Rated R!

Boobies! Eh? Wait...

There’s actually more to this pic. Had to crop it because it was too wide. Boobies!

You know, i was just thinking… for a decidedly R-rated site like mine, i sure do get a lot of PG-13 fan signs. People should send me R-rated ones. I want more R rated fan signs dammit!

Anyway, Suzi will be glad to know that my new Chinese name is Justina Chong.

If anybody wants to text link me by that name, please do so. The illusion that i may be a girl might draw in some extra hits from people hoping to have a look at my ‘boobies’.

Justina Chong has pretty big boobies you know.

In other news…

It rained today. Really heavily. And there was loud booming thunder… and lightning and lots and lots of water droplets. Yes.

To: psykotik@gmail.com
Subject: your page
From: “Phil Hall” l1n3x@hotmail.com
Date: Wed, Oct 24 2001 12:23:55 AM -0400

Just wanted to let you know that I am linking your site on my page.
I dont have nude pics on my site, so you dont have to link/plug me…

Of course, as some of you probably know by now, i can be quite a bit of a bastard when it comes to linking people. At times, i get people IM-ing saying, “Hey! You linked her! But why didn’t you link me??”

And i say, “Because you don’t have breasts”.

Okay so maybe that’s not what i really say. But breasts do help though.

But no really, if you look closely, you’ll notice that most my links up there are made up of guy sites. Guys who clearly do not have breasts (A few of them have man tits but that doesn’t count). So yeah, the whole more guys than girls thing pretty much proves that i’m not all about breasts.

I think i’ve said breasts enough times already.

Generally, i just like to link to sites that i like. Sites that i think are just plain good you know? Like this one for example. Take a look at it. Looks nice doesn’t it? It’s pretty funny too. Which is completely the opposite of what my site is but that’s beside the point. I went to that site, i read the posts, and just thought… “I like this site! Even though the webmaster has no boobies!”

See? Boobies don’t play a major role in my decision to link sites. Although they do help.

I should update my faq section sometime soon. And address my ‘linking policy’ on there. My faq is pretty outdated. But yeah, most of the time i’m happy to just plug people. But linking… therein lies the bastardly side of me.

Look for a newly updated faq section soon.

*subliminal message*


*end subliminal message*

5 thoughts on “Rated R!

  1. You’re famous

    #1 | Comment by Bokonon — October 24, 2001 @ 10:55 pm

  2. Just a quick note of thanks for the link and kind words. Good to see a man with no boobies can still get linked in this cruel, hard world.

    #2 | Comment by VanGogh — October 25, 2001 @ 5:35 am

  3. nooo. you must show them the WHOLE fan sign. all of it. just change the image size..

    #3 | Comment by suzi — October 25, 2001 @ 5:54 am

  4. Wow ..it’s sweet suzi with big juggies.

    #4 | Comment by jughead — October 25, 2001 @ 7:26 pm

  5. VERY nice to see Elizabeth "Libby" Hoeller is so prominent in the news. Her story was the one taking place in Wisconsin, and the original videos posted of her have her name, address and phone number in the beginning. What a sick ex-boyfriend, he didn’t need to do that. Good thing he ended up getting a 12-moth prison sentence out of it.


    #5 | Comment by Timothy — October 28, 2001 @ 12:57 pm

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