…before people start thinking i’m Tasha-Ray.
28/4/03 2:46 AM
omgwtflol: hi
psykotik2k: what’s up
omgwtflol: i wuz just over at ur site
omgwtflol: is that u in those pics??
omgwtflol: ur really hot
omgwtflol: wuts ur name
omgwtflol: r u there?
omgwtflol: hello??
omgwtflol: wanna hook up
To: psykotik@gmail.com
Subject: re
From: MerQre879@aol.com Add to Contacts
Date: Mon, Apr 28 2003 3:42:56 PM EDT
Hi!! I think you are fab and very pretty! sexy and every thing else thats exciting to me! I have not sorted your site out yet for everytime I look up I see your picture and forget where I was up too!! A mature ish male that probably stupid acting like a teen!!
Bye Mark
Well at least i haven’t been getting anymore Avril IMs lately.
In other news, if you do a search for Lillix on Google, my site shows up in the top 10. AWESOME.
Oh and hey guess what, Lillix’s stage manager e-mailed me:
To: psykotik@gmail.com
Subject: Hi
From: xxxx xxxxxxxx@shaw.ca
Date: Mon, Apr 28 2003 12:11:11 AM -0700
I got quite the surprise when I browsed to your site tonight. I had you bookmarked as a fun blog, which I found by accident a few months ago. I know a lot of people who work for Avril, and just enjoyed the synchronicity. Anyways, I just started working for Lillix, as stage manager, an couldn’t believe my eyes when I opened your site. I have the whole cd in mp3 format, I just can’t have it up on your site if I share…
How come i never got any e-mails from any of Avril’s people. After all the help and exposure i gave her!
psykotik2k: i’m gonna make lillix more famous.
psykotik2k: just like avril before
sm4shy: hahaha
sm4shy: go for it.
psykotik2k: i think i had her on my site before she really got big
sm4shy: you did
sm4shy: you were the first instance i heard of avril
psykotik2k: i remember people commenting about how they actually got introduced to her through my site
psykotik2k: yeah
sm4shy: and my nieces hadn’t yet cuz i had asked them
sm4shy: yep…in fact i wrote you an email you posted about it
sm4shy: and i listened to the music for a little bit…but then gave my oldest niece (13) the cd
sm4shy: you can get a little side business going promoting new talent
I should.
Just curious, how many of you only knew about Avril after visiting my site when i first had her on the layout?
So someone left this comment two posts ago:
i hate these girls….they look sooo fake…honestly one looks chinese the other looks liek a man then thers the blonde chik who w/e i dono tries to hard and then the acutally one who i can admit is gorgeous….LOOKS LIKE A SLUT…and then she plays the guitar??? a lut palying a guitar…omg im soo buying it just lik i bought britney spears the pop tart wen i wuz 10…uh uh not workin for me…DO NOT COMPARE TO AVRIL….and there song is freekin annoying…wut gonna end up happening is the one pretty girl is gonna get all the recognition and then there gonna break up like other so called pop bands….and honestly wutz with thegirl and the shaking she duz with her guitar? looks like shes gotta seizure goin on….wutever…i honestly cant stand these girls…but then again i sed I which means MY opinion…sure sum of u ppl are swearing at me rite now but thatz alrite…just post ur lil whinings on here like me…..
anyways…have fun lil girls
Posted by emma – 8:17am April 29, 2003
Wah wah wah. There’s always gotta be a hater. Hush Emma. They’re hot. And they’ve been around for 6 years. And their music’s not bad for what it is. Granted i’ve only heard two songs from them but that’ll change come May 27th. In the meantime though, mr stage manager, if you could maybe send me those mp3’s, that’d be super. And i promise i’ll buy their CD like how i bought Avril’s CD. kthnx!
Click here for a special thank you video that Lillix made for everyone who voted for them on TRL.
Fuck, Tasha-Ray is hot. HOT I TELL YOU.
I was bored. So i decided to take a coupla screenshots. Here’s one:

Click on ‘more’ to see the rest.

omg so fucking hot.
Take me now Tasha-Ray. TAKE ME NOW.
They blow ass…
First post…
#1 | Comment by Bryan — April 29, 2003 @ 11:30 am
I had heard of her, but I didn’t know I had heard of her until I found this site.
It makes sense, go back over it again.
#2 | Comment by Seriously — April 29, 2003 @ 11:43 am
I heard of her, then I googled to see who she was, then I saw her, then I found your site looking for nude pictures of her. That pretty much sums it up, I was 17 at the time….just pulling the kingolf card.
#3 | Comment by Bubba — April 29, 2003 @ 11:48 am
agreed, she’s *incredibly* hot. She’s up by 1 in Avril vs. Tasha-Ray poll (219 / 220), was a hard choice, but Tasha got my vote.
#4 | Comment by Lock — April 29, 2003 @ 11:58 am
i AIMed her. She is going to have my children. next time she swings through Minnesota 🙂 Ha!
#5 | Comment by jb — April 29, 2003 @ 1:39 pm
exactly the same for me, never heard of avril until I saw your site, then I saw avril and thought well don’t know her, must be popular in canada or something, 1 or 2 months later I saw her on mtv and thought omg I know her… funny as hell cuz I send her picture to some of my friends saying she looked cute, and they all thought I discoverd her or something.
#6 | Comment by WP_LeGeNd — April 29, 2003 @ 2:57 pm
geez. what’s it like to have a vagina?
#7 | Comment by likshix — April 29, 2003 @ 5:26 pm
I had heard of Avril before, but it was on that same episode of the Tonight Show you saw.
#8 | Comment by Dugas of eenodol — April 29, 2003 @ 7:38 pm
she was hot on that episode of the tonight show. first time i ever saw her. fell in love instantly. *swoon*
oh guys, btw, i set the time settings 12 hours ahead. to reflect the time zone that i’m in.
hey how is lillix doing on trl? last i heard (yesterday) they were #7 on the countdown (i know i’m a member of teamlillix. shut up)
keep me updated because we don’t get trl over here. bah.
#9 | Comment by Justin — April 29, 2003 @ 7:46 pm
glad to see your still alive and drooling, justin.
#10 | Comment by lizzie — April 29, 2003 @ 7:53 pm
I had seen Avril while I was on the treadmill at the gym, but didn’t know who she was. Your site brought her more into focus for me. But then I heard her music and saw her interviewed and the interest quickly flagged. Whiny, childish wench.
On another note as long as we’re lusting after Canadians….. ELISHA CUTHBERT. http://channels.netscape.com/ns/celebrity/gallery.jsp?gname=CUTHBERT
#11 | Comment by RedEye — April 29, 2003 @ 11:14 pm
Avril isnt that hot, she is a 5 foot boy as previously discussed. Sorry Justin :p
Lillix are a huge pile of whatever destined to break up/get pregnant/die of drug overdoses/become spoiled, arrogant, conceited etc. In fact from the video looks like the final option is well under way.
Sorry to spew foulness but pre packaged girly boppers with a name that sounds like a brand of tampon (and yes I know I am repeating myself, but its true!) really are not worthwhile promoting….
#12 | Comment by Stavros — April 29, 2003 @ 11:39 pm
Avrils Hotter
So what happened with the girl Justin?
the intercultural communications one (<-- copy/paste) And i found Avril through this site - and i've now seen her live twice in london - mmmmmm
#13 | Comment by NGEddie — April 30, 2003 @ 1:44 am
First I heard of Avril I’m pretty sure was here. It was one of my first visits here too, I think you mentioned seeing her on some talk show and had a picture of her up, possibly the CD cover.
So sure, I reckon you helped promote her and probably Lilix too, but as music goes Avril’s really not worth mentioning. Haven’t heard Lilix and not surprisingly don’t have a great urge to either.
#14 | Comment by ashdcuk — April 30, 2003 @ 2:30 am
The lillix chick reminds me of the fat dixie chick…and belinda carlisle.
#15 | Comment by Keli — April 30, 2003 @ 4:55 am
I hate to break it to you, but my Richard Gere screenshots are 2489234829x better.
#16 | Comment by Cici — April 30, 2003 @ 5:12 am
She is hot, but i dont know why but i like Avril a lot better man. Avril is hot!
#17 | Comment by amz — April 30, 2003 @ 5:58 am
I knew about Avril before I came to your site. Tasha-Ray is hot, but I can’t stand her accent. Too Canadian for me. Avril’s accent doesn’t seem that heavy.
#18 | Comment by Onan — April 30, 2003 @ 7:43 am
yeah, tampons.
#19 | Comment by Pancho — April 30, 2003 @ 7:50 am
Guess Justin didn’t contract SARS…that’s pretty cool.
#20 | Comment by Messenjah — April 30, 2003 @ 8:21 am
I hate Richard Gere, he sticks poor little gerbils in his butthole…..EXIT ONLY!!! What a gay old turd Richard Gere is. I hate Richard Gere.
#21 | Comment by Bubba — April 30, 2003 @ 10:06 am
Amen Stavros.
#22 | Comment by Bryan — April 30, 2003 @ 12:14 pm
What has happend to all the funny posts, IM’s, emails (well you have posted some of those), Sneaking pics of girls at school, ect ect ect. I long for the old days, before all this shit about teeni-bopper girls. Pick a fucking layout, stay with it, and go back to funny shit. >:\
Hell I’ll settle for DVD and video game updates, or even reading your posts about said new movies.
#23 | Comment by pangwinking — April 30, 2003 @ 5:46 pm
OMG!! SO HOT!… i want Tasha-Ray!!!!!… mmmmm.. tasha-ray… nice……*yum*
#24 | Comment by adam — April 30, 2003 @ 10:26 pm
Lacey-Lee is much HOTTER and much NICER than Tasha-Ray by far….
#25 | Comment by Travis — May 1, 2003 @ 4:06 am
Hi Emma,
I am Chinese, thanks for noticing.
#26 | Comment by kim from Lillix — May 1, 2003 @ 5:54 am
Kim is freakin’ hot – fuck "Emma".
That was one of the more retarded posts. Justin, since when do you take posts from the local KKK chapter?
#27 | Comment by bob — May 1, 2003 @ 9:25 am
kim!!.. i want you bad!!.. mmmmm… kim….*yum*
#28 | Comment by adam — May 1, 2003 @ 7:00 pm
tasha is soooo hot. i want her right now and i had the priviledge of going to school with her and being her friend (i wish more than a friend)
#29 | Comment by tasha_is_hot — May 3, 2003 @ 4:43 am