Just got back from town with the guys. It was pretty dead there so we didn’t do much. Just ate dinner at KFC and then we all went back to my place to chill. My parents weren’t home so we did pretty much anything we wanted. Sam and Majid couldn’t stay long cos they had to drive back to the city (a 100 km drive away) so i just showed them around the house (it was their first time here). Majid borrowed about four VCD’s from me and Sam borrowed about 3 VCD’s, 2 Laserdiscs and 2 porn tapes (Porn tapes weren’t mine to begin with, they were Pat’s and Shafiee’s). Fucking Jews. In return though, Sam lent me 2 porn VCD’s. Haha. So that’s cool i guess. i dunno about one of the titles though: Asian over 40. Ewww. I didn’t even ask for em. Really. He had em in the back of his car in a bag. I think he’s a dealer or something. Haha. That was pretty funny. Anyway, it’s just me and Pat in the house. He’s downstairs watching WWF Raw Is War on TV right now. I gotta go now. Have to attend to my guest. I think he’s staying till Saturday or Sunday. Blah.
Oh…i was kidding about the hookers and transvestites.