Yet antoher comparison to Vietnam. During Vietnam people were in a big uproar because congressmen and senators were getting their kids out of the draft. I think it was Creedence Clearwater Revival that had a song about it called Fortunate Son.
If Micheal Moore hated America, wouldn’t he just leave?
There’s a difference between hating and wanting to progress. I don’t see anything wrong with someone unvealing things that are wrong in the world. It’s a pursuit to make things better and open people’s eyes to injustice.
#10 |
by Doctor_Doom — June 12, 2004 @
10:27 pm
I love when people make up new words. Wenis, agreeance, unvealing
Don’t get me wrong (I’m sure you already have). I love our freedoms and rights. I love our laws and law enforcers.
What I hate is how America thinks they are "always right" and how they stick their nose in everyone buisness. If we had left Iraq alone 10 years ago, we wouldn’t have terrorists flying planes into our buildings.
I hate how people in Flordia can’t count, and your vote no longer counts. I hate how American troops fucking TRAINED Bin Ladin’s troops, and now we all have to suffer. I hate how everyone is STILL racist after all these years. I hate how shitty politics are, and how they take precident over religion and the bill of rights.
Most of all, I hate the fact that you can’t say "I hate America" without getting FLAMED. WTF? I thought I had free speach motherfucker? Don’t I have the right to this-and-this? How am I hurting you, or the people you love by speaking my mind? Yeah, I’ve got an upside down American flag on my car. Because I love America, and I also fucking hate it. If things changed, then I would love it (period).
I hope more people like Michael Moore speak their minds and maybe America will change into a country I can love 100%.
And as far as "If Micheal Moore hated America, wouldn’t he just leave?" Dude, thats fucked up. I bet you tell African Americans to "go back to Africa", don’t you? That’s every red-neck’s solution. Go back to where you came from. Wow. How closed minded is that shit? Lets build a bigger wall on the US/Mexico & US/Canadian border while were at it.
Dex, first good comment so far. I cannot wait for Fahrenheit 911, its going to be awesome. Apparently when it was released in France (as you know…everyone in France loves America right now..), like everyone inside the theater cheered, ahahah.
#15 |
by Soldier Of Nothing — June 12, 2004 @
10:51 pm
Hate him or not, we live in a country of FREE SPEECH. Are we just suppose to say everything is HUNKY DORY here in the U.S.? CAUSE ITS FUCKING NOT! This country is imo, the best but im not going to say its perfect.
#17 |
by f unit — June 12, 2004 @
10:55 pm
Unfortunately, America is crashing. Look through history and you will see it. We are crushing ourselves with the freedom to do so as we please. ACLU will assist taking all rights away and we will begin a socialist/commie state in the next 50 years. You young guys beware!
i like him…i remember when he had a tv show he went around the the executives of companies and asked them if they could do the tasks their products were meant to do…like he asked the ceo of GE if he could change a lightbulb. and the only person i remember doing anything was the ceo of ford…he changed an explorers oil
#23 |
by Mr. Junky — June 12, 2004 @
11:20 pm
Jed have you noticed that every generation thinks the new one is running the country into the ground just because the "young whippersnappers" don’t have to wear Depends.
Why when I was your age…
#24 |
by bligityblah — June 12, 2004 @
11:20 pm
a 2 parter
People that hate Moore are people that think Bush is intelligent. In short, they are fucking retarded.
Posted by J.D. – 10:21pm June 12, 2004
I hate Michael Moore and think Bush is a dumbfuck…what does that make me?
I love when people make up new words. Wenis, agreeance, unvealing
Posted by DonG – 10:30pm June 12, 2004
wenis and unvealing yes…agreeance although it is "obsolete" is still a word…i thought everyone had completely forgot about durst’s comment by now as well as learned that the word does in fact exist
#25 |
by correction — June 12, 2004 @
11:25 pm
Dex, I completely agree with your comments. I can’t wait to see Farenheit 9/11. Michael Moore can make some damn fine documentaries. This other one….looks like garbage.
Speaking of documentaries, anyone see Supersize Me? I thought it was very good.
#33 |
by Thlayli — June 13, 2004 @
1:02 am
"What I hate is how America thinks they are "always right" and how they stick their nose in everyone buisness. If we had left Iraq alone 10 years ago, we wouldn’t have terrorists flying planes into our buildings."
Dex, that is the stupidest statement I have read from you. How in the world do you believe they wouldn’t fly planes into buildings if we didn’t go to Iraq? That is not anywhere near close to the only reason they hate us. Saying that if we didn’t go to Iraq 10 years ago then 9/11 wouldn’t have happened is just stupid.
#34 |
by allaboutit — June 13, 2004 @
1:07 am
Not like I really post that much, but Jeff is already in use here. It doesn’t bother me if you change it or not, I just wanted to make you and the others aware of it. At least you aren’t making me look bad. Oddly enough you seem to think like me, from the comments I’ve spotted.
In regards to the topic of the post, I agree with myself. 😮
Of course 9/11 would have probably still happened had we not invaded Iraq 10 years ago – but the first Iraqi conflict is just one point on a long string of terrible US foriegn policy in the middle east, and in the world for that matter. I’m pretty sure Dex was just using that as an example.
So let me get this straight…Going to Iraq 10 years ago(with 66 other countries including China and the Russians) was terrible U.S. foreign policy? So it would have been better to let them invade and conquer one of our allies (Kuwait) than go with the rest of the United Nations to defend them?
Sorry…can’t buy that one.
Doesn’t even make a good example.
#37 |
by AKA Postal — June 13, 2004 @
1:25 am
Micheal Moore will edit and skew the truth to make it entertaining and fit his agenda. If you swallow his propaganda you are as stupid as Bible thumpers, Nazis, Marxists and everyone else who is living in a fantasy realm. Of course you are also to apathetic to vote so it really doesn’t matter who washes your brain now does it?
#38 |
by micheal — June 13, 2004 @
1:35 am
i only read about half of the comments but that documentary is pointing out that michael moore changes what is really said/happens and edits them to push his message/agenda. michael moore movies aren’t documentaries either because a lot of what is in his movies are made up / altered.
If everyone says that Bush is doin a bad job, wait till (if) Kerry gets elected…oh shit, we (U.S.)are fucked…I dont wanna know what that asshole is gonna be like..
Hmm…I might actually see that if its release is wide enough. I liked Bowling for Columbine as a piece of entertainment, but I can’t stand it when people say that it’s a factual documentary. The guy does some serious editing. Michael Moore is an embarassment to documentaries and the filmmaking industry in general. On another note, hell if I’m voting for Bush come November. John Kerry may be a douchebag, but I’m voting for him anyway. See, it’s possible to hate both liberals and conservatives. It’s called being bipartisan, also known as sensible.
#41 |
by megusta — June 13, 2004 @
2:39 am
john kerry can go suck a dick that lying, no good piece of douche
I served in the Marine Corps for 8 years. I was in Kosovo, and Iraq. I love Moore. We need more verbal heros like him. Our government does have too much power, the media is out of hand, Bush is evil, Kerry is too, and the NRA is also. Anti curent government does not mean anti America.
It cracks me up how eager everyone is to point out how skewed Moore’s documentaries are. I mean, no shit genius. Feel free to filter out what you think is fictional, but don’t close your mind to his subject matter just because he’s not playing by the rules as you believe them. More than anything, people need to look at each side of the argument and come to some kind of truth, because this country is dividing to the point of no return and if we keep on going the way we’re going, this nation is screwed. Worst part of it is, I think our leaders know this and don’t care. At least our current "elected" leaders do, anyway.
By the way, I can’t believe the mythology that’s been created about Reagan. I think it’s our short attention span that has caused us to forget how to learn from our mistakes.
How can we filter out what we think is fictional with him? If we did there would be no movie left. I agree with your point that we have to see an issue from both sides, but he seems absolutely incapable of presenting anything but the hardcore left party line. I am not R. or D., but unfortunately I would have to lay the blame for 9/11 on Clinton’s shoulders. We were Hit at least twice by Bin laden in his presidency. His weak responses to those attacks emboldened and encouraged the terrorists to even higher acts of violence. You’ve got to remember that the only way to stop someone from beating the shit out of you is to fight back. So now we get G.W. he’s not that great shakes either, but at least he has stopped any further acts of violence against us. And come on everyone, why let an intelligent debate devolve into name calling? It is possible to disagree with someone politically, and not have to resort to calling them stupid or retarded.
#45 |
by Quelargo — June 13, 2004 @
5:20 am
Hes trying to sell movies, if he sat there and said ‘everything is good in the world’ and lets all hold hands and sing koom-bi-ar no one would buy them.
Some of his facts might be a bit off, or presented biastly, but who cares, his movies rock.
Bowling for columbin was great i loved it, and his new one will probably be just as good.
I fucking hate kids under 30 who think they know anything about politics or the way the world works. You make me laugh!
#47 |
by Tom Strong — June 13, 2004 @
10:57 am
It’s OK Tom Strong, when they get to be our age, they will look back on a happier time with baited breath where stock was worth something and prices were reasonable and find someone to blame for their plight. Just wait until you all have a mortgage and a family to support and all your life savings are gone. new perspectives are fun…
Politics and the Economy are two of the most misunderstood arenas – especially for those that only watch US TV to gather their news content. For a complete picture (as mentioned before) see all the views. Watch BBC and any other news source along with the CNN and MSNBC ratings whores. The most important news will be skated over for the more dramatic content.
It is in line with those that truly believe that the current president (of ANY 4 year term, not just the current one) is responsible for the economic condition of the country. Do research for yourself and talk to Economists – any change involving the economy takes about 6 years to to come to fruition. Changes are not instant – they take time to work. I love it when people blame a leader for the problems/outcomes of his predecessor.
That is my issue with people like Mike "tripple chin" Moore. He truly believes that the "work" he does will get him enough recognition to pay for the 6th swimming pool and the all you can eat buffett. He is just a parasite telling you WHO to be mad at so you have someone to blame for your problems. Pointing blame is as effective as pissing in the wind. You might feel better but, you end up with bigger problems.
I am tired of people pointing fingers. We are all human and we do the best we can – as long as we take ownership for our actions (publicly or privately). Bush may not be perfect but, he has principles – and he is willing to do what it takes to live by and enforce them. That is integrity and deserves respect. I don’t agree with much of what he has done but, I still respect the man.
It is easy to discuss the follies of an administration but, until you do it, you have no grounds for your arguement. It is exactly like discussing football strategy from the cheap seats – fun, but not productive.
#48 |
by CannedWolf — June 13, 2004 @
11:48 am
J.D. – That’s because he doesn’t lie, he’s just deceptive. As the first movie stated, yes, he is a genius. He managed to make Charlton Heston appear unemotional, racist, and completely disrespectful of the American people without misquoting him once.
Fact: All of the rallies that he mentions in Bowling For Columbine were pre-planned. For example, the one in Denver was NECESSARY. If one annual meeting to vote on a president is not held, an organization can no longer be called nonprofit. The original event in Denver was supposed to last for the entire weekend, and include gun shows, festivities, etc. Everything EXCEPT the voting meeting was CANCELLED. He also took cut out a LOT of Heston’s speech – i.e. the part where he says "Here’s what I say to the mayor" (not exactly, but close enough) he actually continues to speak about Vietnam and his service. Instead, Moore chops in "Don’t come here? We’re already here!" which was in reference to the large number of NRA members/gun owners in Colorado. I don’t know the details on the other one (the one with the little girl) as well, so I won’t mention them, but I’m sure you can find them if you look hard enough.
As for the racism charge, Heston marched with MLK Jr. during the "End racism in Hollywood" deal. Also, around the time the KKK emerged, Ulysses S. Grant helped pass legislature that would outlaw many actions of the KKK. After his presidency, he was elected chairman or president or whatever they have of the NRA. Moore’s backing was basically that they were created around the same time.
While he does a good job at persuading viewers, and also represents the leftist extreme, he does it through deception and intelligent editing. Do I blame him? No, the right-wingers do it too. However, to say that he is painting a truthful picture of America is just downright gullibility.
On that note, Olsen Twins are legal on the East Coast.
#49 |
by Digipak — June 13, 2004 @
12:07 pm
I like Michael Moore simply because he is one of the few voices against the U.S. Government that is being heard. That being said, I also think he is a little overzealous and is more concerned with making popular films than strictly factual ones. Here is a site that points out some of the wool Moore tries to pull over our eyes. Bowling for Truth
For example, in the part of Bowling for Columbine where he is discussing statistics of gun violence for different countries, he just manipulates the hell out of the figures. When he gives you the figure for the U.S. gun deaths, he includes deaths due to Police shooting a criminal. He does not do this for any of the other countries.
So let me get this straight, the "michael moore" documentary maker is realy just trying to ride the coat tails of a well established documentary filmer? Yah…….. THATS original. Couldn’t he have chosen to make a documentary about something imaginative? Take the "Supersize me" film maker. Rather then just "imitate" another film maker, he went and thought up his own idea. This guy’s such a hack.
#51 |
by paper clip — June 13, 2004 @
12:25 pm
can we say shirt tail…
#52 |
by the other — June 13, 2004 @
12:32 pm
Michael Moore doesn’t hate America.
He hates rich white people.
And yet he is one.
I’ll see his movie. And I’ll be sure to obnoxiously point out every single logical fallacy he tries to pawn off on his gullible sheep in the theater.
Michael Moore is Ann Coulter with a video camera. Which is fine except than Ann Coulter is seen as the biased, abrasive ideologue that she is, while Michael Moore somehow continues to win Oscars, Cannes awards and standing ovations.
People love free speech when it’s spoken from their side of the aisle.
#53 |
by Moderate — June 13, 2004 @
12:56 pm
Amen CannedWolf, Just being involved with local government gives you an entirely different perspective. An idea might sound great on its surface, but when you get into the nuts and bolts of putting it into action you find the problems associated with it.
This is why I now base the majority of my votes on the man or the woman and the ideals they represent. What they say and promise on the campaign trail means nothing, but the principles they adhere to will effect all of their legislatiom.
#54 |
by AKA Postal — June 13, 2004 @
1:16 pm
Ray Bradbury (author of Fahrenheit 451 for those who were unaware) stated that Micheal Moore was something like "An awful, awful man" for stealing his title without permission. When ask about his politics Bradbury said he could care less about Moore’s politics just that he was an awful man for absuing his title. Micheal Moore has no respect/ethics/filmmaking talent. He is a propagandist. He will be one of the "party members" when the united states becomes a communist state. You know one of those higher ups like Al Franken who will keep looking out for the little guy whilist they drive in their own "party members only" freeway lanes. ("members only" heh hopefully they have the jackets as well)
#55 |
by Observant — June 13, 2004 @
1:50 pm
One TV station I cannot stand is MTV…they are soo liberal its not even funny…they give Michael Moore a run for his money! They are always putting out very liberal TV shows…not to mention, if I saw one more "Vote Kerry" sticker/shirt/button ect at the MTV movie awards…I was gonna puke..MTV is just bullshit..and they are influencing kids the wrong way
#56 |
by Tater Salad — June 13, 2004 @
2:18 pm
Wow, if that guy is trying to make an objective documentary, maybe he should change the fucking title. Michael Moore does not hate America, the current presidential administration hates America. Plus, if that idiot Michael WILSON is trying to take the high road and try not to quote out of context as he accuses MOORE of doing, maybe he should have included the ENTIRE SENTENCE in his trailer. I quote "It’s not like people are asking me, is EVERYTHING IN THE MOVIE IS TRUE AND EDITED HONESTLY." that was the entire sentence from which WILSON took his soundbite. What a fucking NAZI, what a fucking amatueur, what a fucking coward and a fucking corn shucking, gun toting, confederate flag waving, Bush loving nilhlist.
Yikes. You guys scare me. Bush has principles? You’re on crack. Only someone in America who believes all the BS they’re fed by major media would think that. And Christians.
Oh well, all I can do is vote my way and everyone else vote theirs and hope that no one cheats again.
Zanzibar, let me clarify something. I said he had integrity. Integrity is standing up for what you believe in when it is inconvinient – as opposed to Kerry that stands up for whatever will get him the most votes at the time.
And yes. He has principles. Everyone has principles. A principle is an ideal that you live by – that’s it.
Let’s take it one step further. defines principle as:
1. A basic truth, law, or assumption.
2a. A rule or standard, especially of good behavior.
2b. The collectivity of moral or ethical standards or judgments.
3. A fixed or predetermined policy or mode of action.
4. A basic or essential quality or element determining intrinsic nature or characteristic behavior.
5. A rule or law concerning the functioning of natural phenomena or mechanical processes.
6. Chemistry. One of the elements that compose a substance, especially one that gives some special quality or effect.
Let’s talk about #1 and #2. My definition of my personal laws and ethics are, most likely, wildly different from yours, the KKK, the Nazis, the Black Panthers, and my mother. It doesn’t mean that the groups I listed (including my mother) do not have principles – they just don’t share mine.
I ALSO said I "don’t agree with much of what he has done" in reference to Bush. However, I still think he is a lesser of two evils when compared to Kerry.
Additionally, I commented on why NOT to listen to just major media and to spend time researching all outlets (including those we may find distasteful) so, your comment "Only someone in America who believes all the BS they’re fed by major media would think that. And Christians." has no basis.
Finally no, I’m not a christian, or a budhist, or a taoist, or an Atheist, or any organized religion. I am a man of my own principles and spirituality – I take what fits best and toss the rest out.
Maybe you should re-read what I wrote… a few times just in case you missed it… again
#63 |
by CannedWolf — June 13, 2004 @
6:08 pm
george bush has been a fucking horrible president,., i don’t know how anyone can ignore that he has done more to destroy the enviornment then any president…. Ever.,. in the history of the world.,., add in the fact that he started a useless war that has miserably failed and left tens of thousands of innocent people dead,.,. every other country in the world hates our guts because of the crooked bullshit that our gov’t is doing.,.,.
ps- why the fuck do u people say that 9/11 and iraq are related,.,. the government of iraq didn’t train osama and co. the U.S. government trained them and gave them billions for weapons
for whoever thinks mtv is so "liberal", they should know that the network refused to air commercials for the documentary film "supersize me", presumably to avoid angering their advertisers in the fast food industry. mtv is neither liberal nor conservative–it is CORPORATE. just like the rest of the media/news outlets in the US–that’s why you have to go to sites like tje bbc, guardian, etc. to get the stories that aren’t being covered here…
#65 |
by drziggles — June 13, 2004 @
6:37 pm
Oops. Sorry, I missed you mentioning that Bush had integrity. That’s even worse. The guy is SO lacking in integrity that the world doesn’t know whether to trust us or fear us.
And as far as principles…whatever. You HAD to go to Typically, having principles is meant to be a good thing, but pray tell me what exactly are these lovely principles Georgie possesses that impresses you so greatly? You know, the ones he lives by? I’ve done my best to find something/anything to like about this guy but I’ve come up blank. Hell, I love this country and I don’t want to hate my president, but WTF has he done for me lately except make a bunch of decisions that don’t make sense?
And yeah, I re-read your post and it made me feel even worse this time. You make alot of assumptions about things, and that’s not right. You sound like my "older" friends that believe they have answers to everything just because. It’s like if something anti their world view pops up, they would rather dismiss it than understand it to enrich their perspective. You haven’t seen the movie yet and already you know what it is.
It’s going to be an interesting 4th of July.
Wow, if that guy is trying to make an objective documentary, maybe he should change the fucking title. Michael Moore does not hate America, the current presidential administration hates America. Plus, if that idiot Michael WILSON is trying to take the high road and try not to quote out of context as he accuses MOORE of doing, maybe he should have included the ENTIRE SENTENCE in his trailer. I quote "It’s not like people are asking me, is EVERYTHING IN THE MOVIE IS TRUE AND EDITED HONESTLY." that was the entire sentence from which WILSON took his soundbite. What a fucking NAZI, what a fucking amatueur, what a fucking coward and a fucking corn shucking, gun toting, confederate flag waving, Bush loving nilhlist.
Posted by Monty – 4:32pm June 13, 2004
Monty, I don’t believe his intention is to make an objective documentary, I belive his intention is to use Micheal Moore’s own style against him. Micheal Moore loves irony, and salivates over hypocrisy. MM enjoys chasing political officials around asking them the "tough" (insert absurd) questions and collecting wonderful sounds bytes to play with, but he doesn’t seem to enjoy the same done to him. This is the intention of the film maker, to show Micheal Moore through his own absurdist lens. Isn’t it funny how MM isn’t getting off on that irony? Oh and by the way, your word choce is a thousand times more nilhistic than Micheal Wilson.
#67 |
by Observant — June 13, 2004 @
9:28 pm
michael moore is a big fat lier. emphasis on lier. no wait… emphasis on fat.
That depends.
Do you want to support a KNOWN liar?
If so, you may well be a piece of crap.
BTW- as an aside to F Unit, i expect politicians to lie. It is part of the job description. When you make films called "Documentaries" which by definition are supposed to be factual, and you lie,well, that says it all, doesnt it?
I’m no big fan of Bush (conservative Democrat here), but Moore is a complete assclown. He’s lied about just about everything in his films, including some stuff that he’s just created out of thin air and other things that are edited to the point where it’s just political propaganda. And when he calls American soldiers in Iraq "terrorists," he gives honest liberals a bad name.
I believe the current administration is the most corrupt, evil admin ever. They stole an election (and even if you believe that Bush won under our current totally fucked up electoral system, he still received fewer votes than Gore) and then they have the gall to insist that everyone bow down before them and prepare to take it up the ass. Unless you’re super-rich; then you have gotten a great gift from Bush stealing the presidency. Michael Moore is obnoxious and quite often an asshole, and I certainly don’t agree with everything he says, but I believe that he makes his films and writes his books because he loves this country, and he cares about the "common" person- like me and himself are. I believe that the president (any president) does not deserve to be automatically respected because of the officed he holds- the president should work for the people, not the other way around.
#75 |
by milhaus — June 14, 2004 @
3:29 am
I just think that instead of "MichaelMooreHatesAmerica" it should be "IHateMichaelMoore". Anyway, does any intelligent person actually think they’re going to get unbiased opinion and pure fact from anyone about anything simply because a film is called a documentary? I don’t think so.
That’s the whole fucking point of the site for christs sake
So stop posting shit to do with your own fucking political views and repost those fucking Lindsay Lohan nip-slip pictures again.
#79 |
by good god — June 14, 2004 @
9:23 am
JT- You wanna support a liar? sorry, that pretty much makes you a piece of crap
michael moore might use deceptive statistics but he is not a liar. His "lies" have done nothing more than get people to talk about our society. THere is nothing wrong with that.
ps.- there is a liar in the white house, remember all the evidence of WMD. yeah well that lie ended up slaughtering tens of thousands of innocent people
I’m willing to bet that Michael Moore gets asked hundreds of times a week to be in someone’s project or to do an interview or a million other things. Of course he isn’t going to sit down for 45 minutes with some amateur documentary filmmaker making a film called, "Michael Moore Hates America." If he did that, he would have to sit down with every tool who got their hands on a video camera, and he doesn’t have the time or patience. Nobody would. It’s the same reason Roger Moore never sat down with him.
I’m shocked that this guy even got on TV, but it looks like it was FOX that let him on. I think I saw MSNBC in there too, but I don’t know their political affiliation.
Michael Moore is a moron. He is full of shit and an admitted story teller. When asked, he will not deny that much of what he says is fiction. He is a traitor and a dirt ball. How could you either respect or listen to a guy that looks like that. Bush has problems, there is not a doubt about that. But we are laughed on a world wide scene because people hold Michael Moore up on a pedestal.
#83 |
by MM is a moron — June 14, 2004 @
12:44 pm
God, I love it when both sides act like morons to defend Moore or Bush. Its very simple actually
They’re both morons and liars. It’s that simple, and anybody who says different is a fucking moron.
#84 |
by otaconvsworld — June 14, 2004 @
5:22 pm
Most of all, I hate the fact that you can’t say "I hate America" without getting FLAMED. WTF? I thought I had free speach motherfucker? Don’t I have the right to this-and-this? How am I hurting you, or the people you love by speaking my mind? Yeah, I’ve got an upside down American flag on my car. Because I love America, and I also fucking hate it. If things changed, then I would love it (period).
I hate how people in Flordia can’t count, and your vote no longer counts. I hate how American troops fucking TRAINED Bin Ladin’s troops, and now we all have to suffer. I hate how everyone is STILL racist after all these years. I hate how shitty politics are, and how they take precident over religion and the bill of rights.
Jesus, I’ve never seen so much bullshit and crying in one post. Get over yourself.
#85 |
by otaconvsworld — June 14, 2004 @
5:30 pm
ps.- there is a liar in the white house, remember all the evidence of WMD. yeah well that lie ended up slaughtering tens of thousands of innocent people
What a bunch of bleeding heart bullshit. :GB2Indymedia:
moore, kerry, bush, gore. They all suck and lie and are bringing America down to hell. Maybe it’s time for a black or a yellow president. After all, who hasn’t the white man screwed over? Different races, sexes, religions, etc. Someone photoshop Justin’s birth certificate and lets make him our new el presidente!!!! Viva la revolution.
People that hate Moore are people that think Bush is intelligent. In short, they are fucking retarded.
Posted by J.D. – 10:21pm June 12, 2004
And that comment was….intelligent? Give me a break. You’re the reason why people invented condoms. Moore is an idiot, if he really wanted to make an important stance on America, he would tell the truth, not make some movie made up story about it. In short, anyone who doesn’t support our troops, or President (aka Moore, Dixie Chicks, and so on) you should move, it’s as simple as that. Quit bitching about the country and fucking move already. God damn ignorant fools.
Hey Milhaus, A couple of thoughts.
1. If you want to find an election that was truly "stolen," then look at how JFK won the Democratic Primary in 1960. In particular learn about what happened in West Virginia.
2. If you think Michael Moore is at any level a "common man" then I would like to be the first in line to become one. Moore has more accumulated wealth than our cuurent President.
3. Michael Moore doesn’t make movies because he loves America, he makes movies because he loves money, and the power that money brings.
4. You are absolutely right in your last sentence about respect…up to a point. If you weren’t the one who hired your boss, are you required to respect him, no, nut you had better learn to at least show some respect or you will find yourself without a job.
#90 |
by AKA Postal — June 14, 2004 @
6:18 pm
"In short, anyone who doesn’t support our troops, or President (aka Moore, Dixie Chicks, and so on) you should move, it’s as simple as that. Quit bitching about the country and fucking move already. God damn ignorant fools."
Posted by tsl141 – 5:54pm June 14, 2004
It’s amazing how people equate not supporting our president with not supporting our troops. I feel sorry for people that think like you.
Zanzibar, the definition was for you – I already understand the definition. And as far as me making assumptions – HI POT, I AM KETTLE. You assume SO much about my positions (and my ideals)yet, you missed the most important one. Respect. My post was about respecting other people and not making snap judgements without having all the facts (hence, my multiple comments about paying attention to multiple news sources). Thank you for prooving my point.
And as far as me not seeing the movie yet, you’re right. I haven’t seen this film but, I have seen all his others. Based on his history, I cannot believe that he will change his ways and make an objective documentary. It would defeat his purpose.
#92 |
by CannedWolf — June 15, 2004 @
1:33 am
I dont care who you support, but YOU should care. Wanna be a liberal? Cool
Wanna be a conservative? Cool
BTW- I noticed your statement wasnt a defense of Moore. I can only assume you know that to be a fruitless tactic.
Guess waht buddy? based on the same evidence the president had, every single leading democrat agreed that the the Hussien regime had WMD.
So guess what? if you think it was a lie when the president saud "they have this stuff" then you better call Clinton (both) kerry, dashale,kennedy, lieberman, etc,etc,etc all liars.
So what if Michael Moore hates america. Half of the world does also, sop its not like he is in some exclusive group of America haters. The Only biggie is that he pretends to like it, even though he doesn’t. And after going to that Bowling for truth website, i can’t really trust what he says in his film.
The thing that really pisses me off is that here in Canada there is a commercial for a TV station called CityTV, where Michael Moore sucks the proverbial dick of the station. He spouts off some bullshit about how they are the only real news station because they don’t model themselves after american news styles. Anyone from canada, or in buffalo who gets canadian broadcasts knows that CityTV is a low rent station, and having Micheal Moore suck the station off on camera just pisses me off. I mean this is a channel that is basic cable (and you can get with only an antenna if you don’t want cable)and airs uncensored soft-core porn every friday night as well as has a show starring a breast obsessed foul mouthed sock puppet. Hardy a grade A station, and Michael Moore sucks their dick in an interview. First time i saw that commercial, i began to suspect the guy was full of shit, and more and more it seems like he really is.
Spinsanity is a balanced site which ferrets out misleading and inaccurate information used as propaganda. And they have a whole section dedicated to Michael Moore.
Having a problem with liars is not a matter of your politics.
The difference, JT, is that the administration had all the facts. They knew the ‘uranium from Niger’ story was untrue, but Bush still peddled it in his SOTU speech.
Yeah, a lot of others got fooled too – they trusted GWB and his chickenhawk administration to tell the truth when sending troops to war. Well, most honest folks are not going to make that mistake again.
"state of the union" niger uranium
if you’ve missed this story.
michael moore sucks ass
#1 | Comment by reservrdg8 — June 12, 2004 @ 10:06 pm
I never saw bowling for columbine, was it as good as its hyped to be?
Oh, big suprise, the governments corrupt as hell. Who knew?
#2 | Comment by DonG — June 12, 2004 @ 10:12 pm
its so fucking pathetic. no wonder moore hates america he is from the fucking shithole of michigan flint
#3 | Comment by ari — June 12, 2004 @ 10:14 pm
Yet antoher comparison to Vietnam. During Vietnam people were in a big uproar because congressmen and senators were getting their kids out of the draft. I think it was Creedence Clearwater Revival that had a song about it called Fortunate Son.
#4 | Comment by DonG — June 12, 2004 @ 10:15 pm
Oh come now, not all of your fans are as liberal as ol Mr. Moore. In fact, some of us are uber-conservative Bush voters.
But we all love people like Lindsay and Avril, so I think we can forgive each other.
#5 | Comment by Dave — June 12, 2004 @ 10:18 pm
bowling? i liked it.
#6 | Comment by Justin — June 12, 2004 @ 10:19 pm
People that hate Moore are people that think Bush is intelligent. In short, they are fucking retarded.
#7 | Comment by J.D. — June 12, 2004 @ 10:21 pm
I saw some guy on livejournal talking about the MM hates America thing. Here’s the entry. I think there was some google story about it, too.
I remain,
Matt Spanky
#8 | Comment by Matt Spanky — June 12, 2004 @ 10:26 pm
I hate politics…..and I dislike Micheal Moore….and I dislike People on the extreme left wing and the extreme right wing….I hate everyone.
#9 | Comment by Booyah — June 12, 2004 @ 10:26 pm
If Micheal Moore hated America, wouldn’t he just leave?
There’s a difference between hating and wanting to progress. I don’t see anything wrong with someone unvealing things that are wrong in the world. It’s a pursuit to make things better and open people’s eyes to injustice.
#10 | Comment by Doctor_Doom — June 12, 2004 @ 10:27 pm
I love when people make up new words. Wenis, agreeance, unvealing
#11 | Comment by DonG — June 12, 2004 @ 10:30 pm
Fuck Michael Moore
#12 | Comment by Mom — June 12, 2004 @ 10:37 pm
People who assert false dichotomies in order to call other people "fucking retarded" are, well, fucking retarded.
#13 | Comment by JP — June 12, 2004 @ 10:40 pm
I hate america too.
Don’t get me wrong (I’m sure you already have). I love our freedoms and rights. I love our laws and law enforcers.
What I hate is how America thinks they are "always right" and how they stick their nose in everyone buisness. If we had left Iraq alone 10 years ago, we wouldn’t have terrorists flying planes into our buildings.
I hate how people in Flordia can’t count, and your vote no longer counts. I hate how American troops fucking TRAINED Bin Ladin’s troops, and now we all have to suffer. I hate how everyone is STILL racist after all these years. I hate how shitty politics are, and how they take precident over religion and the bill of rights.
Most of all, I hate the fact that you can’t say "I hate America" without getting FLAMED. WTF? I thought I had free speach motherfucker? Don’t I have the right to this-and-this? How am I hurting you, or the people you love by speaking my mind? Yeah, I’ve got an upside down American flag on my car. Because I love America, and I also fucking hate it. If things changed, then I would love it (period).
I hope more people like Michael Moore speak their minds and maybe America will change into a country I can love 100%.
And as far as "If Micheal Moore hated America, wouldn’t he just leave?" Dude, thats fucked up. I bet you tell African Americans to "go back to Africa", don’t you? That’s every red-neck’s solution. Go back to where you came from. Wow. How closed minded is that shit? Lets build a bigger wall on the US/Mexico & US/Canadian border while were at it.
#14 | Comment by Dex — June 12, 2004 @ 10:42 pm
Dex, first good comment so far. I cannot wait for Fahrenheit 911, its going to be awesome. Apparently when it was released in France (as you know…everyone in France loves America right now..), like everyone inside the theater cheered, ahahah.
#15 | Comment by Soldier Of Nothing — June 12, 2004 @ 10:51 pm
2 words for you.
Freedom Fries.
#16 | Comment by Dex — June 12, 2004 @ 10:53 pm
Hate him or not, we live in a country of FREE SPEECH. Are we just suppose to say everything is HUNKY DORY here in the U.S.? CAUSE ITS FUCKING NOT! This country is imo, the best but im not going to say its perfect.
#17 | Comment by f unit — June 12, 2004 @ 10:55 pm
I agree 100%
#18 | Comment by DonG — June 12, 2004 @ 10:56 pm
Side note- Geraldo Rivera should be repeatedly kicked in the junk.
#19 | Comment by J.D. — June 12, 2004 @ 10:57 pm
If he has junk…
#20 | Comment by Dex — June 12, 2004 @ 10:58 pm
#21 | Comment by J.D. — June 12, 2004 @ 10:58 pm
Unfortunately, America is crashing. Look through history and you will see it. We are crushing ourselves with the freedom to do so as we please. ACLU will assist taking all rights away and we will begin a socialist/commie state in the next 50 years. You young guys beware!
Nerds away!
#22 | Comment by jed — June 12, 2004 @ 11:12 pm
i like him…i remember when he had a tv show he went around the the executives of companies and asked them if they could do the tasks their products were meant to do…like he asked the ceo of GE if he could change a lightbulb. and the only person i remember doing anything was the ceo of ford…he changed an explorers oil
#23 | Comment by Mr. Junky — June 12, 2004 @ 11:20 pm
Jed have you noticed that every generation thinks the new one is running the country into the ground just because the "young whippersnappers" don’t have to wear Depends.
Why when I was your age…
#24 | Comment by bligityblah — June 12, 2004 @ 11:20 pm
a 2 parter
People that hate Moore are people that think Bush is intelligent. In short, they are fucking retarded.
Posted by J.D. – 10:21pm June 12, 2004
I hate Michael Moore and think Bush is a dumbfuck…what does that make me?
I love when people make up new words. Wenis, agreeance, unvealing
Posted by DonG – 10:30pm June 12, 2004
wenis and unvealing yes…agreeance although it is "obsolete" is still a word…i thought everyone had completely forgot about durst’s comment by now as well as learned that the word does in fact exist
#25 | Comment by correction — June 12, 2004 @ 11:25 pm
Dex, I completely agree with your comments. I can’t wait to see Farenheit 9/11. Michael Moore can make some damn fine documentaries. This other one….looks like garbage.
Speaking of documentaries, anyone see Supersize Me? I thought it was very good.
#26 | Comment by Harv — June 12, 2004 @ 11:33 pm
I’m looking foreward to a socialist/communist state…
#27 | Comment by Doctor_Doom — June 12, 2004 @ 11:35 pm
perhaps all you folkies should just pack up and move to canada…….
strong beer, decriminalized pot (soon to be), and some choice women….. I mean seriously, what’s not to like?
#28 | Comment by .Moneen. — June 12, 2004 @ 11:38 pm
Looks like a great film to combat the liar, michael moore! I love the hypocrisy michael moore shows when asked to be in a documentary…Telling, indeed.
#29 | Comment by RushLimbaugh — June 12, 2004 @ 11:41 pm
well canada has a lot of french people…
#30 | Comment by radish01001 — June 12, 2004 @ 11:44 pm
I love how people bitch about Moore and call him a liar but for some reason they can’t show any of his lies, hmmmm.
#31 | Comment by J.D. — June 12, 2004 @ 11:47 pm
plus up here in canada we got that classic film fubar. funny how this place is called fubar but you never talk about it eh
#32 | Comment by deaner — June 12, 2004 @ 11:51 pm
#33 | Comment by Thlayli — June 13, 2004 @ 1:02 am
"What I hate is how America thinks they are "always right" and how they stick their nose in everyone buisness. If we had left Iraq alone 10 years ago, we wouldn’t have terrorists flying planes into our buildings."
Dex, that is the stupidest statement I have read from you. How in the world do you believe they wouldn’t fly planes into buildings if we didn’t go to Iraq? That is not anywhere near close to the only reason they hate us. Saying that if we didn’t go to Iraq 10 years ago then 9/11 wouldn’t have happened is just stupid.
#34 | Comment by allaboutit — June 13, 2004 @ 1:07 am
Not like I really post that much, but Jeff is already in use here. It doesn’t bother me if you change it or not, I just wanted to make you and the others aware of it. At least you aren’t making me look bad. Oddly enough you seem to think like me, from the comments I’ve spotted.
In regards to the topic of the post, I agree with myself. 😮
#35 | Comment by jeff — June 13, 2004 @ 1:12 am
Of course 9/11 would have probably still happened had we not invaded Iraq 10 years ago – but the first Iraqi conflict is just one point on a long string of terrible US foriegn policy in the middle east, and in the world for that matter. I’m pretty sure Dex was just using that as an example.
#36 | Comment by Harv — June 13, 2004 @ 1:16 am
So let me get this straight…Going to Iraq 10 years ago(with 66 other countries including China and the Russians) was terrible U.S. foreign policy? So it would have been better to let them invade and conquer one of our allies (Kuwait) than go with the rest of the United Nations to defend them?
Sorry…can’t buy that one.
Doesn’t even make a good example.
#37 | Comment by AKA Postal — June 13, 2004 @ 1:25 am
Micheal Moore will edit and skew the truth to make it entertaining and fit his agenda. If you swallow his propaganda you are as stupid as Bible thumpers, Nazis, Marxists and everyone else who is living in a fantasy realm. Of course you are also to apathetic to vote so it really doesn’t matter who washes your brain now does it?
#38 | Comment by micheal — June 13, 2004 @ 1:35 am
i only read about half of the comments but that documentary is pointing out that michael moore changes what is really said/happens and edits them to push his message/agenda. michael moore movies aren’t documentaries either because a lot of what is in his movies are made up / altered.
#39 | Comment by jeff — June 13, 2004 @ 2:03 am
If everyone says that Bush is doin a bad job, wait till (if) Kerry gets elected…oh shit, we (U.S.)are fucked…I dont wanna know what that asshole is gonna be like..
#40 | Comment by Matt — June 13, 2004 @ 2:17 am
Hmm…I might actually see that if its release is wide enough. I liked Bowling for Columbine as a piece of entertainment, but I can’t stand it when people say that it’s a factual documentary. The guy does some serious editing. Michael Moore is an embarassment to documentaries and the filmmaking industry in general. On another note, hell if I’m voting for Bush come November. John Kerry may be a douchebag, but I’m voting for him anyway. See, it’s possible to hate both liberals and conservatives. It’s called being bipartisan, also known as sensible.
#41 | Comment by megusta — June 13, 2004 @ 2:39 am
john kerry can go suck a dick that lying, no good piece of douche
#42 | Comment by c-unit — June 13, 2004 @ 2:40 am
I served in the Marine Corps for 8 years. I was in Kosovo, and Iraq. I love Moore. We need more verbal heros like him. Our government does have too much power, the media is out of hand, Bush is evil, Kerry is too, and the NRA is also. Anti curent government does not mean anti America.
#43 | Comment by ok — June 13, 2004 @ 3:16 am
It cracks me up how eager everyone is to point out how skewed Moore’s documentaries are. I mean, no shit genius. Feel free to filter out what you think is fictional, but don’t close your mind to his subject matter just because he’s not playing by the rules as you believe them. More than anything, people need to look at each side of the argument and come to some kind of truth, because this country is dividing to the point of no return and if we keep on going the way we’re going, this nation is screwed. Worst part of it is, I think our leaders know this and don’t care. At least our current "elected" leaders do, anyway.
By the way, I can’t believe the mythology that’s been created about Reagan. I think it’s our short attention span that has caused us to forget how to learn from our mistakes.
#44 | Comment by zanzibar — June 13, 2004 @ 4:47 am
How can we filter out what we think is fictional with him? If we did there would be no movie left. I agree with your point that we have to see an issue from both sides, but he seems absolutely incapable of presenting anything but the hardcore left party line. I am not R. or D., but unfortunately I would have to lay the blame for 9/11 on Clinton’s shoulders. We were Hit at least twice by Bin laden in his presidency. His weak responses to those attacks emboldened and encouraged the terrorists to even higher acts of violence. You’ve got to remember that the only way to stop someone from beating the shit out of you is to fight back. So now we get G.W. he’s not that great shakes either, but at least he has stopped any further acts of violence against us. And come on everyone, why let an intelligent debate devolve into name calling? It is possible to disagree with someone politically, and not have to resort to calling them stupid or retarded.
#45 | Comment by Quelargo — June 13, 2004 @ 5:20 am
Hes trying to sell movies, if he sat there and said ‘everything is good in the world’ and lets all hold hands and sing koom-bi-ar no one would buy them.
Some of his facts might be a bit off, or presented biastly, but who cares, his movies rock.
Bowling for columbin was great i loved it, and his new one will probably be just as good.
Hail Micheal Moore.
#46 | Comment by HotDOG — June 13, 2004 @ 10:11 am
I fucking hate kids under 30 who think they know anything about politics or the way the world works. You make me laugh!
#47 | Comment by Tom Strong — June 13, 2004 @ 10:57 am
It’s OK Tom Strong, when they get to be our age, they will look back on a happier time with baited breath where stock was worth something and prices were reasonable and find someone to blame for their plight. Just wait until you all have a mortgage and a family to support and all your life savings are gone. new perspectives are fun…
Politics and the Economy are two of the most misunderstood arenas – especially for those that only watch US TV to gather their news content. For a complete picture (as mentioned before) see all the views. Watch BBC and any other news source along with the CNN and MSNBC ratings whores. The most important news will be skated over for the more dramatic content.
It is in line with those that truly believe that the current president (of ANY 4 year term, not just the current one) is responsible for the economic condition of the country. Do research for yourself and talk to Economists – any change involving the economy takes about 6 years to to come to fruition. Changes are not instant – they take time to work. I love it when people blame a leader for the problems/outcomes of his predecessor.
That is my issue with people like Mike "tripple chin" Moore. He truly believes that the "work" he does will get him enough recognition to pay for the 6th swimming pool and the all you can eat buffett. He is just a parasite telling you WHO to be mad at so you have someone to blame for your problems. Pointing blame is as effective as pissing in the wind. You might feel better but, you end up with bigger problems.
I am tired of people pointing fingers. We are all human and we do the best we can – as long as we take ownership for our actions (publicly or privately). Bush may not be perfect but, he has principles – and he is willing to do what it takes to live by and enforce them. That is integrity and deserves respect. I don’t agree with much of what he has done but, I still respect the man.
It is easy to discuss the follies of an administration but, until you do it, you have no grounds for your arguement. It is exactly like discussing football strategy from the cheap seats – fun, but not productive.
#48 | Comment by CannedWolf — June 13, 2004 @ 11:48 am
J.D. – That’s because he doesn’t lie, he’s just deceptive. As the first movie stated, yes, he is a genius. He managed to make Charlton Heston appear unemotional, racist, and completely disrespectful of the American people without misquoting him once.
Fact: All of the rallies that he mentions in Bowling For Columbine were pre-planned. For example, the one in Denver was NECESSARY. If one annual meeting to vote on a president is not held, an organization can no longer be called nonprofit. The original event in Denver was supposed to last for the entire weekend, and include gun shows, festivities, etc. Everything EXCEPT the voting meeting was CANCELLED. He also took cut out a LOT of Heston’s speech – i.e. the part where he says "Here’s what I say to the mayor" (not exactly, but close enough) he actually continues to speak about Vietnam and his service. Instead, Moore chops in "Don’t come here? We’re already here!" which was in reference to the large number of NRA members/gun owners in Colorado. I don’t know the details on the other one (the one with the little girl) as well, so I won’t mention them, but I’m sure you can find them if you look hard enough.
As for the racism charge, Heston marched with MLK Jr. during the "End racism in Hollywood" deal. Also, around the time the KKK emerged, Ulysses S. Grant helped pass legislature that would outlaw many actions of the KKK. After his presidency, he was elected chairman or president or whatever they have of the NRA. Moore’s backing was basically that they were created around the same time.
While he does a good job at persuading viewers, and also represents the leftist extreme, he does it through deception and intelligent editing. Do I blame him? No, the right-wingers do it too. However, to say that he is painting a truthful picture of America is just downright gullibility.
On that note, Olsen Twins are legal on the East Coast.
#49 | Comment by Digipak — June 13, 2004 @ 12:07 pm
I like Michael Moore simply because he is one of the few voices against the U.S. Government that is being heard. That being said, I also think he is a little overzealous and is more concerned with making popular films than strictly factual ones. Here is a site that points out some of the wool Moore tries to pull over our eyes. Bowling for Truth
For example, in the part of Bowling for Columbine where he is discussing statistics of gun violence for different countries, he just manipulates the hell out of the figures. When he gives you the figure for the U.S. gun deaths, he includes deaths due to Police shooting a criminal. He does not do this for any of the other countries.
#50 | Comment by Jeff — June 13, 2004 @ 12:10 pm
So let me get this straight, the "michael moore" documentary maker is realy just trying to ride the coat tails of a well established documentary filmer? Yah…….. THATS original. Couldn’t he have chosen to make a documentary about something imaginative? Take the "Supersize me" film maker. Rather then just "imitate" another film maker, he went and thought up his own idea. This guy’s such a hack.
#51 | Comment by paper clip — June 13, 2004 @ 12:25 pm
can we say shirt tail…
#52 | Comment by the other — June 13, 2004 @ 12:32 pm
Michael Moore doesn’t hate America.
He hates rich white people.
And yet he is one.
I’ll see his movie. And I’ll be sure to obnoxiously point out every single logical fallacy he tries to pawn off on his gullible sheep in the theater.
Michael Moore is Ann Coulter with a video camera. Which is fine except than Ann Coulter is seen as the biased, abrasive ideologue that she is, while Michael Moore somehow continues to win Oscars, Cannes awards and standing ovations.
People love free speech when it’s spoken from their side of the aisle.
#53 | Comment by Moderate — June 13, 2004 @ 12:56 pm
Amen CannedWolf, Just being involved with local government gives you an entirely different perspective. An idea might sound great on its surface, but when you get into the nuts and bolts of putting it into action you find the problems associated with it.
This is why I now base the majority of my votes on the man or the woman and the ideals they represent. What they say and promise on the campaign trail means nothing, but the principles they adhere to will effect all of their legislatiom.
#54 | Comment by AKA Postal — June 13, 2004 @ 1:16 pm
Ray Bradbury (author of Fahrenheit 451 for those who were unaware) stated that Micheal Moore was something like "An awful, awful man" for stealing his title without permission. When ask about his politics Bradbury said he could care less about Moore’s politics just that he was an awful man for absuing his title. Micheal Moore has no respect/ethics/filmmaking talent. He is a propagandist. He will be one of the "party members" when the united states becomes a communist state. You know one of those higher ups like Al Franken who will keep looking out for the little guy whilist they drive in their own "party members only" freeway lanes. ("members only" heh hopefully they have the jackets as well)
#55 | Comment by Observant — June 13, 2004 @ 1:50 pm
One TV station I cannot stand is MTV…they are soo liberal its not even funny…they give Michael Moore a run for his money! They are always putting out very liberal TV shows…not to mention, if I saw one more "Vote Kerry" sticker/shirt/button ect at the MTV movie awards…I was gonna puke..MTV is just bullshit..and they are influencing kids the wrong way
#56 | Comment by Tater Salad — June 13, 2004 @ 2:18 pm
#57 | Comment by blah — June 13, 2004 @ 3:23 pm
Wow, if that guy is trying to make an objective documentary, maybe he should change the fucking title. Michael Moore does not hate America, the current presidential administration hates America. Plus, if that idiot Michael WILSON is trying to take the high road and try not to quote out of context as he accuses MOORE of doing, maybe he should have included the ENTIRE SENTENCE in his trailer. I quote "It’s not like people are asking me, is EVERYTHING IN THE MOVIE IS TRUE AND EDITED HONESTLY." that was the entire sentence from which WILSON took his soundbite. What a fucking NAZI, what a fucking amatueur, what a fucking coward and a fucking corn shucking, gun toting, confederate flag waving, Bush loving nilhlist.
#58 | Comment by Monty — June 13, 2004 @ 4:32 pm
Yikes. You guys scare me. Bush has principles? You’re on crack. Only someone in America who believes all the BS they’re fed by major media would think that. And Christians.
Oh well, all I can do is vote my way and everyone else vote theirs and hope that no one cheats again.
#59 | Comment by zanzibar — June 13, 2004 @ 5:02 pm
Micheal Moore is a hero.
#60 | Comment by thefelinepunk — June 13, 2004 @ 5:22 pm
Michael Moore is a hero? Of what? And the phrase is coat tails, not shirt tails.
Fatties away!
#61 | Comment by Swirvy Swirv — June 13, 2004 @ 6:00 pm
Sometimes I like to steal.
#62 | Comment by J.D. — June 13, 2004 @ 6:03 pm
Zanzibar, let me clarify something. I said he had integrity. Integrity is standing up for what you believe in when it is inconvinient – as opposed to Kerry that stands up for whatever will get him the most votes at the time.
And yes. He has principles. Everyone has principles. A principle is an ideal that you live by – that’s it.
Let’s take it one step further. defines principle as:
1. A basic truth, law, or assumption.
2a. A rule or standard, especially of good behavior.
2b. The collectivity of moral or ethical standards or judgments.
3. A fixed or predetermined policy or mode of action.
4. A basic or essential quality or element determining intrinsic nature or characteristic behavior.
5. A rule or law concerning the functioning of natural phenomena or mechanical processes.
6. Chemistry. One of the elements that compose a substance, especially one that gives some special quality or effect.
Let’s talk about #1 and #2. My definition of my personal laws and ethics are, most likely, wildly different from yours, the KKK, the Nazis, the Black Panthers, and my mother. It doesn’t mean that the groups I listed (including my mother) do not have principles – they just don’t share mine.
I ALSO said I "don’t agree with much of what he has done" in reference to Bush. However, I still think he is a lesser of two evils when compared to Kerry.
Additionally, I commented on why NOT to listen to just major media and to spend time researching all outlets (including those we may find distasteful) so, your comment "Only someone in America who believes all the BS they’re fed by major media would think that. And Christians." has no basis.
Finally no, I’m not a christian, or a budhist, or a taoist, or an Atheist, or any organized religion. I am a man of my own principles and spirituality – I take what fits best and toss the rest out.
Maybe you should re-read what I wrote… a few times just in case you missed it… again
#63 | Comment by CannedWolf — June 13, 2004 @ 6:08 pm
george bush has been a fucking horrible president,., i don’t know how anyone can ignore that he has done more to destroy the enviornment then any president…. Ever.,. in the history of the world.,., add in the fact that he started a useless war that has miserably failed and left tens of thousands of innocent people dead,.,. every other country in the world hates our guts because of the crooked bullshit that our gov’t is doing.,.,.
ps- why the fuck do u people say that 9/11 and iraq are related,.,. the government of iraq didn’t train osama and co. the U.S. government trained them and gave them billions for weapons
#64 | Comment by jmac — June 13, 2004 @ 6:24 pm
for whoever thinks mtv is so "liberal", they should know that the network refused to air commercials for the documentary film "supersize me", presumably to avoid angering their advertisers in the fast food industry. mtv is neither liberal nor conservative–it is CORPORATE. just like the rest of the media/news outlets in the US–that’s why you have to go to sites like tje bbc, guardian, etc. to get the stories that aren’t being covered here…
#65 | Comment by drziggles — June 13, 2004 @ 6:37 pm
Oops. Sorry, I missed you mentioning that Bush had integrity. That’s even worse. The guy is SO lacking in integrity that the world doesn’t know whether to trust us or fear us.
And as far as principles…whatever. You HAD to go to Typically, having principles is meant to be a good thing, but pray tell me what exactly are these lovely principles Georgie possesses that impresses you so greatly? You know, the ones he lives by? I’ve done my best to find something/anything to like about this guy but I’ve come up blank. Hell, I love this country and I don’t want to hate my president, but WTF has he done for me lately except make a bunch of decisions that don’t make sense?
And yeah, I re-read your post and it made me feel even worse this time. You make alot of assumptions about things, and that’s not right. You sound like my "older" friends that believe they have answers to everything just because. It’s like if something anti their world view pops up, they would rather dismiss it than understand it to enrich their perspective. You haven’t seen the movie yet and already you know what it is.
It’s going to be an interesting 4th of July.
#66 | Comment by Zanzibar — June 13, 2004 @ 9:15 pm
Wow, if that guy is trying to make an objective documentary, maybe he should change the fucking title. Michael Moore does not hate America, the current presidential administration hates America. Plus, if that idiot Michael WILSON is trying to take the high road and try not to quote out of context as he accuses MOORE of doing, maybe he should have included the ENTIRE SENTENCE in his trailer. I quote "It’s not like people are asking me, is EVERYTHING IN THE MOVIE IS TRUE AND EDITED HONESTLY." that was the entire sentence from which WILSON took his soundbite. What a fucking NAZI, what a fucking amatueur, what a fucking coward and a fucking corn shucking, gun toting, confederate flag waving, Bush loving nilhlist.
Posted by Monty – 4:32pm June 13, 2004
Monty, I don’t believe his intention is to make an objective documentary, I belive his intention is to use Micheal Moore’s own style against him. Micheal Moore loves irony, and salivates over hypocrisy. MM enjoys chasing political officials around asking them the "tough" (insert absurd) questions and collecting wonderful sounds bytes to play with, but he doesn’t seem to enjoy the same done to him. This is the intention of the film maker, to show Micheal Moore through his own absurdist lens. Isn’t it funny how MM isn’t getting off on that irony? Oh and by the way, your word choce is a thousand times more nilhistic than Micheal Wilson.
#67 | Comment by Observant — June 13, 2004 @ 9:28 pm
michael moore is a big fat lier. emphasis on lier. no wait… emphasis on fat.
#68 | Comment by popo — June 13, 2004 @ 9:32 pm
Learn to spell.
#69 | Comment by J.D. — June 13, 2004 @ 9:37 pm
Mr Moore’s out right LIES are well documented. He is a liar, and there is no doubt about it. Not to mention being a dumbass.
Anyone that supports his supports lies, period.
You wanna be a liberal, fine. You wanna be a conservative, fine.
You wanna support a liar? sorry, that pretty much makes you a piece of crap
#70 | Comment by JT — June 13, 2004 @ 10:23 pm
JT, you must support someone in goverment right? Well, they ALL lie so i guess your a piece of crap too right? well, as long as thats settled.
#71 | Comment by f unit — June 13, 2004 @ 11:12 pm
I know JT didn’t just call me a piece of crap!!!
#72 | Comment by J.D. — June 13, 2004 @ 11:17 pm
That depends.
Do you want to support a KNOWN liar?
If so, you may well be a piece of crap.
BTW- as an aside to F Unit, i expect politicians to lie. It is part of the job description. When you make films called "Documentaries" which by definition are supposed to be factual, and you lie,well, that says it all, doesnt it?
#73 | Comment by JT — June 13, 2004 @ 11:56 pm
I’m no big fan of Bush (conservative Democrat here), but Moore is a complete assclown. He’s lied about just about everything in his films, including some stuff that he’s just created out of thin air and other things that are edited to the point where it’s just political propaganda. And when he calls American soldiers in Iraq "terrorists," he gives honest liberals a bad name.
No wonder France loves him.
#74 | Comment by BD — June 14, 2004 @ 2:13 am
I believe the current administration is the most corrupt, evil admin ever. They stole an election (and even if you believe that Bush won under our current totally fucked up electoral system, he still received fewer votes than Gore) and then they have the gall to insist that everyone bow down before them and prepare to take it up the ass. Unless you’re super-rich; then you have gotten a great gift from Bush stealing the presidency. Michael Moore is obnoxious and quite often an asshole, and I certainly don’t agree with everything he says, but I believe that he makes his films and writes his books because he loves this country, and he cares about the "common" person- like me and himself are. I believe that the president (any president) does not deserve to be automatically respected because of the officed he holds- the president should work for the people, not the other way around.
#75 | Comment by milhaus — June 14, 2004 @ 3:29 am
I just think that instead of "MichaelMooreHatesAmerica" it should be "IHateMichaelMoore". Anyway, does any intelligent person actually think they’re going to get unbiased opinion and pure fact from anyone about anything simply because a film is called a documentary? I don’t think so.
#76 | Comment by darker — June 14, 2004 @ 7:35 am
Man fuck Michael Moore and fuck Bush there both full of shit
#77 | Comment by blah — June 14, 2004 @ 9:10 am
Fuck whoever said "If you don’t like moore then you like Bush"
There both cocksuckers that have lied and cheated to get where they are today
#78 | Comment by bitch — June 14, 2004 @ 9:17 am
Who gives a fuck about Moore or Bush.
No-one comes here to praise or bitch about them
People come here to get pics of young girls
That’s the whole fucking point of the site for christs sake
So stop posting shit to do with your own fucking political views and repost those fucking Lindsay Lohan nip-slip pictures again.
#79 | Comment by good god — June 14, 2004 @ 9:23 am
JT- You wanna support a liar? sorry, that pretty much makes you a piece of crap
michael moore might use deceptive statistics but he is not a liar. His "lies" have done nothing more than get people to talk about our society. THere is nothing wrong with that.
ps.- there is a liar in the white house, remember all the evidence of WMD. yeah well that lie ended up slaughtering tens of thousands of innocent people
#80 | Comment by jmac — June 14, 2004 @ 11:24 am
I’m willing to bet that Michael Moore gets asked hundreds of times a week to be in someone’s project or to do an interview or a million other things. Of course he isn’t going to sit down for 45 minutes with some amateur documentary filmmaker making a film called, "Michael Moore Hates America." If he did that, he would have to sit down with every tool who got their hands on a video camera, and he doesn’t have the time or patience. Nobody would. It’s the same reason Roger Moore never sat down with him.
I’m shocked that this guy even got on TV, but it looks like it was FOX that let him on. I think I saw MSNBC in there too, but I don’t know their political affiliation.
#81 | Comment by Joe Maxwell — June 14, 2004 @ 12:00 pm
Well JT,
I don’t support Bush so at least I have that going for me.
#82 | Comment by J.D. — June 14, 2004 @ 12:35 pm
Michael Moore is a moron. He is full of shit and an admitted story teller. When asked, he will not deny that much of what he says is fiction. He is a traitor and a dirt ball. How could you either respect or listen to a guy that looks like that. Bush has problems, there is not a doubt about that. But we are laughed on a world wide scene because people hold Michael Moore up on a pedestal.
#83 | Comment by MM is a moron — June 14, 2004 @ 12:44 pm
God, I love it when both sides act like morons to defend Moore or Bush. Its very simple actually
They’re both morons and liars. It’s that simple, and anybody who says different is a fucking moron.
#84 | Comment by otaconvsworld — June 14, 2004 @ 5:22 pm
Most of all, I hate the fact that you can’t say "I hate America" without getting FLAMED. WTF? I thought I had free speach motherfucker? Don’t I have the right to this-and-this? How am I hurting you, or the people you love by speaking my mind? Yeah, I’ve got an upside down American flag on my car. Because I love America, and I also fucking hate it. If things changed, then I would love it (period).
I hate how people in Flordia can’t count, and your vote no longer counts. I hate how American troops fucking TRAINED Bin Ladin’s troops, and now we all have to suffer. I hate how everyone is STILL racist after all these years. I hate how shitty politics are, and how they take precident over religion and the bill of rights.
Jesus, I’ve never seen so much bullshit and crying in one post. Get over yourself.
#85 | Comment by otaconvsworld — June 14, 2004 @ 5:30 pm
ps.- there is a liar in the white house, remember all the evidence of WMD. yeah well that lie ended up slaughtering tens of thousands of innocent people
What a bunch of bleeding heart bullshit. :GB2Indymedia:
#86 | Comment by Angel — June 14, 2004 @ 5:35 pm
God, I love it when both sides act like morons to defend Moore or Bush. Its very simple actually
They’re both morons and liars. It’s that simple, and anybody who says different is a fucking moron.
AMEN…preach on.
#87 | Comment by hodud — June 14, 2004 @ 5:38 pm
moore, kerry, bush, gore. They all suck and lie and are bringing America down to hell. Maybe it’s time for a black or a yellow president. After all, who hasn’t the white man screwed over? Different races, sexes, religions, etc. Someone photoshop Justin’s birth certificate and lets make him our new el presidente!!!! Viva la revolution.
#88 | Comment by joe — June 14, 2004 @ 5:53 pm
People that hate Moore are people that think Bush is intelligent. In short, they are fucking retarded.
Posted by J.D. – 10:21pm June 12, 2004
And that comment was….intelligent? Give me a break. You’re the reason why people invented condoms. Moore is an idiot, if he really wanted to make an important stance on America, he would tell the truth, not make some movie made up story about it. In short, anyone who doesn’t support our troops, or President (aka Moore, Dixie Chicks, and so on) you should move, it’s as simple as that. Quit bitching about the country and fucking move already. God damn ignorant fools.
#89 | Comment by tsl141 — June 14, 2004 @ 5:54 pm
Hey Milhaus, A couple of thoughts.
1. If you want to find an election that was truly "stolen," then look at how JFK won the Democratic Primary in 1960. In particular learn about what happened in West Virginia.
2. If you think Michael Moore is at any level a "common man" then I would like to be the first in line to become one. Moore has more accumulated wealth than our cuurent President.
3. Michael Moore doesn’t make movies because he loves America, he makes movies because he loves money, and the power that money brings.
4. You are absolutely right in your last sentence about respect…up to a point. If you weren’t the one who hired your boss, are you required to respect him, no, nut you had better learn to at least show some respect or you will find yourself without a job.
#90 | Comment by AKA Postal — June 14, 2004 @ 6:18 pm
"In short, anyone who doesn’t support our troops, or President (aka Moore, Dixie Chicks, and so on) you should move, it’s as simple as that. Quit bitching about the country and fucking move already. God damn ignorant fools."
Posted by tsl141 – 5:54pm June 14, 2004
It’s amazing how people equate not supporting our president with not supporting our troops. I feel sorry for people that think like you.
#91 | Comment by J.D. — June 14, 2004 @ 6:50 pm
Zanzibar, the definition was for you – I already understand the definition. And as far as me making assumptions – HI POT, I AM KETTLE. You assume SO much about my positions (and my ideals)yet, you missed the most important one. Respect. My post was about respecting other people and not making snap judgements without having all the facts (hence, my multiple comments about paying attention to multiple news sources). Thank you for prooving my point.
And as far as me not seeing the movie yet, you’re right. I haven’t seen this film but, I have seen all his others. Based on his history, I cannot believe that he will change his ways and make an objective documentary. It would defeat his purpose.
#92 | Comment by CannedWolf — June 15, 2004 @ 1:33 am
I dont care who you support, but YOU should care. Wanna be a liberal? Cool
Wanna be a conservative? Cool
BTW- I noticed your statement wasnt a defense of Moore. I can only assume you know that to be a fruitless tactic.
Good for you
#93 | Comment by JT — June 15, 2004 @ 12:19 pm
Oh jmac?
Guess waht buddy? based on the same evidence the president had, every single leading democrat agreed that the the Hussien regime had WMD.
So guess what? if you think it was a lie when the president saud "they have this stuff" then you better call Clinton (both) kerry, dashale,kennedy, lieberman, etc,etc,etc all liars.
I can get you the quotes bro
#94 | Comment by JT — June 15, 2004 @ 12:23 pm
So what if Michael Moore hates america. Half of the world does also, sop its not like he is in some exclusive group of America haters. The Only biggie is that he pretends to like it, even though he doesn’t. And after going to that Bowling for truth website, i can’t really trust what he says in his film.
The thing that really pisses me off is that here in Canada there is a commercial for a TV station called CityTV, where Michael Moore sucks the proverbial dick of the station. He spouts off some bullshit about how they are the only real news station because they don’t model themselves after american news styles. Anyone from canada, or in buffalo who gets canadian broadcasts knows that CityTV is a low rent station, and having Micheal Moore suck the station off on camera just pisses me off. I mean this is a channel that is basic cable (and you can get with only an antenna if you don’t want cable)and airs uncensored soft-core porn every friday night as well as has a show starring a breast obsessed foul mouthed sock puppet. Hardy a grade A station, and Michael Moore sucks their dick in an interview. First time i saw that commercial, i began to suspect the guy was full of shit, and more and more it seems like he really is.
#95 | Comment by kvl — June 15, 2004 @ 12:45 pm
Spinsanity is a balanced site which ferrets out misleading and inaccurate information used as propaganda. And they have a whole section dedicated to Michael Moore.
Having a problem with liars is not a matter of your politics.
#96 | Comment by Dan — June 15, 2004 @ 2:09 pm
The difference, JT, is that the administration had all the facts. They knew the ‘uranium from Niger’ story was untrue, but Bush still peddled it in his SOTU speech.
Yeah, a lot of others got fooled too – they trusted GWB and his chickenhawk administration to tell the truth when sending troops to war. Well, most honest folks are not going to make that mistake again.
"state of the union" niger uranium
if you’ve missed this story.
#97 | Comment by Shane — June 15, 2004 @ 3:05 pm
What people don’t understand is that they hate america, because they can.
#98 | Comment by DST61 — June 16, 2004 @ 1:50 am