Been busy. Haven’t been posting much. Site’s going to shit. And yet i still get close to 4000 hits a day.
Subject: -D
From: “Eric McLaughlin”
Date: Mon, Oct 29 2001 1:15:13 PM -0800
i read your downer post and i will try to keep this quick.
i’m sorry about that. it’s tough … well, at least you are out of the
house, it’s a start, right? heh. (you are out of the house, right? i’m
lead to believe you are living in the dorms for some reason)
anyway, ummm, when i saw requiem in the theatre it was definately the
unrated version (in california). it sucks they would even play the r-rated
one in theatres.
well, love your site.
more zhang ziyi please,
Actually it’s not so much the fact that they read the site that bugs me. It’s just that it’s really disturbing for me to know that they’re reading it without having any objections. I mean think about it, you’re brought up to be a nice boy. Taught not to do this, taught not to do that. Then you make a site that TOTALLY goes against everything that you’ve been brought to be. And your parents find out about it. And they see this other side of you that you don’t want them to see. Even though it’s not necessarily a ‘real’ side, but still, it’s an ugly side.
And it bugs me that i have to think about all that and always having it in the back of my mind everytime i open up GrayMatter to type up a post. Like i don’t have enough other things to think about. Sure they don’t mind me having the site and they’ve never even brought it up with me not even once in a conversation but it just doesn’t sit too well with me knowing that they’re reading my shit. I feel like i’ve lost my ‘freedom’.
I’m online right now and i’ve just been forced by this one girl to SMS this other girl and so i did and….
AHH! My phone just beeped! New SMS!