Search found 202 matches

by Bob
24 Sep 2010 05:26
Forum: Seriously?
Topic: A random picture
Replies: 54
Views: 51356

Re: A random picture

by Bob
23 Sep 2010 09:36
Forum: Television!
Topic: Cone Zone!
Replies: 36
Views: 45438

Re: Cone Zone!

by Bob
23 Sep 2010 09:27
Forum: Music!
Topic: What are you listening to right now?
Replies: 469
Views: 281104

Re: What are you listening to right now?

by Bob
17 Sep 2010 23:16
Forum: Tech!
Replies: 153
Views: 112629


Deja vu
by Bob
15 Sep 2010 21:46
Forum: Videogames!
Topic: Hey Bob!
Replies: 25
Views: 24070

Re: Hey Bob!

You made....... An excellent deal ^_^ Thank you ;) I hate gamestop. They then turn around and will sell your system with no hard drive used for 120$ the only time I used to trade games with them was when they gave better deals to compete with another company in the same mall doing the same thing. S...
by Bob
15 Sep 2010 06:04
Forum: Videogames!
Topic: Hey Bob!
Replies: 25
Views: 24070

Re: Hey Bob!

My only place to lay it down is on top of the directv receiver which gets kinda warm. Id like to get some spacers, but I'm not sure even then it would be good putting it that close to that warm box. The other xbox has like 1gig of free space that is forever running out. I actually have to delete pai...
by Bob
15 Sep 2010 00:01
Forum: Seriously?
Topic: Pure class.
Replies: 18
Views: 21957

Re: Pure class.

Dex and smash know I dont usually agree with them on politicians or politics, but I think it's the dumbest thing ever that it even became an issue. Its like not allowing the Irish to build pubs near car dealerships or something.
by Bob
14 Sep 2010 22:22
Forum: Babes!
Replies: 31
Views: 57205


Ive been keeping an eye out but most of my cellphone shots are of humourous things and people I see. Ive got plenty of those. I do though enjoy your pervy shots.
by Bob
14 Sep 2010 21:49
Forum: Videogames!
Topic: Hey Bob!
Replies: 25
Views: 24070

Re: Hey Bob!

I got it. But only after my bank tried to make me feel like a crackhead and deny my purchase. So I didnt get out of there until 1 in the morning. Stupid bank of america. it makes halo noises whe...
by Bob
13 Sep 2010 23:46
Forum: Videogames!
Topic: Hey Bob!
Replies: 25
Views: 24070

Re: Hey Bob!

I asked her the price. I was trying to play dumb because I know its 399.99. That was my way to see if she knew that I wasnt supposed to get it and also maybe get her to ring it up for a price since it wasnt marked to see if walmart blocked its sale. Instead she went to ask someone what the price was...
by Bob
12 Sep 2010 23:54
Forum: Videogames!
Topic: Hey Bob!
Replies: 25
Views: 24070

Re: Hey Bob!

I was so close I screwed it up by asking her a question she didnt know the answer to. Then she had to go ask someone else and that someone else was like whoa you cant sell that yet. It rang up a...
by Bob
02 Sep 2010 22:03
Forum: Videogames!
Topic: Hey Bob!
Replies: 25
Views: 24070

Re: Hey Bob!

Oh ok. Now it makes sense.
by Bob
02 Sep 2010 09:11
Forum: Videogames!
Topic: Hey Bob!
Replies: 25
Views: 24070

Re: Hey Bob!

by Bob
02 Sep 2010 00:15
Forum: Videogames!
Topic: Hey Bob!
Replies: 25
Views: 24070

Re: Hey Bob!


I played dead rising 2: case zero

I hate you.
by Bob
27 Aug 2010 04:22
Forum: Seriously?
Topic: Seriously funny pictures
Replies: 95
Views: 82163

Re: Seriously funny pictures
