OOOOh wb Justin wtf. Great, just great. You piss off for “G”od knows how long and you expect ME to email YOU and ask if everything’s OK. Perhaps you forgot that our “relationship” doesn’t work like that and if you want me to post anything here for your horny little clientele ever again, then the site had better FUCKING WELL BE HERE when I look. OK?
Anyway, I suppose that your little clique of pre-pubescent girl followers will be posting here again soon. Believe me, I’d love to hit some of them, but the drivel they post here is extremely off-putting.
Some of your readers are a damn sight more concerned about where I am than you seem to be. I know you are shy and scared and ruddy pathetic, but remember that you are my little project and your education is important to me.
So what have I been doing then. I’m sure your little cock is almost lactating at the very thought of me telling you, so I won’t. Yet.
Dildos. Why to they make them look like penises? Penises are ugly (that’s why they have to be punished) and I have to say that if am choosing what I am inserting into my vagina (and I always choose. You have no input) then I would never choose something ugly. Lesbians use dildos. Lots. One of the reasons they are lesbians is because they don’t like men and their penises. I agree that the shape has to be fundamentally phallic, but show some initiative. How about a Mona Lisa dildo. The head and fucking shoulders of the Mona Lisa, recreated in rubber. That would look good. I’d use that.