I got scolded!

Thess came online last night.

No wait. That doesn’t sound right.

Thess was on AIM last night. Talked to her for bit. She never fails to make me laugh. I <3 her. She’s seriously great. You’ll notice that i’m not really saying much. I was too busy laughing my ass off. psykotik2k: can we expect a post about the party tonight? and the meeting perhaps?
Teflon Parakeet: Tomorrow we can.
Teflon Parakeet: I’ve been updating a LOT
psykotik2k: true true
psykotik2k: more than usual
Teflon Parakeet: We are wondering about a Justin update, however.
psykotik2k: oh we updated lots too
Teflon Parakeet: We saw a lot of links to pictures of bitches and hoes.
Teflon Parakeet: We saw a lot of emails.
Teflon Parakeet: We didn’t see much in the way of actual Justin-posting.
psykotik2k: that was yesterday
Teflon Parakeet: You make good use of filler shit, and people don’t notice.
psykotik2k: hehe
psykotik2k: i posted today.
psykotik2k: a semi real one and a few ‘usual’ ones
Teflon Parakeet: *looks askance*
Teflon Parakeet: I’ve come to a realization, Justin.
Teflon Parakeet: The internet is no longer interesting.
psykotik2k: yeah?
Teflon Parakeet: The pages I love(d) don’t interest me as much.
Teflon Parakeet: The games I play don’t interest me as much.
Teflon Parakeet: And personally, I blame YOU.
psykotik2k: lol
psykotik2k: why me??
Teflon Parakeet: You were my last bastion of normalcy.
psykotik2k: and now?
Teflon Parakeet: And you turned it into softcore porn and pictures of stupid Malaysian bitches who’re all rollin’ around, thinkin’ they’re from American Fucking Beauty.
psykotik2k: LOL
Teflon Parakeet: *roll roll roll*
Teflon Parakeet: OOH SO PRETTY
Teflon Parakeet: Dude, the chick in the MOVIE is fucked up looking.
Teflon Parakeet: Weird teeth.
Teflon Parakeet: Googly eyes.
Teflon Parakeet: Annoying voice.
Teflon Parakeet: Stumpy arms.
Teflon Parakeet: I mean Christ.
Teflon Parakeet: Troll dolls are more sexually appealing, imo.
Teflon Parakeet: And by googly eyes, I *do* mean googly eyes.
Teflon Parakeet: And I know you know what I’m talking about.
Teflon Parakeet: She looks like she just saw Jessica Rabbit.
psykotik2k: omg i’;m lauguhting so hard ruight now i cant evn tyupe properly
Teflon Parakeet: I mean it. 🙁
psykotik2k: haha, oh alright, i’ll lessen the smut.
psykotik2k: or at least try to balance it out a little
Teflon Parakeet: No, it’s not the smut even!
Teflon Parakeet: It’s the QUALITY of the smut.
Teflon Parakeet: I mean, those Britney Spears things.
psykotik2k: lol
Teflon Parakeet: Who the FUCK cares about that woman’s plastic goddamn appendages?
Teflon Parakeet: They’re going to be bags of saltwater drooping like bloodhound ears when she gets older, anyways.
Teflon Parakeet: You’ll be able to hear them slosh as they hit her knees.
Teflon Parakeet: *whisch whisch whisch*
Teflon Parakeet: And I couldn’t even see anything, either.
Teflon Parakeet: I looked.
psykotik2k: lol
Teflon Parakeet: And this girl! This Malaysian Beauty…Miliana Sorvino or whatever.
Teflon Parakeet: No boobs.
Teflon Parakeet: You know, she COULD have had her boobs photographed.
psykotik2k: haha well, she was a 33B at the time
Teflon Parakeet: I’m a 34B.
Teflon Parakeet: I do not give a FUCK.
Teflon Parakeet: If I’m going to take pictures of me looking like a hoe.
Teflon Parakeet: I will go all out, dammit.
Teflon Parakeet: BOOBS WILL BE SEEN
psykotik2k: lol
Teflon Parakeet: I mean it, what is that supposed to mean?
Teflon Parakeet: “she was a 33B at the time”
Teflon Parakeet: Like that’s a bra size to be ashamed of?
psykotik2k: lol
Teflon Parakeet: That’s a bra size that will resist gravity a lot better than big titty bitches who run around in bikinis now.
Teflon Parakeet: BESIDES the fact that they’re going to all have weird spots and cancers and shit all over them.
Teflon Parakeet: (not tits, bodies in general…the sun, and all)
psykotik2k: you’re right on all accounts
Teflon Parakeet: Yes, I am.
Teflon Parakeet: Now find some pale bitches with small tits and put them up.
Teflon Parakeet: In the interest of fairness.
Teflon Parakeet: IT’S ONLY ETHICAL
psykotik2k: hahaha, i will i will =]

You know, if i had a top ten list of online people that i really really <3, Thess will ALWAYS be the one occupying the top spot. She’d be permanently number one. And everyone else would just have to settle battling it out for second place. Because NOBODY will ever take her place at the top.

I seriously <3 this woman


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