am
Wonder what is Justin’s stand on all this. He commented quite alot on the previous posts but not this one. Just curious. Afraid of losing half his pedophiles?
Totally agree with "Enough politics and more Avril pics". This world is just getting too tensed up! We need more sites like this to losen up
#82 | Comment by JiL0 — June 4, 2004 @ 2:16 am
I’ll say that Moore has a way of making films so you watch them and really feel the way he wants you to feel.
Just a pity that most of his info is about as fake as Pamala Andersons tits!!
I even looked passed most of that with BFC but when I read his bullshit book I just couldn’t stand it anymore.
So fuck Michael Moore lets have a few more reposts of Lohans puffy nipple 🙂
#83 | Comment by Bowling for the Awful Truth — June 4, 2004 @ 2:34 am
Excuse me! If this site is going to be about men than I’d like to cancel my subscription. I am here to look at firm young bodies. Did I say "young"? I meant to say "legal"! or close to legal or at least legal in some country.
Down with politix up with chix!!!
#84 | Comment by Dr. Ped O. Fil — June 4, 2004 @ 4:00 am
Required reading if you’ve seen or plan to see Bowling For Columbine…
And somehow this movie won an oscar in the "Documentary" category? Hmmmm…..
#85 | Comment by Hans — June 4, 2004 @ 4:20 am
Bowling for Truth, seems just as one sided as some of Moore’s movies. The guy is an extreme conservative, and just like Moore, twists facts to suit his purpose. I wouldn’t trust this site as much as i would moore’s movies.
#86 | Comment by applesandgrits — June 4, 2004 @ 6:59 am
I’ve seen that page about the "truth" of bowling for columbine before on live journals of people who are too cool for conspiracy. you can bitch all you want about this and that over the movie and not change the fact that american authority talks up freedom, while efficiantly controlling every one of its citizens through a well designed climate of fear and anxiety. Not enough that we are being lied to, a lifetime of fear of "evil black men" and subliminal soda ads has made us goofy gun toting idiots.
#87 | Comment by elcapitanintendo — June 4, 2004 @ 9:29 am
–The problem is, just like with religion, people who have a certian view like to try and make others see the same thing. You can’t convert a Jew to become a Buddist. You can’t make a Republican listen to your Democratic views.–
I’m an independent with a more of a republican lean and watch alot of liberal media and have even voted for Democrats before because i agreed with them on specific issues… I’ve actually found that the majority of Republicans are more openminded and stay on the middle ground, if you listen to Limbaugh or other Conservative media, you’ll notice that they disagree with republicans many times as well… i have still never heard a Democrat disagree with another Democrat.. I truly think that Liberals are much more closeminded than conservatives when it comes to them working together… I don’t deny there are many closeminded far right wing conservatives, but they are a very small percentage of republicans, while there is a higher percentage of far left wing democrats among all democrats… As a whole Liberals are more closeminded and refuse to budge on most issues while many conservatives try to compromise..
My opinions on Moore…
If Moore just wanted people to see the movie because he truly feels that way… he could show
it on CBS or CNN or some other liberal news channel and not charge all who would like to see it 10 bucks… i really think he’s in it for the money, he is great at marketing…I’d watch it if it were free and try to see what he is saying.. i agreed with many points of Bowling for Columbine but then after learning of his editing techniques, it washed away what i originally thought
#88 | Comment by tiger — June 4, 2004 @ 10:56 am
I really want to see this film. If it holds up to the hype this will be an awesome film. I know lots of folks don’t like Moore, but in a documentary you can not really make up fake facts, especially when there are others talking about the situation.
#89 | Comment by the other — June 4, 2004 @ 11:19 am
Lohans Dad was arrested, laying the smack down.
#90 | Comment by nagoh — June 4, 2004 @ 11:27 am
Read. Learn.
#91 | Comment by Thlayli — June 4, 2004 @ 12:04 pm
"I really want to see this film. If it holds up to the hype this will be an awesome film. I know lots of folks don’t like Moore, but in a documentary you can not really make up fake facts, especially when there are others talking about the situation."
That’s exactly the thinking I’d expect from close minded people. Just because it’s billed as a "documentary" doesn’t mean that the facts aren’t made up, or the views twisted around to say what the director wants them to say.
There have been a few websites posted showing how Moore twists things around – putting words in other people’s mouths. You should scan over all the posts, and educate yourself.
#92 | Comment by jingles — June 4, 2004 @ 12:05 pm
Here it is: To get elected in the US, one must accept interest money from corporations, all both democraps and rapepublicans do it. The result of this is that when you get elected, the corporations expect you to repay them by: seizing foreign resources (war), tearing up workers rights, cutting back on environmental bills, and, of course, line the pockets of the heads of these corporations. This leads to: unemployment, high gas prices, chronic inflation, soldiers dying for CEO’s and the devastation of the American Middle Class. No matter who wins the upcoming election, this is the enevitable outcome. The solution: campaign finace restrictions. Its either that, or terrorism, so you can have your pick. Oh and btw, history has shown that when the majority of the population is at a disadvantage (as is the case in the world today, where 80% of people live in poverty), then something major usually happens. So VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!
#93 | Comment by Monty — June 4, 2004 @ 12:06 pm
Can’t we talk about Mandy Moore instead?
#94 | Comment by q — June 4, 2004 @ 12:08 pm
Oh my God, it’s gabdabadavadagvaabary!!!!
What’s this post about? Oooh, the fat guy. Feh, I don’t care.
#95 | Comment by Bubba — June 4, 2004 @ 12:08 pm
Thlayli, as soon as I saw the site was pro Bush-Cheyney, I left. How can you expect a balanced look at the man from his worst enemies?
#96 | Comment by HugeMexican — June 4, 2004 @ 12:09 pm
Gay. I like titties, not commies.
#97 | Comment by timmy — June 4, 2004 @ 12:15 pm
jesus christ, heres a reason why bush sucks. he can’t even take a practically univerally agree-able topic like terrorism and harness it, without fucking it up. i don’t think theres anyone who would be against terrorism, unless … you’re a terrorist. yet his fight against it sucks and he has a shit load of opposition. he sucks at life.
#98 | Comment by that guy — June 4, 2004 @ 12:19 pm
move to another country if you dont like it here……dipshits
#99 | Comment by particle man — June 4, 2004 @ 12:21 pm
so…. if you don’t totally agree with everything … just move. sure. thats perfectly sound reasoning. god, go die in a fire, retard.
#100 | Comment by that guy — June 4, 2004 @ 12:23 pm
Geez, I didn’t know all of us pedo’s had such political convictions. Forget CNBC and Rush Limbaugh, I’m coming to f.u.b.a.r. for political guidance!
Methinks LL has gotten a butally harsh dose of celebrity reality when "Mean Girls" was released. We probably won’t see any more McPuffies for a long time.
Bligity, how did a hick from Tyler get the digits anyway?
#101 | Comment by Nickybert — June 4, 2004 @ 12:31 pm
Politics are just like religion.
Everyone believes one way or the other, or in nothing at all.
The problem is, just like with religion, people who have a certian view like to try and make others see the same thing. You can’t convert a Jew to become a Buddist. You can’t make a Republican listen to your Democratic views.
Most people either hate Michael Moore, or they love them. Then there is Bubba, who doesn’t give a crap… but "to each his own".
Honestly, if you don’t like Moore, then go ahead and keep not liking him. Some people act like he is perverting or destroying America with his views on politics. They say he twists the truth and only expresses his personal opinion, instead of the "real truth". What’s funny is that fan’s of Moore think the same thing of Bush.
When it comes down to it, hardly anyone is going to say "hmmm… maybe i’ve been wrong the whole time" and switch their view. Just like hardly any Christian would just decide to become a Catholic.
Just calm down and enjoy life before the terrorists kill us all.
Justin away!
#102 | Comment by Dex — June 4, 2004 @ 12:32 pm
HugeMexican, the purpose of MooreWatch is to point out the never-ending stream of fabrications that spews from the mouth and keyboard of Michael Moore. MooreWatch’s support of President Bush doesn’t change the facts they address.
#103 | Comment by Thlayli — June 4, 2004 @ 12:33 pm
Thank you for thank Thlayli.
Opinions are like assholes.
Everyone has one.
#104 | Comment by Dex — June 4, 2004 @ 12:35 pm
people just let it consume too much of them and their time. spouting their views and/or trying to change someone else’s beliefs. and its a big waste of time, and no REAL good is being done.
#105 | Comment by that guy — June 4, 2004 @ 12:36 pm
Right on!
#106 | Comment by Dex — June 4, 2004 @ 12:39 pm
Anyone that respects Moore as a person needs to make a reservation in their nearest local padded cell, because that guy is a joke. You can respect him as an entertainer, but as a person he is just an abnoxious conspiracy theorist who has let his personal views interfere with the truth to give people his warped version of what he thinks happened. He is an embarrassment and gives overweight dorky losers a bad name, if that is even possible.
#107 | Comment by $$ — June 4, 2004 @ 12:45 pm
well I don’t know if it’s true these posts don’t change anyones mind. Is it true what megusta said: that Moore made up those numbers? If so, then I didn’t know that before, I assumed they were legit. Yeah I don’t exactly love him, but I think he should have a chance to give his say. I have to admit, his movie made me think, even if it was a bunch of ultra liberal propoganda.
Besides compared to the crap the media is making about that horrid movie- Day After Tomorrow, Moore’s stuff seems very unbias.
#108 | Comment by Tom — June 4, 2004 @ 12:54 pm
Bush..Moore, they are both full of crap.
The truth is that whatever fuck these 2 assholes spout to further their own selfish agenda, its not gonna stop the next dead innocent kid who dies from a rubber bullet.
"You are 6 years old, you go out to fetch a ball, and you get shot and half your spleen is decorating the sidewalk. Of course, you deserve to die because you ain’t nothing but a fucking Iraqi and that makes you evil…" That’s the kind of whitewashing the war machine has always been successful at.
Only one party really loses in these left/rightist arguments, and thats the people who become marginalized and made into commodities for the sake of rhetoric.
Bush is a tool. Period. He wouldn’t even know where the fuck Iraq is if he didnt have a globe in his office but c’mon, Moore and all his pussyfarting antics, crying bloody murder and decrying all these injustices in America, the fuck has he done to alleviate anything besides the media whoring of backing Kerry and that constipated diatribe at the Academy Awards?
Be ballsy, like Sean Penn, who goes to Iraq and gets buttfucked by almost everybody, but has the cojones to write an open letter to state his case to the Prez. Not some bullshit finger pointing letter, but an impassioned plea from a common man and father, who worries about things that pertain to normal people, not inbred recessive little cunts who hide behind some political dynasty, or some obnoxious abrasive media hog who milks video money from the same people who profess leftist ideals but frankly have no fucking idea what’s going on except playing the "Bush is evil" drum all day long. Use facts to argue, not sensationalism, and that’s one thing that moore has been guilty of even from "Bowling"
#109 | Comment by UncleMao — June 4, 2004 @ 12:56 pm
You people and your retarded politics. You understand little of everything and most of nothing. Go back to pics of underage girls.
All I see is:
Republican: Blah blah blah.
Democrat: Oh yeah? Well, yada yada yada.
Independent with liberal leanings (i.e. Democrat2): I’m not a Democrat, but I tend to agree with Democrats. So, since I am not a Democrat, that gives legitimacy to yada yada yada because a non-Democrat is agreeing.
Idependent with conservative leanings (i.e. Republican2): Well Im not a Republican, and I agree with blah blah blah so that means it must be true.
Republican: Oh yeah well these are the facts!(spews out more opinion and rhetoric)
Democrat: No you believe that because you are(spews out personal insults and attacks that have nothing to do with politics.)
By the way, republican and democrat are interchangeable in this example. Place them wherever you like. Everyone still argues in the same matter and its always ridiculous.
Come on! Fuck politics. More Lohan. More Cuthbert. More Olsen Twins even…
#110 | Comment by Another Joe — June 4, 2004 @ 12:59 pm
WRONG, the new Draft will go after any and everyone. People ages 18-35.
Everyone will be on the hook.
#111 | Comment by Tommy Vercetti — June 4, 2004 @ 1:02 pm
Enough with the politics…
On to the real reason for coming here…
Avril Lavigne sex tape
Although it is almost certaintly a fake, we should judge for ourselves
#112 | Comment by scummy — June 4, 2004 @ 1:09 pm
#113 | Comment by siamesedream — June 4, 2004 @ 1:15 pm
Thank you siamesedream for posting that picture for the 1 millionth time! You win a gold star and your own special place after you die.
#114 | Comment by DarckkorioN — June 4, 2004 @ 1:20 pm
I was going for lucky one million… it’s better than being first in the comments section!
#115 | Comment by siamesedream — June 4, 2004 @ 1:29 pm
#116 | Comment by http://www.pcpages.com/abyssal — June 4, 2004 @ 1:34 pm
NO… 115!… (116 BEFORE THIS ONE…) 😉
#117 | Comment by http://www.pcpages.com/abyssal — June 4, 2004 @ 1:35 pm
lets hope this film gets that fucking monkey out of office,.,.,.,., 4 more years of him and there won’t be much of a world left,.,.,.,. mos def. he is gonna go down as one of the worst presidents ever.,.,.,.,.I don’t know how there are people that still support him.,.
#118 | Comment by jmac — June 4, 2004 @ 3:20 pm
I hate politics with a passion….who here wishs that all politicians would just "go away" and let us live our lives.?
#119 | Comment by Booyah — June 4, 2004 @ 5:52 pm
lets hope this film gets that fucking monkey out of office,.,.,.,., 4 more years of him and there won’t be much of a world left,.,.,.,. mos def. he is gonna go down as one of the worst presidents ever.,.,.,.,.I don’t know how there are people that still support him.,.
I agree, 4 more years of Bush and there will not be a commie or dictator left! Socialism will be dead. What will all the liberals do?
#120 | Comment by Serra — June 4, 2004 @ 7:05 pm
anywhere we can see this "alleged" avril sex tape? in no way, do i think whatever the clip is, is real, but it’d be interesting to see it anyway.
#121 | Comment by that guy — June 4, 2004 @ 10:09 pm
More trash from the Beverly Hills multi-million dollar mansion owner liberal to fool liberals and pseudo-intellectual Eurotrash. Fuck him and Bush and commies and republicans and anarchists and hippies and democrats…well fuck all!
#122 | Comment by JJ — June 5, 2004 @ 12:29 pm
Bowling for Columbine…
scene by scene, lie by lie. Even Moores defense over his lies are LIES. It’s pathetic.
#123 | Comment by MICHAEL MOORE — June 5, 2004 @ 12:36 pm
Quote: "lets hope this film gets that fucking monkey out of office,.,.,.,., 4 more years of him and there won’t be much of a world left,.,.,.,. MOS DEF. he is gonna go down as one of the worst presidents ever."
Mos Def really has come a long way from The Italian Job eh?
day 1"The Italian Job"; "I had a bad experience"
day nth: American President: "Hip Hop gonna b conspulory in skools y’all"
#124 | Comment by UncleMao — June 5, 2004 @ 1:12 pm
does anyone know the ACTUAL release date of this film in the us? i cant find it anywhere, i just see "summer summer summer" is there a set date yet or no?
peace ‘n making love
#125 | Comment by black or white — June 5, 2004 @ 1:41 pm
Heres a word association for you
Jamie Leigh- Face-Sulphuric -Acid-Picking-Up-Teeth- With-Broken-Fingers- Caw-Caw-Bang- Fuck-I’m-Dead.
#126 | Comment by UncleMao — June 5, 2004 @ 2:33 pm
mos def as in most definately you stupid fuck
#127 | Comment by jmac — June 5, 2004 @ 3:49 pm
#128 | Comment by jmac — June 5, 2004 @ 3:59 pm
Serra: I watched Vietnam every night on the news.,
.holy shit you are fucked up,.,.,., your way too old to be on a site like this.,.,., you need to get a life you fucking loser.,., if you are 40 or 50 years old and you like the stuff on this site than do the world a favor and kill yourself
#129 | Comment by jmac — June 5, 2004 @ 4:04 pm
before you post, do a little more research. here is bush’s quote comparing iraq to WWII:
"Like the Second World War, our present conflict began with a ruthless surprise attack on the United States," Bush said "We will not forget that treachery, and we will accept nothing less than victory over the enemy."
see how he actually mentions WWII? and before conclusions are jumped to, i am NOT saying that the world trade center attack was not ruthless, and not a surprise to most of us, like pearl harbor. i am simply saying that WWII was NOT a guerilla war. vietnam was a guerilla war. iraq is a guerilla war. THAT is where the comparison between WWI and iraq is faulty. ironically, supposedly there are historians that say pearl harbor was preventable also, that there were warnings that went unheeded. that does sound familiar…
the war in iraq is not actually already won. if it were, iraq would be sovereign, the US military would be reduced to simply a small presence instead of over 135,000 troops all over the country. there very well could be a draft. you have to look at the numbers. the US is not just leaving when sovereignty is handed over to the iraqis. bush plans to keep troops levels relatively steady from now until the end of 2005. that doesn’t sound like we have things under control. why are we negotiating with a known source of the uprising in iraq — al-Sadr — instead of wiping out his militia? because we’d lose what little control and faith we have with the rest of the population. many iraqis don’t care that we got rid of saddam, they just want us the hell out their country. and we aren’t leaving anytime soon, especially if bush wins a second term. there will continue to be terrorists and insurgents killing our troops in iraq.
as of 9/23/2003 (a little out of date, i know) there were over 250,000 troops deployed worldwide. add to that the over 180,000 that were deployed for iraq and you have over 30% of the armed forces deployed. and when you taking into consideration that the government is forcing soliders to extend their tour of duty for up to a year. soldiers due to end their career with the military in a month are being sent to iraq for the next year.
i don’t know if there will be a draft. there aren’t many people in this country that do. but if the war on terrorism is going to be fought in indivdual countries, one at a time, like the "traditional" wars, when everyone admits this is a totally different situation, then many more troops are probably going to be needed.
anyway, i am done with this. i’ve said my piece. and there are newer posts to read.
oh…and hi bubba.
#130 | Comment by gabdabary — June 5, 2004 @ 6:08 pm
Pimply faced teens find Moore as their Hero…
How cute!!
For once make your own god damn opinion and stop reading up on this biased left wing websites that have senseless Bush bashing. Grow the fuck up, for CHRIST sike you are on a porn site.
and for Moore: Well this generation of kids are idiots and morons so of course they would love him.
#131 | Comment by Amused — June 27, 2004 @ 2:00 am
moore must die and so shall the rest of you dirty little monkeys that watch this stupid film
good day.
#132 | Comment by stewie griffin — June 27, 2004 @ 5:13 pm