To: psykotik@gmail.com
Subject: Hello!
From: Kev in kev_123452002@yahoo.com
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2003 18:09:12 -0700 (PDT)

Hey to whoever owns that site!

I’m Kevn, I’m 20 and I live in C.A. Hehe, umm so I read some of your posts and noticed your umm slight obsession with Colin Farrell! Ha! I was thinking maybe I should send you a pic or two from me cuz umm well go see for yourself and then write me back with your comments :), k I gotsta go now so buh bye, ttyl!



P.S. you can post my picture if you want, you big stud you!

6 Degrees of Canadian Bacon…

I’m leaving for a week and out of sheer boredom I wanted to post to say a few things:

Justin, don’t go too gay on me… when I come back I really dont want to see man on man action when I get back… unless it involved Johnny Depp… in that case, just send it to my hous ealong with FUCKING PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN DVD! Which you still have yet to buy, mind you…

Second, I love my iPod. I’m taking a 10 hour drive to Santa Cruz for a week of surfing, and without my iPod I would either die, or kill someone… so much music, I’m never dissapionted. Oh, that and fuck ww.buymusic.com! Those jackasses not only rip off ideal commercials and copyrights from Apple, but they a shitty job of it. Justin and I both use Macs, and there is no disspaointment once again… especially after I just installed my one gig of Memory!

Lastly, who the fuck does Oprah think she is? First of all, this cow and a half gets voted by VH1 to be the number one pop icon… ever. Oprah doesn’t give two shits about popular culture, or those who reside in it, mainly ages 16-29. (just for sm4shy) I think that Elvis would have been a better choice, he affected the popular world, and changed fasions, influences music forever. All Oprah does is sit on her ass and talk more shit then Dr. Phil. Oh, I also forget she makes a magazine named after herslef, also adding to the size of her head… or waistline.

I really think that she was picked because she was black. And that is what I have been noticing a lot lately. In everyone’s attempt to correct racism, they are bumfucking total equality by being overly generous to minoritys, which are, no longer the minority! I live in California where white people are the minority… I’m technically caucasian, but due to being Italian and a nice pair of genes, I’m rather dark… Now there is a law that says that when hiring for a job you HAVE TO interview at least one black person, or one sian person, or any other person of a minority, but there is no law saying that you have to interview a white person! An NFL team was just fined $200,000 for not interviewing a person of a minority when they hired Steve Mariucci as head coach. They didn’t want to interview people, he was the one they wanted for the job, so they went and hired him, not a problem, right? WRONG. Because they picked out a guy they liked, and he happened to be white, the team in 200k in the hole… i don’t think it would cost them a lexus or two if they would have hired a black guy.

Please don’t be so small minded to take this rant as one out of racism, or out of any kind of hate… except for that of Oprah… but I hate Dr. Phil more, and he’s about as redneck as they come…

Until next week…


I’m having slight problems with greymatter. The comments don’t seem to be working. But i’ll get it fixed by the end of the day. Just bear with me!


27/7/03 3:40 PM
radish01001: avril’s butt is cool
psykotik2k: yes it is
psykotik2k: i want sleep on it
radish01001: yeah it looks comfy like a tempur pedic
radish01001: :O
psykotik2k: i want one
psykotik2k: i want an avril butt pillow
radish01001: lets go into business
radish01001: well use that imitation tempur pedic foam
radish01001: and make avril butt pillows
radish01001: the possibilities are endless
radish01001: jessica simpson breast pillow?
psykotik2k: omg yes
psykotik2k: we’ll branch out into that area as well
radish01001: yes yes!
radish01001: If we had to branch out to different genders we could have the colin farrel pillow with authentic beard stubble
radish01001: & mole
psykotik2k: you are so gay

Update @ 4:23pm:

  • Prototype Avril Butt Pillow
  • Huzzah!

    Hello. I haven’t gone gay if you’re wondering. Okay you can blame me for the Colin Farrell layout this time. But blame Bubba for the previous Johnny Depp/Brad Pitt one. Actually i didn’t even make that layout. One of the regulars made it and sent it to me telling me to use it sometime. I didn’t want to because it had Brad Pitt in it and the running joke of the week was about Johnny Depp. But then lo and behold, Bubba just happens to mention BOTH Brad Pitt AND Johnny Depp in the same IM without me even having to trick him into saying it and i was like A WINNAR IS YOU!

    And so i put up the layout. Which i didn’t even make. Which makes me less gayer that the guy who actually made it for me.

    Where i stand for actually making the new Colin one myself and putting it up and saying that he’s hotsex is up for debate though.

    Time for a totally uneccesary and overlong chatlog! Read it. It tells a story. As does any chatlog i post up.

    psykotik2k: i saw pirates of the carribean on dvd today
    psykotik2k: and LXG too
    psykotik2k: tee hee
    PacManJesus: did you buy it+
    psykotik2k: no
    psykotik2k: i bought other stuff though
    psykotik2k: i bought:
    psykotik2k: how to lose a guy in 10 days
    psykotik2k: final destination 2
    psykotik2k: punch drunk love
    psykotik2k: road to perdition
    psykotik2k: shanghai knights
    psykotik2k: the end.
    PacManJesus: those all suck, ‘cept for perdition, and knights is kinda funny
    psykotik2k: no, you suck!
    psykotik2k: the chick with the big forehead in final destination 2 is HOT
    PacManJesus: you like chicks with big foreheads don’t you?
    psykotik2k: keegan connor tracy
    psykotik2k: hot
    psykotik2k: canadian
    psykotik2k: http://www.keeganconnortracy.com
    psykotik2k: LOOKIT HER TITS
    psykotik2k: shes hot in a big forehead kind of way
    PacManJesus: cool
    PacManJesus: and hot
    psykotik2k: ok she’s only hot to me. i hate you.
    PacManJesus: well, duh
    psykotik2k: my next layout will feature
    psykotik2k: COLIN FARRELL!!!!!!!!
    psykotik2k: omg
    PacManJesus: im going on vacation on the 28th for a week and a fear when I gte back there will be guy pron on it
    psykotik2k: what!
    psykotik2k: for how long
    psykotik2k: holy shit omg colin farrell
    psykotik2k: ya i’mma make it now
    psykotik2k: you think i’m kidding dont you. ahahahaha
    psykotik2k: ok i’m kidding.
    PacManJesus: ill be gone from the 28th to the 2nd
    psykotik2k: i think.
    psykotik2k: thats not long
    PacManJesus: surfing
    PacManJesus: its only a few hours away
    psykotik2k: watchout fo the jellyfixsh
    PacManJesus: scuba diving and sheit
    PacManJesus: yeah I know, fuckers hert
    psykotik2k: beware of sharks
    PacManJesus: havent seen one yet
    psykotik2k: dont die
    PacManJesus: you need me to keep some testosterone on your site
    PacManJesus: now that you are, ya know, a 15 year old girl
    psykotik2k: colin farrel *swoon*
    psykotik2k: hot damn colin farrell
    psykotik2k: http://images.google.com/images?q=colin+farrell
    psykotik2k: *giggle*
    PacManJesus: didnt know he played bullseye
    psykotik2k: WHAT
    psykotik2k: you didnt know
    psykotik2k: how could you not
    psykotik2k: its COLIN FARRELL!
    psykotik2k: he’s been in like all the movies out in 2002
    psykotik2k: well
    psykotik2k: alot of them anyway
    psykotik2k: phonebooth!
    psykotik2k: tigerland!
    psykotik2k: harts war!
    psykotik2k: the recruit!
    psykotik2k: american outlaws!
    PacManJesus: sucked!
    psykotik2k: minority report!
    psykotik2k: SWAT!
    Auto response from PacManJesus: She’s the queen of the 21st centuryJust a shred of what her parents thought a little girl should beSteeped in spite, coddled in fear, drenched in noveltybut masterful at sensual technology…
    psykotik2k: daredevil!
    psykotik2k: ok i lose

    As you can see, i can be completely random and unpredictable at times. Perhaps even shocking? This guy seems to think that i’m the Howard Stern of the internet.

    Which is somewhat true since i am an internet celebrity and therefore one of the most powerful people on Earth.

    By the way, i’d like to thank both ApeChild and Mental Ernie for graciously plugging my site and helping me get back on my internet feet. Go visit them. They’re good sites. Better than mine and a whole lot less gayer.

    Anyhow, speaking of gay, over the past few days, i have witnessed quite a number of puzzled readers being… um… puzzled over the recent turn of gayosity this site has taken.

    Let’s take a look at what people have been saying eh?

    This was when Johnny Depp was still on the site.

    26/7/03 1:27 AM
    vtcom1: What’s your new domain?
    vtcom1: TEHS JOHNNY DEPP
    psykotik2k: ya!
    vtcom1: You’re a faghat!

    26/7/03 2:09 AM
    sm4shy: hey, ya fifteen year old girl
    psykotik2k: colin farrell *swoon*
    sm4shy: he is a sexy man, isn’t he?
    psykotik2k: yesh
    sm4shy: he’s like in every fucking movie.
    psykotik2k: thats what i was just saying to pacmanjesus
    sm4shy: i just minority report for the first time two days ago
    sm4shy: he’s in that.
    psykotik2k: he didnt even know it was him in daredevil
    sm4shy: he’s in daredevil???!?!?!
    psykotik2k: ya duhhh
    sm4shy: i didnt see
    sm4shy: i didnt know he is in that
    sm4shy: is he the lead villian?
    sm4shy: deadshot?
    psykotik2k: bullseye
    sm4shy: yeah
    sm4shy: really? I didnt know that. I cant stand ben affleck….but jennifer garner is hot…
    sm4shy: i bet she looks good in that flick
    sm4shy: even with her large forehead
    psykotik2k: you know who else i like who has a large forehead?
    psykotik2k: that chick in final destination 2
    sm4shy: the lead?
    psykotik2k: nope
    psykotik2k: the other one
    psykotik2k: the one with the big forehead
    sm4shy: which other girl
    sm4shy: the one that died?
    psykotik2k: keegan connor tracy
    sm4shy: which was she in the movie?
    sm4shy: was she the one who’s head popped off in the elevator/
    psykotik2k: http://www.keeganconnortracy.com
    sm4shy: she isnt the main character?
    psykotik2k: nope
    psykotik2k: she died via airbag
    sm4shy: oh yeah
    sm4shy: she is cute
    psykotik2k: i just bought the movie on dvd today
    sm4shy: i saw that shit bomb at a theater
    sm4shy: that movie was fucking terrible.
    psykotik2k: i loved it
    sm4shy: if you liked that movie you ARE a 15 year old girl

    26/7/03 4:20 AM
    DaRkSuPeRMaN3666: dude, you are so gay
    psykotik2k: i’m a 15 year old girl
    DaRkSuPeRMaN3666: same difference
    DaRkSuPeRMaN3666: I hate colin farrell
    DaRkSuPeRMaN3666: he was that stupid guy in that gay movie w/ that gay guy and that bitch from that one gay tv show

    26/7/03 4:33 AM
    Jackalicious2: what
    Jackalicious2: the fuck
    Jackalicious2: your site is gone nuts

    26/7/03 4:00 AM
    juice2027: what is with you and the wees and lalas?
    psykotik2k: i’m a 15 year old girl
    juice2027: whatever
    juice2027: liez
    psykotik2k: =(
    juice2027: cuz pacmajesus said you were?
    juice2027: avril doesn’t bang 15 year old girls dude
    psykotik2k: but i am
    juice2027: hah
    psykotik2k: LessThanKeli:omg justin you’re becoming a 15 yr old girl
    LessThanKeli:im genuinely frightened
    psykotik2k: see?
    juice2027: NO1
    juice2027: snap out of it!
    psykotik2k: colin farrell makes me wet

    Fubar is so popular that people even talk about it with other people! Look!

    26/7/03 3:42 AM
    RaBiDcOwFrOmHELL: why you take picx of lillix away?
    RaBiDcOwFrOmHELL: they=the awesome
    PacManJesus: haha… that was Justin’s move
    RaBiDcOwFrOmHELL: nooooooo
    RaBiDcOwFrOmHELL: ok collin farrel IS hot, but still

    27/7/03 12:26 PM
    ItalianAngel487: justin is a girl or a guy
    DubU2584: guy
    ItalianAngel487: ummmm
    ItalianAngel487: “Johnny Depp is one sexy man beast” – 6:02pm July 22, 2003
    Arrrr! Avast ye mateys!
    ItalianAngel487: he is gay??
    DubU2584: uh…he likes to pretend to be gay
    ItalianAngel487: weird

    For the record i never said that Johnny Depp was a sexy man beast. I was quoting PacManJesus. Lalala.

    But who cares about what other people are saying to other people about my site! Back to what other people are saying to ME about my site!

    27/7/03 12:02 PM
    THerbMcC71: … Colin Farrell is hotsex
    THerbMcC71: Guess you’ve finally contracted one of those southeast Asian diseases that affects the brain.

    Yeah. It’s not SARS. It’s GAYS.

    27/7/03 12:17 PM
    Jaded Tweaker: I just noticed the new person theme for your site. He’s my ‘If I were gay #1 man’

    So, i have come to the conclusion, that after rereading some of these chatlogs, that there’s a little bit of gay in everyone of us. And it’s okay!

    Don’t you just love it when i don’t really have anything to talk about and all i do is just post up chatlogs?

    Fine fine. I’ll talk. So i finally got around to watching Bad Boys II last night (Slight spolier alert). I actually bought the bootleg on VCD like… 3 days ago or something like that. And by golly i liked it! It was good. I actually laughed out loud quite a number of times. And it usually takes A LOT to make me ‘lol’ during a movie. It usually has to be really funny otherwise the most you can get out of me is a smile or a chuckle. But Bad Boys II made me laugh. Out loud. Several times. Especially during that scene where Will Smith and Martin Lawrence were acting all gangsta in front of that kid. That Ludacris line had me in stitches.

    I also got around to watching Punch-Drunk Love (Slight spoiler alert). That movie was quirky as hell. I loved Boogie Nights and Magnolia. Hell i even liked Hard Eights. But for the first 20 minutes or so of Punch-Drunk Love, i had no idea what to think. Did i love it? Did i hate it? It was just one of the weirdest movies i’d ever seen. Totally unlike any of PTA’s previous films. But lo and behold it actually started getting really good after the phone sex chick started harassing Adam Sandler. I really liked this movie. And i probably laughed longer than i’d ever laughed during any scene in any movie that i’ve seen this year. That part where Sandler was calling his sister from the payphone was fucking hilarious. Alas that was pretty much the biggest laugh in the movie for me (bigger than any laugh in Bad Boys II even). The rest only made me smile and chuckle a lot. But what do you expect? It’s not really an Adam Sandler movie. It’s more of a P.T. Anderson movie than it is a typical Sandler one. So that’s to be expected.

    25/7/03 2:14 AM
    TehBubba: why am i still up bitch?
    psykotik2k: me too
    psykotik2k: i want to see alexa vega naked
    TehBubba: who’s dat?
    psykotik2k: spy kids
    psykotik2k: she has a new movie out
    TehBubba: not the little girl is it…
    psykotik2k: spy kids 3D
    TehBubba: you actaully saw spy kids 3D didn’t you?
    psykotik2k: not yet
    psykotik2k: but i want to
    TehBubba: i bet you do
    psykotik2k: i bought spy kids 2 on dvd last week
    TehBubba: don’t admit that…
    TehBubba: how many times did you watch spy kids 2?
    psykotik2k: twice
    TehBubba: twice as gay as you were now…
    TehBubba: why would you watch it twice?
    psykotik2k: i watched the music video lots of times though
    psykotik2k: it’s alexa vega singing
    psykotik2k: shakin her thang
    TehBubba: how old is this girl anyway?
    psykotik2k: dunno
    TehBubba: i shall find out
    psykotik2k: old enough to pee, old enough for me! HEEHEEHEE
    TehBubba: that’s my line
    TehBubba: bitch
    TehBubba: 15
    TehBubba: too old for me
    TehBubba: you can have her
    psykotik2k: sweet
    TehBubba: it’s all about the pre teenies.
    TehBubba: get the ones you know are going to be cute and marry them. then, when you’re all old and decrepit, she’ll still be pretty cute. GOOD DEAL!
    psykotik2k: sweet!
    TehBubba: i like to go shopping for wives at the local elementary. nothing yet, but there’s a new school year coming and i think this is my year..
    psykotik2k: find me one too
    TehBubba: okay
    TehBubba: i’ll e-mail her to you…
    TehBubba: somehow.
    psykotik2k: excellent

    (Note: we are not really raging pedophiles)

    With all that being said, i actually went out and bought Spy Kids 3D on VCD yesterday. I still haven’t watched it yet though. Mostly because i don’t have the 3D glasses to watch the movie properly yet. I’m gonna have to go out and buy some red and blue transparent plastic and make myself a pair. Wait. Is it red and blue or red and green? It’s blue right? Anyhow, i did skim through the entire movie; fast forwarding to all the good parts (i.e the parts with Carla Gugino and Alexa Vega in it) but alas, i was highly disappointed. Both Carla and Alexa seem to have a lot less screen time this time around.

    Also, it would seem that this will probably be the last Spy Kids movie in the series of Spy Kids movies. If they do make a part 4, it’s probably gonna be like… Spy Teens or something. Speaking of Spy Kids 3D, the movie isn’t the only thing that’s made the move into the 3rd dimension. Alexa Vega seems to have become a whole lot more 3D too. If you know what i mean. HEEHEEHEE.

    Mmmm… 3D Alexa

    Here’s a side shot from a publicity still. 3D! Perhaps even 34 C!

    (Note: i am not really a raging pedophile)

    Anyhow, i think that is all. I’m going to go watch Brotherhood of the Wolf now. Which i bought last weekend. But haven’t gotten around to seeing yet. I hear Monica Belluci gets naked in that.

    That’s Just Not Right…

    True to it’s name this site just ain’t right. I don’t know what the hell Justin is up to, but it sure is gay. Homosexual if you will. Ghey. Géy. Gai. Gey. Gé.

    In music news, which is what I am supposed to be talking about, Dave Grohl has unnoficially joined the Queens of the Stone Age, and why is this? Because the Foo Fighters are no more. One of the best bands around, in my opinion, has broken up… that is teh suck.

    I guess I am posting because I want you all to demand that Justin un-gay-ify the site.

    Bring back teh b00bs!

    Blame him

    Teh Bubba: i used to hate admitting that i liked johnny depp and brad pitt for their acting skills, because all the girls liked them. made me feel gay….sigh. at least now that johnny depp is getting older, some of the girls don’t care for him as much.
    Teh Bubba: i say
    psykotik2k: a winnar is you!

    (Explanation: i put this up as a joke layout after i posted this. HEHE. I’ve taken it down though as of 3:02am 7/26/2003)