Funnily enough

DisconcertedGeorge posted this in the comments the other day in response to this post i made (about the US government trying to ban videogames and kill porn):

“After taking over Kabul, Taliban leaders began to institute an uncompromising regime. Their basic premise was to enforce a purist way of life based on their fundamentalist interpretation of Islam. They immediately created the Ministry for Ordering What Is Right and Forbidding What Is Wrong to impose and enforce their rules of conduct.

The rules of conduct eventually covered almost every aspect of social behavior by the population, even forbidding things such as clapping, kite flying, and squeaky shoes.

The Taliban banned music and dancing, shut down movie theaters and television stations, destroyed public works of art that depicted living beings, and forbade the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

The Taliban religious police enforced the new rules and punished anyone found disobeying. They inflicted many of the punishments on the spot, usually ruthlessly, without offering the offender any sort of judicial hearing.”

oh, the irony.

Coincidently, over at the Daily Kos:


Al Qaida/Taliban: Belief in their own infallibility
American Taliban: Belief in their own infallibility
Liberals: Willingness to consider other viewpoints

Free Speech

Al Qaida/Taliban: Anyone who disagrees with us is an infidel and must be silenced
American Taliban: Anyone who disagrees with us is a traitor and must be silenced
Liberals: Anyone who disagrees with us is in for a spirited discussion

More here.

And even more here.


Al Qaida/Taliban: Control of the Press
American Taliban: Manipulation of the Press
Liberals: Freedom of the Press

Pop Culture

Al Qaida/Taliban: Hate it… kill it
American Taliban: Hate it… ban it
Liberals: Laugh at it… boycott it


13 thoughts on “Funnily enough

  1. Oh look another reason for the christian right winged fanatics in their stupid ass crusade.–you-ve-killed-my-baby–name_page.html

    #1 | Comment by DUDEMASTER — July 6, 2005 @ 1:30 pm

  2. So what’s new in Brunei?

    #2 | Comment by JustSumDude — July 6, 2005 @ 2:13 pm

  3. dumb

    #3 | Comment by AngelBaby — July 6, 2005 @ 2:26 pm

  4. this seemed strangely appropriate:

    “And the second way to defeat the terrorists is to spread freedom. You see, the best way to defeat a society that is — doesn’t have hope, a society where people become so angry they’re willing to become suiciders, is to spread freedom, is to spread democracy…You see, not only did the attacks help accelerate a recession, the attacks reminded us that we are at war.”

    please wake me up when we’re not at war anymore. you know, seeing as this is a “new kind of war” and all. maybe it’s like the air; everywhere, eternal. sortalike a perpetual motion device. maybe that’s all this is. like some kind of bad dream half the country keeps wishing the rest of the world into.

    i dunno. i’m just tom cruise on a vitamin bender.

    #4 | Comment by tomcruise — July 6, 2005 @ 4:36 pm

  5. Except liberals, I have found, are generally unwilling to listen to other viewpoints. They listen mereley to wait for an opportunity to say ‘you are wrong’.

    #5 | Comment by smash — July 6, 2005 @ 5:37 pm

  6. as soon as you start using religion as the basis for law and order you’re fucked. Or not, depending on the state.

    My neighbor has a very nice ox and I would personally like to covet it. He doesn’t use it anymore anyway.

    We must follow the way of Spock … logic. He’s an alien, so Tom Cruise will back me up on that.

    #6 | Comment by DisconcertedGeorge — July 6, 2005 @ 9:51 pm

  7. smash – lucky for us “liberals,” we usually don’t have to wait very long to point out when “conservatives” are wrong.

    #7 | Comment by al k holik — July 7, 2005 @ 1:27 am

  8. #7 Unfortunate for you this adminstration runs its self on the left side of the political spectrum. Actual conservatives are much more inclined to be upset with the adminstration due to idological differences. American liberals, on the otherhand, have no concept of political theory and curse anything with an (R) next to it’s name even though they are simultaniously cursing the logical conclusion of their own philisophy.

    Now you liberals say, “But, but, we don’t like war. We don’t start wars.” Let me introduce you to something called Vietnam, started by two liberal presidents, Kennedy and LBJ.

    #8 | Comment by Observant — July 7, 2005 @ 5:09 am

  9. Observant,

    Technically, Ike put in the first troops. But those were damned near “spec ops” types numbered in the hundreds. JFK and LBJ were the ones that got us balls-deep in that shit. And when the media says, “but the polls show that blah-blah people were upset with Vietnam!” they forget to add that a good majority of those people were upset we weren’t doing ENOUGH to win in Vietnam.

    And don’t forget Kosovo. Those “hundreds of thousands of people” supposedly killed in a genocide have never materialized. The UN (UNMIK) has even come out and said so. But we’re still there with over 5,000 troops (to include Bosnia) and no “exit strategy” in sight.

    (And if you want to get real technical WWs I & II and Korea were on the Dem’s watch, too. But they didn’t start those.)

    I’m a W fan because of his cowboyesque foreign policy. I’m not a fan of his domestic endeavors. I’d rather see him slash about 1/2 of the cabinet-level departments, level the tax code to something a 6th grader can understand, make Social Security into a welfare-type system, and push most of the Federal-level laws and regulations out the door and let the states take them up (if they want).

    And don’t get me started on how utterly racist the Democrats have been…

    #9 | Comment by steampunk — July 7, 2005 @ 6:45 am

  10. al k holik – thanks for only showing my point.

    #10 | Comment by smash — July 7, 2005 @ 9:17 am

  11. Wow…I can’t express how much I like #9.

    You had me at “technically”…


    #11 | Comment by AngelBaby — July 7, 2005 @ 12:42 pm

  12. Anyone who views themselves as strictly “liberal” or “conservative” is an ignorant shit-eater, and should die a horrible death.

    It is impossible for any human being to be solely liberal, or solely conservative. Labels are for the dumbs.

    P.S. Both parties are flawed, so there’s no sense in defending/offending each other because of what political party you registered with. Besides, there are many other ways to offend each other that are way more entertaining!


    … Michael Jackson.

    #12 | Comment by JustSumDude — July 9, 2005 @ 4:36 am

  13. Holding opinions without first checking what you believe from your mates on your chosen side? I don’t think that’s allowed anymore. That just wouldn’t make as much sense as deciding the personality and characteristics of millions of people because of a single decision they’ve made.

    #13 | Comment by SheepDog — July 11, 2005 @ 7:50 am

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