Some of you may remember me, some of you don’t have a clue. Doesn’t really matter….maybe you will find this rant interesting if you don’t know me….if you do then it will explain why I disappeared.
Not really even sure where to begin….or end for that matter. I am/was married. But apparently around the age of 25 women go through some hormonal bi-polar mind fuck in which they decide that life isn’t quite so grand and they would rather obliterate everything they know. You see, I had one of those relationships that you see in the movies. You know where the guy and girl fall in love at the end and the movie is over. Happily ever after and all of that bullshit. You ever wonder what ever after really turns into after a few years of the same old crap? Well I never let it become the same old crap. We had one of those sickening worship the ground each other walks on type deals. You know, to where you actually have married friends that can’t hang around you because you make them realize they do not love their husbands/wives the way they should? This kind of crap most people in relationships strive for.
And then one day you let your wife get into modeling. Not that modeling was the cause, but I don’t think the sudden attention and ego boost helped any. Couple of photos get taken that you aren’t exactly happy with….but you can’t keep your big mouth shut about it can you. The two of you talk and things are cool again, or so you think. You wake up one morning to her telling you how much she loves you and giving you a kiss goodbye. That night at dinner with friends she says, “I just wonder sometimes if we are just comfortable and that is the only reason we are together.” Ever been hit in the chest by a sledge hammer? Feels about the same. You get kicked out. No idea what you did or where you went wrong. She starts drumming shit up….things that might have been small issues, but nothing a girl, let alone your wife, would ever leave you over. Not to mention every little thing from your past gets brought out. I’m sure you all know what I am talking about there.
So you spend weeks, even months fighting for her back. Going to counseling, reading books on relationships, doing every think you can possibly think of. Until you stumble across……recycle bin. “Now why would she delete a Log folder?”, you wonder.
“I talked to Jeff last night.”
“Wow, that was fast!”
“Yeah, so he is staying at Travis’ house now. Guess I am going to be alone tomorrow. Completely alone.”
“Guess I am not playing ball tomorrow :D”
Have you ever been so mad you burst blood vessels in your eyes? I have. I could continue on about the weeks after where she swore she would never see or talk to him again, about how she yo-yoed me back and forth, about how I “stumbled” across her cell phone text messages to him of “I love you too” and “You are also the love of my life…It’s so scary isn’t it?”, but I will save you the gruesome details. Suffice it to say….I pretty much hate women now. Ok, not entirely true…..but the path of broken hearts and girls that get screwed over in my wake I feel cannot blame me….blame her. Funny how you can go from loving someone so completely you would lay your life down for them without even a second thought, to hating someone so much the very sight of them would make you wretch. Seven fucking years wasted. Oh well….have to go now. Eighteen year old I am banging down to a nub just showed up. And girls wonder why guys are assholes….why they always get fucked over. Cause some bitch somewhere made us like this. Thanks for letting me vent 😀