
Quick note to Pumpernickely (it’s like the bread, but with a “y,” isn’t that cute?):

You’re right–I probably am going through withdrawal from regular penis insertions. It’s been several days, after all. Unlike you, I’m sure, who is a cum receptacle for anyone willing to shove his dick into your scabies-infected asshole.

I’ll ask my boyfriend to fuck me up the ass tonight, though, and please leave your number in response to this post, so I can call you in the morning.

54 thoughts on “(#

  1. You know what they say Thess; No class,No ass.

    there seem too be a lot of anal addictive on the net…

    By the way,its nice to see Justin updating the site more frequently.

    #1 | Comment by Eric — July 25, 2002 @ 5:20 pm

  2. What the fuck was that all about?

    #2 | Comment by Nick — July 25, 2002 @ 5:40 pm

  3. You go, grrl. 😉

    #3 | Comment by RedEye — July 25, 2002 @ 6:51 pm

  4. i can’t believe this… it’s so… farnee

    #4 | Comment by beng — July 25, 2002 @ 9:53 pm

  5. urgh…

    #5 | Comment by Ivan — July 25, 2002 @ 9:54 pm

  6. Thess…if yer taking it up the ass tonight and want to leave me voicemail for the whole experience, I’ll be glad to give you my number. I’d love to get that as a voicemail. Of course, I have no ‘beef’ (bad pun) with you, but I’m willing to enjoy any porn…even in audio format.


    #6 | Comment by smash — July 25, 2002 @ 10:23 pm

  7. +63919-3228213

    #7 | Comment by john — July 26, 2002 @ 2:23 am

  8. attagurl

    #8 | Comment by - — July 26, 2002 @ 2:56 am

  9. hey Stupid. Aka thess.

    >Quick note to Pumpernickely (it’s like the bread, but with a "y," isn’t that cute?):

    Hmmm cute as fuck. But since I figure I gotta spell it out for the pseudo-intellectual-dumbfucks (yes, that means you), let me do so now:

    PUMP-HER-NICELY or as in fuck-her-gently (ten d). Just a little play on words. A difficult concept to grasp, but please feel free to give it your best effort. I told you, you needed protein badly.

    >You’re right–I probably am going through withdrawal from regular penis insertions. It’s been several days, after

    Well, at least we seem to agree on that point. Too bad, it can’t make a fatass like you any smarter.

    >all. Unlike you, I’m sure, who is a cum receptacle for anyone willing to shove his dick into your scabies-infected asshole.

    Well, if I were one to like it up the ass, I’m sure I’d have plenty of offers. Not sure about the “medical condition” of my finely tuned ass cheeks, but I figure you can let me know, next time you’re down on your knees kissing it and swallowing my load.

    >I’ll ask my boyfriend to fuck me up the ass tonight, though, and please leave your number in response to this post, so I can call you in the morning.

    Lol. Whatever ëboyfriend’ you have ñ (note: if it takes batteries, its called a fucking dildo not “boyfriend”) should receive a godamn CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL OF HONOR or be canonized for Sainthood. Fucking you, has got to be the highest sacrifice a human being could possibly commit. I’d rather chew my own testicles off.

    Just as a point of interest, didn’t I say, “drown yourself in cum”. I know you’re talking out of your ass, but you’d have to be fucked pretty deeply from that end to “drown”.

    I’ll make a point to use shorter sentences in the future.


    ëI’m gonna fuck you ëtil you love me’
    -Mike Tyson

    #9 | Comment by PUMPERNICKELY — July 26, 2002 @ 5:48 am

  10. BURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    -does it hurt

    #10 | Comment by objectivelistner — July 26, 2002 @ 6:07 am

  11. Well


    #11 | Comment by eve — July 26, 2002 @ 7:42 am

  12. OK. Can someone explain how Mr. Verbal Diarrhea and Thess ended up in this flame war on Justin’s site? Did this argument start somewhere else?

    All of a sudden, he’s calling her out in the comments archive of the last post. Seemingly out of nowhere. It’s amusing and all, put pretty random, eh?

    Justin? Any clues?

    #12 | Comment by RedEye — July 26, 2002 @ 9:57 am

  13. Oh. No. I’ve been called a fatass. By someone on the internet. Any and all "flame wars" (as Red Eye put it) are over at this point, since Pumpernickley is obviously just pulling things out of his own ass. (You’re used to that, though, right?)

    …if you go the "fat" route, you obviously don’t know ANYTHING about what you’re trying to talk about.

    #13 | Comment by thess — July 26, 2002 @ 11:54 am

  14. Red Eye: It started here, btw, when I made the mistake of acknowledging his presence. Apparently, he’s the type of person who slavers at the bit when he sees his little online name mentioned, and since he’s a lonely loser who relies on the double-blind anonymity of the internet to release his frustrations against the world, he decided to release the flow of ignorance. Sitting behind his monitor, giggling as he types "OOH, I CALLED HER FAT, I’VE GOT HER NOW! I read on menshealth.com that girls don’t like that. God, I wish I could get laid.

    #14 | Comment by thess — July 26, 2002 @ 11:59 am

  15. *sighs*

    #15 | Comment by fedallah — July 26, 2002 @ 12:49 pm

  16. What happened to all the links to Thess’ site?

    #16 | Comment by Lucy — July 26, 2002 @ 2:01 pm

  17. Thess….all of this time I have read you, I have found you to be bright and funny and a all around swell gal. Now after reading the above, I want you even more. Sigh.

    #17 | Comment by md — July 26, 2002 @ 2:16 pm

  18. > Hmmm cute as fuck. But since I figure I gotta spell it out for the pseudo-intellectual-dumbfucks (yes, that means you), let me do so now:

    Hello. I’m a REAL intellectual dumbfuck, and this is the most moronic "play on words" I have ever seen. Pumpernickely ==> Pump Her Nicely? Good lord. It makes a much nicer play on words for "Pumpernickel Boy."

    Not only does it not work, your chosen phrase is hardly worth it, unless it involves bread somehow, then I suppose it makes sense. This whole explanation has lowered fubar’s collective IQ by roughly 500 points, and you have proved conclusively that there’s not that much to go around.

    > Lol. Whatever ëboyfriend’ you have

    Her boyfriend is real. Just like yours.

    > Just as a point of interest, didn’t I say, “drown yourself in cum”.

    "Get some prime protein in you and call me in the morning. On second thought drown yourself in cum, and don’t bother… :)" – Pumpernickel Boy

    Of course, you could have easily checked YOUR OWN POST and seen that, actually, you did say this (and what a masterpiece of wit and intelligence, let me tell you). Stupid AND illiterate.

    I realize this is a colossal waste of time, since you are clearly the sort of person who is only interested in saying things like this to get a response, and here I am feeding it. Well, you also seem to have an unhealthy fascination with male genetalia, seminal fluids, and where both of those might go, but that’s not my concern.

    So, Pumpernickel Boy, I’ll leave it at that. I just wanted to make as clear as I possibly could (I hope the words were short enough) that you are a waste of materials.

    I’m sure readers anxiously await your response involving copious amounts of sperm, feces, taking it up the ass, and bread.

    #18 | Comment by Phil — July 26, 2002 @ 2:19 pm

  19. Touche’ Phil, touche’.

    #19 | Comment by Nick — July 26, 2002 @ 2:27 pm

  20. > This whole explanation has lowered fubar’s
    > collective IQ by roughly 500 points, and you
    > have proved conclusively that there’s not that
    > much to go around.

    Phil, I fear that despite my Ivy league education and your PHD, this still lowers the collective IQ of Fubar to a negative level.

    #20 | Comment by fedallah — July 26, 2002 @ 2:57 pm

  21. "Get some prime protein in you and call me in the morning. On second thought drown yourself in cum, and don’t bother… :)" – Pumpernickel Boy

    Of course, you could have easily checked YOUR OWN POST and seen that, actually, you did say this (and what a masterpiece of wit and intelligence, let me tell you). Stupid AND illiterate.

    Lets see Einstein. Allow me digest it for you, since you clearly have the comprehension level of a kindergartener.

    When you state ONE THING, and then follow it with ANOTHER, stating, "On second thought…", wouldn’t that imply a possible "correction" or "footnote" to the first statement. Thus, the last part, "… and don’t bother.", means – ON SECOND THOUGHT, [blah], DON’T BOTHER CALLING.

    I’ve been clearly humbled by your superior intellect.

    PS: Thanks for your very generous contribution in lowering the collective intellect of this site. Personally, I’d give you a 1000 points for that, but I bet any concept over the number 3 is just wasted on you.

    #21 | Comment by pumpernickely — July 26, 2002 @ 3:57 pm

  22. Thess.

    Last post, since contrary to popular belief, I have much better things to do with my time, than providing free counseling sessions to emotionally stunted little girls.

    I really don’t need to judge you on any physical merits. So I won’t. "Fatass" wasn’t directed at you physically, but take it any way you want. Personally, I really don’t care.

    You’re obviously a human being that takes great pleasure in the worship you receive, from a couple of posts by some geeks, whose most recent encounter with a vagina was their mother’s birth canal (see exhibit A). The fact, that you are so tightly wound, we could turn your ass into a diamond factory, is seemingly lost on you. If the only way you can get through the day is to revel in the verbal worship, so be it. But why the rest of us have to be constantly subjected to this nonsense is beyond me. Why don’t you just have guys like “md” email you directly on a daily basis, and cut the rest of us some slack.

    All this would be moot, if you at least tried to be "interesting". Note I didn’t say, “smart”, “witty”, “clever”, “insightful”, or “brilliant”, or a ferretful of other words to that effect. You’re clearly not capable of those, but “interesting”, you should be able to handle. Even a moron like myself, is able to conjure that up every once in a while

    So. Eat my scabies (whatever that would be) ass.

    Exhibit A: Thess….all of this time I have read you, I have found you to be bright and funny and a all around swell gal. Now after reading the above, I want you even more. Sigh.

    Posted by md – 2:16pm July 26, 2002

    #22 | Comment by pumpernickely — July 26, 2002 @ 4:29 pm

  23. Exhibit B: You know what they say Thess; No class,No ass.

    there seem too be a lot of anal addictive on the net…

    Posted by Eric – 5:20pm July 25, 2002

    I don’t even know what that means. A. Thess "started" the anal thread. I just suggested she ingest more protein, B. No class, No ass? Does that mean people with no class have no ass? Or are you suggesting that folks with no class, aren’t asses?

    Hmmm.. better get on that daily email list to thess. Good luck.

    #23 | Comment by pumpernickely — July 26, 2002 @ 4:33 pm

  24. And so, let us be thankful for the end of this thread.

    Let’s move on now, kids. This was both pointless and tiresome.

    #24 | Comment by RedEye — July 26, 2002 @ 4:42 pm

  25. Pumpernickely…you should be aware that approximately 96% of people who use the phrase ‘pseudo-intellectual’ are in fact pseudo-intellectuals.

    #25 | Comment by Simon — July 26, 2002 @ 4:53 pm

  26. Pumpernickely…you should be aware that approximately 96% of people who use the phrase ‘pseudo-intellectual’ are in fact pseudo-intellectuals.

    Posted by Simon – 4:53pm July 26, 2002

    Geez. Nice to know that Stephen Hawkins has joined the "debate"… Well, count me in the remaining 4%. However, if you think I’d argue with you over me not being a moron. No dice. You win. But, guess what? I’d still insist I’m a nudge smarter than you. No feat to squawk about, but hey, every little thing helps.

    #26 | Comment by pumpernickely — July 26, 2002 @ 5:47 pm

  27. Pumpernickely or whatever the fuck your name is:

    1) Who is Stephen Hawkins? The only mention of him I could find was of an English Civil War Colonel… and I don’t see how he has anything to do with this;
    2) Of course, you probably meant Stephen HAWKING, the physicist who attained fame for his research on Black Hole evaporation and pair creation. Now… what the hell does this have to do with Stephen Hawking?

    If you figure it out, let me know.

    I think you have just proven Simon’s point.

    #27 | Comment by fedallah — July 26, 2002 @ 9:15 pm

  28. pumpernickely you idiot.

    #28 | Comment by pumpermyass — July 26, 2002 @ 11:37 pm

  29. I’d spend and evening with Thess. She is oh so hot

    #29 | Comment by bligityblah — July 27, 2002 @ 1:07 am

  30. Filbert. That has been my point all along.

    This one is just for “fedallah”*.

    Alrighty, Corky**. Let me be sure to explain this very slowly. So that even the mentally handicapped have a chance to follow along. Yes ñ that means you, “fedallah”.

    First off, I realize that just answering your post, makes me a moron by definition. So I guess you’d win that argument by default. Having said that, it’s Stephen Hawking — and that is a typo of one ‘g’ missing. I’ll guarantee that if you run any of my posts through a spell checker, you’ll find tons more. So here’s your cookie. You’ve just successfully managed to miss the fucking point. I’m sure that’s not a new experience for you, but next time try to follow the bouncing ball. I know there is a greater chance of hell freezing over, but call me an idealist.

    If you didn’t have the IQ of a steaming turd, you’d notice that I clearly stated that I belong to the other 4%. (ie. A person that isn’t a pseudo-intellectual, since I’ve clearly stated that I’m fully aware that I’m a moron [twice now ñ if you’re counting]). Nevertheless, while I’m clearly not very high on the evolutionary ladder, at least I’ve cleared the quadrupeds, and mastered upright walking. Something I’m quite certain you or your family certainly won’t be able to claim in the next couple of millennia.


    *ñ like that is any less anonymous than “pumpernickel”. WTF. Do you want my name, social, and address. Like it makes a fucking difference if I tell you that my name. Bob. Happy now? Anything change? Why is it, that if anyone ever makes a comment you no-brainers don’t like, the first thing I hear is, “Hey, you’re hiding behind the net” I got news fer ya, shit-for-brains, we all are by definition. I don’t know you from Jack, and quite frankly, I wouldn’t know the first thing about Justin either geez.

    ** yes, a reference to “Corky” from the TV-show “Life goes On” Just in case, you post another fuckhead message about which Corky I possibly could be referring to

    PS: B. You really want me to explain the Hawking’s reference? Familiar with the *lofty* concept of sarcasm? See, I just did it again. I’m sure though, that one went right by you again

    #30 | Comment by pumpernickely — July 27, 2002 @ 1:25 am

  31. Dear Cocknose,

    > "fedallah" like that is any less anonymous
    > than "pumpernickel". WTF. Do you want my name

    No no. I was making fun of that retarded play on words you are passing off as your screen name. Net nicks are just fer fun. I’m Dave, if you care.

    > First off, I realize that just answering your
    > post, makes me a moron by definition.

    Whatever, we’re both morons; making you look dumb is fun though.

    > I’ll guarantee that if you run any of my posts
    > through a spell checker, you’ll find tons more.

    The funny part is, either you’re a bigger idiot than we all thought, or you typed that post in Word (or some other shitty Microsoft product). I know because the fantastic ‘Smart Quotes’ feature helpfully rendered your double quotes as so: “Pumpernickely is a penismonger” rather than the standard "Pumpernickely is a penismonger" (also, your ellipses are like so "", a single character, rather than "…"; lalala). This leads me to believe you spellchecked this post before sending it.

    Or perhaps not. Interpret as you please, audience. Of course, I make mistakes too; but I’m more than willing to admit that I spell check my stuff before posting it. At least my ramblings are intelligible.

    > If you didn’t have the IQ of a steaming turd, you’d
    > notice that I clearly stated that I belong to the
    > other 4%.

    Right. But, uh, we don’t believe you. And you’re not helping to prove the case in your favor.

    > PS: B. You really want me to explain the
    > Hawking’s reference? Familiar with the *lofty*
    > concept of sarcasm? See, I just did it again.
    > I’m sure though, that one went right by you
    > again

    But… dude… It was out of place… It just wasn’t funny… and it was more a pitiful attempt at hyperbole than sarcasm. You told someone quoting statistics that they were a brilliant physicist. I suppose it could be sarcastic, but really, that’s just stupid.

    > Hawking’s reference? Familiar with the *lofty*

    Also, why is it "Hawking’s"? Does he possess the reference? I can start poaching on your grammar as well as your spelling, boy.

    I think you are simply digging a deeper and deeper hole, my fecaphilic companion.

    #31 | Comment by fedallah — July 27, 2002 @ 2:56 am

  32. There once was a girl named Thess
    Who started a terrible mess
    She put up her post
    Insulted her host
    By verbally lifting her dress

    Then came a boy called Nickly
    Full of untold animosity
    He insulted her weight
    And asked what she ate
    Embarassing himself unbelievably

    Then the crowd they rallied ’round
    But Pumpernick would not be shut down
    So they argued it out
    Through mumble and shout
    Though not a single comment was sound

    So here you all stand blue in the face
    Angry insulted but still giving chase
    Please tell me why
    You won’t let it die
    And save the stupidity for some other place

    #32 | Comment by Prometheus — July 27, 2002 @ 5:16 am

  33. You’re my fuckin’ hero, Adam.

    #33 | Comment by Nick — July 27, 2002 @ 5:57 am

  34. i am stupider now for having wasted my time reading the majority of this.

    #34 | Comment by eenodol — July 27, 2002 @ 8:17 am

  35. Wheh. What an intellectual debate this thread exposed. Things I learned from this thread of debate:

    Pumpernickley is supposed to be a punny spelling of pump her nicely. Thank god I learned that. Imagine if I continued on in life unaware of that wit. What razor sharp wit!

    Fedallah appears to be the intellectual superior over Pumpernickley. Really though, he is only pointing out mistakes in Pumpernickley’s posts. In and of itself,that’s not all that impressive. However, #1 he’s smart enough to not rant foolishly himself, #2 he’s damned entertaining.

    Prometheus is very gifted (based on his poem).


    The more I went back and read Thess’s posts (and old ones) I realized: What an angsty bitch!

    #35 | Comment by smash — July 27, 2002 @ 8:20 am

  36. Nick. Phil. Thank you for bringing some truth ot this post. Tess, I have read your writing and I have seen your pictures on FNF, and youre neither fat nor w/o a man, so I simply find this "flame war" to be one sided and to be so so so so sad.

    #36 | Comment by D — July 27, 2002 @ 11:19 am

  37. "Thess is indeed tightly wound enough to start shitting diamonds." — I never have, and never will argue that point. It’s been brought up before.

    #37 | Comment by thess — July 27, 2002 @ 11:59 am

  38. Gotta say that I give pumpernickel credit for pointing out that Thess is indeed tightly wound enough to start shitting diamonds. Never heard the voice mail that started this, not going to get involved with asses, cum or scabies, but had anyone else noticed that Thess is the only guest writer to get up peoples noses enough to make them "flame" her in the comments section?

    She is the pseudo-intellectual of all pseudo-intellectuals, ready with the clever word and the stinging retort, but oh so needing her fix of internet fame.

    Thess you are a hypocrite, and a startlingly unaware one at that. Now get Justin to let you post some three page load of bollocks that everyone will lick your ass for. I am sure you will feel so much better for it. Personally I believe if you were really as wise ass and cool as you like to project, these comments wouldn’t even affect you enough to bother to reply to them. In fact, you would laugh at them as we are laughing at you.

    Oh, and yeah, of course I posted this to have my moment of fame. Nice theory. Actually I posted it cos your head is up your ass and thought you should know.

    #38 | Comment by FILBERT — July 27, 2002 @ 12:17 pm

  39. It’d be kinda cool, though… shitting diamonds and all.

    #39 | Comment by fedallah — July 27, 2002 @ 4:28 pm

  40. Yeah i’d be rich!

    #40 | Comment by weiner boy — July 27, 2002 @ 5:02 pm

  41. macaroni nipples

    #41 | Comment by Spunk — July 27, 2002 @ 5:03 pm

  42. "I am the Walrus"

    #42 | Comment by Donny — July 27, 2002 @ 8:07 pm

  43. >>No no. I was making fun of that retarded play on words you are passing off as your screen name. Net nicks are just fer fun. I’m Dave, if you care.

    Geezus. Here I go again. (BTW ñ while you’re at it that is misspelled too)

    “Dave” — once again, you missed the freaking point of it. I really shouldn’t be surprised, there is a pattern after all, however, I’m going to keep it very short and simple.

    A. "pumpernickely” ñ is a play on words regarding the song “Fuck her Gently” ñ by Jack Black from ëTenacious D’ (http://launch.yahoo.com/song/default.asp?songID=3294853). I only brought it up, when Thess, in her usually ignorant way, thought to poke fun of it. No more, no less.

    B. “Dave” ñ I couldn’t care less if you’re name was “Chewie”. That was my point earlier. Remember, one of those pseky little things you keep missing. All I care about is what you write. I don’t need to resort to last-ditch efforts, like spelling and the old standby “you’re hiding behind a keyboard” to tell you what a fucknut you are. Obviously, you can’t. Which once again, makes my point, that you’re not getting the fucking point. See a pattern emerge? Not once have I heard you say that Thess wasn’t a shithead. Then again, I wouldn’t want to be on the defending side of that one either.

    >>> First off, I realize that just answering your
    >>> post, makes me a moron by definition.
    >>Whatever, we’re both morons; making you look dumb is fun though.

    First thing I can agree with.

    >>> I’ll guarantee that if you run any of my posts
    >>> through a spell checker, you’ll find tons more.
    >>The funny part is, either you’re a bigger idiot than we all thought, or you typed that post in Word (or some other shitty Microsoft product). I know because the fantastic ‘Smart Quotes’ feature helpfully rendered your double quotes as so: “Pumpernickely is a penismonger” rather than the standard "Pumpernickely is a penismonger" (also, your ellipses are like so "", a single character, rather than "…"; lalala). This leads me to believe you spellchecked this post before sending it.

    You can’t be this fucking stupid. Your keen sense of perception should have alerted you to the fact that my post was getting really long. Typing it in a 3″X2″ box was a bit difficult, thus I typed it in Word and pasted it back. However, most of my posts are short, and thus, I don’t spell check them. This isn’t a point of pride, just a fact. If you think this merits you a medal, be my guest.

    >>Or perhaps not. Interpret as you please, audience. Of course, I make mistakes too; but I’m more than willing to admit that I spell check my stuff before posting it. At least my ramblings are intelligible.

    lol – Dumbass.

    >>But… dude… It was out of place… It just wasn’t funny… and it was more a pitiful attempt at hyperbole than sarcasm. You told someone quoting statistics that they were a brilliant physicist. I suppose it could be sarcastic, but really, that’s just stupid.

    I knew I was going to have to explain this to you. The reference was to a guy that is a genius, yet is a drooling mess, shitting his own pants in a wheelchair. Thus, while “Simon” thinks he just discovered the secret to life (a sarcastic reference to him being a “genius”), he’s in fact just a nugget praying to get laid someday.

    Was it funny? Dunno. Made me laugh. But I’m not lofty enough to think I’m the authority on comedy. Either way, I doubt you are either.

    >>I think you are simply digging a deeper and deeper hole, my fecaphilic companion.

    If this is the zenith of your comedic talents, I suggest calling Hollywood immediately.

    “fecaphilic” isn’t even a word. However, if it were, it would imply a fascination with excrement on my part. At least that’s my best guess. If you read my posts, there isn’t anything to that effect, rather, I responded to what “Thess” started in the now classic, “dick into your scabies-infected asshole.”, and “I’ll ask my boyfriend to fuck me up the ass tonight, though”. I may be pre-occupied with a great many things, however, shit hasn’t been on the list since I was 3. Thess on the other hand might qualify with a more recent fascination.

    Once again, you missed the FUCKING POINT. By now even you must see a pattern.

    I’m officially done. I can’t spend my precious time educating poor slobs like you. I wish I could, but I can’t. You want to go on another rant about spelling. Be my guest. Want to call me a moron. No problem. As said before, I am truly humbled by your wisdom, and sheer brilliance. I’ll leave it at that.

    #43 | Comment by pumpernickely — July 27, 2002 @ 8:08 pm

  44. > A. "pumpernickely” ñ is a play on words
    > regarding the song “Fuck her Gently” ñ by Jack
    > Black from ëTenacious D’

    Right right – you’ve said that three times now. It’s still stupid.

    > The reference was to a guy that is a genius,
    > yet is a drooling mess, shitting his own pants
    > in a wheelchair.

    Ah, Of course; as you have identified my fundamental flaw ("missing the fucking point" apparently), so I have found yours. Here, like always, the problem lies in the issue of you knowing nothing.

    Hawking has Lou Gehrig’s disease, which affects voluntary muscle action. He neither drools nor shits his pants unless he wants to, dumbass.

    And even if NO ONE here knew the science of the joke, I don’t think many people associate Stephen Hawking with "drooling" and "shitting". It’s more likely they think of "black holes" or "wow, Pumpernickely is a flaming gay idiot".

    Anyways, I’m kinda bored with this. Ta-ta.

    #44 | Comment by fedallah — July 27, 2002 @ 8:51 pm

  45. weiner boy:

    Why would YOU be rich? Do you plan on sifting through her shit or something?

    #45 | Comment by fedallah — July 27, 2002 @ 8:56 pm

  46. poop

    #46 | Comment by bligityblah — July 27, 2002 @ 10:29 pm

  47. hahahahahahaha!!!

    #47 | Comment by ju — July 27, 2002 @ 11:03 pm

  48. three more….

    #48 | Comment by Ju — July 27, 2002 @ 11:03 pm

  49. …makes it…

    #49 | Comment by ju — July 27, 2002 @ 11:04 pm

  50. ..50!!!! YayyyY!!

    #50 | Comment by ju — July 27, 2002 @ 11:05 pm

  51. i wasted so much fucking time reading all this…im officially an idiot now. OFFICIALLY.

    #51 | Comment by Turtle Boy — July 28, 2002 @ 1:11 am

  52. did somebody say buttsex?

    #52 | Comment by gcracker713 — July 28, 2002 @ 12:44 pm

  53. *burp*….yea, so anyhoo

    #53 | Comment by Turtle Boy — July 29, 2002 @ 3:04 am

  54. shite… I also read the whole post *grins*, it was quite decent tho… Im on Thess’ side just for the record.

    #54 | Comment by rory — July 31, 2002 @ 4:49 am

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