Leelee Sobieski. She’s my latest obsession. I wanna try to make it a point to go out and see all her movies. She’s only a temporary obsession mind you. Because at the end of the day, i’ll always go back to my Kirsten Dunst.
Ah Kirsten Kirsten Kirsten… you know, it wasn’t until i bought the Bring It On DVD that i discovered how her name was pronounced ‘Key-urs-sten’. Previously, i’d always thought it was ‘Kurs-sten’.
So yes, the next time you think of her, think ‘Key-urs-sten Dunst’. And not ‘Kurs-sten Dunst’.
I went to McDonalds yesterday. Got myself a Big Mac Extra meal and a McChicken Junior. They’d only recently introduced the Big Mac Extra here in Malaysia. It’s basically just a normal Big Mac with four beef patties instead of two… just in case you’ve never heard of such a thing. One Big Mac Extra, one McChicken Junior, large fries and a large Coke. Ate and drank everything.
I couldn’t move after afterwards.
So the US and the British have launched a counterstrike on Afganistan. It’s about time i say. I hope they get each and every single one of those Taliban motherfuckers and all of Osama bin Laden’s cronies. I bought the October 1st issue of Time magazine sometime last week. The one with the picture of Osama bin Laden’s ugly mug on the cover. Reading about the Taliban and all the terrorist attacks over years makes me mad. I really hope they get those pieces of shit. I can’t believe that fucker Bin Laden even thinks of himself a Muslim. Now i’m sure that i don’t have to explain what Islam really is all about because you’ve probably already learnt a few things about Islam and through recent other news articles and whatnot defending the religion and how Islam isn’t at all about Jihads or terrorism… and for me to read about this Osama bin Laden fucker preaching about killing in the name of God… just makes me sick to my fucking stomach.
That assfuck can go to hell for all i care.
I just hope they do as much damage to the Taliban as possible. But as much as i support the joint US-British strikes as of late, i wouldn’t want it to drag on for too long. And that there won’t be too many innocent casualities of war. In a perfect world, there shouldn’t even be any crazy fanatical Islamic Taliban waste of human space terrorist supporters. There should even be terrorists of any kind in the first place. But this is a far cry from a perfect world that we’re living in. And it’s people like Osama bin Laden that makes it worse. And those fucking Taliban fucks too. Human society makes me sick sometimes.
A young Ernest Hemingway once wrote: The world is a fine place and is worth fighting for.
I believe in the second part.
Okay so i stole that line for the ending of Se7en but i thought i’d use it to make it seem like i have deep thoughts that go beyond Leelee Sobieski naked.
Have i ever mentioned that i have a Jesus freak for a roommate? I think he’s a Mormon. He’s from Africa. Now i don’t have any beef with the guy but two things about him piss me off. The fact that he likes the ceiling fan in the room on at the 3rd speed level and the fact that he wakes up at ungodly hours of the morning and puts on these ‘inspirational’ music CD’s (you know, those gospel-ly choir-ish God music) at an annoying loud volume while he prays.
I usually like the fan on at speed level number 5 because it’s fucking hot here in the dorms and we don’t have any a/c. And everytime i’d put it up while he’s asleep, he’d wake up half an hour later to put it down. ARGH. LEAVE IT AT 5 PLEASE. He sleeps with his shirt off without a blanket. GET A FUCKING BLANKET IF IT’S TOO ‘COLD’ FOR YOU. And for the love of Kirsten Dunst, i wish he’d just put the volume down at a reasonable rate so as it’s not too soft enough to actually hear and not too loud enough as to wake me the fuck up and give him the finger while he’s not looking.
I’ve never mentioned anything to him about the fan speed or the volume of his music.
Because i’m a nice guy.
You know, i’m not the only one who thinks that Leelee Sobieski looks like Helen Hunt. I was showing Leong the trailers for The Glass House, Joy Ride and Here On Earth last night and he remarked:
“Aiii?? Helen Hunt ah? That Helen Hunt ah?? Wah looks like Helen Hunt leh. Same oh… Helen Hunt ah?”
In my mind, i was thinking, why the hell would Helen Hunt be making out with Paul Walker? She’s probably twice his age or something. Of course it’s not Helen Hunt.
But i didn’t say anything. Because i’m a nice guy. Eventually he saw the cast members’ names and confirmed his own doubts as to whether it was Helen Hunt. Or not.
I used to be on the Social Council back in my old school. Which is ironic considering that i’m hardly what one would call a social person. Not to say that i’m not friendly or anything. One of my previous ex girlfriend once said that i can be too friendly at times. But that’s not the point. I don’t talk much you see. I have absolutely no communication skills whatsoever. Which is, again ironic, considering that i’m a mass communications major.
Jia Hui has officially replaced Zil as my mostest favoritest online person/bully victim on the net.
Zil is never online anymore. I think she’s dead.
I’m kidding of course. Spoke to her on the phone two days ago. But as far as her site goes, yes, she’s dead.
I’d like to make public the fact that i absolutely adore Jia Hui and her writing. She’s goofy as can be. She doesn’t like to be referred to as goofy though. But she is. She’s possibly the most consistently funniest bloggers out there. Not only that, she posts regularly too.
And we both have similar inner monkeys. Although she doesn’t like to admit it. Because that would make her a dirty horny old woman. But yes, we have similar inner monkeys.
The other day, i was telling her about the great fun that is reading realdoll.com‘s faqs page. If you haven’t read it yet, i suggest you go now and do so. The faqs page that they have is just so unintentionally funny. I dare you not to laugh at some of the questions on there.
I know i said i was gonna watch The Musketeer sometime soon. But i still haven’t gotten around to it. I dunno, it’s just that after seeing what Peter Hyams did with End OF Days… it’s kind of a tough sell to wanna spend 2 hours watching another one of his movies. Even despite it having Hong Kong choreographed fight sequences.
Peter Hyams = hack director.
It’s funny how – as the number of my hits go up (1700+/1900+ a day this past week) – the number of people who comment on my posts – have gone down.
I was checking out my referrals and i noticed this site has me linked. The guy who runs it has ‘Tan’ as his last name.
I could make a good Stacey Tan/ Pearly Tan/ Derrick Tan joke right now…
…but i won’t.
Yes. He is Malaysian. In fact, they’re all Malaysian. I’ve been getting quite a number of Malaysians reading my site/coming here for porn now.
This is not a porn site.
Speaking of porn, i read somewhere that ‘Osama bin Laden’ has knocked ‘sex’ off the top spot as the most requested search engine query. Anyway, for over the past month now, i’ve been noticing how people have been getting free hits off of Osama bin Laden search requests. And i realized that i haven’t been capitalizing on his stupid name. So in a effort to score free hits, i’ve decided to dedicate a small portion of this post to listing out potential Osama bin Laden search queries. Hoepfully Google will spider in this page into their index and i’ll be getting a million hits off of all the potential Osama bin Laden search engine referrals.
Osama bin Laden porn, Osama bin Laden sex, Osama bin Laden wife pics, Osama bin Laden dead, Osama bin Laden i want to kill, Osama bin Laden must die, Osama bin Laden autopsy pics, Osama bin Laden’s beard, Osama bin Laden poster, Osama bin Laden wanted dead or alive t-shirt, Osama bin Laden preteen lesbian sex pics, Osama bin Laden bombed to death, Osama bin Laden eat my balls, Osama bin Laden book, Osama bin Laden penis, Osama bin Laden sex change, Osama bin Laden lookalike, Osama bin Laden underwear, Osama bin Laden found, Osama bin Laden fucked by a skyscraper, Osama bin Laden naked nude topless, Osama bin Laden tombstone, Osama bin Laden terrorist organization, Osama bin Laden eat my shit, Osama bin Laden lick my pubes eww, Osama bin Laden Taliban, Osama bin Laden captured, Osama bin Laden assasinated, Osama bin Laden assasinated by Japanese ninjas, Osama bin Laden assasinated by David Hasselhoff, Osama bin Laden movie, Osama bin Laden hidden porno video, Osama bin Laden goes to hell, Osama bin Laden’s secret hideout location, Osama bin Laden address, Osama bin Laden biography, Osama bin Laden feet pics, Osama bin Laden conspiracy theory, Osama bin Laden plot, Osama bin Laden number one news source, Osama bin Laden CIA FBI NSA ATF DEA DOA, Osama bin Laden most wanted, Osama bin Laden fucked in the ass, Osama bin Laden’s cave, Osama bin Laden gay pics, Osama bin Laden beard trimmer, Osama bin Laden extremist, Osama bin Laden deluded, Osama bin Laden CNN news archive, Osama bin Laden die Osama die.
That think that pretty much covers it all.
I hope to see an increase in hits over the next month or so as a result of this.
I am the smartest man in the world.
To: psykotik@gmail.com
Subject: zhang ziyi
From: “Jay 888” <jay88_420@hotmail.com>
Date: Sat, Oct 6 2001 11:13:08 PM +0800
Attachments: z3.jpg, z4.jpg
Hey. You have one awesome site. You probably have one of the best free
celebrity galleries around. Anyway, I read somewhere in your entries that you like Zhang Ziyi. I got some Zhang Ziyi pics stored somewhere in my hard drive along with thousands more of nude or scantily clad celebrities. I really don’t mind sharing them since I don’t have much use for it. Would you like to trade or something like that? I’m looking for rare pics of Stacy from xtacy.org. I think she is really hot. I noticed that you have her link at your page and she has just plugged your site at hers. (so maybe you have some or have access to her pics, maybe)
I attached a couple of Zhang Ziyi pics.(but I have more) If you are
interested in trading pics, then send me a couple of Stacy’s pics. (not pics that can be sourced from her site or camrecord) But if you’re busy or not interested, then let’s just say that the couple of pics I attached are my contribution to your awesome site. But if we start trading, you could probably double the size of your celebrity gallery in a week.
Btw, I’m also from southeast asia.
Ah yes, Zhang Ziyi. A former obsession of mine. Yes she’s hot. Christy Chung’s hot too. She’s MILF. But anyway, yeah. Thanks for ZZ pics you sent. They were crap but thanks anyway. Ha.
It’s the thought that counts.
Nah, but seriously i think the ones she did for FHM are as good as it gets. Unless she does another similar photo shoot sometime in the near future. And you know, to tell you the truth, i don’t really see my gallery as all that great. I mean, look at it, it’s so half assed. No thumbnails and not even a proper page to hold the pics themselves. Just an ugly old index.
But anyway, i’d love to trade pics with ya but the problem is, i don’t really have any pics to trade with you. All i’ve got are the pics that’re already on my site. It’s not like i have thousands of similarly themed unposted pics stored away on my hard drive or anything. I wish i did but i don’t. And the ones that i do have are just backups of the ones that’re on the site. Just incase i lose them all in a server crash or something.
I’m also kinda tight on server space right now. I’ve only got like… 25 out of 75 megs left or something like that. So i’m actually trying to cut down on the amount of pics that i have stored on the server. Wouldn’t to run out of space to store all the posts. I’d ask for more server space from Solosier (my host) but he’s really anal about giving me more.
Oh and about Stacy… no man. Just because we have our pages linked and she’s plugged me a few times, doesn’t mean that i have access to her pics. Or any ‘rare’ ones for that matter. And even if i did have any ‘rare’ (i’m assuming you mean scantily clad or naked pics) of her, i sure as hell wouldn’t give them to you. Yeah she’s hot i agree but she’s also a real person… and if i did have any ‘rare’ pics of her naked or otherwise, i don’t think she’d appreciate it too much if i just gave em out to anybody who asks nicely.
I’d be happy to send you some of MY ‘rare’ pics though. Wanna trade? Haha.
I am such a bastard.
Thumps up!!! This is the standard that we like to see coming from "the smartest asshole in the world". It has every thing in it. We want more of this type of blog. You can surely make me knickers wet from laughing and crying at the same time. Keep up the good job.
#1 | Comment by knickers — October 9, 2001 @ 10:26 am
Jesus fuck, man, is that all one post? Still, not that I’m complaining about the porn, but it’s good to see some real writing.
As for your mormon roomate: DON’T DATE HIM. And not just because he’s a guy.
#2 | Comment by space — October 9, 2001 @ 1:46 pm
Jesus fuck, man, is that all one post? Still, not that I’m complaining about the porn, but it’s good to see some real writing.
As for your mormon roomate: DON’T DATE HIM. And not just because he’s a guy.
#3 | Comment by space — October 9, 2001 @ 1:47 pm
should I do it one more time, and prove that I’m a moron?
God and Sonny Jesus. Fuck.
#4 | Comment by space — October 9, 2001 @ 1:48 pm
anal regine. tee hee.
#5 | Comment by regine — October 9, 2001 @ 4:48 pm
Justin? Is it just me or is Stacey’s stezsie.cjb.net now working?
#6 | Comment by Ashleigh — October 9, 2001 @ 5:59 pm
I mean, not working, sorry. 😉
#7 | Comment by Ashleigh — October 9, 2001 @ 6:01 pm
Works fine for me. Try http://www.geocities.com/stezsie/ if the cjb one doesn’t work.
#8 | Comment by Justin — October 9, 2001 @ 6:26 pm
i’ve got some "rare" Justin pics i’m willing to trade. haha… no not really. ew.
anyway, yeah good post from a good guy, i laughed, i cried, and i felt just a little something special. and that se7en quote is great, i have that as a wav file when my computer shuts down. great stuff. yes.
bleh. have a fine day.
#9 | Comment by will.hinds. — October 9, 2001 @ 9:12 pm
I am not dead. You dirty big haired 2.5ed BOY 😛
#10 | Comment by Zil — October 9, 2001 @ 10:25 pm
hi zil….what’s that 2.5?
#11 | Comment by romeobinladin — October 10, 2001 @ 5:28 pm