Boo fucking hoo

What the fuck am i doing posting when i’m not even supposed to be here? Well, i’m back home that’s why. My plans for a night in the city went down the proverbial shitter because we still had some unfinished business concerning my leaving for University. Apparently there where still a few more forms to fill out that we didn’t have so me and my dad (who has the patience of a fly on ecstacy) had to go to the court ( in judges and shit) and get some stupid form. Some declaration of shit or something like that. And then we had to go to the bank. And the shitty thing is…i didn’t even HAVE to go with him to those places! ARGGGGHHHHH!!! I’m so pissed right now. Not only did i not get a change to visit school for one last time, i didn’t get to hang out with Rod! Something that i was planning on doing today! For the last time! Shit mannnnn. I feel like crying.


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