Tomorrow’s gonna be the big day when i leave for University. It’s also *probably* gonna be the last day i’ll be able to update on this site for a while until i can get internet access. Anyway, i wont dwell on that. Spent a whole lotta time online tonight. Chatted with a whole bunch of people. Chatted with my girlfriend (Who’s in Australia. Boo hoo), TheNekkidGnome (Who’s AIM warning level is up to 75%. Haha), Emily (Who has a McJob. Hehe) and even chatted to Jeanne for a little while(*swoon* *sigh sigh*). Jeanne signed off ICQ saying this to me:
Jeanne:you too….g’nite, sleep tight, and dont let the bed-bugs bite!!!
*muah* bye jus 🙂
Woo hoo! What i’m excited about i don’t even know. =/ Maybe it’s the kiss. Hoho. Anyway, my thumbs are starting to hurt. Damn that Virtua Tennis game for being such a great game. It really is. If you have a Dreamcast, go get that fucking game NOW and play it till your thumbs bleed. Oh yeah…speaking of bleeding, i actually cut my left foot around the ankle area by accidently scraping in on my bike’s pedals earlier today. It bled like virgin.