So if you’ve been following my Twitter account, you probably already know that i downloaded the DVDSCR of Chloe today. You know, that movie where Amanda Seyfried gets naked and stuff.
I made a video of the best parts. There’s also a scene where Amanda is doing it with Julianne Moore but you can see shit because Amanda’s boob is like hidden behind Julianne Moore’s stomach or something. Strategically hidden nudity FTL. So i didn’t include that. Plus i wanted to keep the file size small.
Oh yeah, i’m a mac user so just deal with the .mov file.
Anyway, this movie has way too much Julianne Moore nudity and not enough Amanda Seyfried nudity.
Still fappable though. I no longer need to go back to that scene of her jumping into that swimming pool naked from Alphadog for my Amanda Seyfried fapping needs.