i can still post :o

i’m being nostalgic & i have some love to share.

i’d like to introduce you to two friends of mine.

(i’ve put the bulk of the entry behind the ‘extended text’ as a courtesy to those of you who don’t care ;p)

the first is seanna. (she’s on the right. nevermind the individual on the left who looks high or retarded or maybe both ¬.¬ )

seanna is my bosom buddy. and it’s not just because she has ample breasticles; it’s because she’s a great listener and honest and genuine and sweet. yeah and okay, maybe my love for her has a little to do with her buge hoobies. (they’re awfully nice to rest your head on when you’re sad and wanting someone to talk to:) i think they’re why people call it “pillow talk,” my friends.)

the second is lori. (she’s on the left this time; just thought i’d switch things around a bit.. you know.. keep it interesting).

lori, like seanna, is a ton of fun, and admittedly if i were to ever go gay, it’d be with lori (seanna too, –don’t be mistaken :x). because, well, i don’t know who wouldn’t go gay for this:


i miss them both like crazy because lori moved away and seanna doesn’t live in-state either. so i rarely get to see either of them anymore. 🙁 i miss mah bitches <- term of endearment

aww 🙁

we used to have so much fun in a quirky strange but wonderful way.

ahah have you ever seen someone so happy to be stuck between two people’s asses? in fact.. have you ever seen anyone stuck between two people’s asses at all?

that picture cracks me up.

i don’t know what inspired me to make this post, and i know it isn’t relevant to any of your lives (yet), but because i know (most of) you are a bunch of sex-crazed weasles, i saved the best for last 🙂

love is a beautiful, beautiful thing.

especially when shared between two foxy ladies 😡

33 thoughts on “i can still post :o

  1. holy cow 😡

    (we’re hot!)

    #1 | Comment by seanna — September 22, 2003 @ 9:33 am

  2. holy crap, I’m sleeping for a week!!!

    #2 | Comment by bligityblah — September 22, 2003 @ 9:38 am

  3. P.S. Welcome back Stal, we missed you.

    #3 | Comment by bligityblah — September 22, 2003 @ 9:43 am

  4. i think i speak for all when i say this was a good start. but i’m ready for ‘stal munching some seanna beaver.

    so lets not be shy.

    #4 | Comment by sexcrazedweasel — September 22, 2003 @ 9:46 am

  5. Man, I forgot how boring this was…can we go back to the posts that create conflict??

    Where’s the strife??


    #5 | Comment by radish01001 — September 22, 2003 @ 10:44 am

  6. oh. and just to be clear.

    ‘stal muching lori, or lori munching ‘stal, or lori munching seanna, or seanna munching ‘stal… are all acceptable alternatives.

    you get the idea.

    #6 | Comment by sexcrazedweasel — September 22, 2003 @ 10:44 am

  7. Since I’m generally the voice of reason, I’m not going to make the comments that will inevitably follow. However, I had to make the comment that I did once see a porno in which a circus midget was, indeed, stuck between the asses of two individuals. Of course, I was tremendously drunk at the time and could have imagined the whole ordeal, which would explain why one of said individuals looked like my ex-girlfriend.

    Which is to say that maybe I wasn’t drunk and God just has a sense of humor that extends beyond Hurricane Isabel.

    #7 | Comment by Umgawa — September 22, 2003 @ 11:15 am

  8. luvs teh Stal! Welcome back!! <3 <3

    #8 | Comment by RaYz — September 22, 2003 @ 12:01 pm

  9. 🙂 hey thanks kids. <- really that's not meant in a condescending way. (i wish i knew your real names..) bligityblah - i really like saying your handle out loud. that can be our little secret. because it makes me look insane. ¬.¬ radish - sorry man :/ maybe to make up for the dearth of strife, you can just get really angry with me for NOT stepping on toes, and we'll have an all-out battle royal. or maybe i'll just leave the non-boring posts to the girls that do it best :p umgawa - 2 questions. 1) what are the odds, and 2) what will they think of next? seriously. sexcrazedweasel - unfortunately (? :/) i do not have any pictures of that nature. i do, however, have a picture (somewhere) of me IN a beaver, and of my beaver getting banged by a large pole, but it's not what you're thinking. at all. sorry sir :p

    #9 | Comment by crystal — September 22, 2003 @ 12:25 pm

  10. Sweet, Stal likes my handle, thanks….Now, there is a joke there about you liking to say my name I’m not going to touch. (Look at me pretending like I have class)

    #10 | Comment by bligityblah — September 22, 2003 @ 12:46 pm

  11. wow, i totally forgot about you stal.

    glad to see you’re still around causing trouble.

    #11 | Comment by Saint — September 22, 2003 @ 12:49 pm

  12. What…the…fuck…who ever would have though a post that a girl made would have given me wood. I figured it would have been one of Justin’s posts, bust sice he’s gone all gay that wont ever happen.

    Crystal, stal, whatever…I thank you for bringing SEX back to this site! Justin, take some fucking notes from this and get back to normal, gad damn it.

    Oh yes…I think I shal add Crystal to my list of FUBAR girls I would like to bone…

    #12 | Comment by pangwinking — September 22, 2003 @ 2:03 pm

  13. BTW, I am the fat sweaty guy of the site now…incase you haven’t noticed. My goal is to piss people off and make them hate me…oh yes, and to sexually harass(sp) all of the girls one here.

    Despite what Bubba says, he is NOT strait, he loves Justin’s butthole.

    #13 | Comment by pangwinking — September 22, 2003 @ 2:06 pm

  14. Hey! You can’t be the sweaty fat fuck, I’m the sweaty fat fuck! My website even says it, on the second post from the top. Give me back my title!

    #14 | Comment by Dom — September 22, 2003 @ 3:27 pm

  15. I’ll be the skinny psuedo-intellectual that can’t string a coherent group of words together!!!

    #15 | Comment by bligityblah — September 22, 2003 @ 3:29 pm

  16. No sir…I am the fat sweaty guy of this site. The tittle is already mine, it shal never be taken away. Go back to being fat and sweaty on your site. Just be Dom on here.

    I am also going to be Justin’s fat sidekick when he starts his late night TV show. I would be perfect…I’m fat (the funny kind of fat too, not the gross kind), easy to pick on, wont fight back, will do anything for a laugh. God, I am perfect sidekick material. Bubba will be the creepy stalker guy that lurks behind us, and often makes fun of me aswell, but then, I beat him up at the end of every show.

    Man…this show will kick such major ass.

    #16 | Comment by pangwinking — September 22, 2003 @ 4:13 pm

  17. wow stal your girlfriends look great… where did you find them… and are they in for a threesome 😉

    #17 | Comment by WP_LeGeNd — September 22, 2003 @ 6:19 pm

  18. I’ll be the skinny psuedo-intellectual that can’t string a coherent group of words together!!!

    Posted by bligityblah – 3:29pm September 22, 2003

    That position is occupied by myself, weren’t you aware?

    Also, Crystal, I’m pretty sure you didn’t have to do that underlined-text-leads-to-bigger-post thing, people would have gladly read it, if only for the pictures.

    #18 | Comment by Seriously — September 23, 2003 @ 1:04 am

  19. well, since we’re all looking for ‘roles’. i’ll be the sexcrazedweasel.

    ‘stal – as it is i’ll settle for anything that features *you* and *beaver*. i have a dark suspicion this will have something to do with a beaver costume, or a whack-a-beaver joke… but we gotta start somewhere… you know… sort of like getting you hooked on weed, and before you know it you’re doing black-tar heroin.

    #19 | Comment by sexcrazedweasel — September 23, 2003 @ 1:19 am

  20. this will not be my gateway drug. but to explain, and perhaps entertain, here is a little story about my beaver.

    i drive a 2000 toyota celica. my friend sean believes that that particular make & model looks like ..well you guessed it, a beaver. he concluded that because there are so many similarities between the celica and a beaver, that it must in fact, BE a beaver. he sent me a photo as proof of his theory.

    celica vs beaver

    of course i told him he was insane, but he insisted that i do in fact drive a beaver. he says he has photo evidence of me driving a beaver. this perplexed me since i don’t recall sean ever having taken a photo of me in my car, but then he comes up with this:

    the undeniable evidence

    well how can i argue with that? fine, i drive a beaver. i drive a beaver all up and down the highway, and occassionally across it, at high speeds, and occassionally i spin out of control and take out an 80′ lamp post along my way.

    this is what i do for fun (note the sexual innuendo of the pole landing between two cones)

    and let’s not make any comments about women drivers, mkay? i was pushed off the road by a man who wasn’t paying attention while he tried to switch lanes (INTO me, no less), i veered left into the dirt, saw the guard rail coming right for me, made the mistake of trying to jerk back onto the pavement, the wheels weren’t spinning at the same speed, physics happened, and low and behold i did a 180 traveling ~65? mph (this was after breaking) across a major highway and luckily i didn’t get broad-sided. i did have the interesting experience of watching the lamp post come crashing down on an oncoming truck’s hood, though. for being so tall and made out of metal, those poles are really very fragile. but they’re designed that way so people like me don’t die on impact.

    the driver’s side of my car was pretty banged up, but i got it "fixed" and now it’s almost as good as new.

    the end.

    #20 | Comment by crystal — September 23, 2003 @ 1:42 am

  21. …this is goint to be a loooooong road to black tar…

    i think what sean meant to say was, when your driving your car, you’re SITTING on a beaver. easy mistake to make.

    btw. that pole picture was hot. damn i’m turned on. cones and all.

    while I really like that beaver pic, i must say i prefer my beaver wet …


    although there’s nothing like sticking your hand into a nice warm beaver…


    although nothing beats having some tasty beaver melt in your mouth!


    #21 | Comment by sexcrazedweasel — September 23, 2003 @ 2:08 am

  22. do you like it when women shave their beaver?

    #22 | Comment by crystal — September 23, 2003 @ 2:19 am

  23. The shaved beaver picture is too damn funny.

    #23 | Comment by Smartass — September 23, 2003 @ 2:43 am

  24. Nice Pics and Welcome back!

    #24 | Comment by cujo — September 23, 2003 @ 4:55 am

  25. Can we just go back to pictures of hot chicks? I’m tired of all this beaver shit, it’s not funny.

    #25 | Comment by pangwinking — September 23, 2003 @ 4:57 am

  26. pang::
    Since you seem to want someone else to find your pr0n for you, you might be interested in this. It’d free up one hand so you could search for pics on your own. Maybe Justin can get it shipped to you for cheap?

    #26 | Comment by bill — September 23, 2003 @ 6:18 am

  27. hey crystal, welcome back, i guess…i’m liz, one of the "newer" fubar girls, but i think i’m just a really bad fubar girl because i suck with that posting thing. heh.

    but yeah, i thought id say hi. looks like you have loads of fun with your friends, mine are like that too. <33

    #27 | Comment by liz — September 23, 2003 @ 6:27 am

  28. well i gotta admit. shaving your beaver might get you in trouble with the local humane society, but DAMN there’s nothing sexier than a well groomed beaver…

    i’d even argue that the beaver likes it, but one might have to do more research on the subject…

    …incidentally, I just started my own study, so if, in the name of science, you’d like to shave your beaver, let me know…

    #28 | Comment by sexcrazedweasel — September 23, 2003 @ 7:47 am

  29. Some thoughts.






    #29 | Comment by scw — September 23, 2003 @ 8:30 am

  30. Don’t worry liz, us resident pervs still pine for you too now that Stal is back.

    #30 | Comment by bligityblah — September 23, 2003 @ 9:54 am

  31. liz, we can be bad fubar girls together. (i’m so tempted to say in a good way.) i doubt i’ll have enough time to do much of the posting thing with all of the exams and studying and crap i’m bogged down with–and even if i did find (or make) time, i doubt i’d come up with anything very interesting, so whatever. maybe we can collaborate on something sometime, hah. anyway it’s nice to meet you 🙂 and thanks for the welcoming.. as for having fun friends- they are the besterest. 🙂

    #31 | Comment by crystal — September 23, 2003 @ 10:45 am

  32. Er…I don’t need anyone to find porn for me jackass. I simply want this site to go back to what made it great. Boobies and funny posts.

    Although, my penis does thank you for attempting to find it porn.

    #32 | Comment by pangwinking — September 23, 2003 @ 5:58 pm

  33. gah. it feels like things are back to the way they were long long long long long before the site went down.

    welcome back stal. the 2 or 3 posts i remember reading before you disappeared were good times.
    *high five~

    #33 | Comment by connect n0w — September 24, 2003 @ 8:57 am

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