And you thought your christmas sucked?

Well I promised Justin that I’d take care of his site for him while he was away. Y’know, post. Say Happy New Year for him. That kinda thing.

So, Happy New Year! Or at least a moderately good one. I’m one of the unlucky ones who’s stuck at home when I should be out partying, burning the dance floor, drinking like a fish. But no.. my 2 day fever turned into 3. Sick as a dog, maybe sicker.. that’s me. Headaches, shivers, the works.

Anyway, that’s all I can muster in my present condition. I did promise Justin at least something.

And oh, Thess, make that a legion of camgirls, two dudes, you… and me.

One thought on “And you thought your christmas sucked?

  1. where do you live? it’s 3:10 in the afternoon on dec 31st. ;\

    #1 | Comment by enjoi — January 1, 2002 @ 4:26 am

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