I’ve been lazy. I know. And i’ve been meaning to post. I was going to two nights ago but then Thess posted so i figured i’d just post some other time since i didn’t wanna take the spotlight away from her post. And boy, did the light shine down on her post or what? Anyway, she disabled the comments for that post since it was all getting a little out of hand. They’re all still there (all 70 of them). You just can’t get to them. Well, not directly anyway but if you really wanna read them, click here. Otherwise, just consider the topic dropped.
Anyhoo, i’m back. Posting and all. Well… not really… since i never was actually ‘away’ in the first place, i’ve been here the whole time. Just sitting back and letting the girls have their fun. <3
It’s funny. I haven’t really posted in so long now, i think i’ve actually forgotten how. So forgive me if i seem a little rusty. I’ll probably get back into the swing of things after a coupla posts.
So what’ve been up to lately? Not much really. Had my first day of class yesterday. I’m taking four classes this semester.
Very riveting post so far no?
Okay so enough about my classes. On to more pressing issues. Like boobs. Because people have been complaining about the lack thereof.
EyEz World: No real porn in like, a week, you site sucks. Just letting you know, later.
Swimfan comes out tomorrow. You’ve probably seen the ads on TV. I love that ad. Everytime it comes on, i’m always watching out for that little scene where Erika Christensen takes a dip into the pool with just her bra and undies on.
Goodness. What i would give to see her naked boobies. I wish i had psycho female fan like that. It would be like fubarfan or something. If it were a movie.
Two weeks ago, i actually tried registering for a swimfan85 screenname on AIM. I figured it would be fun to just IM random people on my buddy list saying stuff like “so you wanna pretend like it never happened?” or “i’m starting to think you don’t appreciate me”.
Too bad the screenname was already taken though. Gosh, who in the hell would want a screenname like swimfan85 anyway??? (besides me of course)
Erika Christensen. Mmmm. Yummy body.
I bought Blade 2 on DVD yesterday. What an tremedous DVD. Thirteen and a half hours of Blade 2 goodness spread across two DVDs. Only a broomhead would not want to own it. You all should go get The Sweetest Thing on DVD too. That movie is dirtyyyy. I love it!
Bence made a funny Avril Lavigne joke on his site.
I got a package in the mail last week.

A box! How exciting.

Oooh. I wonder what it could be.

Tada! “It’sa me! Mario!”
I actually got that package over a week ago. Those pictures were all taken like on the 27th i think. I was gonna post about the whole thing earlier but i guess i got sidetracked. Heh. But see??! I actually HAVE been meaning to post! I wasn’t ENTIRELY super lazy. I’ve just been really distracted is all. Blame Mario.
And SOCOM. Because i’ve also been playing a hell of a lot of SOCOM online lately (for the PS2). Those of you out there who have the Network Adaptor, you should all try find me sometime. My screenname on SOCOM is Psykotik. The same for Frequency too. You probably won’t find me on playing the Madden 2003 demo much since i suck at Madden. I have Tony Hawk 3 too but i suck so bad at it you probably won’t ever see me playing that game online. E-mail me or leave a comment or something and we can set up some game times. SO I CAN WHOOP YOUR ASS.
I kick ass at SOCOM. Racking up around 16 kills per game on a good run. SOCOM online is the shit.
Hmm. Okay i think i’ll just end this post now. I’ll leave you with this e-mail.
Subject: Avril
Date: Tue, Sep 3 2002 6:49:41 PM EDT
I could never explain my idolism 4 u ur so damn kewl
I swear to God i don’t make up these e-mails.
Oh and Kelly Clarkson looks like crap without makeup. And i’m happy that Sideshow Bob didn’t win.
If you have no idea what i’m talking about then you’ve probably been living under a rock.
Wee! You’re back!
Try to sort out the little brouhaha over there with the ladies of fubar, if you can. Hate to see em fight.
#1 | Comment by Ironman — September 5, 2002 @ 4:19 am
yeah. make love not war!
^mm lesbian thoughts^
seriously, don’t fight girls!
#2 | Comment by matt — September 5, 2002 @ 4:26 am
thanx god ur back!!!
#3 | Comment by luke — September 5, 2002 @ 6:07 am
If you have no idea what i’m talking about then you’ve probably been living under a rock.
Or in the UK. No, wait, it was a rock…
#4 | Comment by Jimfer — September 5, 2002 @ 7:55 am
Justin time…………….man i’m cheesy.
#5 | Comment by Bubba — September 5, 2002 @ 8:04 am
#6 | Comment by Terence "The ladies love me" McGillicutty Esq the III — September 5, 2002 @ 11:18 am
Hi Justin. don’t know who Kelly is but did you know Avril looks like a man without make-up? π
#7 | Comment by suzi — September 5, 2002 @ 11:52 am
Kickass justin is back!!!!
#8 | Comment by J.C. — September 5, 2002 @ 12:02 pm
"…did you notice Avril looks like a man without make-up?:P"
Ya know why there isn’t a single country where the government is mostly female? Because women do nothing-and I mean nothing-but trash the women above them on whatever measurement or scale people choose to have.
I’m watching the evening news: death, mayhem, scandals-the usual-is being broadcasted and you know what the girl in the room says?
" I don’t like how she (referring to the anchorwoman) does her hair, and that blouse is just ugly."
*slaps forehead*
forget the death of innocent children, the corrupt government scandals and all that other "yucky" stuff. No, no, no! The blouse. The blouse looks ugly.
And we’re the immature ones. Riiiight.
#9 | Comment by Terence — September 5, 2002 @ 1:20 pm
#10 | Comment by me — September 5, 2002 @ 1:25 pm
So women complain about other women. Women INSULT other women? Oh. My. God. Women are awful!
With all of this horrible arguing that women do, what can it be countered with? All men do is rape. Date rape, child rape, violent rape that can very well destroy a woman’s (or another man, or child) life. All men do is abuse. Domestic abuse; child abuse…no, those things have nothing to do with male egos, or their need for power over everything they consider their "property."
Women obviously aren’t cut out for positions of power in governments, either. No, there’s just something special about a government run by males. The corruption of our government officials, or the horror of a military dictatorship, the idea and practice of communism and its’ affects on a people…men. A government run by men, with men in the supreme positions of power. And don’t forget about the Holocaust…Hitler wasn’t exactly a woman, was he?
Women are so awful, they’ve created, engineered, and carried out so many atrocities throughout HISTORY. Oh wait, I’m sorry. It’s men that made up the armies. Men that ruled these nations. Men that decided to expand their land, to reach out and take over something, because hey…the grass is always greener. It’s a king who killed wife after wife after wife, simply because he wasn’t getting the boychild that he wanted.
How about the Catholic church? Run by men. Women have no chance of obtaining positions of power in the Catholic church. Pedophilia, the molestation of small boys…all acts that occur in the Catholic church, a body that rules the people of one faith, and one where the men who families trust feel the need to abuse their power. All acts committed by males.
The Crusades. The removal of Indians from their ancestral homes.
And this society, which is run by men, certainly doesn’t influence women to act the way they do from a young age.
I don’t hate men, nor do I blame the problems of the world entirely on them…I just don’t like that blouse you’re wearing.
#11 | Comment by ...bugger. — September 5, 2002 @ 4:26 pm
nag nag nag…. don’t you have a shirt to iron or something?
#12 | Comment by raceman — September 5, 2002 @ 4:41 pm
Lol. I was not the one to call any of you immature. I myself, know that I am immature sometimes. I am just messing with Justin anyways; so there is no need for your big long explanation. Did you know that bugger has a point there. All these crazy terrorist leaders of the world are men. Bush is a man. Women/ girls nag. Men are crazy and kill people. π
#13 | Comment by suzi — September 5, 2002 @ 4:52 pm
… and please don’t take that to be serious, because it wasn’t.
#14 | Comment by suzi — September 5, 2002 @ 4:53 pm
..and I have really bad grammar skills because my punctuation in those above statements was awful. just thought I’d point that out… :\
#15 | Comment by suzi — September 5, 2002 @ 4:56 pm
All we do is abuse? Damn that’s just an uneducated and unfounded comment. Just ask suzi, i sent a fansign with my kitty.. guys have feelings too I tell ya…
#16 | Comment by Chris — September 5, 2002 @ 4:57 pm
not just feelings, a really cute kitty also! Once I get my site situated I shall post the pictures of the kitty. I shall, indeed.
#17 | Comment by suzi — September 5, 2002 @ 4:59 pm
I can take more of him if you wanna worship him or something.. he really doesn’t mind.
#18 | Comment by Chris — September 5, 2002 @ 5:03 pm
Glad to see you are back.
#19 | Comment by Gaybo the Clown — September 5, 2002 @ 8:06 pm
hey justin. thank god you’re back. your page was startin to get boring.
by the way, you mentioned before that you wanted to see Ryan Starr of American Idol naked, right? well, apparently, she was offered to do a cover for playboy, but declined it. nuts, huh? i’m serious about this. i’m not making it up. i just heard and saw it on TV on Extra!
don’t worry. i predict that she’ll eventually do it. that is of course if she doesn’t get a record deal and become really famous. upon which she might be force to take it off for the money. i actually kinda wish that she does like a Maxim or FHM shoot. heck, all top 10 females of American Idol should do sumthin like that.
anywayz, this is gettin long. good to have you back. peace.
#20 | Comment by xenocrates — September 5, 2002 @ 8:54 pm
lol. no, thanks though π
#21 | Comment by suzi — September 5, 2002 @ 8:54 pm
I pretended to be puerto rican today. But alas, it did not work. I am white….oh so white…
But yay! Justin posts again.
P.S. Technical difficulties. The pics are a work in progress
#22 | Comment by Amy — September 5, 2002 @ 9:24 pm
heh. For some random reason I thought I would tell all of u to go here:
It’s "old news", but maybe some of you have not yet experienced the joy.
Share the wealth, share the wealth.
#23 | Comment by Amy — September 5, 2002 @ 9:31 pm
Justin is back, Yay. Or maybe not. I kinda did enjoy meeting the fubar ladies in your absence. So I guess it wasnt all in vain. You should take a vacation every couple months and let the ladies run the show. Adds a little flavor to the sight. Anyway though it is good to have ya back.
#24 | Comment by Tim — September 5, 2002 @ 11:32 pm
"If you have no idea what i’m talking about then you’ve probably been living under a rock."
good to see ya back mate!
#25 | Comment by beng — September 5, 2002 @ 11:45 pm
Hey now, let’s not lose sight of what’s important here..forget the men vs.women thing, the camgirl slap-fight(suzi won), the slacking of Justin and the recent lack of female objectification(god i missed that). We need to unite and lose the mess that is Avril.
#26 | Comment by shine — September 6, 2002 @ 1:29 am
Can anyone explain why Jason Bourne gets headaches (As do the other assassins) in The Bourne Identity? I’ve just seen it and it’s really bugging me!!
Please somebody, put me out of my misery!!
#27 | Comment by Carl — September 6, 2002 @ 6:56 am
"If you have no idea what i’m talking about then you’ve probably been living under a rock."
I live in Sweden
PS <3 Keli
#28 | Comment by nissol — September 6, 2002 @ 12:45 pm
didn’t see bourne identity yet. Is it worth it? If you are stuck on ‘why’ in a movie you might want to check joblo’s movie forum….
#29 | Comment by smash — September 6, 2002 @ 2:13 pm
The headaches are foreshadowing from the beginning that Bourne is somehow different from normal human beings. Unfortunately, the movie never makes the slightest effort to explain the particulars of how and why he gets them (though it obviously has ties to the Agency). Perhaps more details are in the novel…?
#30 | Comment by Banana — September 6, 2002 @ 2:15 pm
Wow. Bugger. The only reason women aren’t in armies are *duh* THEY’RE WOMEN. Men are physically stronger stupid. And all that stuff about evil world leaders? All I have to say is this:
Jesus was a guy, as were the twelve disciples.
’nuff said
Respect the cock
#31 | Comment by Terence — September 6, 2002 @ 2:17 pm
You don’t get out much, do you?
#32 | Comment by ...bugger — September 6, 2002 @ 2:48 pm
Frequency is a hizzore. Level 4 in Normal has me completely shut down. Sad. Tear.
#33 | Comment by tock — September 6, 2002 @ 4:06 pm
Nope. I don’t get out much. Me and my girlfriend spend most of our free time fucking.
#34 | Comment by Terence — September 6, 2002 @ 4:44 pm
ya know in a way it’s too bad your back justin, I was really looking forward to LiZ’s SuPeR dUpEr FuN sPaRkLeY pAgE
#35 | Comment by fnfx2 — September 6, 2002 @ 5:09 pm
oh i forgot about that, fnfx2, im glad you finalllly came back justin π anymore posts like that wouldve made me not come back
#36 | Comment by suzi — September 6, 2002 @ 6:35 pm
We need more milfhunter/bangbus passwords
#37 | Comment by Scooby — September 6, 2002 @ 9:36 pm
how –yawn– inflammatory. Inciseful commentary designed to provoke no doubt…
#38 | Comment by raceman — September 7, 2002 @ 1:22 am
or twas insightful?
#39 | Comment by raceman — September 7, 2002 @ 1:24 am
Amy i’ve never seen that :O *shivers* scary stuff π
#40 | Comment by mike — September 7, 2002 @ 4:54 am
Justin – hey goober, moving day. I’ll be back online once the DSL is hooked up and the bullshit in life calms itself to a mild dripple of crap. <3 keep your site alive.
#41 | Comment by eve — September 7, 2002 @ 8:05 am
You say all sorts of boobs rock… Does this include man-boobs?
#42 | Comment by Fat_Wombat — September 7, 2002 @ 9:19 am
Respect the Cock, Tame the Cunt!
#43 | Comment by 82 — September 7, 2002 @ 12:22 pm
There is a similarity between mr fubar and sideshow bob in that they both have uncontrollable hair…and they are both called Justin of course!
Kelly Clarkson looks like crap all the time. She has a fat saggy ass!
Justin, wehre bouts in the US are u now? I just moved here. Send me an email or sumthing.
#44 | Comment by Smokley — September 8, 2002 @ 8:33 pm
up down up down… he he he
#45 | Comment by gcracker713 — September 8, 2002 @ 10:32 pm